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We have numerically studied different designs of technologically feasible microstructured fibers with a germanium-doped core in order to obtain normal dispersion reaching possibly far in the mid infrared. Hexagonal, Kagome and the combination of both geometries were numerically examined with respect to different constructional parameters like pitch distance, filling factor of air holes, number of layers surrounding the core, and level of germanium doping in the core. Our analysis showed that the broadest range of normal dispersion reaching 2.81 μm, while keeping an effective mode area smaller than 30 μm2, was achieved for a hexagonal lattice and a 40 mol% GeO2 doped core. The proposed fibers designs can be used in generation of a normal dispersion supercontinuum reaching the mid-IR region.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Biedrzycki
K. Tarnowski
W. Urbańczyk
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We experimentally studied three different D-shape polymer optical fibres with an exposed core for their applications as surface plasmon resonance sensors. The first one was a conventional D-shape fibre with no microstructure while in two others the fibre core was surrounded by two rings of air holes. In one of the microstructured fibres we introduced special absorbing inclusions placed outside the microstructure to attenuate leaky modes. We compared the performance of the surface plasmon resonance sensors based on the three fibres. We showed that the fibre bending enhances the resonance in all investigated fibres. The measured sensitivity of about 610 nm/RIU for the refractive index of glycerol solution around 1.350 is similar in all fabricated sensors. However, the spectral width of the resonance curve is significantly lower for the fibre with inclusions suppressing the leaky modes.

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Authors and Affiliations

K. Gasior
T. Martynkien
G. Wojcik
P. Mergo
W. Urbanczyk
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We experimentally studied three different D-shape polymer optical fibres with an exposed core for their applications as surface plasmon resonance sensors. The first one was a conventional D-shape fibre with no microstructure while in two others the fibre core was surrounded by two rings of air holes. In one of the microstructured fibres we introduced special absorbing inclusions placed outside the microstructure to attenuate leaky modes. We compared the performance of the surface plasmon resonance sensors based on the three fibres. We showed that the fibre bending enhances the resonance in all investigated fibres. The measured sensitivity of about 610 nm/RIUfor the refractive index of glycerol solution around 1.350 is similar in all fabricated sensors. However, the spectral width of the resonance curve is significantly lower for the fibre with inclusions suppressing the leaky modes.

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Authors and Affiliations

K. Gasior
T. Martynkien
G. Wojcik
P. Mergo
W. Urbanczyk
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O działalności Polskiego Instytutu Studiów Zaawansowanych, który rozpoczął działalność w strukturach Polskiej Akademii Nauk 2 stycznia, mówi jego dyrektor prof. Przemysław Urbańczyk

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Authors and Affiliations

Przemysław Urbańczyk
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Dokładne określenie wieku średniowiecznych budowli kamiennych pozwala skorelować je z ważnymi zdarzeniami historycznymi. Dzięki zastosowaniu nowoczesnej metody datowania polscy badacze rozwiązali zagadkę czasu powstania monumentalnych budowli średniowiecznej Polski.
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Authors and Affiliations

Przemysław Urbańczyk
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The samples of the CuCr0.6 alloy in the solution treated and additionally in aging states were severely plastically deformed by compression with oscillatory torsion (COT) method to produce ultrafine – grained structure. The samples were processed by using process parameters as: frequency of torsion (f = 1.6 Hz), compression speed (v = 0.04 mm/s), angle torsion (α = ±6°), height reduction (Δh = 7 mm). The total effective strain was εft = 40. The microstructure has been analyzed by scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) Hitachi HD-2300A equipped with a cold field emission gun at an accelerating voltage of 200 kV. The quantitative microstructure investigations as disorientation angles were performed using a FEI INSPECT F scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with a cold field emission gun and a electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) detector. The mechanical properties were determined using MST QTest/10 machine equipped with digital image correlation (DIC). The COT processed alloy previously aged at 500°C per 2h shows high mechanical strength, ultimate tensile strength UTS: 521 MPa and yield tensile strength YS: 488 MP attributed to the high density of coherent precipitates and ultrafine grained structure.

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A. Urbańczyk-Gucwa
A. Brzezińska
K. Rodak
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The paper presents the results of an analysis of gaseous sensors based on a surface acoustic wave (SAW) by means of the equivalent model theory. The applied theory analyzes the response of the SAW sensor in the steady state affected by carbon monoxide (CO) in air. A thin layer of WO3 has been used as a sensor layer. The acoustical replacing impedance of the sensor layer was used, which takes into account the profile of the concentration of gas molecules in the layer. Thanks to implementing the Ingebrigtsen equation, the authors determined analytical expressions for the relative changes of the velocity of the surface acoustic wave in the steady state. The results of the analysis have shown that there is an optimum thickness of the layer of CO sensor at which the acoustoelectric effect (manifested here as a change in the acoustic wave velocity) is at its highest. The theoretical results were verified and confirmed experimentally
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Hejczyk
Marian Urbańczyk
Tadeusz Pustelny
Wiesław Jakubik
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A layered sensor structure of metal-free phthalocyanine H2Pc (~160 nm) with a very thin film of palladium (Pd ~20 nm) on the top, has been studied for hydrogen gas-sensing application at relatively low temperatures of about 30°C and about 40°C. The layered structure was obtained by vacuum deposition (first the phthalocyanine Pc and than the Pd film) onto a LiNbO3Y- cut Z-propagating substrate, making use of the Surface Acoustic Wave method, and additionally (in this same technological processes) onto a glass substrate with a planar microelectrode array for simultaneous monitoring of the planar resistance of the layered structure. In such a layered structure we can detect hydrogen in a medium concentration range (from 0.5 to 3% in air) even at about 30°C. At elevated temperature up to about 40°C the differential frequency increases proportionally (almost linearly) to the hydrogen concentration and the response reaches its steady state very quickly. The response times are about 18 s at the lowest 0.5% hydrogen concentration to about 42 s at 4% (defined as reaching 100% of the steady state). In the case of the investigated layered structure a very good correlation has been observed between the two utilized methods - the frequency changes in the SAW method correlate quite well with the decreases of the layered structure resistance.

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Authors and Affiliations

W.P. Jakubik
M. Urbańczyk
E. Maciak
T. Pustelny
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This paper presents the method for determination of the time of further safe service for welded joints of boiler components after exceeding the design work time. The evaluation of the life of the parent material and its welded joints was performed. Microstructure investigations using a scanning electron microscope, investigations of strength properties, impact testing, hardness measurements and abridged creep tests of the basic material and welded joints were carried out. The investigations described in this paper allowed the time of further safe service of the examined components made of 13CrMo4-5 steel to be determined. The method for determination of the time of safe service of boiler components working under creep conditions allows their operation beyond the design service life. The obtained results of investigations are part of the materials database developed by the Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Zieliński
M. Dziuba-Kałuża
J. Dobrzański
M. Sroka
P. Urbańczyk
A. Śliwa

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