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The purpose of this paper is to introduce and study a new generated family of distributions based on the type II transformation which is called the type II exponentiated half-logistic-Gompertz-Topp-Leone-G (TIIEHL-Gom-TL-G) family of distributions. We investigate its general mathematical properties, including, hazard rate function, quantile function, moments, moment generating function, Rényi entropy and order statistics. Parameter estimates of the new family of distributions are obtained based on the maximum likelihood estimation method and their performance is evaluated via a simulation study. For illustration of the applicability of the new family of distributions, four real data sets are analyzed.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Broderick Oluyede
Thatayaone Moakofi

  1. Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Palapye, Botswana


In this work, we perform an analysis of the characteristics of the one-year and ultimate reserve risk distributions commonly used in actuarial science: duration, first development factor, coefficient of variation, skewness coefficient, skewness-to-CoV ratio, emergence factor, emergence pattern, and risk margin run-off patterns. Our study is based on empirical data for two European markets: the Polish and Slovak markets. We provide benchmarks and ranges for the considered characteristics, as well as analyse the relations between them. We study Solvency II lines of business and compare our coefficients of variation to the Standard Formula reserve risk standard deviations. We investigate more deeply the topic of emergence pattern and risk margin run-off patterns.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marcin Szatkowski

  1. Institute of Econometrics, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland; Risk Department, STU ERGO Hestia SA


The spectacular surge of Poland's VAT revenues after 2015 prompted a discussion about the role of the tax administration in collecting tax liabilities. Unfortunately, the scarcity of the available data prevents empirical studies from reaching reliable conclusions about the determinants of VAT revenues. Given that, this article presents a wider attempt at identifying the determinants of VAT revenues in the EU Member States. Using panel cointegration methods, several working hypotheses linking VAT gap to income factors, the business cycle, tax carousels, and an effectiveness of the government are evaluated. The results of the research provide evidence that the VAT gap in the EU countries is under a strong influence from variables approximating changes in per capita incomes, the business cycle, and the openness of an economy to intra-EU trade. The latter finding is a sufficient indication that the improvements made to Poland's tax system were both legitimate and effective.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Robert Kelm

  1. Chair of Econometric Models and Forecasts, University of Lodz, Poland


Glass production has a great industrial importance and is associated with many technological challenges. Control related problems concern especially the last part of the process, so called glass conditioning. Molten glass is gradually cooled down in a long ceramic channels called forehearths during glass conditioning. The glass temperature in each zone of the forehearth should be precisely adjusted according to the assumed profile. Due to cross-couplings and unmeasured disturbances, traditional control systems based on PID controllers, often do not ensure sufficient control quality. This problem is the main motivation for the research presented in the paper. A Model Predictive Control algorithm is proposed for the analysed process. It is assumed the dynamic model for each zone of the forehearth is identified on-line with the Modulating Functions Method. These continuous-time linear models are subsequently used for two purposes: for the predictive controller tuning, measurable disturbances compensation and for a static set point optimisation. Proposed approach was tested using Partial Differential Equation model to simulate two adjacent zones of the forehearth. The experimental results proved that it can be successfully applied for the aforementioned model.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Michał Drapała
Witold Byrski

  1. Department of Automatic Control and Robotics, AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland


We consider in this work a class of finite dimensional time-varying linear disturbed systems. The main objective of this work is to studied the optimal control which ensures the remediability of a disturbance of time-varying disturbed systems. The remediability concept consist to find a convenient control which bringing back the corresponding observation of disturbed system to the normal one at the final time. We give firstly some characterisations of compensation and in second party we find a control which annul the output of the system and we show also that the Hilbert Uniqueness Method can be used to solve the optimal control which ensure the remediability.Ageneral approachwas given to minimize the linear quadratic problem. Examples and numerical simulations are given.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

El Mostafa Magri
Chadi Amissi
Larbi Afifi
Mustapha Lhous

  1. Fundamental and Applied Mathematics Laboratory, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock, Hassan II University of Casablanca, B.P.5366-Maârif, Casablanca, Morocco


In this paper, a class of linear Boolean functions is analyzed. The Boolean function can be represented as disjoint cubes or in the form of a truth vector. The primary purpose of this analysis is to decide whether an incompletely defined function can be extended to a complete linear form. A simple algorithm for generating all states of this function has been proposed if the Boolean function can have a full representation. The algorithm is beneficial for large functions. The proposed approach can be applied to completely and incompletely defined Boolean functions.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Porwik

  1. Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Silesia, Bedzinska 39, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland


This paper addresses the problem of seeking generalized Nash equilibrium for constrained aggregative games with double-integrator agents who communicate with each other on an unbalanced directed graph. An auxiliary variable is introduced to balance the consensus terms in the designed algorithm by estimating the left eigenvector of the Laplacian matrix associated with the zero eigenvalue in a distributed manner. Moreover, an event-triggered broadcasting scheme is proposed to reduce communication loads in the network. It is shown that the proposed communication scheme is free of the Zeno behavior and the asymptotic convergence of the designed algorithm is obtained. Simulation results are demonstrated to validate the proposed methods.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Xin Cai
Xinyuan Nan
Bingpeng Gao

  1. School of Electrical Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830047, China


This paper deals with the problem of stabilization by an estimated state feedback for a family of nonlinear time-delay Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy parameterized systems. The delay is supposed to be constant where the parameter-dependent controls laws are used to compensate the nonlinearities which are formulated in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Based on the Lyapunov- Krasovskii functionals, global exponential stability of the closed-loop systems is achieved. The controller and observer gains are able to be separately designed even in the presence of modeling uncertainty and state delay. Finally, a numerical example is given to show the applicability of the main result.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Nizar Hadj Taieb
Mohamed Ali Hammami
François Delmotte

  1. University of Sfax, IPEIS Sfax, Tunisia
  2. University of Sfax, Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, Tunisia
  3. University of Artois, Bethune, France


The development of electric vehicles (EV) necessitates the search for new solutions for configuring powertrain systems to increase reliability and efficiency. The modularity of power supplies, converters, and electrical machines is one such solution. Among modular electric machines, dual three-phase (DTP) motors are the most common in high-power drives. To simplify low and medium power drives for EVs based on DTP PM motor, it is proposed to use a BLDC drive and machine of the simplest design – with concentrated windings and surface mounted PMs on the rotor. To study and create such drives, an improved mathematical model of DTP PM machine was developed in this work. It is based on the results of 2D FEM modeling of the magnetic field. According to the developed method, the dependences of the self and mutual inductances between all phase windings from the angle of rotor position and loads of different motor modulus were determined. Based on these inductances, the circuit computer model of DTP PM machine was created in the Matlab/Simulink. It has a high simulation speed and a high level of adequacy, which is confirmed by experimental studies with a mock-up sample of the electric drive system.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ihor Shchur
Damian Mazur
Olekcandr Makarchuk
1 3
Ihor Bilyakovskyy
Valentyn Turkovskyi
Bogdan Kwiatkowski
Dawid Kalandyk

  1. Department of Electric Mechatronics and Computer-Controlled Electromechanical Systems, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv 79013, Ukraine
  2. Department of Electrical Engineering and Fundamentals of Computer Science, Rzeszow University of Technology, Rzeszow 35-959, Poland
  3. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa 42-200, Poland
  4. Department of Electrical Engineering and Fundamentals of ComputerScience, Rzeszow University of Technology, Rzeszow 35-959, Poland
  5. Doctoral School of Engineering and Technical Sciences at the Rzeszow University of Technology, Rzeszów 35-959, Poland


Tadeusz Breza (1905–1970), once one of the most popular Polish writers of the twentieth century, is today one of the authors less and less read. On the other hand, his debut and arguably most outstanding novel, Adam Grywałd, has not lost its value. It has been treated as an achievement of psychologism, a testimony to his fascination with Proust,s work and a manifestation of homosexual themes. However, these are unsatisfactory interpretations and lead to the discovery of false mysteries. They obscure the psychological profiles of the individual characters. The real mystery perhaps concerns a frightening encounter with nothingness, death, destruction. Read in this way, the novel becomes a truly intriguing work.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jan Tomkowski

  1. Instytut Badań Literackich PAN, Warszawa


In his lecture the author explains the role played by the problem of memory in Ballady i romanse ( Ballads and romances). In his reading of the ballads he concentrates mainly on the subject of romantic memory and on the places of memory, indicating memory-forming experience of death. The author presents the hypothesis about two culminanting points of the development of memory problems – in Ballady i romanse and the consecutive parts of Dziady ( Forefathers’ Eve).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Trybuś

  1. Instytut Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, Zakład Literatury Romantyzmu


Profiles of the three Polish humanists as remembered by prof. Michał Głowiński.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Michał Głowiński
1 2

  1. członek rzeczywisty PAN
  2. Instytut Badań Literackich PAN, Warszawa


This study presents the figure of Professor Ludwik Bandura as a fighter, teacher, scientist of special sensibility and a model of humanity. Then there is a discussion of L. Bandura's (1947) research on the harm done to children by war and the obligations of the “socialized school” towards children of war that result from these experiences.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zbigniew Kwieciński

  1. członek rzeczywisty PAN


The Theory of Bounded Ethicality postulates that in situations involving consequences for self and/or others people make ethical decisions that bring self- -oriented motivational forces to bear on decision-making. These ethical decisions are biased by a stubborn view of oneself, as moral, competent, and deserving and thus, not susceptible to conflicts of interest. People unconsciously favor this particular vision of the self being unaware of data that may contradict it. This conception of ethical decision making seems to imply that self-oriented motivation plays a dominant role in regulation of human behavior. But there are good theoretical reasons for questioning this view. In the paper, I describe three different research programs that may illustrate operation of the three different motivational systems – only one of them seems to corresponds with the Bounded Ethicality model. It means that that “bounded ethicality“ may appear in pure form in specific situations – when self system is activated by specific egxogenous and endogenous factors while other systems are not remain in the latent state.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Janusz Reykowski
1 2

  1. członek korespondent PAN
  2. Instytut Psychologii PAN, Warszawa


In February 2022, Russian troops invaded Ukraine, continuing a war that lasted since 2014. This turn of events led to massive migration of Ukrainian refugees to Poland, during which the country received approx. 2 million new inhabitants. The rapid migrational process led to attitudinal changes in the host country's population. This article reviews survey studies conducted at the Center for Research on Prejudice at the University of Warsaw (cross-sectional and longitudinal) assessing the attitudes of Poles toward Ukrainians. According to our data, the attitudes of Poles toward Ukraine improved after the 2022 Russian invasion (compared to 2021), and our longitudinal studies confirmed that this change was relatively long-lasting – the attitudes did not deteriorate substantially. A study looking at attitudes toward war refugees from Ukraine and refugees from other countries found that Poles showed significantly higher acceptance of Ukrainian refugees than those from other countries, which could be largely attributed to greater contact with Ukrainians. Furthermore, Poles expressed relatively high acceptance of state support for healthcare and education of Ukrainian refugees, whereas the acceptance of direct financial support and housing was relatively lower.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maria Babińska
Michał Bilewicz
Paulina Górska
Sabina Toruńczyk-Ruiz
Michał Wypych

  1. Wydział Psychologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski


Scientific research is activities aimed at discovering previously unknown facts, phenomena, processes, mechanisms, etc., using objective, repeatable and verifiable methods. In practice, this means that if we strive to investigate something unknown, it is impossible to precisely plan what we discover, because we do not know it. This human activity differs from all the others, where, although the goals set can be both easy and simple as well as ambitious and difficult, it is possible to precisely indicate the specific end goal of the activity that we want to achieve, specific measures that are needed for this and specific methods what we need to apply. Therefore, if we can predict what exactly is needed to achieve the assumed goals, it can be any human activity but scientific research, because its results cannot be predicted by definition. This has profound consequences, both in the conditions that must be created for the practice of science, and in the results of scientific research. This unpredictability of the results of scientific work causes that, on the one hand, many legal provisions that work well in other spheres of life, become absurd in science and inhibit its development, and on the other hand, obtaining surprising results is relatively frequent in science. Such surprises, sometimes the result of unintentional mistakes by researchers, have led to many groundbreaking discoveries. It is also important to realize that attempts to subordinate science to political goals can lead to dramatic effects, so such actions should never take place. Politicians should support scientific research, point to its enormous social role, but never indicate what the results of scientific work are to be.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Grzegorz Węgrzyn

  1. Uniwersytet Gdański, Wydział Biologii, Katedra Biologii Molekularnej


The habilitation degree in Poland ends not with a bang but with a whimper: in spite of grandiloquent announcements from Minister Czarnek about restoring its due prestige and role, the increase in the number of schools entitled to grant habilitation leads to a hyperinflation of this degree, and in the long run – to its demise. In our article, we are discussing briefly the pros and cons of habilitation system, the status quo after most recent reforms, the quantitative analysis of the numbers of schools receiving the habilitation granting rights, and the consequences of the change. We end with a short description of possible scenarios of the current crisis.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Emanuel Kulczycki
Dariusz Jemielniak
2 3 4

  1. Scholarly Communication Research Group w Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
  2. członek korespondent PAN
  3. Katedra MINDS w Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego
  4. Berkman-Klein Center for Internet and Society na Uniwersytecie Harvarda


Jerzy Kołodziejczak, who died on August 1st, 2022 at the age of 87, was a distinguished Polish physicist and a visionary science manager. He graduated at the Physics Faculty of Warsaw University in 1958, received PhD in 1961, habilitation in 1963, and became Professor in 1968. From the beginning of his brilliant and rapid scientific career he worked at the newly created Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics in Warsaw, of which he became director in 1970 (for 12 years) and then the creator of the new institute site and its structure of today. His major theoretical and experimental contributions to science of semiconductors followed the observation that understanding of galvanomagnetic and optical phenomena of medium and narrow-gap semiconductors cannot be done without proper account of the nonparabolicity of their bands. He then formulated general theory of these properties, what brought him not only international acclaim, but also several highest recognitions in Poland (first Maria Skłodowska-Curie Scientific Prize of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) in 1967, the State Award of the first class 1978, Polonia Restituta Commander Order with the Star 2005) and membership to the Polish Academy of Sciences (Corresponding Member 1973 and Ordinary Member in 1991). He served several highest offices in the Academy up to the Academy Presidency in 2002. In 1983 was elected a Fellow of the Warsaw scientific Society. He published well over 100 scientific papers and was a Ph Thesis advisor of his 15 associates.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jerzy M. Langer

  1. Instytutu Fizyki PAN, Warszawa


The concept of regenerative agriculture increased as a response to the progressive degradation of soils intensively used in agriculture and the need to restore their biodiversity and fertility. A characteristic feature of this concept is not only to reduce the negative impact of agriculture on the environment, but also to improve its quality. The most characteristic elements of the concept of regenerative agriculture include: restoring soil health, including increasing the capacity to sequester carbon to mitigate climate change and reversing biodiversity loss. The EASAC report on regenerative agriculture relates mainly to the European Green Deal, and is a critical analysis of the scientific evidence base on the practices of regenerative agriculture to meet the main targets of the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategy, carbon storage and food production. The publication of the report on regenerative agriculture by EASAC became an inspiration for organizing a seminar entitled “Regenerative Agriculture” on May 25, 2022. The seminar was organized as cooperation of three scientific committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences: the Committee of Agronomic Sciences, the Committee of Animal Sciences and Aquaculture and the Committee of Veterinary Sciences and Reproductive Biology, being an excellent forum for discussing such an important issue.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Magdalena Frąc
1 2
Mariusz Matyka
1 3
Jan Rozbicki
1 4
Piotr Tryjanowski

  1. Komitet Nauk Agronomicznych PAN
  2. Instytut Agrofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Lublinie
  3. Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w Puławach
  4. Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
  5. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu


Global emissions have already reached a monstrous amount of 37 Gt of CO2 per year, and the content of this gas in the atmosphere, which is 50% higher than in pre-industrial times, and other greenhouse gases is changing the climate, causing enormous risks for humanity. A complete decarbonization of the economy is essential. Currently, China, the US and the European Union as a whole emit the most, but the US and EU countries bear the greatest responsibility for the carbon dioxide already accumulated in the atmosphere. They are high GDP countries, so they have a moral obligation to help poorer countries decarbonize their economies. Most urgent is the decarbonization of the energy sector, which has a huge, if not the largest, share of emissions. In addition, decarbonizing other sectors will significantly increase demand for electricity. Fortunately, methods to decarbonize this sector are technically mature – only RES and nuclear power should remain. The only problems are time and money. Decarbonization of transportation is proceeding faster than expected, through electromobility and the somewhat slower deployment of hydrogen fuel cells. More difficult is the decarbonization of industry, as the technologies are immature, although research in this direction has intensified greatly recently. Decarbonization of heating and cooling is a challenge not because there is a lack of methods to solve the problem, but because the scale of the undertaking is huge, especially since buildings have a long life span, and it is not always easy to change the heating in existing buildings. Despite the tremendous acceleration, it appears that the complete decarbonization of the economy by 2050, which is recommended by the IPCC to keep average temperature increases within a reasonably safe range, may not succeed. It will therefore be necessary to remove a significant amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which can be done either by capturing the gas and storing it, or by natural forces. One possibility is to accelerate the weathering of magmatic rocks, which would require grinding huge amounts of basalt and distributing it in soil over large areas. Action could also be taken to make forests store more CO2. The war in Ukraine may reduce the rate of decarbonization on a very short time scale, but it is expected to accelerate the process. Politicians have realized how dangerous dependence on fossil fuels, especially their imports, is. In addition, energy prices, which are of such great concern to everyone now, would be much lower if the power industry was much more RES-based, as wind and photovoltaic currently provide the cheapest energy. There is no return to coal-based energy, and Polish politicians making such demands are acting against the Polish raison d'etat.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jan Kozłowski
1 2

  1. członek rzeczywisty PAN
  2. Instytut Nauk o Środowisku Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (em.)

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