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A web page can be a useful object of analysis in historical research on the World Wide Web, but as a historical source, it does not have to be interpreted solely by its textual and visual strata. The article proposes an inclusive definition of the web page which ignores its visual content and relies on its non‑obvious elements (HTTP headers and response type, URI identifier), which can be successfully used in historical study. The modular nature of the web page is the cause of many problems in building its chronology or accessing archival versions; on the other hand, it makes it possible to gain new information about the past reality. The de-velopment of Web historiography is a condition for building the historicity of the medium referred to as the"eternal now" Such historiography relies strongly on software as a tool for producing historical sources and sometimes needs to explore new time dimensions like the stream or liveness. The article explores these issues by referencing media theory and web archiving works as well as several research projects from the field of the digital humanities. Can a historiographical approach to sources inspire criticism on digital artefacts and data outside the field?
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marcin Wilkowski

  1. Instytut Badań Literackich PAN, Warszawa

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