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A novel non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) scheme is proposed to improve the throughput and the outage probability of the cognitive radio (CR) inspired system which has been implemented to adapt multiple services in the nextgeneration network (5G). In the proposed scheme, the primary source (PS) had sent a superposition code symbol with a predefined power allocation to relays, it decoded and forwarded (DF) a new superposition coded symbol to the destination with the other power allocation. By using a dual antenna at relays, it will be improved the bandwidth efficiency in such CR NOMA scheme. The performance of the system is evaluated based on the outage probability and the throughput with the assumption of the Rayleigh fading channels. According to the results obtained, it is shown that the outage probability and throughput of the proposed full-duplex (FD) in CR-NOMA with reasonable parameters can be able deploy in practical design as illustration in numerical results section.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Thanh-Nam Tran
Dinh-Thuan Do
Miroslav Voznak


Objective: This study aimed to investigate developmental changes of the thymus and intra- thymic IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α expression in weaned Sprague-Dawley rats induced by lipopolysac- charide.

Methods: Forty healthy weaned rats aged 26 days and weighing 83±4 g were randomly and equally divided into two groups. The lipopolysaccharide group was treated daily with a single injection of lipopolysaccharide for 10 consecutive days, and the saline group was treated with an equal volume of sterilized saline. On the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th day, histological changes and distribu- tion of IL-1β-, IL-6- and TNF-α-positive cells were detected in the thymus by hematoxylin-eosin and immunohistochemistry staining, respectively. Subsequently, the expression levels of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α were evaluated in the thymus by the ELISA method.

Results: Thymus weight and index were significantly smaller in lipopolysaccharide-treated rats than in saline-treated rats (p<0.05), but no substantial changes were found in the thymus microstructure after lipopolysaccharide induction. Moreover, a large number of IL-1β-, IL-6- and TNF-α-positive cells were observed with brownish-yellow color and mainly distributed in the thy- mus parenchyma, both integrated optical density and average optical density increased signifi- cantly in lipopolysaccharide-treated rats than those in saline-treated rats. Compared with the saline group, most of the thymic homogenates had higher levels of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α in the lipopolysaccharide group on different days.

Conclusion: These findings indicate that the thymus atrophied after lipopolysaccharide induction in weaned Sprague-Dawley rats, and excessive production of intrathymic IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α was probably involved in the atrophic process.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Y.B. Zhong
X.L. Zhang
M.Y. Lv
X.F. Hu
Y. Li
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System identification is an approach for parameter detection and mathematical model determination using response signals of a dynamic system. Two degrees of freedom (2DOF) pendulum controlled by a QUBE-servo motor is a great experiment device to work with; though it is not easy to control this system due to its complex structure and multi-dimensional outputs. Hence, system identification is required for this system to analyze and evaluate its dynamic behaviors. This paper presents a methodology for identifying a 2DOF pendulum and its dynamic behaviors including noise from an encoder cable. Firstly, all parameters from both mechanical and electrical sides of the QUBE-servo motor are analyzed. Secondly, a mathematical model and identified parameters for the 2DOF pendulum are illustrated. Finally, disturbances from encoder cable of the QUBE-servo motor which introduce an unwanted oscillation or self-vibration in this system are introduced. The effect of itself on output response signals of the 2DOF QUBE-pendulum is also discussed. All identified parameters are checked and verified by a comparison between a theoretical simulation and experimental results. It is found that the disturbance from encoder cable of the 2DOF QUBE-pendulum is not negligible and should be carefully considered as a certain factor affecting response of system.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Hoai Nam Le
Phuoc Vinh Dang
Anh-Duc Pham
Nhu Thanh Vo

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Danang – University of Science andTechnology, Danang, Vietnam.


Abstract To achieve a better understanding of accumulation of paclitaxel and related taxanes in Himalayan yew (Taxus wallichiana Zucc.) callus mass, induction and growth of calli from needles and petioles under light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and production of paclitaxel and baccatin were investigated. Calli were induced from needles and petioles on Gamborg's B5 medium supplemented with 1 mg·l-1 kinetin and 4 mg·l-1 2,4-D under different com-binations of blue and red LEDs. Calli were further cultured in that medium under the same lighting conditions. Callus induction from needles and petioles and growth was better under blue LEDs than under red LEDs and fluorescent light. The combinations of blue and red LEDs produced variable results. The paclitaxel content of these calli was quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography. The paclitaxel content of calli derived from needles was 0.00628% and the 10-DAB (10-Deacetylbaccatin III) content was 0.00366%. The paclitaxel content of calli derived from petioles was 0.00412%, and no 10-DAB was detected.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Duong Tan Nhut
Phan Le Ha Nguyen
Nguyen Trinh Don
N.T.T. Hien
Nguyen Phuc Huy
Nguyen Ba Nam
Bui The Vinh
Tran Cong Luan
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UAV technology is being applied for DSM generation in open-pit mines with a well-established fact that the precision of such DSM is improved by increasing the number of Ground Control Points (GCPs). However, DSMs are updated frequently in an open-pit mine where the surface is excavated continuously. This imposes a challenge to arrange and maintain the GCPs in the field. Therefore, an optimal number of GCPs should be determined to obtain sufficiently accurate DSMs while maintaining safety, time, and cost-effectiveness in the project. This study investigates the influence of the numbers of GCPs and their network configuration in the Long Son quarry, Vietnam. The analysis involved DSMs generated from eight cases with a total of 18 GCPs and each having five network configurations. The inter-case and intra-case accuracy of DSMs is assessed based on RMSEXY, RMSEZ, and RMSEXYZ. The results show that for a small- or medium-sized open-pit mine having an area of approximately 36 hectares, five GCPs are sufficient to achieve an overall accuracy of less than 10 cm. It is further shown that the optimal choice of the number of GCPs for DSM generation in such a mining site is seven due to a significant improvement in accuracy (<3.5 cm) and a decrease in configuration dependency compared to the five GCPs.
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[1] B. Kršák, P. Blišťan, A. Pauliková, P. Puškárová, Ľ. Kovanič, J. Palková, V. Zelizňaková, Use of low-cost UAV photogrammetry to analyze the accuracy of a digital elevation model in a case study. Measurement 91, 276-287 (2016). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2016.05.028
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[3] C . Hugenholtz, O. Brown, J. Walker, T. Barchyn, P. Nesbit, M. Kucharvzyk, S. Myshak, Spatial accuracy of UAVderived orthoimagery and topography: comparing photogrammetric models processed with direct geo-referencing and ground control points. GEOMATICA 70, 21-30 (2016). DOI: https://doi.org/10.5623/cig2016-102
[4] D. Tien Bui, N.Q. Long, X.-N. Bui, V.-N. Nguyen, C. Van Pham, C. Van Le, P.-T.T. Ngo, D. Tien Bui, B. Kristoffersen, Lightweight Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry for Generating Digital Surface Model for Open-Pit Coal Mine Area and Its Accuracy Assessment, in: D. Tien Bui, A. Ngoc Do, H.-B. Bui, N.-D. Hoang, (eds.), Advances and Applications in Geospatial Technology and Earth Resources, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 17-33 (2018). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-68240-2_2
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[8] G . Esposito, G. Mastrorocco, R. Salvini, M. Oliveti, P. Starita, Application of UAV photogrammetry for the multitemporal estimation of surface extent and volumetric excavation in the Sa Pigada Bianca open-pit mine, Sardinia, Italy. Environ. Earth Sci. 76, 103 (2017). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-017-6409-z
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Nguyen Quoc Long
Ropesh Goyal
Luyen K. Bui
Cao Xuan Cuong
Le Van Canh
Nguyen Quang Minh
Xuan-Nam Bui

  1. Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Faculty of Geomatics and Land Administration,18 Vien street, Hanoi, 10000, Vietnam
  2. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Department of Civil Engineering, Kanpur-208016, Uttar Pradesh, India
  3. Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Faculty of Mining,18 Vien street, Hanoi, 10000, Vietnam


NdFeB anisotropic sintered permanent magnets are typically fabricated by strip casting or melt spinning. In this study, the plastic deformability of an NdFeB alloy was investigated to study the possibility of fabricating anisotropic sintered magnets using gas atomized powders. The results show that the stoichiometric composition Nd12Fe82B6 softens at high temperatures. The aspect ratio and orientation factor of Nd12Fe82B6 billets after plastic deformation were found to increase with increasing plastic deformation temperature, particularly above 800℃. This confirms that softening at high temperatures can lead to plastic deformation of Nd2Fe14B hard magnetic phases.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ju-Young Cho
Yong-Ho Choa
Sun-Woo Nam
Rasheed Mohammad Zarar
Taek-Soo Kim


Liquid metal extraction (LME) process results in 100% neodymium (Nd) extraction but the highest extraction efficiency reported for Dysprosium (Dy) so far is 74%. Oxidation of Dy is the major limiting factor for incomplete Dy extraction. In order to enhance the extraction efficiency and to further investigate the limiting factors for incomplete extraction, experiments were carried out on six different particle sizes of under 200 µm, 200-300 µm, 300-700 µm, 700-1000 µm, 1000-2000 µm and over 2000 µm at 900℃ with magnesium-to-magnet scrap ratio of 15:1 for 6, 24 and 48 hours, respectively. This research identified Dy2Fe17 in addition to Dy2O3 phase to be responsible for incomplete extraction. The relationship between Dy2Fe17 and Dy2O3 phase was investigated, and the overall extraction efficiency of Dy was enhanced to 97%.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sun-Woo Nam
Mohammad Zarar Rasheed
Sang-Min Park
Sang-Hoon Lee
Do-Hyang Kim
Taek-Soo Kim


Recently, since the demand of rare earth permanent magnet for high temperature applications such as an electric motor has increased, dysprosium (Dy), a heavy rare earth element, is becoming important due to severe bias in its production. To fulfill the increasing need of Dy, recycling offers as a promising alternative. In recycling of rare earths, Hydro-metallurgical extraction method is mainly used however it has adverse environmental effects. Liquid metal extraction on the other hand, is an eco-friendly and simple method as far as the reduction of rare earth metal oxide is concerned. Therefore, liquid metal extraction was studied in this research as an alternative to the hydro-metallurgical recycling method. Magnesium (Mg) is selected as solvent metal because it doesn’t form intermetallic compounds with Fe, B and has a low melting and low boiling point. Extraction behavior of Dy in (Nd,Dy)-Fe-B magnet is observed and effect of Mg ratio on extraction of Dy is confirmed.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sangmin Park
Sun-Woo Nam
Ju-Young Cho
Sang-Hoon Lee
Seung-Keun Hyun
Taek-Soo Kim
Słowa kluczowe Composite silicon carbide CVR CVD


A superior SiC based thermal protection coating process for carbon composite, which can be especially effective in a hot oxidizing atmosphere, was established in this study. A multi-coating process based on a combination of Chemical Vapor Reaction (CVR) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) was developed. Various protective coating layers on carbon composite were tested in hot oxidizing surroundings and the test results verified that the thermal ablation rate could be dramatically reduced down to 3.8% when the protective multi-coating was applied. The thermal protection mechanism of the coating layers was also investigated.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Soo Bin Bae
Ji Eun Lee
Jong Gyu Paik
Nam Choon Cho
Hyung Ik Lee
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Oxide-dispersion-strengthened high-entropy alloys were produced by hot-pressing a ball-milled mixture of Y2O3 and atomized CoCrFeMnNi powder. The effect of milling duration on grain size reduction, oxide formation behavior, and the resulting mechanical properties of the alloys was studied. Both the alloy powder size and Y2O3 particle size decreased with milling time. Moreover, the alloy powder experienced severe plastic deformation, dramatically generating crystalline defects. As a result, the grain size was reduced to ~16.746 nm and in-situ second phases (e.g., MnO2 and σ phase) were formed at the defects. This increased the hardness of the alloys up to a certain level, although excessive amounts of in-situ second phases had the reverse effect.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yongwook Song
Daeyoung Kim
Seungjin Nam
Kee-Ahn Lee
Hyunjoo Choi

  1. Kookmin University, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  2. Inha University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea


Soluble silica from palm oil clinker was extracted using Laine’s method. It involved two major steps, namely water reflux and distillation. The use of 480 g of POCP and 12 hours of distillation in the extraction experiment resulted in 53.50% of dissolved silica, which was the highest gain among the trial experiments and was chosen as an optimum parameter for the subsequent characterisation analysis. In addition, its effect on cement hydration was studied by including it as a filler in mortar mixtures. Mortar with 7.50% of extracted silica gained high strength in the early days of curing and performed well throughout the maturing age. The rapid hardening properties of soluble silica-based mortar would promote the potential of soluble silica as an additive for rapid hardening.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A.H. Ismail
A. Kusbiantoro
L.T. Yian
K. Muthusamy
N.A.M. Mortar

  1. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Johor, Malaysia
  2. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Faculty of Engineering, Johor, Malaysia
  3. Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology Pahang, Malaysia
  4. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Centre of Excellence Geopolymer & Green Technology (CEGeoGTech), 01000 Perlis, Malaysia


The world has been implementing Building Information Modelling (BIM) successfully to construction projects from small to large scale. In Vietnam and many other countries, BIM is also widely applied in different fields of the construction industry. However, there are still many problems that need to be solved. One of those is to determine the necessary BIM competencies, thereby develop BIM personnel recruitment standards. The article identifies the competencies as well as evaluates their importance when supporting the recruitment of BIM personnel in construction enterprises in Vietnam. Through survey forms such as survey on online recruitment, expert interviews, and survey forms, the study is conducted with Likert scale, relative importance index (RII) for result analysis and ranking the importance of BIM competency for three distinct group of positions in Vietnam. With this result, the authors hope that the study will be an important reference, contributing to the development and concretization of the required competency criteria in the recruitment of BIM personnel in Vietnam and other similar countries.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Pham Xuan Anh
Nguyen Quoc Toan
Tran Phuong Nam
Hoang Duy Long
Do Duc Thang

  1. Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Construction Economics and Management, No. 55 Giai Phong Street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi, Vietnam
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In this study, we propose a cooling structure manufactured using a specialized three-dimensional (3D) printing design method. A cooling performance test system with complex geometry that used a thermoelectric module was manufactured using metal 3D printing. A test model was constructed by applying additive manufacturing simulation and computational fluid analysis techniques, and the correlation between each element and cooling efficiency was examined. In this study, the evaluation was conducted using a thermoelectric module base cooling efficiency measurement system. The contents were compared and analyzed by predicting the manufacturing possibility and cooling efficiency, through additive manufacturing simulation and computational fluid analysis techniques, respectively.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yeong-Jin Woo
1 2
Dong-Ho Nam
Seok-Rok Lee
Eun-Ah Kim
Woo-Jin Lee
Dong-Yeol Yang
Ji-Hun Yu
Yong-Ho Park
Hak-Sung Lee

  1. Korea Institute of Materials Science, Changwon, 51508, Republic of Korea
  2. Pusan National University, Busan, 46241, Republic of Korea


Effects of Si and Mg as main elements on interface reaction between tool steel and molten Al alloy at 700°C were investigated. Pure aluminum and Al-10mass%Mg alloy showed relatively simple interfacial layers, whereas thicker, multi-layered reaction bonds were found in the diffusion couple of A380 alloy. The diffusion of a large amount of Fe into Al matrix throughout the interfacial layer led to the formation of Al-Fe based intermetallic particles in the Al base metals. The diffusion couple of Al-10mass%Mg alloy showed a similar intermetallic layer as that of pure Al, indicating that 10mass%Mg in the Al melt rarely affected the formation of Al-Fe intermetallic layers. However, A380 alloy showed much expanded soldering area and increased thickness of intermetallic layers. Based on the phase diagram calculated, the solubility of Fe in liquid Al increased significantly with increasing Si content up to apploximately 5mass%, while, in the case of 10mass%Mg addition, the Fe solubility gradually decreased with increasing Mg content. Al-10mass%Mg alloy also showed the same tendency as that of pure Al in the formation and distribution of intermetallic compounds. However, in the Al-12mass%Si alloy, two types of Al-Fe-Si ternary compounds are present on the Al-rich side.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Young-Ok Yoon
Nam-Seok Kim
Seong-Ho Ha
Bong-Hwan Kim
Hyun-Kyu Lim
Shae K. Kim

  1. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), Incheon 21999, Republic of Korea


This paper aims to investigate the microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of hot-deformed AlMg4 alloys with Mn, Fe, and Si as the main impurities. For this purpose, solidification behavior and microstructural evolution during hot-rolling and heat-treatment processes are investigated by using theoretical calculations and experimental characterization. The crystallization and morphological transformation of intermetallic Al3Fe, Al6Mn, and Mg2Si phases are revealed and discussed in terms of the variation in chemical composition. Following a homogenization heat-treatment, the effect of heat treatment on the intermetallic compounds is also investigated after hot-rolling. It was revealed that the Mg2Si phase can be broken into small particles and spherodized more easily than the Al3Fe intermetallic phase during the hot-rolling process. For the Mn containing alloys, both yield and ultimate tensile strength of the hot-rolled alloys increased from 270 to 296 MPa while elongation decreased from 17 to 13%, which can be attributed to Mn-containing intermetallic as well as dispersoid.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Da B. Lee
Bong H. Kim
Kweon H. Choi
Seung Y. Yang
Nam S. Kim
Seong H. Ha
Young O. Yoon
Hyun K. Lim
Shae Kim
Soong K. Hyun
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Liquid Metal Extraction process using molten Mg was carried out to obtain Nd-Mg alloys from Nd based permanent magnets at 900oC for 24 h. with a magnet to magnesium mass ratio of 1:10. Nd was successfully extracted from magnet into Mg resulting in ~4 wt.% Nd-Mg alloy. Nd was recovered from the obtained Nd-Mg alloys based on the difference in their vapor pressures using vacuum distillation. Vacuum distillation experiments were carried out at 800oC under vacuum of 2.67 Pa at various times for the recovery of high purity Nd. Nd having a purity of more than 99% was recovered at distillation time of 120 min and above. The phase transformations of the Nd-Mg alloy during the process, from Mg12Nd to α-Nd, were confirmed as per the phase diagram at different distillation times. Pure Nd was recovered as a result of two step recycling process; Liquid Metal Extraction followed by Vacuum Distillation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mohammad Zarar Rasheed
1 2
Sun-Woo Nam
Sang-Hoon Lee
Sang-Min Park
Ju-Young Cho
Taek-Soo Kim
1 2

  1. University of Science and Technology, Industrial Technology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
  2. Korea Institute for Rare Metals, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Incheon, Republic of Korea
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In this paper, as a purpose to apply the supersaturated solid-solutionized Al-9Mg alloy to the structural sheet parts of automotive, tensile tests were conducted under the various conditions and a constitutive equation was derived from the tensile test results. Al-9Mg alloy was produced using a special Mg master alloy containing Al2Ca during the casting process and extruded into the sheet. In order to study the deformation behavior of Al-9Mg alloy in warm temperature forming environments, tensile tests were conducted under the temperature of 373 K-573 K and the strain rate of 0.001/s~0.1/s. In addition, by using the raw data obtained from tensile tests, a constitutive equation of the Al-9Mg alloy was derived for predicting the optimized condition of the hot stamping process. Al-9Mg alloy showed uncommon deformation behavior at the 373 K and 473 K temperature conditions. The calculated curves from the constitutive equation well-matched with the measured curves from the experiments particularly under the low temperature and high strain rate conditions.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Seung Y. Yang
1 2
Bong H. Kim
Da B. Lee
Kweon H. Choi
Nam S. Kim
Seong H. Ha
Young O. Yoon
Hyun K. Lim
Shae Kim
Young J. Kim

  1. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Advanced Process and Materials R&D Group, KITECH, 156 Gaetbeol Rd., Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 21999, Korea
  2. Sungkyunkwan University, Advanced Materials Science & Engineering, SKKU, Suwon, Korea
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Oxidation and indentation properties of silicon carbide-coated carbon composites were investigated to analyze its durability under atmospheric thermal shock conditions. The silicon carbide-coated samples were prepared either with chemical vapor deposition or chemical vapor reaction/chemical vapor deposition hybrid coating. The remnant weight of uncoated and coated samples was investigated after each thermal shock cycle. The surface and cross-section of coated samples were then analyzed to confirm morphological changes of the coating layers. The spherical indentation test for uncoated and coated samples were also performed. As a result, silicon carbide coating improved the oxidation resistance, elastic modulus, and hardness of carbon composites. Hybrid coating drastically enhanced the durability of samples at high temperature in atmospheric conditions.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ji Eun Lee
Soo Bin Bae
Nam Choon Cho
Hyung Ik Lee
Zicheng Meng
Kee Sung Lee

  1. Agency for Defense Development, Yuseong P.O. Box 35, Daejeon, 34186, Korea
  2. Kookmin University, School of Mechanical Engineering, JEONGNEUNG-RO 77, SEONGBUK-GU, SEOUL, 02707, KOREA

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