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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Zuziak

  1. Rzeszów University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture

Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Zuziak

  1. Rzeszów University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture
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The article outlines an idea that, according to the author, could serve as a ‘philosophical reinforcement’ of interdisciplinary trends in contemporary urbanistic theory. Assuming that the reflection on the philosophical aspects of the urbanistic order will help in the conceptualization of policies that respond more effectively to today’s crisis in the urban environment, the author attempts to articulate questions that could facilitate a dialogue between urban planners and philosophers. He focuses his attention on the issues of the philosophical basis of the new urban structure of the city in the first half of the 21st century. The idea behind this cultural project was called the City of Values 21 ( CV-21).
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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew K. Zuziak

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology
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The article outlines an urban concept — an attempt to associate architectural and philosophical thinking about urban form — emphasizing the aesthetic and ethical aspects of development. The author refers to the Aldo Rossi’s theory of the architecture of the city and the concept of architectonic that Immanuel Kant introduced in his Critique of Pure Reason. Attempts were made to show that studying the mutual relations between the idea of beauty, the architecture of the city and ethics of development may be useful in the further search for a new formula for planning cities and regions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew K. Zuziak

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology

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