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For the manufacture of near net shape complex titanium products, it is necessary to use investment casting process. Melting of titanium is promising to carry out by electron beam casting technology, which allows for specific processing of the melt, and accordingly control the structure and properties of castings of titanium alloys. However, the casting of titanium in ceramic molds is usually accompanied by a reaction of the melt with the mold. In this regard, the aim of the work was to study the interaction of titanium melt with ceramics of shell molds in the conditions of electron beam casting technology. Ceramic molds were made by using the following refractory materials – fused corundum Al2O3, zircon ZrSiO4 and yttria-stabilized zirconium oxide ZrO2, and ethyl silicate as a binder. Melting and casting of CP titanium was performed in an electron beam foundry. Samples were made from the obtained castings and electron microscopic metallography was performed. The presence and morphology of the altered structure, on the sample surface, were evaluated and the degree and nature of their interaction were determined. It was found that the molds with face layers of zirconium oxide (Z1) and zircon (ZS1) and backup layers of corundum showed the smallest interaction with the titanium melt. Corundum interacts with titanium to form a non-continuous reaction layer with thickness of 400-500 μm. For shell molds with face and backup layers of zircon on the surface of the castings, a reaction layer with thickness of 500-600 μm is formed. In addition, zirconium-silicon eutectic was detected in these layers.
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Authors and Affiliations

Pavlo Kaliuzhnyi
M. Voron
O. Mykhnian
A. Tymoshenko
O. Neima
O. Iangol

  1. Physico-Technological Institute of Metals and Alloys of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
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Aluminum casting alloys are widely used in especially automotive, aerospace, and other industrial applications due to providing desired mechanical characteristics and their high specific strength properties. Along with the increase of application areas, the importance of recycling in aluminum alloys is also increasing. The amount of energy required for producing primary ingots is about ten times the amount of energy required for the production of recycled ingots. The large energy savings achieved by using the recycled ingots results in a significant reduction in the amount of greenhouse gas released to nature compared to primary ingot production. Production can be made by adding a certain amount of recycled ingot to the primary ingot so that the desired mechanical properties remain within the boundary conditions. In this study, by using the A356 alloy and chips with five different quantities (100% primary ingots, 30% recycled ingots + 70% primary ingots, 50% recycled ingots + 50% primary ingots, 70% recycled ingots + 30% primary ingots, 100% recycled ingots), the effect on mechanical properties has been examined and the maximum amount of chips that can be used in production has been determined. T6 heat treatment was applied to the samples obtained by the gravity casting method and the mechanical properties were compared depending on the amount of chips. Besides, microstructural examinations were carried out with optical microscopy techniques. As a result, it has been observed that while producing from primary ingots, adding 30% recycled ingot to the alloy composition improves the mechanical properties of the alloy such as yield strength and tensile strength to a certain extent. However, generally a downward pattern was observed with increasing recycled ingot amount.
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Authors and Affiliations

A.Y. Kaya
O. Özaydın
T. Yağcı
A. Korkmaz
E. Armakan
O. Çulha

  1. Cevher Alloy Wheels Co. / R&D Dept., İzmir, Turkey
  2. Manisa Celal Bayar University, Engineering Faculty, Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Manisa, Turkey
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Protective coatings have direct contacts with hot and liquid alloys. As the result of such contacts gases are emitted from coatings. Gas forming is a tendency of the tested material to emit gases under a temperature influence. In order to assess the gas forming tendency either direct or indirect methods are applied. In the hereby work, the measurements of the gas forming tendency were performed under laboratory conditions, by means of the developed indirect method. The research material constituted samples of six selected protective coatings dissolved either in alcohol or in water. These coatings are applied in sand moulds and cores for making cast iron castings. The assessment of their gas forming tendency was presented in relation to temperatures and heating times. The occurrence and changes of oxygen and hydrogen contents in gases outflowing from the measuring flask during tests, were measured by means of gas sensors. The process of the carbon monoxide (CO) emission during tests was also assessed. The following gas sensors were installed in flow-through micro chambers: for oxygen - lambda probe, for hydrogen – pellistor, for carbon monoxide - sensor (dedicated for CO) FIGARO TGS 822 TF. The results of direct CO measurements were recalculated according to the algorithm supplied by the producer of this sensor.
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Authors and Affiliations

J. Mocek

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, Department of Moulding Materials, Mould Technology and Cast Non-Ferrous Metals, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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Though normal air cooling and green sand mold-casted gray iron convey an essentially pearlitic matrix, ferritic gray iron is used in some electro-mechanical applications to have better magnetic properties, ductility, and low hardness. Conventionally, to produce ferritic gray iron, foundryman initially produces pearlitic gray iron, then it is carried through a long annealing cycle process for ferritic transformation. This experiment is conducted to eliminate the long annealing cycle from the conventional process. A process is developed to produce as-cast ferritic gray cast iron by air cooling in the green sand mold. In this experiment, Si content is kept high, but Mn content is kept low based on sulfur content; a unique thermodynamic process is established for decreasing the Mn content from the melt. After a successful preconditioning and optimum foundry return charging, the melt is specially inoculated, and metal is poured into the green sand mold. An extra feeder is added for slowing down the cooling rate where casting thickness is around 15mm. Finally, hardness and metallographic images are observed for final confirmation of the ferritic matrix.
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Md Sojib Hossain

  1. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Shahbagh, Dhaka – 1000, Bangladesh
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The paper presents results of a parametric analysis of a hightemperature nuclear-reactor cogeneration system. The aim was to investigate the power efficiency of the system generating heat for a high-temperature technological process and electricity in a Brayton cycle and additionally in organic Rankine cycles using R236ea and R1234ze as working fluids. The results of the analyses indicate that it is possible to combine a 100 MW high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor with a technological process with the demand for heat ranging from 5 to 25 MW, where the required temperature of the process heat carrier is at the level of 650°C. Calculations were performed for various pressures of R236ea at the turbine inlet. The cogeneration system maximum power efficiency in the analysed cases ranges from ~35.5% to ~45.7% and the maximum share of the organic Rankine cycle systems in electric power totals from ~26.9% to ~30.8%. If such a system is used to produce electricity instead of conventional plants, carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by about 216.03–147.42 kt/year depending on the demand for process heat, including the reduction achieved in the organic Rankine cycle systems by about 58.01–45.39 kt/year (in Poland).
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Authors and Affiliations

Julian Jędrzejewski
Małgorzata Hanuszkiewicz-Drapała

  1. Antea Polska S.A., Duleby 5, 40-833 Katowice, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Konarskiego 18, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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The paper presents a thermodynamic analysis of the removal of an inert gas from the tank using the vapor of liquefied petroleum gas cargo (called cargo tank gassing-up operation). For this purpose a thermodynamic model was created which considers two extreme cases of this process. The first is ‘piston pushing’ of inert gas using liquefied petroleum gas vapour. The second case is the complete mixing of both gases and removal the mixture from the tank to the atmosphere until desired concentration or amount of liquefied petroleum gas cargo in the tank is reached. On the example of nitrogen as inert gas and ethylene as a cargo, by thermodynamic analysis an attempt was made to determine the technical parameters of the process, i.e., pressure in the tank, temperature, time at which the operation would be carried out in an optimal way, minimizing the loss of cargo used for gassingup. Calculations made it possible to determine the amount of ethylene used to complete the operation and its loss incurred as a result of total mixing of both gases.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Wieczorek

  1. Gdynia Maritime University, Morska 81–87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
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This study presents the behavior of a single wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT)/water nanofluid for convective laminar flow inside a straight circular pipe heated by a constant heat flux. Five volume fractions of SWCNT were used to investigate their effect on the heat transfer coefficient, Nusselt number, temperature distribution and velocity field in comparison with pure water flow. One model for each property was tested to calculate the effective thermal conductivity, effective dynamic viscosity, and effective specific heat of the SWCNT/water mixture. The models were extracted from experimental data of a previous work. The outcomes indicate that the rheological behavior of SWCNT introduces a special effect on the SWCNT/water properties, which vary with SWCNT volume fraction. The results show an improvement in the heat transfer coefficient with increasing volume fraction of nanoparticles. The velocity of SWCNT/water nanofluid increased by adding SWCNT nanoparticles, and the maximum increase was registered at 0.05% SWCNT volume fraction. The mixture temperature is increased with the axial distance of the pipe but a reduction in temperature distribution is observed with the increasing SWCNT volume fraction, which reflects the effect of thermophysical properties of the mixture.
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Authors and Affiliations

Farqad Rasheed Saeed
Marwah A. Jasim
Natheer B. Mahmood
Zahraa M. Jaffar

  1. Ministry of Science Technology, Directorate of Materials Research, 55509 Al-Jadriya, Iraq
  2. University of Baghdad, College of Engineering, Al-Jadriya,10074 Al-Jadriya, Iraq
  3. Ministry of Education, General Directorate of Baghdad Education, Karkh 2, 10072 Al-Jadriya, Iraq
  4. Al Nahrain University, College of Science, 10072 Al-Jadriya, Iraq
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By the emergence of distributed energy resources, with their associated communication and control complexities, there is a need for an efficient platform that can digest all the incoming data and ensure the reliable operation of the power system, which can be achieved by using digital twins. The paper discusses the advantages of using digital twins in the development of control systems and operation of distributed heat and electric power generation facilities. The possibilities of using the digital doubles for increasing the efficiency of the considered objects is presented as the example of optimizing the configuration of a control system of solar collectors in the presence of heat losses in pipelines of the external circuit. Further, the total balance consumed and generated electric and heat energy are presented. Examples of algorithms for protecting equipment to improve security are given, and the possibilities of improving the reliability of distributed power systems are considered. The system use of the digital twins provides the possibility of developing and debugging control algorithms, which increase the efficiency, reliability and safety of control objects, including distributed thermal and electrical power generation complexes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Makhsud Mansurovich Sultanov
Edik Koirunovich Arakelyan
Ilia Anatolevich Boldyrev
Valentina Sergeevna Lunenko
Pavel Dmitrievich Menshikov

  1. National Research University MPEI, Krasnokazarmennaya 17, Moscow, 111250 Russia
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The most power consuming part in the vapor compression cycle (VCC) is the gas compressor. Heating the refrigerant under constant volume after the compressor increases the condenser pressure, which consequently increases the cooling rate of the VCC. This study examined the influence of heating different refrigerants, i.e. R143a, R22, and R600a on the cooling rate of the VCC. Four experiments have been performed: the first experiment is a normal VCC, i.e. without heating, while in the second, third, and fourth experiments were carried out to raise the temperature of the refrigerant to 50°C, 100°C, and 150°C. It has been found that heating raises the refrigerant pressure in VCC and thereby improves the refrigerant’s mass flow rate resulting in an improvement in the cooling power for the same compressor power. Heating the refrigerant after the mechanical compressor increases the temperature of the condenser as well as the temperature of the evaporator when using refrigerant R134a, which prevents the refrigeration cycle to be used in freezing applications, however using refrigerant R22 or refrigerant R600a promotes the heated VCC to be used in freezing applications. Refrigerant R600a has the lowest operating pressure compared to R134a and R22, which promotes R600a to be used rather than R134a and R22 from a leakage point of view.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mohamed Salama Abd-Elhady
Emmanoueil Bishara Melad
Mohamed Abd-Elhalim
Seif Alnasr Ahmed

  1. Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Beni-Suef University, Sharq El-Nile, New Beni-Suef, 62521 Beni-Suef, Egypt
  2. Faculty of Technology and Education, Beni-Suef University, Sharq El-Nile, New Beni-Suef, 62521 Beni-Suef, Egypt
  3. Faculty of Technology and Education, Suez University, 43527 Suez, Egypt
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The paper is a thermodynamics analysis of the removal of any inert gas from the tank using the vapors of any liquefied petroleum gas cargo (called cargo tank gassing-up operation). For this purpose, a thermodynamic model was created which considers two boundary cases of this process. The first is a ‘piston pushing’ of inert gas using liquefied petroleum gas vapour. The second case is complete mixing of both gases and removal the mixture from the tank to the atmosphere until desired concentration or amount of liquefied petroleum gas cargo in the tank is reached. Calculations make it possible to determine the amount of a gas used to complete the operation and its loss incurred as a result of total mixing of both gases.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Wieczorek

  1. Gdynia Maritime University, Morska 81–87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
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The paper is devoted to the control of operability of Peltier modules based on the analysis of transient modes of their operation. Advantages of using low-power thermoelectric modules for the development of thermoelectric plants with adaptive control systems for the needs of the agricultural complex, which significantly reduce their cost characteristics, are shown. The problem of using the stationary mode of their operation, associated with the low efficiency of the modules, as well as the dynamic mode, associated with the presence of transient processes, is indicated. It is noted that overcoming this problem requires solution of the task of automation of reliability providing the well-known approaches to its solution are shown, for which the key advantages and disadvantages are given. An approach is proposed to complex control of the operability and quality of thermoelectric modules during their expluatation in three components of the physical process of thermoelectric conversion (Peltier thermoelectric effect, electrical and thermal transfer phenomena) by analyzing transients in the system based on identification algorithms. To justify it, the necessary equations and mathematical relations are given. Aprobating of the proposed approach was carried out experimentally by determining the time constants for operable and defective commercially available modules and showed its significant advantages over the standard verification procedure.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oleg Rudolfovich Kuzichkin
Igor Sergeevich Konstantinov
Gleb Sergeevich Vasilyev
Dmitry Igorevich Surzhik

  1. Belgorod State University, Pobedy 85, 308015 Belgorod, Russia
  2. Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Listvennichnaya 5, 127550 Moscow, Russia
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This paper presents the results of experimental research on heat transfer distribution under the impinging jets at high jet velocity on curved surfaces. The air jets flow out from the common pipe and impinge on a surface which is cooled by them, in this way all together create a model of external cooling system of low pressure gas turbine casing. Preliminary measurement results from the flat plate case were compared with the results from the curved surface case. Surface modification presented in this paper relied on geometry change of flat surface to the form of a ‘bump’. The special system of pivoted mirrors was implemented during the measurements to capture the heat exchange on curved surfaces of the bump. The higher values of mean heat transfer coefficient were observed for all flow cases with a bump in relation to the reference flow case with a flat plate.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Kurowski

  1. Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera 14, 80-231 Gdansk, Poland
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This paper studies hydrodynamic and heat transfer performance of Al2O3/H2O nanofluid flowing through a Bessel-like converging pipe in laminar flow regime using the computational fluid dynamic approach. A parametric study was carried out on the effect of Reynolds number (300– 1200), convergence index (0-3) and nanoparticle concentration (0–3%) on the both hydrodynamic and thermal fields. The results showed the pressure drop profile along the axial length of the converging pipes is parabolic compared to the downward straight profile obtained in a straight pipe. Furthermore, an increase in convergence index, Reynolds number and nanoparticle concentration were found to enhance convective heat transfer performance. Also, a new empirical model was developed to estimates the average Nusselt number as a function of aforementioned variables. Finally, the result of the thermohydraulic performance evaluation criterion showed that the usage of Bessel-like converging pipes is advantageous at a low Reynolds number.
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Authors and Affiliations

Chukwuka S. Iweka
Olatomide G. Fadodun

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro, P.M.B 5, Ozoro 334111, Delta State, Nigeria
  2. Centre for Energy Research and Development, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife 220282, Osun State, Nigeria
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Power generation units, suitable for individual users and small scale applications, are mainly based on spark ignition engines. In recently performed research, reductions of emissions coming from such units, especially considering carbon dioxide emissions, are deemed as the issue of particular importance. One of solutions, postponed to reduce impact of spark ignition engine-based units on the natural environment, is transition from fossil fuels into renewable gaseous fuels, as products of organic digestion. Nonetheless, development of new solutions is required to prevent further carbon dioxide emissions. The paper presents a novel dual approach developed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from stationary power units, basing on spark ignition engine. The discussed approach includes both reduction in carbon content in the fuel, which is realized by its enrichment with hydrogen produced using the solar energy-supported electrolysis process, as well as application of post-combustion carbon dioxide separation. Results of the performed analysis suggest profitability of transition from fossil into the hydrogen-enriched fuel mixture, with significant rise in operational parameters of the system following increase in the hydrogen content. Nevertheless, utilization of the carbon dioxide separation leads to vital soar in internal energy demand, causing vital loss in operational and economical parameters of the analyzed system.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Janusz-Szymańska
Krzysztof Grzywnowicz
Grzegorz Wiciak
Leszek Remiorz

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Akademicka 2A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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The paper presents changes in the production volume of castings made of non-ferrous alloys on the background of changes in total production of casting over the 2000-2019 period, both on a global scale and in Poland. It was found that the dynamics of increase in the production volume of castings made of non-ferrous alloys was distinctly greater than the dynamics of increase in the total production volume of castings over the considered period of time. Insofar as the share of production of the non-ferrous castings in the total production of castings was less than 16% during the first two years of the considered period, it reached the level of 20% in the last four years analysed. This share, when it comes to Poland, increased even to the greater degree; it grew from about 10% of domestic production of castings to over 33% within the regarded 2000-2019 period. The greatest average annual growth rate of production, both on a global scale and in Poland, was recorded for aluminium alloys as compared with other basic non-ferrous alloys. This growth rate for all the world was 4.08%, and for Poland 10.6% over the 2000-2019 period. The value of the average annual growth rate of the production of aluminium castings in Poland was close to the results achieved by China (12%), India (10.3%) and the South Korea (15.4%) over the same period of time. In 2019, the total production of castings in the world was equal to about 109 million tonnes, including over 21 million tonnes of castings made of non-ferrous alloys. The corresponding data with respect to Poland are about 1 million tonnes and about 350 thousand tonnes, respectively. In the same year, the production of castings made of aluminium alloys was equal to about 17.2 million tonnes in the world, and about 340 thousand tonnes in Poland.
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Authors and Affiliations

M.S. Soiński
A. Jakubus

  1. The Jacob of Paradies University in Gorzów Wielkopolski, ul. Teatralna 25, 66-400 Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland
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Soil Erodibility Factor (K-factor) is a crucial component of a widely used equation for soil erosion assessment known as the USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) or its revised version – RUSLE. It reflects the potential of the soil of being detached due to rainfalls or runoffs. So far, an extensive number of researches provide different approaches and techniques in the evaluation of K-factor. This study applies soil erodibility estimation in the soils of the South Caucasian region using soil data prepared by the International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC) with 250 m resolution, whereas the recent K-factor estimation implemented in the EU scale was with 500 m resolution. Soil erodibility was assessed using an equation involving soil pH levels. The study utilises Trapesoidal equation of soil data processing and preparation, as suggested by ISRIC, for various layers of surface soil data with up to 0-30 cm depth. Both usage of SoilGrids data and its processing as well as estimation of K-factor applying soil pH levels have demonstrated sufficient capacity and accuracy in soil erodibility assessment. The final output result has revealed the K-factor values varying from 0.037 and more than 0.060 t ha h/MJ mm within the study area.
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Authors and Affiliations

Nurlan Mammadli
Magsad Gojamanov

  1. Azerbaijan National Academy Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan
  2. Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan
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The study is devoted to the study of strategic vectors for the development of recreational lands. It is proved that in the current state of the recreational lands of the EU countries there are certain obstacles on the way to the sustainable development of the respective territories. The recreational sphere is deprived of the possibility of balanced development due to the problems of inefficient use of the lands of the respective territories. These lands cannot provide both the need for recreation and the necessary protection and restoration of the environment due to the negative anthropogenic impact. The author’s definition of the term "land strategizing" is given. The components, functions, subjects and the effect of the implementation of the strategy of recreational territories are determined. The proposals for the implementation of the land strategy process using the methodology of foresight forecasting of recreational land use have been developed. The scientifically grounded stages of Foresight forecasting and methods of their implementation from the set of Foresight forecasting methodology are proposed. The logical-structural scheme of land planning for recreational territories based on the foresight methodology is presented. Also the procedure for the foresight methodology implementation in the direction of sustainable management of recreational land use is proposed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Daria Bulysheva
Tetiana Movchan
Oksana Malashuk

  1. Odessa State Agrarian University, Odessa, Ukraine

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