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The aim of the study was twofold. First it was to investigate sources and symptoms of foreign language listening anxiety (FLLA) among a very specific group of foreign language learners: proficient students of English (C1, C2) who were on the verge of completing their MA studies in the English department, with teaching English as their specialisation. The second goal was to create an instrument which would allow for a detailed analysis to be carried out of the factors giving rise to FLLA and identification of its symptoms. To achieve this aim, the author of this article proposed a new taxonomy of factors responsible for FLLA which served as a basis for constructing a questionnaire to investigate seven categories of FLLA sources and three categories of its symptoms. The research showed that the possibility of getting a poor mark, fast speech, mind drifting away while listening, and being evaluated were identified by participants as being the most common anxiety-provoking factors, although they were experienced less intensely than by less proficient students. As far as the effects of FLLA are concerned, the most common somatic symptoms were found to be a pounding heart and the mind going blank.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Małgorzata Marzec-Stawiarska


The article aims to discuss foreign language writing anxiety and present the results of the study which was to investigate whether writing apprehension can be observed among advanced adult learners of English. Analysing anxiety from a three dimensional perspective proposed by Lang (1971) the study revealed that advanced adult students most intensely experience cognitive anxiety whose most prevailing symptoms are panic, worry and elements of test anxiety. Somatic anxiety has also been observed in this group of participants with heart pounding, freezing up, mind going blank and jumbled thoughts as the most common symptoms. Finally, the research revealed that avoidance behaviour appears infrequently among advanced writers. The research results have been used as the basis for formulating pedagogical implications on how to reduce students’ writing apprehension.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Małgorzata Marzec-Stawiarska


The article reports the results of a study investigating the influence of gender on foreign language speaking anxiety (FLSA) of a group of second year university students. The research revealed no gender differences in the level of anxiety measured with the foreign language speaking anxiety scale (FLSAS) developed for the purpose of this study. Moreover, no statistically significant interaction was observed between gender and a) perceived difficulty of speaking skills, b) self-assessment of one’s speaking skills, c) self-efficacy level, d) general speaking anxiety, and the level of speaking-in-class anxiety. Some gender differences in the apprehension level were observed in the case of speaking activities and patterns of interaction: females were found to be more anxious while speaking in front of the class, in small groups and during presentations and role-plays. However, in the majority of investigated speaking tasks gender differences did not reach the level of significance.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Małgorzata Marzec-Stawiarska


The aim of the work was to analyze the effi ciency and reliability of pollutants removal (total suspended solids – TSS, BOD5, COD) in a collective wastewater treatment plant with activated sludge and hydroponic lagoon during its long term operation. The tested object was designed to treat wastewater in flowing through the sewerage system and wastewater delivered by the septic truck. The projected capacity of the treatment plant was 1200 m3∙d-1. The technological system for wastewater treatment consisted of a mechanical part, a flowing biological reactor working according to the BARDENPHO process, a secondary settling tank and a hydroponic lagoon. The efficiency and reliability of pollutants removal in the analyzed treatment plant were assessed on the basis of the data concerning influent and effluent wastewater collected during the years 2011–2018. On the basis of the measurements results, there were determined characteristic values of the selected pollution indicators in wastewater and the average efficiency of pollutants removal. The technological reliability of the wastewater treatment plant was assessed for the basic pollution parameters (BOD5, COD, TSS) in accordance with the elements of the Weibull’s reliability theory, with regard to normative values of the indicators specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Environment. The analysis was carried out using the Statistica 13.1 software. It was proved that in the wastewater treatment plant with an activated sludge and hydroponic lagoon the level of organic pollutants removal expressed by BOD5 was on average 99.5%, COD – 98.1% and TSS – 99.4%. The technological reliability of the system was 100% in terms of the removal of pollutants from the basic group, which means that during the long term operation (8 years) it provided failure-free operation and guaranteed the fulfillment of the requirements that can be found in the Polish law regulations concerning the analyzed pollutants.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Karolina Jóźwiakowska
Michał Marzec

  1. Student, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
  2. Department of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
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This article presents a system of precise navigation for a visually impaired person which uses GPS navigation and an infrared sensor in the form of an infrared matrix. The presented system allows determining the orientation and distance of a blind person relative to a selected object, e.g. a wall or road edge. The application of the above solution facilitates a significant increase in the accuracy of determining the position of a blind person compared to the accuracy offered by commonly used ground satellite devices. The system uses thermal energy accumulated in the environment without the need to generate additional signals. The main parts of the system are a simple infrared matrix, data processing system and vibrating wristband. Messages and navigation warnings are sent to a blind person in the form of a vibration code. The article describes the method of determining the path of a specified width and distance from the wall of a building, curb, etc., along which a blind person should move. The article additionally describes the method of determining the orientation of a blind person depending on the selected object. Such a method facilitates verifying whether the visually impaired person is moving according to the indicated direction. The method can also be used to navigate mobile robots. Due to the use of natural energy for data registration and processing, the mobile navigation system can be operated for a long time without the need to recharge the battery.

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  3.  P. Barański and P. Strumiłło, “Enhancing positioning accuracy in urban terrain by fusing data from a GPS receiver, inertial sensors, stereo- camera and digital maps for pedestrian navigation”, Sensors 12(6), 6764–6801 (2012).
  4.  R. Sammouda and A. Alrjoub, “Mobile blind navigation system using RFID”, in 2015 Global Summit on Computer & Information Technology (GSCIT), Sousse, 2015, pp. 1‒4, doi: 10.1109/GSCIT.2015.7353325.
  5.  J. Villanueva and R. Farcy, “Optical Device Indicating a Safe Free Path to Blind People”, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 61(1), 170‒177 (2012), doi: 10.1109/TIM.2011.2160910.
  6.  A. Sen, K. Sen, and J. Das, “Ultrasonic Blind Stick for Completely Blind People to Avoid Any Kind of Obstacles”, 2018 IEEE SENSORS, New Delhi, India, 2018, pp. 1‒4, doi: 10.1109/ICSENS.2018.8589680.
  7.  N. Mahmud, R.K. Saha, R.B. Zafar, M.B.H. Bhuian, and S.S. Sarwar, “Vibration and voice operated navigation system for visually impaired person”, in 2014 International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), Dhaka, 2014, pp. 1‒5, doi: 10.1109/ ICIEV.2014.6850740.
  8.  P. Barański, M. Polańczyk, and P. Strumiłło, “A remote guidance system for the blind”, in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services (Healthcom2010), Lyon, France, 2010, pp. 386–390.
  9.  W. Gelmuda and A. Kos, “Multichannel ultrasonic range finder for blind people navigation”, Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 61(3), 633‒637 (2013).
  10.  P. Marzec and A. Kos, “Low energy precise navigation system for the blind with infrared sensors”, in 2019 MIXDES – 26th International Conference “Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems”, Rzeszów, 2019.
  11.  Kiruthika and Sheela, “Developing mobile application to navigate blind people using sensors”, 2016 International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy Information and Commuincation (ICCPEIC), Chennai, 2016, pp. 080‒084, doi: 10.1109/ICCPEIC.2016.7557228.
  12.  “The ultimate infrared handbook for R&D professionals”, FLIR AB. [Online]. https://www.flirmedia.com/MMC/THG/Brochures/T559243/ T559243_EN.pdf
  13.  S. Sichelschmidt, A. Haselhoff, A. Kummert, M. Roehder, B. Elias, and K. Berns, “Pedestrian crossing detecting as a part of an urban pedestrian safety system”, 2010 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, San Diego, CA, 2010, pp. 840‒844, doi: 10.1109/IVS.2010.5548032.
  14.  A. Kos, K. Boroń, and I. Brzozowski, “Thermal tablet for the blind”, Microelectron. Int. 33(1), 1‒8 (2016), doi: 10.1108/MI-02-2015- 0016.
  15.  R. Sarkar, S. Das, and D. Rudrapal, “A low cost microelectromechanical Braille for blind people to communicate with blind or deaf blind people through SMS subsystem”, 2013 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), Ghaziabad, 2013, pp. 1529‒1532, doi: 10.1109/IAdCC.2013.6514454.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Paweł Marzec
Andrzej Kos

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland


The main aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) subsidies on technical efficiency of Polish dairy farms. We have distinguished several types of subsidies and provided an analysis to find out which types are most likely to engender systematic differences in technical efficiency. A balanced panel of microeconomic data on Polish dairy farms over an eight-year period (between 2004 and 2011), taken from the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), is used. The translog production function is estimated by employing the Bayesian approach. The empirical results show that the elasticity of production with respect to livestock is the highest, whereas with respect to feed is the lowest. The mean technical efficiency in the covered period is 83%. The research reveals the negative effect of subsidies on technical efficiency.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jerzy Marzec
Andrzej Pisulewski


Węgiel jest w Polsce dostępnym paliwem konwencjonalnym, zapewniającym bezpieczeństwo i niezależność energetyczną kraju. Z tego powodu energetyka konwencjonalna powinna pozostać oparta na węglu, jednocześnie zapewniając optymalną rozbudowę energetyki opartej na OZE. Takie rozwiązanie zapewnia bezpieczeństwo energetyczne kraju, mające podstawy w paliwie kopalnym, jakim jest węgiel, dzięki czemu jesteśmy i będziemy niezależni od zawirowań politycznych i koniunkturalnych na światowych rynkach. Polska natomiast posiada zasoby węgla kamiennego, które mogą zapewnić bezpieczeństwo energetyczne kraju na kilka dziesięcioleci. Można z całą odpowiedzialnością stwierdzić, iż mimo wzrastającego udziału ropy naftowej i gazu w zużyciu paliw, węgiel (kamienny i brunatny), będzie również w przyszłości ważnym stabilizatorem bezpieczeństwa energetycznego kraju. Rozwój energetyki opartej na OZE możliwy będzie przy zapewnieniu przez energetykę konwencjonalną regulowalności, umożliwiającej kompensowanie niestabilnej pracy źródeł odnawialnych, ponieważ uwarunkowania klimatyczne Polski nie pozwalają na stabilne korzystanie ze źródeł OZE, a tym samym efektywne ich wykorzystanie. Przy obecnej polityce Unii Europejskiej w zakresie redukcji emisji tzw. gazów cieplarnianych i podobnych tendencji światowych, co znalazło swoje odzwierciedlenie w porozumieniu paryskim z 2015 roku, jako kraj będziemy zmuszeni do znacznego zwiększenia udziału energii z OZE w krajowym bilansie energetycznym. Proces ten nie może się jednak odbić na bezpieczeństwie energetycznym oraz stabilności i ciągłości dostaw energii elektrycznej do konsumentów. Poszukiwanie kompromisu jest przy obecnym miksie energetycznym Polski najlepszą drogą do jego stopniowej zmiany, przy równoczesnym nieeliminowaniu żadnego źródła wytwarzania. Wiadomo, że Polska nie może być samotną wyspą energetyczną w Europie i na świecie, który coraz bardziej rozwija technologie rozproszone/ /odnawialne oraz technologie magazynowania energii. Bez energii z OZE i przy dalszym spadku udziału węgla w krajowym miksie energetycznym staniemy się importerem energii elektrycznej i zależność energetyczna Polski będzie rosła.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Kielerz
Waldemar Beuch
Robert Marzec


Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a benign disease that rarely undergoes malignant transformation. Th ere are two types of disease: localized (nodular tenosynovitis) and diff used (pigmented villonodular synovitis/tenosynovitis) with intra- or extra-articular locations. Th e second one is limited to synovium of the burse (PVNB) or tendon sheath (PVNTS). Th e intraarticular lesions are usually located in the knee, hip, ankle and elbow joints. Histologically, PVNS is a tenosynovial giant cell tumor, characterized by proliferation of two types of mononuclear cells — predominantly small, histiocyte-like cells and larger cells with dense cytoplasm, reniform or lobulated nucleus, with accompanying multinucleated giant cells and macrophages overloaded with hemosiderin that give typical image on MRI — currently selected as a gold standard for its diagnosis. Th e classic X-ray and CT are non-specifi c but similar to ultrasound should be used to evaluate disease progression and treatment response if radiotherapeutic and pharmacological methods were selected for treatment. An open arthroscopic surgery could also be applied in selected cases.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Artur Fałek
Joanna Niemunis-Sawicka
Katarzyna Wrona
Grzegorz Szczypiór
Ludomira Rzepecka-Wejs
Katarzyna Cięszczyk
Maciej Burdan
Michał Puderecki
Paulina Burzec
Barbara Marzec-Kotarska
Justyna Szumiło
Franciszek Burdan

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Elżbieta Łysiak-Pastuszak
Maria Bartoszewicz
Katarzyna Bradtke
Mirosław Darecki
Natalia Drgas
Piotr Kowalczuk
Wojciech Kraśniewski
Adam Krężel
Włodzimierz Krzymiński
Łukasz Lewandowski
Hanna Mazur-Marzec
Bogusz Piliczewski
Sławomir Sagan
Katarzyna Sutryk
Barbara Witek

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