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Słowa kluczowe Antarctic krill contamination


In 25 krill samples (Euphausia superba) collected at the Scotia Sea and in the area of South Georgia, South Orkney and South Sandwich Islands, Antarctic Peninsula and the eastern part of the Bellingshausen Sea the concentrations of Cd, Pb. Zn, F, 90Sr, 137Cs, U and 239, 240 Pu has been determined. The corresponding average concentrations were found to be: Cd — 2.5, Pb — 3.4, Z n — 123.1 , F — 50 (ppm dry weight), 90Sr— 1.9, 137Cs — 4.7 (mBq x -1 dry weight), U — 11.1 (ppb dry weight) and 239, 240Pu - 0.08 (mBq x g-1 dry weight).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Grzegorz Jan Soszka
Andrzej Barański
Maria Małgorzata Suplińska
Danuta Grzybowska
Andrzej Pietruszewski

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