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Celem artykułu jest analiza zmienności metanonośności pokładów węglowych w złożu Dębieńsko i powiązanie jej z budową geologiczną tego złoża oraz przedyskutowanie możliwości wystąpienia potencjalnego zagrożenia metanowego w rejonach przyszłej eksploatacji węgla, a także gospodarczego wykorzystania metanu. Złoże węgla kamiennego Dębieńsko znajduje się w zachodniej części Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego na granicy fałdowej i dysjunktywnej strefy tektonicznej. Eksploatacja węgla w tym obszarze zakończyła się w 2000 r., jednak zainteresowanie tym złożem jest obecnie duże z uwagi na plany wszczęcia wydobycia węgla koksującego. Obszar złoża Dębieńsko jest stosunkowo dobrze rozpoznany geologicznie, m.in. z uwagi na głębokie wiercenia (do 2000 m) wykonane w jego obrębie. Warunki metanowe złoża są zróżnicowane, metanonośność wzrasta wraz z głębokością zgodnie z tzw. modelem północnym zmienności ilości metanu w GZW, zgodnie z którym pod kilkusetmetrową strefą naturalnie odgazowaną występuje strefa wysokometanowa, która w badanym obszarze rozdziela się dodatkowo na dwie podstrefy metanonośne – płytszą występującą na głębokości około 1000 m i głębszą na 1700–1900 m. Obie strefy rozdziela interwał obniżonej metanonośności. Do najistotniejszych przyczyn takiego rozkładu należą: temperatura i ciśnienie warunkujące adsorpcję metanu w pokładach węgla, a także obecność nieprzepuszczalnego pakietu iłowców i mułowców serii mułowcowej oraz budowa petrograficzna i stopień uwęglenia pokładów. Metanonośność złoża zmienia się też lateralnie głównie w zależności od tektoniki obszaru. Szczególną rolę odgrywa tu tzw. antyklina knurowsko-leszczyńska, w której stwierdzono podwyższoną ilość metanu w pokładach węgla w stosunku do obszarów sąsiednich oraz nasunięcie orłowskie wraz z systemem równoleżnikowych uskoków o reżimie tensyjnym, mogących stanowić drogi migracji metanu. Struktury te powinny być brane pod uwagę jako potencjalne źródła zagrożenia metanowego w przyszłej kopalni oraz jako perspektywiczne z punktu widzenia poszukiwania metanu jako kopaliny.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sławomir Kędzior


This article analyses fuel pricing in Poland in the period January 2000 – March 2011. Two levels of prices are considered: wholesale prices set by Polish refineries and retail prices paid at petrol stations. Because refinery product prices are strongly dependent on the zloty exchange rate, a large part of the article deals with the modelling of the PLN/EUR exchange rate, in which process a CHEER model is used.

The multivariate cointegration analysis showed that the wholesale and retail prices of fuels and the exchange rate are linked through long-run relationships. As demonstrated, the wholesale price of fuel depends on the crude-oil price and the PLN/EUR exchange rate. Another finding is that changes in the wholesale price are fully transmitted to retail prices. As far as the exchange rate is concerned, the real interest rate parity hypothesis has been confirmed, as well as the significance of the risk as perceived by financial investors.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Katarzyna Leszkiewicz-Kędzior
Słowa kluczowe Oderfeld Jan biography
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Kędzior
Cezary Rzymkowski


Shelterbelts and forested patches surrounding cultivated fields are far more than just an aesthetic component of the rural landscape. They have an impact on vital cycles of matter and energy.
Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Kędziora
Lech Ryszkowski
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In the paper, we are analyzing and proposing an improvement to current tools and solutions for supporting fighting with COVID-19. We analyzed the most popular anti-covid tools and COVID prediction models. We addressed issues of secure data collection, prediction accuracy based on COVID models. What is most important, we proposed a solution for improving the prediction and contract tracing element in these applications. The proof of concept solution to support the fight against a global pandemic is presented, and the future possibilities for its development are discussed.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Martyna Gruda
Michal Kedziora

  1. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, ul. Wybrzeże Stanisława Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland


The purpose of the article is to verify a hypothesis about the asymmetric pass-through of crude oil prices to the selling prices of refinery products (unleaded 95 petrol and diesel oil). The distribution chain is considered at three levels: the European wholesale market, the domestic wholesale market and the domestic retail market. The error correction model with threshold cointegration proved to be an appropriate tool for making an empirical analysis based on the Polish data. As found, price transmission asymmetry in the fuel market is significant and its scale varies depending on the level of distribution. The only exception is the wholesale price transmission to the domestic refinery price. All conclusions are supported by the cumulative response functions. The analysis sheds new light on the price-setting processes in an imperfectly competitive fuel market of a medium-sized, non-oil producing European country in transition.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Katarzyna Leszkiewicz-Kędzior
Aleksander Welfe


The article presents the results of analyses of changes in the number of ponds in the Wys-koć catchment basin carried out in the years 1980–2003 and the characteristics of ponds excavated in that period. Only water reservoirs of an area less than 2 ha were considered. Analyses were based on topographic maps in the scale of 1:10 000 and aerial photographs taken in 1996. The results indicated that the number of filled ponds increased, especially those located in fields and grasslands. However, forest and wetland ponds were the most resistant to the processes of quantitative degradation because not even a single pond was filled during the analysed period. Over 70% newly excavated water bod-ies were made as an effect of exploitation of mineral and peat resources. However, nowadays ponds are more often created as a result of intentional human activities and are used for fish farming, recrea-tion and as water retention reservoirs used in irrigation of small agricultural and gardening areas.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Radosław Juszczak
Andrzej Kędziora
Jacek Leśny
Janusz Olejnik


Diatom communities sampled in the vicinity of the Polish Antarctic Arctowski Station (King George Island, South Shetland Islands) have been investigated. Soil and sediment samples were collected from Petrified Forest Creek and Ornithologist Creek valleys. A total of 98 diatom taxa belonging to 30 different genera were recorded in the counts. Nine taxa have a marine origin but all together constitute only 0.14% of all counted valves. Three species: Staurosira pottiezii, Psammothidium germainioides and Sellaphora jamesrossensis dominated the flora. Some differences in the diatom assemblages were observed between soil samples from two stream valleys and between soil and sediments from the same catchment area. The highest species diversity was recorded in samples from the dried-up bed of the Ornithologist Creek, where both freshwater and terrestrial species were found. The soil samples from both investigated valleys showed a comparable number of species, but a different species composition. Based on the PCA analysis a clear separation of the assemblages from both creeks could be observed.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Teresa Noga
Natalia Kochman-Kędziora
Maria Olech
Bart Van de Vijver
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W artykule stawiam pytanie, czy Rawlsowska koncepcja justice as fairness jest deontologiczna. Odpowiadając pozytywnie, sytuuję Rawlsowskie rozumienie deonto-logicznego charakteru teorii sprawiedliwości w kontekście dziejów pojęcia deontologii. Argumentuję, że wyznacznikiem rozumienia deontologii przez Rawlsa jest uznanie za przedmiot etyki relacji (inter)personalnych. W celu wyeksplikowania tej idei sięgam do młodzieńczej rozprawy Rawlsa A Brief Inquiry into the Meaning of Sin and Faith: An Interpretation based on the Concept of Community (1942).
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Adams R.M. (2009), The Theological Ethics of the Young Rawls and Its Background, w: J. Rawls, A Brief Inquiry into the Meaning of Sin and Faith: An Interpretation based on the Concept of Community with On My Religion, red. T. Nagel, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, s. 24–101.
Bentham J. (1983), Deontology, w: tenże, „Deontology” together with „A Table of Springs of Action” and „The Article on Utilitarianism”, red. A. Goldworth, Oxford: Clarendon Press, s. 117–281.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Kędziora

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90‑131 Łódź


The analysis of mechanical behaviour of spinal column is until now still a challenge, in spite of the great amount of research which has been conducted over the last years. It is a particularly complex structure considering number of components, their shapes and mechanical characteristics. The objectives of the presented investigations are to understand the mechanisms of the mechanical behaviour of the spine structure and the role of its components, as well as the factors of its dysfunctions as scoliosis discopathy, spondylolisthesis. Also some mechanical effects of surgical interventions by total disc replacement is considered. To account for the 3D character of the spine system including vertebrae, discs, ligaments, muscles etc. the finite element method (FEM) formulation was used throughout the paper. Some specific features of the structure are included in the models as non-conservative loads and muscular tension control performed by the nervous system. The finite element method together with CAD programs and experimental validation was used in investigations of a new type of artificial disc for lumbar spine. The stress analyses were performed for the prostheses being in clinical use and for some original new designs. The conclusions concern most important determinants of the mechanical behaviour of the system and the quality of the intervertebral disc prosthesis.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Dietrich
K. Kędzior
P. Borkowski
G. Krzesiński
K. Skalski
T. Zagrajek


The present paper is devoted to the discussion and review of the non-destructive testing methods mainly based on vibration and wave propagation. In the first part, the experimental methods of actuating and analyzing the signal (vibration) are discussed. The piezoelectric elements, fiber optic sensors and Laser Scanning Doppler Vibrometer (SLDV) method are described. Effective detecting of the flaws needs very accurate theoretical models. Thus, the numerical methods, e.g. finite element, spectral element method and numerical models of the flaws in isotropic and composite materials are presented. Moreover, the detection of the damage in structures, which are subjected to cyclic or static loads, is based on the analyzing of the change in natural frequency of the whole structure, the change of internal impedance of the material and the change in guided waves propagating through the investigated structure. All these cases are characterized in detail. At the end of this paper, several applications of the structural health monitoring systems in machine design and operation are presented.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marek Barski
Piotr Kędziora
Aleksander Muc
Paweł Romanowicz


Despite the considerable progress that has recently been made in medicine, the treatment of viral infections is still a problem remaining to be solved. This especially concerns infections caused by newly emerging patogenes such as: human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis C virus or SARS-coronavirus. There are several lines of evidence that the unusual genetic polymorphism of these viruses is responsible for the observed therapeutic difficulties. In order to determine whether some parameters describing a very complex and variable viral population can be used as prognostic factors during antiviral treatment computational methods were applied. To this end, the structure of the viral population and virus evolution in the organisms of two patients suffering from chronic hepatitis C were analyzed. Here we demonstrated that phylogenetic trees and Hamming distances best reflect the differences between virus populations present in the organisms of patients who responded positively and negatively to the applied therapy. Interestingly, the obtained results suggest that based on the elaborated method of virus population analysis one can predict the final outcome of the treatment even before it has started.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

P. Kędziora
M. Figlerowicz
P. Formanowicz
M. Alejska
P. Jackowiak
N. Malinowska
A. Frątczak
J. Błażewicz

Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Kędziora
M. Kępińska-Kasprzak
P. Kowalczak
Z.W. Kundzewicz
A.T. Miler
E. Pierzgalski
T. Tokarczyk


Diatom assemblages from small pools and creeks on the Ecology Glacier

forefield have been investigated. It is the first study in the Admiralty Bay region after

the thorough taxonomic revision of the non-marine Antarctic diatom flora. A total of

122 diatom taxa, belonging to 35 genera were identified. More than 55% of all observed

species have a restricted Antarctic distribution. Another 15% have a marine origin.

Nitzschia gracilis Hantzsch, N. homburgiensis Lange-Bertalot and Planothidium rostrolanceolatum

Van de Vijver et al. dominated the flora. Based on a DCA analysis,

samples were subdivided in three groups reflecting ecological differences. Several samples

(group 1) showed a mixed freshwater/marine diatom composition and are typical for

coastal pools. Two other groups were separated based on the amount of limnoterrestrial

taxa indicating the temporary character of some of the pools.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Natalia Kochman-Kędziora
Teresa Noga
Maria Olech
Bart Van De Vijver

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