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Analizowany w niniejszym artykule obszar badań Sulmierzyce-Odolanów stanowi przykład występowania głębokiej cechsztyńskiej mineralizacji metalicznej na monoklinie przedsudeckiej. W przeciwieństwie do złóż eksploatowanych obecnie tego typu obszary nie były wcześniej brane pod uwagę pod kątem ewentualnego wydobycia. Jednakże w ostatnich latach, ze względu na rozwój nowoczesnych technologii górniczych, sytuacja ta uległa zmianie i zyskały one status obszarów perspektywicznych dla przyszłego dokumentowania złóż. Graniczne parametry wyznaczające złoże, zalecane do stosowania przy przygotowywaniu dokumentacji geologicznej, choć nieobowiązkowe, ustanowione zostały rozporządzeniem Ministra Środowiska. W przypadku stratoidalnych złóż cechsztyńskich biorą one pod uwagę ekwiwalentną zawartość i zasobność jedynie dwóch metali, tj. miedzi, jako głównego składnika użytecznego, oraz srebra. Prowadzi to do niedoszacowania zasobów rud, w których występują także inne metale, m.in. cynk i ołów, co jest szczególnie niekorzystne w przypadku złóż głębokich, gdzie z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia wskazane jest koncentrowanie się na ich najbogatszych partiach oraz dokumentowanie, a w przyszłości wydobywanie wszystkich użytecznych metali. Rozporządzenie Ministra Środowiska nie uwzględnia także wahań rynkowych cen metali w czasie, które mają istotny wpływ na zawartość i zasobność ekwiwalentną tych pierwiastków w złożu. W artykule zaprezentowano autorskie wzory mające na celu obliczenie zawartości i zasobności polimetalicznego ekwiwalentu uwzględniającego udział w rudzie czterech pierwiastków: miedzi, srebra, cynku i ołowiu. Umożliwiają one także oznaczanie tych wartości dla dowolnie wybranych przedziałów czasowych oraz śledzenie ich zmian w czasie. Poza parametrami jakościowymi możliwe jest również obliczenie wartości zasobów kopaliny w złożu wyrażonej w dolarach amerykańskich na metr kwadratowy jego powierzchni dla każdego z wybranych przedziałów czasowych.

Do obliczeń wykorzystano wyniki analiz chemicznych archiwalnych rdzeni wiertniczych pochodzących z badanego obszaru. Łącznie przeanalizowano 135 otworów archiwalnych położonych w jego granicach. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników oszacowano zmienne w czasie zasoby ekwiwalentu polimetalicznego (Cu-Ag-Zn-Pb) oraz ich wartość rynkową wyrażoną w dolarach amerykańskich dla każdego roku w przedziale czasowym 2012–2016.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Zieliński
Jan Wierchowiec


Microporous carbon molecular sieves of extremely narrow pore size distribution were obtained by carbonization of a novel raw material (Salix viminalis). The precursor is inexpensive and widely accessible. The pore capacity and specific surface area are upgradable by H3PO4 treatment without significant change of narrowed PSD. The dominating pore size indicates that these molecular sieves are a potential competitor to other nanoporous materials such as opened and purified carbon nanotubes.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jerzy Łukaszewicz
Krzysztof Zieliński


W 2011 r. grupa Miedzi Copper Corporation (MCC) rozpoczęła program poszukiwań głębokich złóż Cu-Ag na monoklinie przedsudeckiej. Przyjęto bardzo rozległy obszar badań i zastosowanie szerokiej palety instrumentów badawczych. W latach 2011–2013 badania MCC objęły 21 obszarów koncesyjnych. Lokalizacja koncesji poszukiwawczych i poszukiwawczo-rozpoznawczych opierała się na znanych obszarach prognostycznych i hipotetycznych o stwierdzonym kontakcie facji Rote Fäule z facją redukcyjną, położone w pobliżu cechsztyńskich obszarów wyniesionych. W latach 2012–2013 sprofilowano archiwalne otwory wiertnicze wykonane głównie przez przemysł naftowy, a w przypadkach, kiedy umożliwiał to stan zachowania materiału skalnego, pobrano próby do badań chemicznych. Wykonano także całą gamę badań specjalistycznych w zakresie chemii organicznej, macerałów węgla, zdolności refleksyjnej witrynitu, oraz petrograficznych, ze szczególnym naciskiem na metodę Rock Eval. Ta ostatnia pozwala na określenie obecności tzw. mocnego Rote Fäule, z którym powiązane jest występowanie najbogatszych horyzontów zmineralizowanych. Niemniej istotnym dla poszukiwań okazał się reprocessing danych geofizycznych z zastosowaniem nowatorskiej metody efektywnych współczynników odbicia. Umożliwia ona przekształcenie konwencjonalnego obrazu sejsmicznego w impulsową postać zapisów sejsmicznych, czyli czasowy ciąg współczynników, których sekcje można dowiązać do profili archiwalnych wierceń dla śledzenia przebiegu serii litologicznych. Metoda ta pozwala ze znacznie większą niż dotychczas dokładnością określić istotne dla prac poszukiwawczych elementy strukturalne, a także sugerować istotne dla mineralizacji zjawiska tektoniczne. W efekcie uzyskano bardziej dokładny model rozprzestrzenienia mineralizacji i wyznaczono tzw. sweet spots, które stały się przedmiotem dalszej eksploracji wiertniczej. Liczbę aktywnych koncesji ograniczono do 6, co w dużej mierze wynikało nie tylko z braku mineralizacji, ale także z przesłanek ekonomicznych. Program wiertniczy rozpoczęty w roku 2013 i prowadzony do dziś pozwolił na odkrycie i wstępne udokumentowanie trzech złóż miedzi i srebra na monoklinie przedsudeckiej. Są to złoża Mozów i Sulmierzyce, gdzie wcześniej wyróżniono obecność obszarów perspektywicznych, a także złoże Nowa Sól, odkryte na tzw. green field, gdzie dotychczas nie prowadzono żadnych badań złożowych. Każde z tych złóż na obecnym etapie rozpoznania posiada zasoby przekraczające 5 mln ton miedzi ekwiwalentnej, a wykonane analizy ekonomiczne wskazują na opłacalność ich eksploatacji przy zastosowaniu nowoczesnych metod głębienia szybów, klimatyzacji i gospodarki odpadami.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Zieliński
Stanisław Speczik
Kinga Małecka


In the Admiralty Bay 36 taxa of macroalgae were found. Among them the most common were: green alga Monostroma hariotti, red algae — Georgiella confluens, Iridaea cordata, Leptosarca simplex and Plocamium cartilagineum, and brown algae — Adenocystis utricularis, Ascoseira mirabilis, Desmarestia anceps, D. ligulata, D. menziesii and Himatothallus grandifolius. The bottom surface covered with macroalgae (in the orthogonal projection on the water mirror) amounts to 36,9 km2 i.e. 31% of the total surface of the bay. In the central part of the Admiralty Bay the macroalgae aggregations occupy 35% of the bottom surface and are most abundant in respect to the density, biomass, number of taxa (33) and diversity. There were distinguished 3 zones of vertical distribution of phytobenthos in the Admiralty Bay. I zone includes the macroalgae in epilittoral, littoral and sublittoral to the depth of 10 m. II and III zones are situated in sublittoral within the depths of 10 60 m and 60—90 m, respectively. Each zone is characterized by the occurrence of different aggregation of taxa. The bottom areas belong to I, II and III zone of macroalgae make 28%, 64% and 8% respectively in relation to the total surface of phytobenthos in the bay. Vertical range of the distinguished zones varies in different parts of the Bay in relation to the bottom character. Macroalgae occur down to the depth of 90 —100 m. The composition of the macroalgae flora evidences for its transitory character between the benthic subantarctic flora and that of the areas adjacent to the Antarctic continent.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Zieliński


The occurrence of 18 species of algae was stated in the investigated region. Among them the following were predominant: Himantothallus grandifolius, Desmarestia menziesii, Cystosphaera jacqninotii, Ascoseira mirabilis. Leptosomia simplex. Adenocystis utricularis. Monostroma hariotii, Iridaei: obovata, Hildenbrandia lecunnellieri, Plocamium coccineum and Phycodrys antarctica. Vertical stratification of the distribution of three singled out communities of algae was observed downwards to the depth of 90 m, which is the limit of the occurrence of the algae in the Bay. The process of decomposition depends on the place where it occurs, the kind of the thalluses and the season of the year. The quickest decomposition of algae was observed on the shore, in the summer and spring. The total quantity of algal matter washed ashore along 15.8 km of the coast line of Admiralty Bay, during the period between February and October 1979, was estimated at 279 metric tons of dry weight matter. From this quantity, in result of decomposition of the algae on the shore, 75 tons of the matter were released during an average time of 12 days. The remaining 204 tons of partially decomposed algal matter are driven by winds farther inshore or into the waters of the Bay or remain ashore among the stony rubble.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Zieliński


Respiratory disturbances frequently accompany stuttering. Their influence on lung ventilation can be assessed by measurement of the end-tidal CO2 concentration (EtCO2). The effectiveness of the CO2-based visual feedback method of breath regulation (VF) designed for stuttering therapy was tested in this study. The aim of the study was to answer the question if the VF helps to reduce respiratory disturbances in stuttering and increase speech fluency. 20 stuttering volunteers aged 13-45 years took part in the 3-parts test consisting of: 1. speaking without any techniques improving speech fluency, 2. learning the VF method, 3. VF-assisted speaking. The CO2/time signal and an acoustic signal of an utterance were recorded during the test. Significant increase of FE - the factor of breath ergonomics during speaking (based on both signals), from 47% to 71% (P < 0.01), and significant decrease of %SS - the percent of syllables stuttered, from 14% to 10% (P < 0.01) were received for VF-assisted utterances compared to the utterances without VF assistance. The results indicate that the VF can help to eliminate respiratory disturbances in stuttering and increase speech fluency.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Barbara Stankiewicz
Krzysztof Zieliński
Marek Darowski
Marcin Michnikowski
Słowa kluczowe Antarctic fishes


During austral summer of 1979 in the area of Elephant Island ten species of fish representatives of five families, were identified.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jan Maciej Rembiszewski
Krzysztof Zieliński


Coarse-scale studies on chlorophyll a distribution in a region covering the Scotia Front zone showed an increased chlorophyll content and its deeper distribution at stations situated in the frontal zone. The sources of chlorophyll α were probably both the phytoplankton released from melting ice as well as spring bloom.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maciej Lipski
Krzysztof Zieliński


A map was made of the distribution of macroalgae groupings in shallow waters of Admiralty Bay. The map was plotted on the basis of analysis of color reversal air photograph taken from a helicopter. A significant agreement of the results of the pictures analysis with the field studies was found. Also a number of areas not covered by field studies was determined as the ones of probable occurrence of macroalgae. A detailed map of distribution of four distinguished forms of macroalgae groupings was plotted for a small area in the region of Shag Point. Each of these forms is characterised by different association of algal species.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Kazimierz Furmańczyk
Krzysztof Zieliński
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Cloud-based computational environments can offer elastic and flexible services to wide audiences. Małopolska Educational Cloud was originally developed to support the day-to-day collaboration of geographically scattered schools with universities which organized online classes, led by university teachers, as an amendment to face-to-face teaching. Due to the centralized management and ubiquitous access, both the set of services provided by MEC and their usage patterns can be adjusted rapidly. In this paper we show how – during the COVID-19 pandemic – the flexibility of Małopolska Educational Cloud was leveraged to speed up the transition from in-class to remote teaching, both in the classes and schools which were already involved in the MEC project, and newly added ones. We also discuss the actions that were required to support the smooth transition and draw conclusions for the future.
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  1.  K. Zieliński, Ł. Czekierda, F. Malawski, R. Straś, and S. Zieliński, “Recognizing value of educational collaboration between high schools and universities facilitated by modern ICT,” J. Comput. Assisted Learn., vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 633–648, 2017.
  2.  Ł. Czekierda, K. Zieliński, and S. Zieliński, “Automated orchestration of online educational collaboration in cloud-based environments,” ACM Trans. Multimedia Comput. Commun. Appl., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1–26, 2021.
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  6.  A. Tubadji, F. Boy, and D.J. Webber, “Narrative economics, public policy and mental health,” Covid Econ., vol. 20, pp. 109–131, 2020.
  7.  “UNESCO COVID-19 impact on education,” https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse, accessed: 2020-12-30.
  8.  G. Vial, “Understanding digital transformation: A review and a research agenda,” J. Strategic Inf. Syst., vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 118–144, 2019.
  9.  Y.K. Dwivedi, D.L. Hughes, C. Coombs, I. Constantiou, Y. Duan, J.S. Edwards et al., “Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on information management research and practice: Transforming education, work and life,” Int. J. Inf. Manage., vol. 55, p. 102211, 2020.
  10.  T.D. Oyedotun, “Sudden change of pedagogy in education driven by COVID-19: Perspectives and evaluation from a developing country,” Res. Globalization, vol. 2, p. 100029, 2020.
  11.  M. Assunção Flores and M. Gago, “Teacher education in times of COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal: national, institutional and pedagogical responses,” J. Educ. Teach., vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 507–516, 2020.
  12.  N. Iivari, S. Sharma, and L. Ventä-Olkkonen, “Digital transformation of everyday life–how COVID-19 pandemic transformed the basic education of the young generation and why information management research should care?” Int. J. Inf. Manage., vol. 55, p. 102183, 2020.
  13.  L. Mishra, T. Gupta, and A. Shree, “Online teachinglearning in higher education during lockdown period of COVID-19 pandemic,” Int. J. Educ. Res. Open, vol. 1, p. 100012, 2020.
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  15.  I. Asanov, F. Flores, D. McKenzie, M. Mensmann, and M. Schulte, “Remote-learning, time-use, and mental health of Ecuadorian high- school students during the COVID-19 quarantine,” World Dev., vol. 138, p. 105225, 2021.
  16.  M. Adnan and K. Anwar, “Online learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Students’ perspectives,” J. Pedagogic. Sociol. Psychol., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 45–51, 2020.
  17.  C.M. Toquero, “Challenges and opportunities for higher education amid the COVID-19 pandemic: The Philippine context,” Pedag. Res., vol. 5, no. 4, 2020.
  18.  K.H. Mok, W. Xiong, G. Ke, and J.O.W. Cheung, “Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on international higher education and student mobility: Student perspectives from mainland China and Hong Kong,” Int. J. Educ. Res., vol. 105, p. 101718, 2021.
  19.  S.P. Becker, R. Breaux, C.N. Cusick, M.R. Dvorsky, N.P. Marsh, E. Sciberras, and J.M. Langberg, “Remote learning during COVID-19: Examining school practices, service continuation, and difficulties for adolescents with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,” J. Adolesc. Health, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 769–777, 2020.
  20.  M. Kogan, S.E. Klein, C.P. Hannon, and M.T. Nolte, “Orthopaedic education during the COVID-19 pandemic,” J. Am. Acad. Orthop. Surg., vol. 28, no. 11, pp. e456–e464, 2020.
  21.  V.A. Jones, K.A. Clark, C. Puyana, and M.M. Tsoukas, “Rescuing medical education in times of COVID-19,” Clin. Dermatol., vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 33–40, 2021.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Łukasz Czekierda
Filip Malawski
Robert Straś
Krzysztof Zieliński
Sławomir Zieliński

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland


Chlorophyll a content and the density and species composition of algae were determined in drifting sea ice north of the Elephant Island (between 54-56°W and 60°30'—61°00'S) at the end of October 1986. In yellow-brownish pieces of brash ice the amount of chlorophyll α was on average 203.5 ± 149.9 mg m-3 at the density of algal cells of 255.7+137.8-103 in cm3. In not visibly discoloured ice the respective values were about 80 times lower, and in surface water about 700 times lower. 69 algal taxa were recorded in the samples, almost all of which were diatoms. Nitzschia cylindrus dominated in all the samples. A comparison of species composition in the investigated habitats revealed that the highest species similarities occurred between samples collected in discoloured ice, lower in the uncoloured ice and the lowest ones in water.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ryszard Ligowski
Maciej Lipski
Krzysztof Zieliński


The protection of copper and silver ore resources in the Polish Lubuskie Province requires certain steps to be taken, the suggestions for which are presented in this article. It addresses both known and newly discovered ore deposits, as well as prospective areas and places of ongoing exploration, which throughout the paper are collectively recognized as potential Cu-Ag mining areas. The example of Lubuskie Province was chosen as an exceptional region with multiple known areas of copper and silver ore potential, but no active mining operations until now. The study focuses on the nature and location of all potential mining areas in Lubuskie Province, and subsequently suggests the means of their protection which can be implemented today, as well as in the future. Such means should be introduced by way of new or amended legal regulations. Certain major changes to Polish law are necessary to provide sufficient protection of both currently known, as well as possible future deposits, against such use of land which would prevent the extraction of their resources. The study shows that the legal regulations effective in Poland today are insufficient or too vague, as they do not include any provisions concerning prospective resources, as well as areas of active mineral exploration, instead focusing solely on officially registered mineral deposits. Therefore, the proposals of new solutions providing better protection of all potential Cu-Ag mining areas are presented in this article.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Zieliński
Stanisław Speczik
2 1
Tomasz Bieńko
2 1
Alicja Pietrzela
2 1

  1. Miedzi Copper Corporation, Warszawa, Poland
  2. University of Warsaw


The Northern Copper Belt is located in south-western Poland, a region well known for its copper and silver occurrences of varying significance. This area also includes the abandoned mines of the North-Sudetic Trough (Old Copper District), as well as the currently active New Copper District in the southern part of the Fore- Sudetic Monocline. The vast exploration programme of Miedzi Copper Corp. initiated in 2011 in the northern, deeper part of the Fore Sudetic Monocline provided new data about the deeper parts of this geological unit, located north of the known deposits. A number of prospective areas with Cu-Ag mineralization were investigated, which ultimately resulted in the discovery of three new Cu-Ag deposits. Both the prospective areas and the documented deposits form the so-called Northern Copper Belt, which as a whole has high potential for the identification of new ore deposits and an increase in resources. A description of these three new deposits is provided along with characteristics of the areas of their possible extension, and the additional prospective areas with hypothetical and speculative resources. The new deposits are compared to other Polish Cu-Ag ore deposits, with an emphasis on differences in their geological structure and mineralogy. The paper also presents a brief summary of the applied new exploration tools which have led to this discovery.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Stanisław Speczik
Krzysztof Szamałek
Jan Wierchowiec
Krzysztof Zieliński
Alicja Pietrzela
Tomasz Bieńko

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology, Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa, Poland
  2. Miedzi Copper Corp., Al. Jerozolimskie 96, 00-807 Warszawa, Poland

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