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The deformation and failure law of stope roofs is more complicated than horizontal coal seams affected by the angle of the coal seam during the mining process of steeply dipping coal seams. This study focused on and analysed the working face of a 2130 coal mine with steep dipping and large mining height. Through the use of numerical calculation, theoretical analysis, physical similar material simulation experiments, and field monitoring, the distribution characteristics of roof stress, as well as the threedimensional caving migration and filling law, in large mining height working faces under the dip angle effect was investigated. The influence mechanism of the dip angle change on the roof stability of large mining heights was investigated. The results revealed that the roof stress was asymmetrically distributed along the inclination under the action of the dip angle, which resulted in roof deformation asymmetry. With the increase in the dip angle, the rolling and sliding characteristics of roof-broken rock blocks were more obvious. The length of the gangue support area increased, the unbalanced constraint effect of the filling gangue on the roof along the dip and strike was enhanced, and the height of the caving zone decreased. The stability of the roof in the lower inclined area of the working face was enhanced, the failure range of the roof migrated upward, and the damage degree of the roof in the middle and upper areas increased. Furthermore, cross-layer, large-scale, and asymmetric spatial ladder rock structures formed easily. The broken main roof formed an anti-dip pile structure, and sliding and deformation instability occurred, which resulted in impact pressure. This phenomenon resulted in the dumping and sliding of the support. The ‘support-surrounding rock’ system was prone to dynamic instability and caused disasters in the surrounding rock. The field measurement results verified the report and provided critical theoretical support for field engineering in practice.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Panshi Xie
1 2
Baofa Huang
1 2
Yongping Wu
1 2
Shenghu Luo
2 3
Tong Wang
1 2
Zhuangzhuang Yan
1 2
Jianjie Chen

  1. Xi’an University of Science and Technology, School of Energy Engineering, Xi’an 710054, China
  2. Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Key Laboratory of Western Mine Exploitation and Hazard Prevention Ministry of Educat ion, Xi’an 710054, China
  3. Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Department of Mechanics, Xi’an, 710054, China
  4. Xinjiang Coking Coal Group Corporat ion Limited, Xinjiang 830025, China
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Stability control of the roof is the key to safe and efficient mining of the longwall working face for a steeply dipping coal seam. In this study, a comprehensive analysis was performed on the roof destruction, migration, and filling characteristics of a steeply dipping longwall working face in an actual coalmine. Elastic foundation theory was used to construct a roof mechanics model; the effect of the coal seam inclination angle on the asymmetric deformation and failure of the roof under the constraint of an unbalanced gangue filling was considered. According to the model, increasing the coal seam angle, thickness of the immediate roof, and length of the working face as well as decreasing the thickness of the coal seam can increase the length of the contact area formed by the caving gangue in the lower area of the slope. Changes to the length of the contact area affect the forces and boundary conditions of the main roof. Increasing the coal seam angle reduces the deformation of the main roof, and the position of peak deflection migrates from the middle of the working face to the upper middle. Meanwhile, the position of the peak rotation angle migrates from the lower area of the working face to the upper area. The peak bending moment decreases continuously, and its position migrates from the headgate T-junction to the tailgate T-junction and then the middle of the working face. Field test results verified the rationality of the mechanics model. These findings reveal the effect of the inclination coal seam angle on roof deformation and failure and provide theoretical guidance for engineering practice.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Shenghu Luo
Tong Wang
Yongping Wu
Jingyu Huangfu
Huatao Zhao

  1. Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Department of Mechanics, China
  2. Xi’an University of Science and Technology, School of Energy Engineering, China
  3. Shandong Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd. China

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