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The article presents a part of the research on the Russian and Polish lexical units containing the глуп-/głup- root. The noun, verb and adverb forms have been analysed from the point of view of their meanings and the functional, stylistic and derivational properties. That is why the research material includes the contemporary units such as colloquialisms and lexemes of the restricted usage (archaisms and linguistic variants) which occur in both languages. The lexical units have been selected from the contemporary and historical explanatory and etymological dictionaries as well as from the former and dialectal lexis.
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Maciej Walczak

  1. University of Silesia
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The measurement of frequency characteristics, like magnitude and phase, related to a specific transfer function of DC–DC converters, can be a difficult task – especially when the measured signal approaches the boundary of a small-signal model validity (i:e. 1/3 of the switching frequency fS). It is hard to find a paper where authors mention the measurement techniques they use to draw frequency characteristics. Meanwhile the presence of noise in the output signal does not enable to directly measure the gain and the phase shift between the input and output signals. In such situations additional analysis is required in order to achieve a reliable result. This paper contains a description of a few methods that can be used to analyse measured signals in order to determine the gain and the phase shift of a specific transfer function. They enable to verify mathematical models in a wide range of frequencies (up to 1/3 fS). The methods use signals measured in the time domain and can be implemented in mathematical software such as Matlab or Scilab.

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Marcin Walczak
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The historic municipal park located in Zduńska Wola is covered in the central and northern part by conservator protection through an entry in the register of monuments and on the basis of an entry in the local spatial development plan. In terms of nature, the area has significant values due to old trees and the water system, which consists of two ponds fed by the Pichna River. As part of the preparatory work for the revalorization of the park, several studies and analyses were carried out, including assessment of the sanitary state of waters of Pichna River that supplies reservoirs. Degree of the river pollution made it impossible to restore the water system, the most important element of the park, while further supplying the ponds with river water. In order to ensure a satisfactory degree of purity and transparency of water in ponds, a decision was made to apply complex and modern technological solutions enabling the renovation of the water system. Project documentation was developed in 2015. After two years, they began to implement the project. Banks of both ponds were formed more gently, and the basins were deepened. Selection of vegetation around the reservoir and in the reservoir itself was based on the principle of biocenotic assumptions. The designed system is equipped with a circulation pump, skimmers, bottom drains, mechanical-mineral filter, swamp filter. This was to ensure adequate purification of water in ponds, based on natural processes, stimulated by the use of new, pro-ecological technologies.

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Ewelina Widelska
Wojciech Walczak
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The article proposes the method of synthesis of active elements with time-varying parameters R(t), C(t) and L(t). In order to construct the elements, it is necessary to use operational amplifiers, multipliers and classic RLC components. The variability in time of the elements results from applying voltage to control terminals. Assuming that the parameters of elements R(t), L(t), C(t) are exponentially varying, dependencies describing the control voltage waveforms which enable such a parameter variability were determined. The obtained results were illustrated with examples and PSpice simulations.

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Anna Piwowar
Janusz Walczak
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Artykuł charakteryzuje stan badań nad eurazjatyzmem międzywojennym w Polsce współczesnej. Omawia dorobek Romana Bäckera, Ryszada Paradowskiego, Iwony Massaki, Lucjana Suchanka, Andrzeja de Lazari, Sławomira Mazurka i innych.
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Henryk Walczak
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Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous abuses of labour rights of seafarers have been reported within international community. Seafarers’ rights, stipulated in Maritime Labour Convention of 2006, were violated by bans on going ashore in harbours, as well as by abandonment by seafarers’ employers after the end of contracts, partly as a result of national lockdowns. The Convention, aimed at creating a comprehensive regulation on maritime labour issues, including medical care and health protection, proved to be insufficient to safeguard proper working conditions of seafarers. Consequently, it is necessary to evaluate implementation of the Convention in the period of pandemic, for the purpose of taking into account knowledge and best practice developed in this period in further amendments to the Convention.
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Filip Walczak

  1. Doktorant w Szkole Doktorskiej Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
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Michal Walicki (1904–1966) studied Art History at the University of Warsaw (1924–1929), where he received his doctorate for his dissertation on the murals in the Chapel of the Holy Trinity in the Castle of Lublin (1418), under the guidance of Prof. Zygmunt Batowski. He worked in the Department of Polish Architecture at the Warsaw Technical University, at the Warsaw School of Fine Arts (later the Academy of Fine Arts), at the National Museum, and the Art History Institute of the Warsaw University. In 1933, his earned his habilitation for his thesis on the stylistic development of panel painting in fifteenth–century Poland. During World War II, he participated in the resistance movement; he was arrested (in 1949) and put in prison. After his release (in 1953), he combined work at the Institute of History of Art at the Warsaw University and the State Institute of Art (later the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences). Michał Walicki’s academic activities encompassed a surprisingly wide spectrum of subjects, though his particular field of interest was painting. He had a ‘positivist’ temperament, concerned with a painstaking search for new works of art and the collecting of material, and above all with cataloguing and sharing the collections. In texts written before the war he built a firm foundation for the study of panel painting in fifteenth–century Poland, although his narrow national perspective is now certainly difficult to accept. After his employment at the National Museum in Warsaw, he changed his profile of research, focusing on modern painting (particularly Dutch), but also on the best understood popularization and education through art. After the war, he initiated and coordinated the work on a series of syntheses, setting new standards of quality in Polish academic studies. He belonged to the narrow circle of great humanists who could write about art with passion, in a manner accessible and understandable to all. He developed his own, easily recognizable style, impressionistic in character, well–suited to aesthetic experiences. As an outstanding university lecturer and museum official, he became one of the founders and most important authorities of the Warsaw school of art history, and as a personality had a profound impact on students and friends led by Jan Białostocki. Above all, he instilled in them a broad outlook on matters of art and the importance of publishing in foreign languages.
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Marek Walczak
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W artykule przedstawiono kształtowanie się idei boskości władcy w mennictwie hellenistycznym. Proces ten rozpoczął Aleksander, wzorując się przy tym na władcach wschodnich, a po jego śmierci kontynuowany był przez diadochów. Antioch IV Epifanes rozwinął go w sposób ostateczny przedstawiając się na monecie już wprost jako król-bóg.
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Eliza Walczak
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Agrofizyka, dziedzina o międzynarodowym znaczeniu i unikalnym, szerokim zakresie działania, może być uważana za polską specjalność.
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Ryszard Walczak
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The author, putting the metaphor of “a living dead” to the interpretation, tries to find the common points in the creative output of both writers i.e. Pushkin and Kharms. Both writers, belonging to extremely different literary periods and using other medium, were interested in the most important matters, among others the matter of life and death. Paradoxical metaphor of “a living dead” may imply not only a person being physically exhausted but above all a person deprived of emotions, experience and human reactions, whose fate brings nothing else but the inevitability of death. However, the matter that links both Pushkin and Kharms is the concept of “a coincidence”, which rules human fate, which is unpredictable, hard to avoid and which is a tool at hands of the providence.

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Jakub Walczak
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In cyclic articles previously published we described and analysed self-organized light fibres inside a liquid crystalline (LC) cell contained photosensitive polymer (PP) layer. Such asymmetric LC cell we call a hybrid LC cell. Light fibre arises along a laser beam path directed in plane of an LC cell. It means that a laser beam is parallel to photosensitive layer. We observed the asymmetric LC cell response on an external driving field polarization. Observation has been done for an AC field first. It is the reason we decided to carry out a detailed research for a DC driving field to obtain an LC cell response step by step. The properly prepared LC cell has been built with an isolating layer and garbage ions deletion. We proved by means of a physical model, as well as a numerical simulation that LC asymmetric response strongly depends on junction barriers between PP and LC layers. New parametric model for a junction barrier on PP/LC boundary has been proposed. Such model is very useful because of lack of proper conductivity and charge carriers of band structure data on LC material.

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P. Moszczyński
A. Walczak
P. Marciniak
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This article presents the results of a study aimed at reconstructing the image of the woman citizen promoted in the women’s magazines in 1989–1992, the first phase of the great transformation following the collapse of Poland’s socialist system. Within the scope of the study were high-circulation magazines (over 500,000 copies), including the two leading weeklies “Przyjaciółka” and “Kobieta i Życie”. A total of 208 issues of every magazine published in that time span were analyzed. The methods used included content and textual analysis, complemented by the examination of some recurrent topoi treated as indicators of some inexplicit (hidden) meanings, i.e. the attitudes of women to the process of reform, their role in the agenda for change, and the barriers they came up against in the public sphere.
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„BF” 1989–1992.
„W&L” 1989–1992.

Scientific studies
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Friszke A., Rok 1989: polska droga do wolności, Warszawa 2009.
Grabowska M., Zerwana genealogia. Działalność społeczna i polityczna kobiet po 1945 roku a współczesny polski ruch kobiecy, Warszawa 2018.
Jarowiecki J., Przekształcenia prasy polskiej w latach 1989–1995, [in:] Transformacja mediów 1989–1995, ed. A. Słomkowska, Warszawa 1996.
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Murat M., Topos wędrówki i wędrówka przez toposy, [in:] Toposy (w) filozofii. Filozofia i jej miejsce w doświadczeniu kulturowym, ed. M. Woźniczka, M. Perek, Częstochowa 2018.
Pawlus M., Tożsamość polskich kobiet –- pomiędzy tradycją a nowoczesnością, [in:] Waleczny duch kobiety. Społeczno‑ekonomiczne aspekty ról kobiecych, ed. K. Lendzion, O. Kotowska‑Wójcik, Warszawa 2015.
Pokorna‑Ignatowicz K., Robotnicza Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza „Prasa‑Książka‑Ruch” w polskim systemie medialnym, Kraków 2016.
Ptaszek G., Jak badać medialny obraz świata?, [in:] Współczesne media. Medialny obraz świata, t. 1: Zagadnienia teoretyczne, ed. I. Hofman, D. Kępa‑Figura, Lublin 2015.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Szwed-Walczak

  1. Wydział Politologii i Dziennikarstwa, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Plac Litewski 3, PL 20-080 Lublin
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In this text are shown the chosen specific manifestations of rhetoric used by NCN experts in the evaluation of grant applications. The subject of analysis are the phrases and expressions contained in the opinions of requests in competitions FUGA (national competitions for internships after obtaining a doctoral degree, postdoc position), which are characterized by ambiguity and commonness. Makes it difficult to incorporate them in re-applying for the grant. Moreover, some of them express patronize attitudes towards potential applicants and their advisors. As an example one could present an expression: „as for pedagogue she has a good achievements”.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maria Czerepaniak-Walczak

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