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We examined the male-female collaboration practices of all internationally visible Polish university professors (N = 25,463) based on their Scopus-indexed publications from 2009–2018 (158,743 journal articles). We merged a national registry of 99,935 scientists with the Scopus publication database, using probabilistic and deterministic record linkage. Our database (“The Polish Science Observatory”) included all professors with at least a doctoral degree employed in 85 researchinvolved universities. We determined an “individual publication portfolio” for every professor. The gender homophily principle (publishing predominantly with scientists of the same sex) was found to apply to male scientists — but not to females. The majority of male scientists collaborate solely with males; most female scientists, in contrast, do not collaborate with females at all. Gender homophily in research-intensive institutions proved stronger for males than for females. Finally, we used a multi-dimensional fractional logit regression model to estimate the impact of gender and other individual-level and institutional-level independent variables on gender homophily in research collaboration.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Kwiek
Wojciech Roszka

  1. Centrum Studiów nad Polityką Publiczną, Katedra UNESCO Badań Instytucjonalnych i Polityki Szkolnictwa Wyższego UAM w Poznaniu
  2. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
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In this text, we analyze the limitations of using academic age as a proxy for biological age in the whole national science system, for which we consider both biological age and academic age of all researchers from all Polish universities, holding at least a PhD degree and participating in global academic science through international publications (N = 20 569). An approximation of a researcher's functioning in global science is having at least one publication indexed in the Scopus database in the analyzed decade 2009–2018. Thus, using the example of comprehensive data from the entire national system of science, we estimate the extent of limitations of using academic age as a proxy for biological age depending on selected independent variables and analyze both the practical and methodological implications of using academic age in academic career research, which is one of the most important components of quantitative studies of science.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Kwiek
Wojciech Roszka
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Lifetime biographical and publication histories of 2,326 full professors were examined. A combination of administrative, biographical, and bibliometric data was used. Retrospectively constructed productivity, promotion age and speed classes were examined. About 50% of current top productive professors have been top productive throughout their academic careers, over 30–40 years. Topto- bottom and bottom-to-top transitions in productivity classes over academic careers are very rare. We used prestige-normalized productivity in which more weight is given to articles in high-impact than in low-impact journals, recognizing the highly stratified nature of academic science. The combination of biographical and demographic data with raw Scopus publication data from the past 50 years (N = 935,167 articles) made it possible to assign all full professors retrospectively to different productivity, promotion age, and promotion speed classes. In logistic regression models, there were two powerful predictors of belonging to the Top productivity class for full professors: being highly productive as associate professor and as assistant professor (increasing the odds by 180% and 360%). Neither gender nor age (biological or academic) emerged as statistically significant. Our findings have important implications for hiring policies as scientists stay in Polish academia usually for several decades.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Kwiek
Wojciech Roszka

  1. Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities (IAS) UAM w Poznaniu
  2. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu, Centrum Studiów nad Polityką Publiczną UAM

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