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Coal waste stockpiles – as artificial formations being a result of the exploitation of underground coal deposits – are constantly influenced by external factors, such as rock mass movements affecting the stability of the stockpile body and changing weather conditions, leading to a cycle of aerological phenomena which intensify the self-heating of the deposited material. Together with the occurrence of external factors, the stored material is also characterised by a set of internal features (also called genetic) that have a direct impact on the kinetics of the self-heating reaction.

The paper focuses mainly on the issue of external factors such as the inclination angle of the stockpile, erosion of the slopes and thermal insulation of the layers of the stored material, which affect the phenomenon of self-heating of the material. Studies of impact of these factors on the thermal stability of coal waste stockpiles are important in the aspect of secondary exploitation of the stockpiles as well as during their reclamation or revitalisation. The numerical solutions presented in the paper should be treated as guidelines that define the directions of analysis for specific cases.

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Przemysław Skotniczny
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One of the most hazardous places in mines are longwall areas. They emit a considerable amount of methane to the ventilation air. The emission depends on many but mostly known factors. The article presents the research results on changes in the methane concentration along the longwall excavations and longwall. The distributions were obtained based on a measurement experiment at the ZG Brzeszcze mine in Poland. The author’s research aimed to experimentally determine the concentration of methane as a function of the length of excavation for the longwall excavations and longwall. As a result, methane concentration trends along the excavations were obtained. The conclusions show the pros and cons of the method used, and it allows to set the right direction in the development of measurement systems and sensors.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Ostrogórski
Przemysław Skotniczny
Mieczysław Pucka

  1. Strata Mechanics Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 27 Reymonta Str., 30-059 Kraków, Poland
  2. Tauron Wydobycie S.A. ZG Brzeszcze, ul. Kościuszki 1, 32-620 Brzeszcze, Poland
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The article shows the results of research on methane concentration changes along mine galleries. The experiment was conducted in a longwall area mined using a U-type system, and the results were obtained in situ. The main goal was to measure methane concentration by function of gallery length and dividing segments of methane data into segments, which ultimately enabled separate analysis of these methane data. The analysis led to the diagnosis of methane hazard through the detection of exceedance of the assumed tolerance area.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Ostrogórski
Przemysław Skotniczny

  1. Strata Mechanics Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 27 Reymonta Str.,30-059 Kraków, Poland
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The closure of deep mines, featuring multi level seam extraction, lasts many years. During this time period, the ventilation system must ensure adequate working conditions, and ensure the safety and stability of fan operation in gas and fire hazards conditions. The analysis of air flows and methane inflows during the progress of mining mine excavations closure, is the primary object of the article. Execution of such analysis requires knowledge of the mining mine excavations’ closure schedule, the structure of the ventilation system under consideration, the values of the parameters describing the air flows delivered to the mine excavations, and the current characteristics of operating fans and predicted methane exhalation. A computer database, currently being updated by a mine ventilation department for the VentGraph-Plus computer software, has been used simulate the various ventilation scenarios experienced, during the final stage of closure, including the shutdown of the main fans and the backfilling of shafts. The results of case study, containing 2 variants of simulated examples, are presented in the form of diagrams of methane concentration changes in time at characteristic places of the mine. The completed simulations of ventilation processes during the closure of mine excavations and transfer of inflowing methane, indicate useful possibilities of the computational tool used.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wacław Dziurzyński
Jerzy Krawczyk
Teresa Pałka
Andrzej Krach
Przemysław Skotniczny

  1. Strata Mechanics Research Institutes of Polish Academy of Science, 27 Reymonta Str., 30-059 Kraków, Poland

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