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The geographical location and climatic conditions of Ukraine cause the active development of land reclamation, as it enables to ensure stable and high yields. The complexity of forecasting in this area, namely the dependence of the results onthe changing weather and climate conditions, does not allow to effectively use the standard instruments for justifying the investment for agricultural and land reclamation innovation.

The necessity of improving methodological approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of investments in projects in the field of agricultural production and land reclamation was substantiated. The proposed approaches were tested on the ad-vanced technology of water treatment in irrigation based on using a vibrating gravitation filter enabling to perform simultaneously the processes of water treatment and filter element regeneration.

The obtained results clearly show that the advancedtechnology of irrigation water treatment and the developed for this technology design of the vibrating gravity filter are cost-effective. The current payback period for irrigation projects when using the purified water under this advanced technology is 5 years. It is the same as for the irrigation projects when using clean irrigation water.

Thus, our proposed approaches to the evaluation of investments in new water treatment technologies applied in irriga-tion enable to adapt the modern methodology of analysis of economic and investment efficiency of projects to the domestic needs of agricultural production, namely to take into account the impact of changing weather and climate conditions on the resulting economic parameters.

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Authors and Affiliations

Anatoliy Rokochinskiy
Vyacheslav Bilokon
Nadia Frolenkova
Nataliіa Prykhodko
Pavlo Volk
Ruslan Tykhenko
Ivan Openko
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The article focuses on the actual scientific and practical problem of accounting for the influence of meteorological and climatic factors in the technical and economic calculations in the field of environmental management. It has been proven that the introduction of scientifically sound and effective methods of using meteorological and cli-matic information in economic calculations significantly reduces the loss caused by weather conditions and improves the implementation of an optimal strategy for agricultural production on reclaimed lands. Such calculations are based on economic and statistical modelling of different variants that accounting for standard hy-drometeorological information in the implementation of design, management and economic decisions. This increases the validity and reliability of calculations, as well as their compliance with the actual operating conditions of environmental and economic facilities. Consequently, this attracts increased interest of both public and private investors. Not only under such conditions is a sustainable development of environmental management sectors possible but also the adaptation to global climate change and additional benefits from the efficient economic activity in the new environmen-tal conditions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anatoliy Rokochinskiy
Nadia Frolenkova
Vasyl Turcheniuk
Pavlo Volk
Nataliіa Prykhodko
Ruslan Tykhenko
Ivan Openko

  1. National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Str. Soborna, 11, 33000, Rivne, Ukraine
  2. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Str. Vasylkivska, 17, 03040, Kyiv, Ukraine
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The presence of water, food and energy crises, both at the global and regional levels, as well as their deterioration under conditions of climate change, with an insufficient level of technical condition of existing irrigation systems, increase the strategic importance of irrigation as the guarantor of the agricultural sector sustainable development.
This makes it necessary to increase, foremost, energy and overall (technical, technological, economic, and environmental) efficiency of the closed irrigation network of irrigation systems. In this regard, the complex that includes organisational-technological, technical, and resource-saving groups of measures was developed. Estimation of energy and overall efficiency of the closed irrigation network of irrigation systems at the implementation of developed complex were executed on the example of the agricultural enterprise located in the Petropavlovsk district of the Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine. For this purpose, machine experiment based on a use of the set of optimisation, forecasting and simulation models was implemented, including the model of climatic conditions, the model of water regime and water regulation technologies, as well as the model of crop yields on reclaimed lands.
According to the obtained results, established that implementation of the complex reduces the consumption of irrigation water by 2.2–30.7% and electricity consumption by 12.9–38.2%. The rate of specific costs decreases from 1.6 to 1.32–1.47, and the coefficient of environmental reliability increases by 5.6–16.7%. At the same time, the profitability index increases from 1.07 to 1.75–2.57, and the discounted payback period decreases from 18 to 8–5 years.
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Authors and Affiliations

Pyotr Kovalenko
Anatoliy Rokochynskiy
Ievgenii Gerasimov
Pavlo Volk
Nataliia Prykhodko
Ruslan Tykhenko
Ivan Openko

  1. Institute of Water Problems and Melioration of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine, Vasylkivska St, 37, 03022, Kyiv, Ukraine
  2. National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine
  3. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
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The article is devoted to a topical scientific problem in modern conditions – valuation of land in Ukraine. The imperfection of the existing approaches requires further research on the changing conditions of land use and their impact on land pricing.
A methodology for determining the market value of reclaimed land based on a differentiated assessment of its productivity through crop yields is proposed, taking into account natural and climatic zones and other conditions of a particular region. The basis of the methodology is the application of long-term forecast and a set of forecast and simulation models, in particular the model of area climatic conditions and the model of water regime and water regulation technologies on reclaimed land. At that the crop yield model as a complex multiplicative type model takes into account all main factors influencing crop yield formation: weather, climatic and soil conditions, cultivation techniques, water regime of reclaimed land, etc.
The proposed approaches were tested by the method of large – scale machine experiment using a land plot in the zone of Western Polissya of Ukraine as the example. The obtained results indicate that there is a differentiation in land value, which is a proportional derivative of the yield of cultivated crops depending on the conditions of their cultivation. The variation range of the studied indicators in relative form by the ratio of maximum and minimum values to the weighted average value is for cultivated crops – 393%, and for the above soils – 44.6%. Thus, within one object, the estimated value of land in view of available soils and cultivated crops varies from USD2456∙ha–1 to USD4005 ∙ ha–1, averaging USD3522 ∙ ha–1.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anatoliy Rokochinskiy
Pavlo Volk
Nadia Frolenkova
Olha Tykhenko
Sergiy Shalai
Ruslan Tykhenko
Ivan Openko

  1. National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine
  2. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Str. Vasylkivska, 17, 03040, Kyiv, Ukraine

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