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Celem pracy była wstępna charakterystyka (mineralogiczna, chemiczna, teksturalna) odpadów poflotacyjnych, stanowiących surowiec uboczny (odpadowy) przy uzyskiwaniu koncentratów cynkowo-ołowiowych, pod kątem dalszych analiz nad możliwością ich perspektywicznego (eksperymentalnego) wykorzystania jako sorbentów gazów kwaśnych (SO2 i CO2). Składowisko tych odpadów jest własnością ZGH 'Bolesław' w Bukownie. Materiał badawczy stanowiła próbka odpadów poflotacyjnych pobrana ze stawu osadowego nr 1, leżącego w południowej części Stawu Zachodniego. Charakterystyka wytypowanych do badań materiałów obejmowała podstawowe badania mineralogiczne (XRD, SEM-EDS), analizy chemiczne (oznaczenie zawartości wilgoci analitycznej, zawartości strat prażenia, podstawowego składu chemicznego, jak też pierwiastków śladowych) oraz wyznaczenie podstawowych parametrów teksturalnych (powierzchnia właściwa BET, rozkład i wielkość porów). Badania mineralogiczne wykazały, że materiał odpadowy stanowią głównie minerały węglanowe (w przewadze kalcyt, dolomit, ankeryt) oraz minerały stanowiące pozostałość po niewyflotowanych kruszcach (w przewadze galena, sfaleryt). Analiza chemiczna pozwoliła stwierdzić, iż w analizowanej próbce dominują związki wapnia, magnezu i żelaza uwarunkowane przewagą minerałów węglanowych w badanych odpadach. Wśród pierwiastków śladowych przeważa arsen, następnie mangan i bar, występujące jednak w ilości nie przekraczającej 1%. Analiza teksturalna wykazała, że materiał badawczy charakteryzuje się niską powierzchnią właściwą i dużymi rozmiarami cząstek. Przeprowadzone badania sugerują, że analizowany materiał charakteryzuje się ubogimi właściwościami adsorpcyjnymi, aczkolwiek mógłby on znaleźć zastosowanie w metodach odsiarczania, jak też neutralizacji dwutlenku węgla (karbonizacja). Należałoby jednak w tym celu przeprowadzić dodatkowe badania wymywalności metali ciężkich w środowisku kwasowym, jak też zastosować domieszki innych składników, takich jak cement czy zeolity, w celu immobilizacji niebezpiecznych składników odpadów.

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Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Wdowin
Agnieszka Gruszecka
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The problem of of the use of fly ash still constitutes a research and exploration area for scientists. This is due to the fact that, 6,000,000 Mg of coal combustion by-products (CCB) are storage on landfills yearly in Poland alone. One of the potential directions of using fly ash is to use it as a substrate in hydrothermal syntheses of mesoporous materials (synthetic zeolites). Zeolites are aluminosilicates with a spatial structure. Due to their specific structure they are characterized by a number of specific properties among others molecular-sieve, ion-exchange and catalytic that can be used in engineering and environmental protection. So far, the synthesis has been carried out using coal combustion by-products such as fly ash or microsphere. The article analyzes whether separation from the fly ash of the appropriate fraction (below 63 μm) will affect the formation of zeolite grains. The syntheses were carried out using class F fly ash and the fraction separated from it, which was obtained by sieving the ash through a 63 μm sieve. Chemical (XRF) and mineralogical (XRD, SEM-EDS) analyzes were carried out for substrates as well as the obtained reaction products. In the case of substrates, the analysis did not show any significant differences between the ash and the separated fraction. However, in products after synthesis (Na-X zeolite with a small amount of Na-P1 zeolite, and small amounts of quartz and unreacted aluminosilicate glass - mullite) higher aluminum and sodium contents were observed from the separated fraction, with a lower calcium and potassium content. A small proportion of illite was observed on the diffraction curve of the zeolite from the fraction. Observations of grain morphology showed no differences in formation. Based on the conducted analyzes, it can be stated that, considering the economics of the synthesis process, the separation of fine fractions from the fly ash does not affect the quality of the synthesis process.

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Authors and Affiliations

Dorota Czarna-Juszkiewicz
Piotr Kunecki
Rafał Panek
Magdalena Wdowin
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The issue of mercury emission and the need to take action in this direction was noticed in 2013 via the Minamata Convention. Therefore, more and more often, work and new law regulations are commencing to reduce this chemical compound from the environment. The paper presents the problem of removing mercury from waste gases due to new BREF/BAT restrictions, in which the problem of the need to look for new, more efficient solutions to remove this pollution was also indicated. Attention is paid to the problem of the occurrence of mercury in the exhaust gases in the elemental form and the need to carry out laboratory tests. A prototype installation for the sorption of elemental mercury in a pure gas stream on solid sorbents is presented. The installation was built as part of the LIDER project, financed by the National Center for Research and Development in a project entitled: “The Application of Waste Materials From the Energy Sector to Capture Mercury Gaseous Forms from Flue Gas”. The installation is used for tests in laboratory conditions in which the carrier gas of elemental mercury is argon. The first tests on the zeolite sorbent were made on the described apparatus. The tested material was synthetic zeolite X obtained as a result of a two-stage reaction of synthesis of fly ash type C with sodium hydroxide. Due to an increase, the chemical affinity of the tested material in relation to mercury, the obtained zeolite material was activated with silver ions (Ag+) by an ion exchange using silver nitrate (AgNO3). The first test was specified for a period of time of about 240 minutes. During this time, the breakthrough of the tested zeolite material was not recorded, and therefore it can be concluded that the tested material may be promising in the development of new solutions for capturing mercury in the energy sector. The results presented in this paper may be of interest to the energy sector due to the solution of several environmental aspects. The first of them is mercury sorption tests for the development of new exhaust gases treatment technologies. On the other hand, the second aspect raises the possibility of presenting a new direction for the management and utilization of combustion by-products such as fly ash.

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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Kunecki
Dorota Czarna-Juszkiewicz
Rafał Panek
Magdalena Wdowin
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Obowiązująca dyrektywa IED, a co za tym idzie bardzo rygorystyczne wymagania względem rtęci (Hg) stawiane przez BAT/BREF, zmuszają polską energetykę do poszukiwania nowych wydajnych technologii oczyszczania spalin z gazowych jej form. Obecnie żadne z metod pierwotnych ani wtórych usuwania związków Hg w kraju nie jest w stanie sprostać tym restrykcjom. Wymagań tych nie spełniają nawet powszechnie stosowane metody z wykorzystaniem węgla aktywnego modyfikowanego bromem lub jodem czy też nowoczesne metody stosowane w innych krajach wykorzystujące moduły polimerowe. Związane jest to z dużym zanieczyszczeniem rtęcią paliw kopalnych stosowanych w krajowej energetyce. Dlatego też w ramach projektu pt. „Hybrydowe układy adsorpcyjne do redukcji emisji rtęci z zastosowaniem wysokoefektywnych komponentów polimerowych”, akronim HYBREM, podjęte zostały próby zbudowania innowacyjnej linii technologicznej łączącej kilka technik oczyszczania spalin ze szkodliwych związków rtęci. Do budowy instalacji pilotażowej wykorzystano technologie bazujące na modułach polimerowych oraz iniekcji różnych sorbentów stałych. Zaletą budowanej instalacji będzie jej mobilność, przez co może być testowana na różnych obiektach energetycznych. Otrzymane wyniki oczyszczania spalin przy użyciu zaprojektowanej instalacji pilotażowej pozwolą określić czy zbudowany prototyp jest efektywny w każdych warunkach dla polskich elektrowni opalanych węglem. Wiedza na ten temat pozwoli efektywnie rozwinąć technologie przemysłowe pod kątem oczyszczania spalin z rtęci spełniając jednocześnie wymagania stawiane przez konkluzje BAT/BREF.
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Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Wdowin
Robert Żmuda
Wojciech Adamczyk
Łukasz Lelek
Sergiusz Mandrela
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The reduction of mercury emissions in currently existing coal-based power plant solutions by each method i.e. preliminary, primary and secondary (consisting of introducing coal into the combustion chamber and then removing mercury from the combustion gases arising from the combustion process) does not solve the problem of achieving the required limits by power plants. Therefore, the need has arisen to look for new, effective solutions.

The results presented in the work concern the analysis of environmental benefits for the use of zeolites obtained from by-products of coal combustion such as fly ash (from hard coal and lignite) in technologies for removing gaseous forms of mercury. The tested zeolites were silver-modified X-type structures. The reference material in the considerations was active carbon impregnated with bromine – a commercially available sorbent on the market.

The article considers environmental benefits resulting from the use of tested zeolites taking the product life cycle, sorbent efficiency and the possibility of its regeneration compared to activated carbon (AC/Br) into account. The LCA analysis was performed taking the estimated material and energy balances of the manufacturing processes into account. When comparing the production process of type X zeolite materials on the processing line and activated carbons in the amount necessary to capture 375 g Hg from exhaust gases, the LCA analysis showed that zeolites contribute to a lower potential impact on the environment. The advantage is that 5 times less zeolite sorbent than activated carbons is needed to capture the same amount of mercury. In addition, zeolite materials can be regenerated, which extends their life time

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Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Lelek
Magdalena Wdowin
Rafał Panek
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Mercury emissions have become one of the problems in the energy sector in recent years. The currently used mercury removal techniques include: primary, secondary and preliminary methods. However, due to the large variation in the mercury content in hard and brown coal and the different characteristics of power plants, these methods are often not effective enough to meet the new requirements set by BREF/BAT which requires a search for new, high-efficiency solutions. The proposal for a new technology has been developed in the project “Hybrid Adsorption Systems to Reduce Mercury Emissions Using Highly Effective Polymer Components” (HYBREM). The project was implemented by the consortium of SBB Energy SA and ZEPAK Pątnów II Power Plant. An innovative, high-efficiency hybrid technology for purifying exhaust gases from mercury was developed. GORE polymer modules were used as a technology base where, in combination with the injection of solid sorbents, a hybrid technology was developed. To assess the economic efficiency of the similar case as in the HYBREM project model based on OPEX and CAPEX, each method was selected separately. The article focused on the substitution of solid sorbents used in the HYBREM project by zeolite based materials. Modified zeolite X, applied in the project, was derived from fly ash. Preliminary analysis shows that the system of proposed technologies is very cost-competitive compared only to GORE technology. The basic factors are the possibility of recovering zeolites from ash, combined with low investment outlays.

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Authors and Affiliations

Renata Koneczna
Robert Żmuda
Łukasz Lelek
Magdalena Wdowin
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CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) technology is one of the methods that limit the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. However, the high cost of capturing CO2 in this technology is a major obstacle to the implementation of this solution by power plants. The reduction of costs is expected primarily on the side of the capture and separation of CO2 from flue/ industrial gas. The article presents the financial performance of the most popular amine technology (MEA) against mesoporous material about MCM-41 structure obtained from fly ash, impregnated with polyethyleneimine (PEI), for CCS installations. The study was conducted for an investment comprising three key components that provide a full value chain in CCS validation (capture, transport and storage). The mineralogical studies and determination of the physicochemical properties of mesoporous material produced from waste materials such as fly ash allowed us to identify the best class sorbents of MCM-41, which can be used in CO2 capture technologies. Developing an innovative relationship not only allows 100% of CO2 to be removed but also reduces operating costs (OPEX), primarily including energy by 40% and multiple material costs relative to amine mixtures such as MEA.

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Authors and Affiliations

Renata Koneczna
Magdalena Wdowin
Rafał Panek
Łukasz Lelek
Robert Żmuda
Wojciech Franus
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It is estimated that the amount of used car tires in the European Union in 2016 was established at the level of 3,515,000 Mg, which is undoubtedly a problem from the point of view of engineering and environmental protection. An alternative to storing this waste in landfills is their pyrolysis. As a result of thermal decomposition, calorific value products (oil and gas fraction) are obtained, as well as a solid residue, which due to its composition and properties can be processed into a high quality carbon sorbent. For this purpose, various methods of modification of the pyrolyzate are used, both involving physical and chemical activation. This article presents the characteristics of solid residue after the pyrolysis of rubber tires running at a temperature of about 400°C, which included an analysis of chemical composition (XRF and IR), mineralogical composition (XRD, SEM-EDS) and textural characteristics. Additionally, for the purpose of activation, the sample was treated with nitrogen at a temperature of 550°C. The mineralogical analysis showed that the dominant mineral component is carbon. In addition, the presence of quartz, calcite and sphalerite was observed. Analysis of the chemical composition suggests that due to the high carbon content (about 80% by mass) it is possible for a carbon sorbent from the analyzed waste to be obtained. However, previous preliminary studies did not allow a material constituting a substitute for activated carbon to be obtained, because the applied modification only slightly increased the BET specific surface area, which reached the value of approx. 85 m2/g. Based on the analysis of the pore size distribution of the 2 tested samples, it was found to be homogeneous/modal with a micro/mesoporous nature, while the shape of the hysteresis loop suggests the presence of “bottle shape” pores. Due to the relatively high content of zinc, the composition of waste (about 4% of mass), the possibility of recovery of this element should also be considered.

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Authors and Affiliations

Dorota Czarna-Juszkiewicz
Magdalena Wdowin
Piotr Kunecki
Paweł Baran
Rafał Panek
Robert Żmuda
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W artykule zbadano możliwość wykorzystania popiołów lotnych klasy C (otrzymywanych w wyniku spalania węgla brunatnego w kotle pyłowym) i F (otrzymywanych w wyniku spalania węgla kamiennego metodą konwencjonalną) jako substratów do syntezy materiału zeolitowego z grupy filipsytu. W tym celu przeprowadzono szereg syntez hydrotermalnych z wykorzystaniem reagentów takich jak wodorotlenek sodu (NaOH) oraz bromek tetrapropyloamoniowy (TPABr). W wyniku reakcji otrzymano docelowy materiał zeolitowy, zarówno z popiołu klasy C, jak i F. Otrzymane produkty syntezy, jak też popiołowe substraty reakcji, poddano charakterystyce chemicznej i mineralogicznej. Badania wykazały, że popiół lotny powstały z węgla brunatnego i kamiennego może być substratem w reakcjach syntez zeolitu, jakim jest filipsyt. Analiza porównawcza dyfraktogramów rentgenowskich produktów z obu typów popiołów wykazała, że lepszym substratem jest popiół klasy C otrzymywany w wyniku spalania węgla brunatnego w kotle pyłowym (w reakcji syntezy otrzymano lepiej wykształcone formy zeolitowe). W pracy dokonano także analizy literaturowej potencjalnych kierunków zastosowania filipsytu w inżynierii i ochronie środowiska. Na podstawie zweryfikowanych danych stwierdzono, iż dalszym kierunkiem badań będzie analiza możliwości wykorzystania otrzymanych materiałów jako potencjalnych sorbentów amoniaku.
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Authors and Affiliations

Rafał Panek
Magdalena Wdowin
Piotr Kunecki
Justyna Cader
Dorota Czarna
Jarosław Madej
Patrycja Lipiec
Wojciech Franus
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Electromobility and electric cars are the words that began to gain significance in the social discourse in Poland especially intensively since 2017. Then, along with the announcement of the „Plan for the Development of the Electromobility Market in Poland”, government declarations appeared regarding one million electric cars that are to be used on Polish roads by 2025. It is already known today that such a result in Poland is impossible to achieve in the assumed time. According to the report of the Polish Alternative Fuels Association-PSPA (Polish EV Outlook 2020), in the event of introducing subsidies for the purchase of cars or subsidies, such as the possibility of 100% VAT deduction by buyers of such vehicles, the number of electric cars in Poland in 2025 could be over 280 thousand pcs. Without such government support, the Polish electric car park will be twice smaller. High prices of electric cars are one of the key barriers limiting Poles in making decisions related to the purchase of a vehicle. The aim of this article is to analyse the current state of the social environment in relation to the topic of ecological, electric cars. To what extent is it beneficial for the potential car owner to change from a traditional (petrol or diesel) car to an electric car due to purely financial benefits and other aspects? The article consists of an overview – presenting aspects related to the socio-economic benefits of buying an electric car. It also contains specific calculations regarding the profitability of using such a car in Polish conditions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krystian Majchrzak
Piotr Olczak
Dominika Matuszewska
Magdalena Wdowin

  1. Foundation Instaway Institute, Warszawa, Poland
  2. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  3. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland

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