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This article is an attempt to re-read Tadeusz Miciński's poem ‘Blood-red Snow’ (‘Krwawy śnieg’, 1914) in the context of a tragedy that took place in February 1914 at Zakopane, or more precisely, in Kościeliska Valley in the Tatras. It was there that Jadwiga Janczewska, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz's fiancée, took her life by shooting himself in the head. Her suicide prompted Miciński, a close friend of Witkiewicz, to write the ‘Blood-red Snow’, a poetic reportage infused with ambiguity, which presents a highly subjective vision of the tragic event and its circumstances. Read out of context, the poem seems be just another product of the poet's fascination with the philosophy of the occult (Luciferianism). However, when its real-life context is restored, the heady symbolism turns out to be a camouflage of a poème à clef, a genre which ‘Blood-red Snow’ actually exemplifies. The poem is an instant reaction to a dramatic event. To make sense of it one does not need to be familiar with the whole story of the relations between Miciński and Witkiewicz. What is perhaps worth noting is that their relationship soured after Jadwiga Janczewska's suicide, which triggered an unending blame game on all sides. While the public held Witkiewicz responsible for the young woman's death, he himself put the blame on Miciński and, first and foremost, on Karol Szymanowski. These controversies are, however, beyond the scope of the 'Blood-red Snow'.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Czabanowska-Wróbel


This article deals with the issues of the creative process explored by Adam Zagajewski in his writings, especially in his poems forming the cycle of Autoportraits. Indeed, he revisited the subject on numerous occasions, pointing to the importance of inspiration, which, he regretted, received too little attention in today’s world. Be it as it may, in the end it all comes down to the question about how he actually wrote his poems. This article is the first attempt to reconstruct the methods of Zagajewski’s creative work; it also retraces the process of writing a single poem from a poetic note to its final version.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Czabanowska-Wróbel

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego


This article examines the relationship of Maryla Wolska with the poets and artists of the Young Poland in Lwów and, more broadly, with the literary community of the early 20th century. She was a leading light of Płanetnicy (The Rainmakers), an informal group of artists who met at her house in Lwów. The role of a friend and mate, someone who was treated equally as a writer, did not sit well, however, with her role as mistress of the house, hostess of a literary salon and representative of a family which occupied a high position in the social hierarchy. To ride on the crest of the wave she strove to combine two strategies, a modern jauntiness and a studious attention to 19th-century proprieties. Although she did well for herself, her success was by no means complete.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Czabanowska-Wróbel
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This article presents a reappraisal of the concept of the 1890–1918 literary period from the perspective of sociology of literature, and in particular Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of literary field ( le champ littéraire), set out in his Les règles de l’art (1992). It goes without saying that the turn of the 19th century saw the emergence of a modernist movement, or, an autonomous literary field, dedicated to ‘pure’ art and literature, divorced from any social obligations. Within the Bourdieuesque perspective the dynamics of the literary field can be examined from a number of perspectives with the aim of assessing the success or failure of its strategies of consecration (i.e. the building of legitimacy and prestige), the habitus of its key figures, or its role as a space of mediation between external forces ( les logiques externs) and the autonomy of literary production. The ultimate aim of conducting all those probes is to validate the claim that the 1890–1910 modernist literary field was indeed autonomous. In fact, its emergence in Poland bore a marked resemblance to the developments in mid-19th century French literature, as described by Bourdieu. The peculiar character of the Polish literary field resulted mainly from the one external factor, Poland’s political status until the declaration of independence in 1918.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Czabanowska-Wróbel

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków


Background: Due to current increased life expectancy, the quality of life (QoL) of senior patients is gaining in importance. The aims of this study were: to estimate QoL in a group of patients, aged above 64 years, that is cared for by general practitioners (GPs) in Krakow, Poland, and to find relation-ships between elements of QoL and the results of comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) and other important medical and social factors.
Methods: We designed a cross-sectional, questionnaire study among patients who attended GPs’ sur-geries from April 2018 to April 2019. To examine the patients, we used the Euro-Quality of Life Ques-tionnaire (EQ-5D-5L) and eight scales forming CGA: the Activities of Daily Living, the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, Mini-Mental State Examination, Geriatric Depression Scale, Timed Up and Go Test, Mini Nutritional Assessment, Clinical Frailty Scale and Athens Insomnia Scale.
Results: The lowest QoL was observed in dimensions of pain/discomfort and mobility, where 70% and 52% of patients, respectively, reported problems in these areas. Only 91 (21%) respondents had highest results in all five dimensions of QoL. The average score in the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) of the EQ-5D- 5L (representing self-rated health on a given day) was 62.36 ± 18.98 points. Statistically significant relationships were observed between QoL and age, physical activity and multimorbidity (in all cases p <0.001). The results of QoL were correlated with every aspect of CGA, while the strongest relationship was noticed between scores in the EQ-5D-5L VAS scale and scales assessing depression and frailty (p <0.001; r = –0.57 both).
Conclusions: Our study showed that in senior patients in Krakow QoL was relatively high. Seniors mostly complained of pain/discomfort and problems with mobility. Moreover, dimensions of QoL were connected with the results of CGA. During visits, GPs should specifically question patients about the above mentioned aspects of QoL.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Pachołek
1 2
Eliza Siemaszko-Oniszczuk
Joanna Mierzwa
Anna Wróbel
Karolina Piotrowicz
Jerzy Gąsowski
Tomasz Tomasik
1 2

  1. Department of Family Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. The College of Family Physicians in Poland
  3. Department of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Internal Diseases, University Clinical Hospital, Białystok, Poland
  4. Second Department of Internal Diseases, Dietl Specialist Hospital, Krakow, Poland
  5. Department of Internal Diseases, City Hospital of Ruda Śląska, Ruda Śląska, Poland
  6. Department of Internal Medicine and Gerontology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maciej Włodarski
Anna Czabanowska-Wróbel
Anna Legeżyńska
Regina Lubas-Bartoszyńska
Jacek Lyszczyna

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