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The sustainable management of energy production and consumption is one of the main challenges of the 21st century. This results from the threats to the natural environment, including the negative impact of the energy sector on the climate, the limited resources of fossil fuels, as well as the unstability of renewable energy sources – despite the development of technologies for obtaining energy from the: sun, wind, water, etc. In this situation, the efficiency of energy management, both on the micro (dispersed energy) and macro (power system) scale, may be improved by innovative technological solutions enabling energy storage. Their effective implementation enables energy storage during periods of overproduction and its use in the case of energy shortages. These challenges cannot be overestimated. Modern science needs to solve various technological issues in the field of storage, organizational problems of enterprises producing electricity and heat, or issues related to the functioning of energy markets. The article presents the specificity of the operation of a combined heat and power plant with a heat accumulator in the electricity market while taking the parameters affected by uncertainty into account. It was pointed out that the analysis of the risk associated with energy prices and weather conditions is an important element of the decision-making process and management of a heat and power plant equipped with a cold water heat accumulator. The complexity of the issues and the number of variables to be analyzed at a given time are the reason for the use of advanced forecasting methods. The stochastic modeling methods are considered as interesting tools that allow forecasting the operation of an installation with a heat accumulator while taking the influence of numerous variables into account. The analysis has shown that the combined use of Monte Carlo simulations and forecasting using the geometric Brownian motion enables the quantification of the risk of the CHP plant’s operation and the impact of using the energy store on solving uncertainties. The applied methodology can be used at the design stage of systems with energy storage and enables carrying out the risk analysis in the already existing systems; this will allow their efficiency to be improved. The introduction of additional parameters of the planned investments to the analysis will allow the maximum use of energy storage systems in both industrial and dispersed power generation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Jastrzębski
Piotr W. Saługa
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Finite fossil fuel resources, as well as the instability of renewable energy production, make the sustainable management of energy production and consumption some of the key challenges of the 21st century. It also involves threats to the state of the natural environment, among others due to the negative impact of energy on the climate. In such a situation, one of the methods of improving the efficiency of energy management – both on the micro (dispersed energy) and macro (power system) scale, may be innovative technological solutions that enable energy storage. Their effective implementation will allow it to be collected during periods of overproduction and to be used in situations of scarcity. These challenges cannot be overestimated - modern science has a challenge to solve various types of problems related to storage, including the technology used or the control/ /management of energy storage. Heat storage technologies, on which research works are carried out regarding both storage based on a medium such as water, as well as storage using thermochemical transformations or phase-change materials. They give a wide range of applications and improve the efficiency of energy systems on both the macro and micro scale. Of course, the technological properties and economic parameters have an impact on the application of the chosen technology. The article presents a comparison of storage parameters or heat storage methods based on different materials with specification of their work parameters or operating costs.

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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Jastrzębski
Piotr W. Saługa
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One of the little described problems in hydrostatic drives is the fast changing runs in the hydraulic line of this drive affecting the nature of the formation and intensity of pressure pulsation and flow rate occurring in the drive. Pressure pulsation and flow rate are the cause of unstable operation of servos, delays in the control system and other harmful phenomena. The article presents a flow model in a hydrostatic drive line based on fluid continuity equations (mass conservation), maintaining the amount of Navier-Stokes motion in the direction of flow (x axis), energy conservation (liquid state). The movement of liquids in a hydrostatic line is described by partial differential equations of the hyperbolic type, so modeling takes into account the wave phenomena occurring in the line. The hydrostatic line was treated as a cross with two inputs and two outputs, characterized by a specific transmittance matrix. The product approximation was used to solve the wave equations. An example of the use of general equations is presented for the analysis of a miniaturized hydrostatic drive line fed from a constant pressure source and terminated by a servo mechanism.

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L. Ułanowicz
G. Jastrzębski
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CSR on Mazovia – Institutional Dimension. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is defined as the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society. For the effective implementation of this concept are very important institutions, understood as a permanent (legal, organizational and customary) determinants of repetitive human behaviour and peopleto- people interaction. Institutions can therefore be both organisations that promotes this concept and CSR projects or strategies. The aim of the article is to review the thesis that the Mazovia is the driving force of the development of CSR in Poland, carried out on the basis of desk and web research. By evaluating the degree of institutionalisation of CSR in Mazovia, based on an analysis of the activities of the various sectors in this field, it was found that most activities for the implementation of this concept is undertaken in Mazovia, and many of them have coverage nationwide.
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Ewa Jastrzębska
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Abstract In many applications in sequencing and scheduling it is desirable to have an underlaying graph as equitably colored as possible. In this paper we survey recent theoretical results concerning conditions for equitable colorability of some graphs and recent theoretical results concerning the complexity of equitable coloring problem. Next, since the general coloring problem is strongly NP-hard, we report on practical experiments with some efficient polynomial-time algorithms for approximate equitable coloring of general graphs.
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Hanna Furmańczyk
Andrzej Jastrzębski
Marek Kubale
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The results of statistic estimation of measurements done within surface waters monitoring programme were described. The biogens concentrations (the years 1994-1998) and the oxygen indicators (the years 1992-1996) in the measurement point on Odra river in Krajnik Dolny constituted the date base. The time changeability of these indicators was well described by Jog-normal and gamma distributions was shown. The normalised distributions were also given.The autocorrelation and the periodicity were examined. It was stated that the considered time sequences were characterised by the strong autocorrelation and the periodicity. Using the ARIMA process the modelling of measurement series was realised. After the selection of models, the programming of examined indicators changes was accomplished. It was shown that using ARIMA models valuable results can be obtained.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Straszko
Marzena Jastrzębska
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The paper describes a novel, simple servo drive position controller, using only knowledge about the structure of the nonlinear model and the constraints met by individual components of the model. The desired behaviour of the position and velocity signals is obtained by imposing a time-varying constraint on the signal aggregating information about position and velocity tracking errors. The method allows you to determine the maximum control (servo drive current) necessary to achieve the control goal under the existing initial conditions and the selected reference trajectory. The control is constrained and consists in appropriate reaction when the trajectory approaches the barrier, the shape of which is responsible for the imposed properties of the transient and quasisteady state tracking error. In addition to the derivation of the control, a discussion of its possible variants and basic properties is presented. Control with time-varying constraints has been introduced, which allows the control objectives to be met with limited conservatism of the imposed constraints. The influence of technical factors related to actual speed and position measurements was discussed and the operation of the real drive on a laboratory stand was presented.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Jastrzębski
Jacek Kabziński
Przemysław Mosiołek
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Hydrogen storage for the purposes of the automotive industry in a form other than under high pressure or cryo conditions has been under careful investigation by researchers over past decades. One of the arising methods is the usage of powdered/granulated beds that contain metal hydrides and/or carbon materials to take advantage of the “spillover” phenomenon. Handling and characterization of such material can be troublesome, which is why the experimental setup needs careful investigation. The apparatus for the analysis of hydrogen sorption/desorption characteristics has been successfully designed and described based on the constructed unit within the scope of this article. The full functionality of that setup covered fuelling the bed as well as the examination of sorption/desorption potential. Moreover, the proposed experimental device can clarify many uncertainties about further development and optimization of hydrogen storage materials.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jacek Leyko
Krzysztof Surmiński
Damian Batory
Krzysztof Jastrzębski
Łukasz Kaczmarek
Witold Kaczorowski
Piotr Kula

  1. Lodz University of Technology, Department of Vehicles and Fundamentals of Machine Design, 90-924 Lodz, Poland
  2. Lodz University of Technology, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Functional Materials, 90-924 Lodz, Poland
  3. Lodz University of Technology, Department of Advanced Materials and Composites, 90-924 Lodz, Poland
  4. Lodz University of Technology, Department of Surface Engineering and Heat Treatment, 90-924 Lodz, Poland
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This study represents the first culture-independent profiling of microbial diversity in post-processing wastewater from underground coal gasification (UCG) processes. Three types of post-processing wastewater, named W1, W2 and W3, were obtained from three UCG processes involving two types of coal and two gasification agents, namely oxygen-enriched air and oxygen. Very high concentrations of BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene), polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and phenol were detected in the wastewater, classifying it into the fifth toxicity class, indicating very high acute toxicity. The values for the Shannon (H), Ace and Chao1 indices in W2 were the lowest compared to their values in W1 and W3. The dominate phyla were Proteobacteria, contributing 84.64% and 77.92% in W1 and W3, respectively, while Firmicutes dominated in W2 with a contribution of 66.85%. At the class level, Gammaproteobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria were predominant in W1 and W3, while Bacilli and Actinobacteria were predominant in W2. Among Bacilli, the Paenibacillus and Bacillus genera were the most numerous. Our results suggest that the main differentiating factor of the bacterial structure and diversity in the wastewater could be the gasification agent. These findings provide new insights into the shifting patterns of dominant bacteria in post-processing wastewater and illustrate the spread of bacteria in industrial contaminated wastewater.
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  1. Bassin, J.; Rachid, C.; Vilela, C. Cao, S.; Peixoto, R. & Dezotti, M. (2017). Revealing the bacterial profile of an anoxic-aerobic moving-bed biofilm reactor system treating a chemical industry wastewater, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 120, pp. 152–160. DOI:10.1016/j.ibiod.2017.01.036
  2. Bedogni, G.L.; Massello, F. L.; Giaveno, A.; Donati, E.R. & Urbieta, M.S. (2020). A deeper look into the biodiversity of the extremely acidic copahue volcano - Río Agrio system in Neuquén, Argentina, Microorganisms, 8, 58. DOI:10.3390/microorganisms8010058
  3. Chen, T.; Wu, Y.; Wang, J. & Philippe, C. F. X. (2022). Assessing the biodegradation of btex and stress response in a bio-permeable reactive barrier using compound-specific isotope analysis, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 8800. DOI:10.3390/ijerph19148800
  4. Fimlaid, K. A. & Shen, A. (2015). Diverse mechanisms regulate sporulation sigma factor activity in the Firmicutes, Current Opinion in Microbiology, 24, pp. 88-95. DOI:10.1016%2Fj.mib.2015.01.006
  5. Gawroński, S., Łutczyk, G.; Szulc, W. & Rutkowska, B. (2022). Urban mining: Phytoextraction of noble and rare earth elements from urban soils, Archives of Environmental Protection, 48, 2, pp. 24-33. DOI:10.24425/aep.2022.140763
  6. Grabowski, J., Korczak, K. & Tokarz, A. (2021). Aquatic risk assessment based on the results of research on mine waters as a part of a pilot underground coal gasification process, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 148, pp. 548-558. DOI:10.1016/j.psep.2020.10.003
  7. Grady, E.N., MacDonald, J., Richman, A. & Yuan, Z.C. (2016). Current knowledge and perspectives of Paenibacillus: a review. Microbial Cell Factories, 15, 203. DOI:10.1186/s12934-016-0603-7
  8. Guisado, I.M., Purswani, J., Gonzales-Lopez, J. & Pozo, C. (2015). Physiological and genetic screening methods for isolation of methyl-tert-butyl-ether-degrading bacteria for bioremediation purposes, International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 97, pp. 67-74. DOI:10.1016/j.ibiod.2014.11.008
  9. Jałowiecki, Ł., Borgulat, J.; Strugała-Wilczek, A., Glaser, M. & Płaza, G. (2024). Searching of phenol-degrading bacteria in raw wastewater from underground coal gasification process as suitable candidates in bioaugmentation approach, Journal of Ecological Engineering, 25, pp. 62–71. DOI:10.12911/22998993/176143
  10. Jayapal, A., Chaterjee, T. & Sahariah, B.P. (2023). Bioremediation techniques for the treatment of mine tailings: A review, Soil Ecology Letters, 5, 220149. DOI:10.1007/s42832-022-0149-z
  11. Kamika, I., Azizi, S. & Tekere, M. (2016). Microbial profiling of South African acid mine water samples using next generation sequencing platform, Applied. Microbiology and Biotechnology, 100, pp.6069–6079. DOI:10.1007/s00253-016-7428-5
  12. Kapusta, K. & Stańczyk, K. (2015). Chemical and toxicological evaluation of underground coal gasification (UCG) effluents. The coal rank effect, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 112, pp. 105– 113. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2014.10.038
  13. Karn, S.K., Chakrabarti, S.K. & Reddy, M.S. (2011). Degradation of pentachlorophenol by Kocuria sp. CL2 isolated from secondary sludge of pulp and paper mill, Biodegradation, 22, pp. 63-69. DOI:10.1007/s10532-010-9376-6
  14. Kochhar, N., Kavya, I.K., Shrivvastava, S., Ghosh, A., Rawat, V.S., Sodhi, K.K. & Kumar, M. (2022) Perspectives on the microorganisms of extreme environments and their applications, Current Research Microbial Sciences. 3, 100134. DOI:10.1016/j.crmicr.2022.100134
  15. Liu, F., Hu, X., Zhao, X., Guo, H. & Zhao, Y. (2019). Microbial community structures’ response to seasonal variation in a full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant, Environmental Engineering Science, 36, pp. 172-178. DOI:10.1089/ees.2018.0280
  16. Luo, Z., Ma, J., Chen, F., Li, X., Zhang, Q. & Yang, Y. (2020). Adaptive development of soil bacterial communities to ecological processes caused by mining activities in the Loess Plateau, China, Microorganisms, 8, 477. DOI:10.3390/microorganisms8040477
  17. Mauricio-Gutiérrez, A., Machorro-Velázquez R., Jiménez-Salgado, T.;Vázquez-Crúz C., Sánchez-Alonso, M.P. & Tapia-Hernández, A. (2020). Bacillus pumilus and Paenibacillus lautus effectivity in the process of biodegradation of diesel isolated from hydrocarbons contaminated agricultural soils, Archives of Environmental Protection, 46, 4, pp. 59–69. DOI:0.24425/aep.2020.135765
  18. Muter, O. (2023). Current trends in bioaugmentation tools for bioremediation: A critical review of advances and knowledge gaps, Microorganisms, 11, 710. DOI:10.3390/microorganisms11030710
  19. Nwankwegu, A.S., Zhang, L., Xie, D., Onwosi, C.O., Muhammad, W.I., Odoh, C.K., Sam, K. & Idenyi, J.N. (2022). Bioaugmentation as a green technology for hydrocarbon pollution remediation. Problems and prospects. Journal of Environmental Management, 304, 114313. DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114313
  20. Pankiewicz-Sperka, M., Kapusta, K., Basa, W. & Stolecka, K. (2021). Characteristics of water contaminants from underground coal gasification (UCG) process - effect of coal properties and gasification pressure, Energies, 14, 6533. DOI:10.3390/en14206533
  21. Pankiewicz-Sperka, M., Stańczyk, K., Płaza, G., Kwaśniewska, J. & Nałęcz-Jawecki, G. (2014). Assessment of the chemical, microbiological and toxicological aspects pf post-processing water from underground coal gasification, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 108, pp. 294-301. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2014.06.036
  22. Persoone, G., Marsalek, B., Blinova, I., Torokne, A., Zarina, D., Manusadzianas, L. (2003). A practical and user-friendly toxicity classification system with microbiotests for natural waters and wastewaters, Environmental Toxicology, 18, pp. 395–402. DOI:10.1002/tox.10141.
  23. Rappaport, H.B. & Oliverio, A.M. (2023). Extreme environments offer an unprecedent opportunity to understand microbial eukaryotic ecology, evolution, and genome biology, Nature Communication, 14, 4959. DOI:10.1038/s41467-023-40657-4
  24. Sharma, S. & Bhattacharya, A. (2017) Drinking water contamination and treatment techniques. Appied Water Science 7, pp. 1043-1067. DOI:10.1007/s13201-016-0455-7
  25. Smoliński, A.. Stańczyk, K.. Kapusta, K. & Howaniec, N. (2013). Analysis of the organic contaminants in the condensate produced in the in situ underground coal gasification process, Water Science and Technology, 67, pp. 644-650. DOI:10.2166/wst.2012.558
  26. Thukral, A.K. (2017). A review on measurement of alpha diversity in biology, Agricultural Research Journal, 54, 1. DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2017.00001.1
  27. Timkina, E., Drabova, L., Palyova, A,, Rezanka, T., Matatkova, O. & Kolouchova, I. (2020). Kocuria strains from unique radon spring water from Jachymov Spa, Fermentation, 8, 35. DOI:10.3390/fermentation8010035
  28. Wiatowski, M., Kapusta, K., Strugała-Wilczek, A., Stańczyk, K., Castro-Muñiz, A., Suárez-García F. & Paredes, J.I. (2023). Large-scale experimental simulations of in situ coal gasification in terms of process efficiency and physicochemical properties of process by-products, Energies, 16, 4455. DOI:10.3390/en16114455
  29. Xu, B., Chen, L., Xing, B., Li, Z., Zhang, L., Yi, G., Huang, G. & Mohanty, M.K. (2017). Physicochemical properties of Hebi semi-coke from underground coal gasification and its adsorption for phenol, Process Safety Environmental Protection, 107, pp. 147–152. DOI:10.1016/j.psep.2017.02.007
  30. Yang, Y., Wang, L., Xiang, F., Zhao, L. & Qiao, Z. (2020). Activated sludge microbial community and treatment performance of wastewater treatment plants in industrial and municipal zones, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 436. DOI:10.3390/ijerph17020436
  31. Zwain, H., Al-Marzook, F., Nile, B., Ali Jeddoa, Z., Atallah, A., Dahlan, I. & Hassan, W. (2021). Morphology analysis and microbial diversity in novel anaerobic baffled reactor treating recycled paper mill wastewater, Archives of Environmental Protection, 47, 4, pp. 9–17. DOI:10.24425/aep.2021.139498
  32. Bassin, J.; Rachid, C.; Vilela, C. Cao, S.; Peixoto, R. & Dezotti, M. (2017). Revealing the bacterial profile of an anoxic-aerobic moving-bed biofilm reactor system treating a chemical industry wastewater, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 120, pp. 152–160. DOI:10.1016/j.ibiod.2017.01.036
  33. Bedogni, G.L.; Massello, F. L.; Giaveno, A.; Donati, E.R. & Urbieta, M.S. (2020). A deeper look into the biodiversity of the extremely acidic copahue volcano - Río Agrio system in Neuquén, Argentina, Microorganisms, 8, 58. DOI:10.3390/microorganisms8010058
  34. Chen, T.; Wu, Y.; Wang, J. & Philippe, C. F. X. (2022). Assessing the biodegradation of btex and stress response in a bio-permeable reactive barrier using compound-specific isotope analysis, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 8800. DOI:10.3390/ijerph19148800
  35. Fimlaid, K. A. & Shen, A. (2015). Diverse mechanisms regulate sporulation sigma factor activity in the Firmicutes, Current Opinion in Microbiology, 24, pp. 88-95. DOI:10.1016%2Fj.mib.2015.01.006
  36. Gawroński, S., Łutczyk, G.; Szulc, W. & Rutkowska, B. (2022). Urban mining: Phytoextraction of noble and rare earth elements from urban soils, Archives of Environmental Protection, 48, 2, pp. 24-33. DOI:10.24425/aep.2022.140763
  37. Grabowski, J., Korczak, K. & Tokarz, A. (2021). Aquatic risk assessment based on the results of research on mine waters as a part of a pilot underground coal gasification process, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 148, pp. 548-558. DOI:10.1016/j.psep.2020.10.003
  38. Grady, E.N., MacDonald, J., Richman, A. & Yuan, Z.C. (2016). Current knowledge and perspectives of Paenibacillus: a review. Microbial Cell Factories, 15, 203. DOI:10.1186/s12934-016-0603-7
  39. Guisado, I.M., Purswani, J., Gonzales-Lopez, J. & Pozo, C. (2015). Physiological and genetic screening methods for isolation of methyl-tert-butyl-ether-degrading bacteria for bioremediation purposes, International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 97, pp. 67-74. DOI:10.1016/j.ibiod.2014.11.008
  40. Jałowiecki, Ł., Borgulat, J.; Strugała-Wilczek, A., Glaser, M. & Płaza, G. (2024). Searching of phenol-degrading bacteria in raw wastewater from underground coal gasification process as suitable candidates in bioaugmentation approach, Journal of Ecological Engineering, 25, pp. 62–71. DOI:10.12911/22998993/176143
  41. Jayapal, A., Chaterjee, T. & Sahariah, B.P. (2023). Bioremediation techniques for the treatment of mine tailings: A review, Soil Ecology Letters, 5, 220149. DOI:10.1007/s42832-022-0149-z
  42. Kamika, I., Azizi, S. & Tekere, M. (2016). Microbial profiling of South African acid mine water samples using next generation sequencing platform, Applied. Microbiology and Biotechnology, 100, pp.6069–6079. DOI:10.1007/s00253-016-7428-5
  43. Kapusta, K. & Stańczyk, K. (2015). Chemical and toxicological evaluation of underground coal gasification (UCG) effluents. The coal rank effect, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 112, pp. 105– 113. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2014.10.038
  44. Karn, S.K., Chakrabarti, S.K. & Reddy, M.S. (2011). Degradation of pentachlorophenol by Kocuria sp. CL2 isolated from secondary sludge of pulp and paper mill, Biodegradation, 22, pp. 63-69. DOI:10.1007/s10532-010-9376-6
  45. Kochhar, N., Kavya, I.K., Shrivvastava, S., Ghosh, A., Rawat, V.S., Sodhi, K.K. & Kumar, M. (2022) Perspectives on the microorganisms of extreme environments and their applications, Current Research Microbial Sciences. 3, 100134. DOI:10.1016/j.crmicr.2022.100134
  46. Liu, F., Hu, X., Zhao, X., Guo, H. & Zhao, Y. (2019). Microbial community structures’ response to seasonal variation in a full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant, Environmental Engineering Science, 36, pp. 172-178. DOI:10.1089/ees.2018.0280
  47. Luo, Z., Ma, J., Chen, F., Li, X., Zhang, Q. & Yang, Y. (2020). Adaptive development of soil bacterial communities to ecological processes caused by mining activities in the Loess Plateau, China, Microorganisms, 8, 477. DOI:10.3390/microorganisms8040477
  48. Mauricio-Gutiérrez, A., Machorro-Velázquez R., Jiménez-Salgado, T.;Vázquez-Crúz C., Sánchez-Alonso, M.P. & Tapia-Hernández, A. (2020). Bacillus pumilus and Paenibacillus lautus effectivity in the process of biodegradation of diesel isolated from hydrocarbons contaminated agricultural soils, Archives of Environmental Protection, 46, 4, pp. 59–69. DOI:0.24425/aep.2020.135765
  49. Muter, O. (2023). Current trends in bioaugmentation tools for bioremediation: A critical review of advances and knowledge gaps, Microorganisms, 11, 710. DOI:10.3390/microorganisms11030710
  50. Nwankwegu, A.S., Zhang, L., Xie, D., Onwosi, C.O., Muhammad, W.I., Odoh, C.K., Sam, K. & Idenyi, J.N. (2022). Bioaugmentation as a green technology for hydrocarbon pollution remediation. Problems and prospects. Journal of Environmental Management, 304, 114313. DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114313
  51. Pankiewicz-Sperka, M., Kapusta, K., Basa, W. & Stolecka, K. (2021). Characteristics of water contaminants from underground coal gasification (UCG) process - effect of coal properties and gasification pressure, Energies, 14, 6533. DOI:10.3390/en14206533
  52. Pankiewicz-Sperka, M., Stańczyk, K., Płaza, G., Kwaśniewska, J. & Nałęcz-Jawecki, G. (2014). Assessment of the chemical, microbiological and toxicological aspects pf post-processing water from underground coal gasification, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 108, pp. 294-301. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2014.06.036
  53. Persoone, G., Marsalek, B., Blinova, I., Torokne, A., Zarina, D., Manusadzianas, L. (2003). A practical and user-friendly toxicity classification system with microbiotests for natural waters and wastewaters, Environmental Toxicology, 18, pp. 395–402. DOI:10.1002/tox.10141.
  54. Rappaport, H.B. & Oliverio, A.M. (2023). Extreme environments offer an unprecedent opportunity to understand microbial eukaryotic ecology, evolution, and genome biology, Nature Communication, 14, 4959. DOI:10.1038/s41467-023-40657-4
  55. Sharma, S. & Bhattacharya, A. (2017) Drinking water contamination and treatment techniques. Appied Water Science 7, pp. 1043-1067. DOI:10.1007/s13201-016-0455-7
  56. Smoliński, A.. Stańczyk, K.. Kapusta, K. & Howaniec, N. (2013). Analysis of the organic contaminants in the condensate produced in the in situ underground coal gasification process, Water Science and Technology, 67, pp. 644-650. DOI:10.2166/wst.2012.558
  57. Thukral, A.K. (2017). A review on measurement of alpha diversity in biology, Agricultural Research Journal, 54, 1. DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2017.00001.1
  58. Timkina, E., Drabova, L., Palyova, A,, Rezanka, T., Matatkova, O. & Kolouchova, I. (2020). Kocuria strains from unique radon spring water from Jachymov Spa, Fermentation, 8, 35. DOI:10.3390/fermentation8010035
  59. Wiatowski, M., Kapusta, K., Strugała-Wilczek, A., Stańczyk, K., Castro-Muñiz, A., Suárez-García F. & Paredes, J.I. (2023). Large-scale experimental simulations of in situ coal gasification in terms of process efficiency and physicochemical properties of process by-products, Energies, 16, 4455. DOI:10.3390/en16114455
  60. Xu, B., Chen, L., Xing, B., Li, Z., Zhang, L., Yi, G., Huang, G. & Mohanty, M.K. (2017). Physicochemical properties of Hebi semi-coke from underground coal gasification and its adsorption for phenol, Process Safety Environmental Protection, 107, pp. 147–152. DOI:10.1016/j.psep.2017.02.007
  61. Yang, Y., Wang, L., Xiang, F., Zhao, L. & Qiao, Z. (2020). Activated sludge microbial community and treatment performance of wastewater treatment plants in industrial and municipal zones, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 436. DOI:10.3390/ijerph17020436
  62. Zwain, H., Al-Marzook, F., Nile, B., Ali Jeddoa, Z., Atallah, A., Dahlan, I. & Hassan, W. (2021). Morphology analysis and microbial diversity in novel anaerobic baffled reactor treating recycled paper mill wastewater, Archives of Environmental Protection, 47, 4, pp. 9–17. DOI:10.24425/aep.2021.139498
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Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Jałowiecki
Jacek Borgulat
Aleksandra Strugała-Wilczek
Jan Jastrzębski
Marek Matejczyk
Grażyna Płaza

  1. Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas,Katowice, Poland
  2. Department of Energy Saving and Air Protection, Central Mining Institute, Katowice, Poland
  3. Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
  4. Silesian University of Technology, Poland

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