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Artykuł stanowi egzemplifikację możliwości wykorzystania teorii architektur praktyk Stephena Kemmisa jako narzędzia analitycznego w badaniach zmian edukacyjnych. Dotyczy on polskich szkół demokratycznych, czyli autonomicznych społeczności uczących się, opartych na idei wolności, które skupiają dzieci spełniające obowiązek szkolny poza szkołą. Szkoły te realizują model edukacji radykalnie odmienny od dominującego: definiują szkołę jako społeczność, której członkowie i członkinie współdecydują o kwestiach istotnych dla siebie i zbiorowości. Zmieniają także tradycyjny stosunek pedagogiczny, czyniąc dziecko współodpowiedzialnym za proces uczenia się. Materiał empiryczny zgromadzony w toku badań w ośmiu szkołach, obejmujący transkrypcje wywiadów pogłębionych i notatki terenowe, został poddany analizie z wykorzystaniem kategorii pojęciowych z teorii architektur praktyk. Pozwoliło to pokazać dyskursywne, materialne i społeczne uwarunkowania związane z usytuowaniem szkół demokratycznych na obrzeżach systemu oświaty, które umożliwiły wyłonienie się i trwanie praktyk przesądzających o specyfice szkół demokratycznych. Dzięki temu artykuł pozwala lepiej zrozumieć warunki przeobrażeń w obszarze szkolnictwa.
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1. Ball, Stephen J. 2000. Performativities and Fabrications in the Education Economy: Towards the Performative Society? Australian Educational Researcher, 27, 2: 1–23. DOI: 10.1007/BF03219719.
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13. Gawlicz, Katarzyna. 2023. School as a Site of Transformative Adult Learning: Parents’ Experiences of Polish Democratic Schools. Critical Studies in Education, 64, 1: 35–50. DOI: 10.1080/17508487.2021.1957964.
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17. Hawranek, Maria. 2021. Szkoły, do których chce się chodzić (są bliżej, niż myślisz). Kraków: Znak.
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20. Kemmis, Stephen. 2019. A Practice Sensibility: An Invitation to the Theory of Practice Architectures. Singapore: Springer.
21. Kemmis, Stephen, Christine Edwards-Groves. 2018. Understanding Education: History, Politics and Practice. Singapore: Springer.
22. Kemmis, Stephen, Kathleen Mahon. 2017. Coming to „Practice Architectures”: A Genealogy of the Theory. In: K. Mahon, S. Francisco, S. Kemmis, eds. Exploring Education and Professional Practice: Through the Lens of Practice Architectures. Singapore: Springer, 219–238.
23. Kemmis, Stephen, Jane Wilkinson, Christine Edwards-Groves. 2017. Roads Not Travelled, Roads Ahead: How the Theory of Practice Architectures is Travelling. In: K. Mahon, S. Francisco, S. Kemmis, eds. Exploring Education and Professional Practice: Through the Lens of Practice Architectures. Singapore: Springer, 239– 256.
24. Kemmis, Stephen, Jane Wilkinson, Christine Edwards-Groves, Hardy Ian, Peter Grootenboer, Laurette Bristol. 2014. Changing Practices, Changing Education. Singapore: Springer.
25. Klus-Stańska, Dorota. 2013. Szkoła, jakiej nie znałam: krótka historia poszukiwania pewnej alternatywy edukacyjnej. W: H. Cervinkova, red. Edukacyjne badania w działaniu. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, 306–336.
26. Klus-Stańska, Dorota. 2016. Jak wyjść poza horyzont pomyślenia szkoły i zrehabilitować wiedzę? Pod pretekstem reminiscencji z Autorskiej Szkoły Podstawowej „Żak”. Studia i Badania Naukowe, 1: 53–69.
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35. Mahon, Kathleen, Christine Edwards-Groves, Susanne Francisco, Mervi Kaukko, Stephen Kemmis, Kirsten Petrie, eds. 2020. Pedagogy, Education, and Praxis in Critical Times. Singapore: Springer.
36. Mahon, Kathleen, Susanne Francisco, Stephen Kemmis, eds. 2017. Exploring Education and Professional Practice: Through the Lens of Practice Architectures. Singapore: Springer.
37. Mahon, Kathleen, Stephen Kemmis, Susanne Francisco, Annemaree Lloyd. 2017. Introduction: Practice Theory and the Theory of Practice Architectures. In: K. Mahon, S. Francisco, S. Kemmis, eds. Exploring Education and Professional Practice: Through the Lens of Practice Architectures. Singapore: Springer, 1–30.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Gawlicz

  1. Uniwersytet Dolnośląski DSW we Wrocławiu
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Starając się zrozumieć fenomen popularności teorii praktyk w XXI wieku, rozpoczynamy artykuł od wyróżnienia sześciu założeń, które łączą „rodzinę” teorii praktyk. Następnie skupiamy się na różnicach i opisujemy cztery główne orientacje w ramach teorii praktyk. W tym celu bierzemy pod uwagę postrzeganie teorii praktyk w odniesieniu do innych teorii społecznych (co określamy mianem „teorii totalnej” lub „skrzynki narzędziowej”) oraz dążenie do opisywania lub wyjaśniania analizowanych zjawisk (co za Nicolinim ujmujemy jako słaby lub mocny program teorii praktyk). Po skrzyżowaniu tych dwóch wymiarów otrzymujemy cztery główne typy uprawiania teorii praktyk. Omawiamy je podając przykłady koncepcji Theodore’a Schatzkiego, Davide Nicoliniego, opisując „pęknięcia” w teorii praktyk oraz ich „miniaturyzację”. Proponowany sposób analizy pozwala wyraźniej dostrzec zalety i wady poszczególnych typów podejść oraz zachęca badaczy do urefleksyjnienia swojej postawy względem omawianych teorii. W podsumowaniu przywołujemy podobieństwa pomiędzy teoriami praktyk a socjologią codzienności pod kątem problemów, jakie napotykają.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bogumiła Mateja-Jaworska
Ariel Modrzyk

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza
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Artykuł podejmuje temat relacji pomiędzy ontologicznymi założeniami teorii praktyk społecznych a metodologią badań projektowanych w nurcie tej teorii. Autorzy przedstawiają kluczowe założenia teorii praktyk, skupiając się na tym, co wspólne w pracach trzech najważniejszych postaci skupionych wokół nurtu teorii praktyk. Artykuł przedstawia najważniejsze implikacje metodologiczne wynikające z tychże założeń. W ostatniej części tekstu autorzy przyglądają się nowym nurtom studiów nad rodziną prowadzonych w duchu teorii praktyk, na ich przykładzie identyfi kluczowe ryzyka i problemy wiążące się z empirycznym wykorzystaniem teorii praktyk oraz strategie mierzenia się z tymi wyzwaniami.
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Marta Skowrońska
Filip Schmidt

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza
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U podstaw funkcjonowania komisji do spraw etyki badań leży założenie o możliwości konfliktu interesów między badaczem a badaną społecznością, dostrzeżenie strategicznej przewagi badacza w relacjach z uczestnikami badań oraz przeświadczenie o konieczności równoważenia potencjalnych korzyści badaczy i badanych. W związku z postępującym w ostatnich latach rozpowszechnieniem komisji etyki w polskich jednostkach akademickich, artykuł analizuje wyzwania związane z ich funkcjonowaniem w perspektywie teoretycznej neoinstytucjonalizmu. Dzieli wyzwania na trzy kategorie, z których każda charakteryzuje się mniejszą lub większą dywersyfikacją akademickich obyczajów i norm: wyzwania wynikające z różnorodności systemów normatywnych; wyzwania wynikające ze swobody interpretacyjnej w wykładni klauzul generalnych i zwrotów niedookreślonych; oraz wyzwania dotyczące obligatoryjności i ostateczności opinii komisji. Analiza zwraca uwagę na konieczność głębszego namysłu nad instytucjami pośredniczącymi między normami a jednostkami, czyli rolą struktur mezospołecznych w determinowaniu jednostkowych aktywności w obrębie ram wyznaczanych przez instytucje. Model komisji etyki nie jest jedynym możliwym rozwiązaniem, które umożliwia wzmocnienie etycznych aspektów badań. Instytucjonalizacja procedury oceniania etycznego działa nie tylko jako ściślejsze określenie reguł formalnych, ale wpływa też na obyczaje akademickie, tzn. może wzmacniać antycypacyjną samokontrolę etyczną prowadzących projekty.
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Katarzyna Andrejuk

  1. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
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Badanie odwołuje się do socjologii kultury Pierre’a Bourdieu, aby odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy oglądanie współczesnej telewizji zależy od pozycji klasowej jednostek. Zastosowano wielowymiarową analizę korespondencji do danych sondażowych zebranych na lokalnej próbie w Polsce w 2017 roku, aby zrekonstruować przestrzeń preferencji telewizyjnych i zbadać, jakie czynniki społeczno-demograficzne i klasowe leżą u jej podstaw. Zidentyfikowano dwie główne opozycje gustu: nowa telewizja versus tradycyjna oraz orientacja na informację versus na rozrywkę. Opozycje te wynikają z różnic klasowych. Badanie rzuca światło na wzajemne oddziaływanie między wiekiem a pozycją społeczną w wyrażaniu klasowych dystynkcji i ujawnia różnice w pochodzeniu społecznym między typami konsumentów telewizji. Artykuł wzbogaca nasze rozumienie różnic klasowych, pokazując, w jaki sposób orientacje kulturowe w popularnym i wieloplatformowym środowisku telewizyjnym działają na rzecz wzmocnienia struktury klasowej we współczesnej Polsce.
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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Cebula
Aleksandra Drabina-Różewicz
Aleksandra Perchla-Włosik

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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Rozwój technologiczny spowodował zmiany w różnych dziedzinach, także w gospodarce, a co za tym idzie, również na rynku pracy. Zmiany te obejmują między innymi rozwój nowych form pracy. Celem badania było wykonanie adaptacji hiszpańskiego narzędzia mierzącego prekaryjne warunki pracy (EPRES II) oraz porównanie warunków pracy pomiędzy pracownikami platformowymi, freelancerami i pracownikami tradycyjnymi. Skala EPRES II została przetłumaczona na język polski. W badaniu wzięło udział 672 polskich pracowników. Przeprowadzona konfirmacyjna analiza czynnikowa potwierdziła oryginalną, 6-czynnikową strukturę narzędzia. Spójność wewnętrzną podskal uznano za akceptowalną. Pozwala to uznać, że polska wersja EPRES-PL wykazuje zadowalające właściwości psychometryczne. Badane grupy zawodowe różnią się pod względem prekaryjnych warunków pracy. Najmniej prekaryjnymi warunkami pracy, z wyjątkiem podskali Niewłaściwe traktowanie, charakteryzują się pracownicy tradycyjni.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Stachura-Krzyształowicz
Łukasz Kapica
Paulina Barańska

  1. Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy-Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
  2. Progressive Policies
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Prezentowane opracowanie stanowi wynik badań religijności na Pomorzu Zachodnim w diecezji koszalińsko-kołobrzeskiej, gdzie dominują wsie po-PGR-owskie. Stawiany w prezentowanej analizie problem badawczy przyjął postać następującego pytania: czym charakteryzuje się religijność mieszkańców wsi w diecezji koszalińsko-kołobrzeskiej w wybranych parametrach religijności i w jakim stopniu posiada ona wymiar wspólnotowy? Dla zbadania tej perspektywy, oprócz standardowego wykorzystania socjologicznych doświadczeń badania religijności, wykorzystana została skonstruowana przeze mnie skala znaczenia wspólnotowości w religijności, odwołująca się do analizy czynnikowej.
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Remigiusz Szauer

  1. Uniwersytet Szczeciński
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Among the highlights of Professor Janusz Siatkowski’s scholarly activity in the field of Polish and Slavic studies, there are his consistent development of the areal paradigm of linguistic research and his establishing and interpreting correlations between the areal distribution of linguistic phenomena and their chronological features, as well as between language‑internal and extralinguistic factors influencing language evolution processes.
The method of topochronographic analysis, which primarily emerged in Siatkowski’s numerous studies of Slavic dialect lexis, was then adopted and further developed by other linguists. Using exhaustive synchronic and diachronic linguistic data, and also taking into account the specificity of every linguistic item under scrutiny have resulted in the efficiency of his reconstruction and interpretation of structural, areal, and functional changes in linguistic inventories, their variation within individual Slavic languages and the common Slavonic area. Siatkowski’s analysis of a wide range of structural elements of various languages, differing in their genesis and history, testifies to the high informative value of all kinds of linguistic items, something that, while not denying the existence of general regularities of language development, brings into clearer relief their shared as well as exclusive properties. From the viewpoint of their content, Siatkowski’s works are twofold: firstly, they involve detailed analysis of linguistic items, and secondly, they employ a rigorous theoretical and methodological apparatus, which includes a set of relevant analytical procedures and is fit to be applied to other linguistic objects and in other research areas. Many studies in the 2019 volume “Prace Filologiczne” demonstrate the further proliferation and development of his ideas and methods – of what may be termed Siatkowski’s approach. Heuristically, many papers in this volume are valuable for the new material of Slavonic dialects and languages they bring, as well as the way this material is structured and interpreted. The inventories of linguistic items presented in dialect descriptions then turn into a matrix applicable in checking up other Slavonic linguistic areas, finding their common and distinctive elements, and establishing cross‑dialectal and cross‑linguistic isoglosses of various structural levels as well as exclusive features. The authors of the papers arrive at new theoretic generalizations concerning the regularities and scale of structural and functional changes in the common Slavonic dialectal area, effectively elaborating the areal paradigm of language study as an important direction in modern linguistics.
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Павло Гриценко

  1. Інститут української мови, Національної академії наук, України, Київ
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The next (and not yet the last) issue of the second volume Plants of the Dictionary of Folk Stereotypes and Symbols, published in Lublin under the editorship of prof. E. Bartminsky and S. Niebrzegowska‑Bartminska, contains the topics Shrubs and Little bushes. The ethnolinguistic “portraits” of the plants are given at the broad Slavic and European background. Like the previous issues, it is a significant contribution to the study of Polish and Slavic folk culture. It also provides various material for linguistic studies of Polish and Slavic phytonymy thanks to a rich dialect corpus of plant names and related folklore and ethnographic contexts. Moreover, the Dictionary of Folk Stereotypes and Symbols provides a new method of ethnolinguistic lexicography, which can be successfully applied to the study of other Slavic and non‐Slavic languages and cultural traditions.
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Наталья Б. Корина

  1. Очередной выпуск Словаря народных стереотипов и символов
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The article deals with the semantic development of Proto‑Slavic * lichъ. This adjective has many disparate meanings in Slavonic languages which have predominantly developed from the Proto‑Slavic meaning ‘odd, uneven’. The concept of ‘oddness, unevenness’ was mostly viewed as something undesirable and harmful which is reflected by meanings like ‘needless, futile, vain, wretched, evil, ominous etc.’. There is, however, also a group of positive meanings in Slavic languages, such as ‘free, daring, high‑spirited, skilful, famous’. The semantic shift to these meanings has not been satisfactorily explained. We suggest a development via the meanings ‘free from sth, singular’ (partially attested in Old Church Slavonic and some other Slavic languages) as one of the possible directions of semantic development of * lichъ from which the aforementioned positive meanings could be explained.
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Jiří Rejzek

  1. Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Ústav pro jazyk český, Praha
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The following paper discusses the anthroponymy of Białystok region in the late 19th and early 20th century with the focus on patronyms ( otchestva) excerpted from the church registers of the Orthodox parish in Łapy dated 1898‑1915. It was established that the majority of the patronyms were derived from the Orthodox (Church‑Slavonic) variants of proper names (e.g., Dionisiyev, Emilіanova), although the study confirms the presence of the cases where non‑canonical variants of baptismal names were used (e.g., Denisov, Emel’yanova). Moreover, the graphic notation of the patronyms reflects the rules enforced in the period prior to the final spelling reform; simultaneously, the observed trends point to the removal of doublets and the deviation from the Church‑Slavonic pattern. Despite the commonality of patronyms in their short forms (e.g., Yakovlev, Kirillov, Ivanova), the full forms of otchestva in the parish registers (e.g. Yakovlevich, Kirillovich, Ivanovna) were detected as well. Their occurrence can be explained by several factors, such as an effort to differentiate between identical surnames, or the social origin of the name owner and his profession. Nonetheless, the discussed dependencies between the short and full forms are not unconditionally consistent.
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Michał Mordań

  1. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Białystok
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The article discusses selected dialect lexis from the Polish questionnaires for the German Language Atlas from Masuria, Warmia and the Neighbouring Areas, then in Eastern Prussia. The 19th‑century records are a valuable source for the study of dialect lexis, offering a comparative basis for inquiries into the contemporary state of dialects in the area under study. The text analyses words that, according to the authors, bring interesting data to the collection of dialect lexis or confirm occurrence in the area under study. These are words meaning ‘many’, ‘peasant, man’, ‘those, others’, and ‘to crush, knead, squeeze, press, strangle’. The text is supplemented by a compilation of source material for the appended map, illustrating the equivalents of German Andern.
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Dorota Krystyna Rembiszewska
Janusz Siatkowski

  1. Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa
  2. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa
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Constructions expressing the separation of a part from the whole which arose independently on the two ends of the Slavic land are presented in the article. The analyzed phenomena, resulting from interference of Slavic and non Slavic languages (Greek and German), are relevant to some South Slavic and Kashubian dialects. The semantic structure of these constructions is proposed and it is shown how their relevant semantic features are expressed in sentences. One of them is the definiteness of the object from which a certain part is detached. It is concluded that Bulgarian and Macedonian on the one hand and Kashubian dialects on the other are characterised by similar level of details expressing the semantic structure of the analyzed sentences despite different grammatical structures of these languages.
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Małgorzata Korytkowska

  1. Instytut Slawistyki PAN, Warszawa
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This paper analyses the question from the Lexical volume 9 – “Man” of the General Slavic Linguistic Atlas (OLA). It is about the terms for the ‘footprint, track’ (‘stapalka, traga’ in Macedonian) in the Slavic dialects covered by the question L 1575 (‘след стопы’) according to the Questionnaire of OLA. The aim of the analysis is to show the geographical distribution, etymology and semantic motivation for the terms of ‘footprint, track’ in Macedonian dialects (which are based on the material from the OLA) in correlation with the equivalents on the Slavic linguistic territory.
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Соња Миленковска

  1. Истражувачки центар за ареална лингвистика „Божидар Видоески“, МАНУ, Скопје
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Neuter past tense forms in the first and second person singular like widziałom, widziałoś (as well as neuter indicative future tense forms like będę widziało, będziesz widziało and conditional forms like widziałobym, widziałobyś) occur in all main Slavic languages (so‑called macrolanguages) and in the so‑called Slavic literary microlanguages, but only as potential, rarely occurring albeit regularly derived forms. They were noted mainly in older grammar manuals. Some grammatical paradigms are incomplete because their authors listed only masculine forms. While they took the derivation of feminine forms for granted, it is not certain if they assumed that neuter forms in the first and second person singular existed. Engaging in researching the textual presence of these very rare linguistic forms in individual Slavic languages might be worthwhile. It appears that suitable computer software will allow searching existing textual corpora and provide relevant data on the linguistic forms discussed in this article.
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Tadeusz Lewaszkiewicz

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
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Racecadotril, used as an antidiarrheal drug in humans and some animals such as the dog, inhibits peripheral enkephalinase, which degrades enkephalins and enkephalinase inhibition induces a selective increase in chloride absorption from the intestines. The study material consisted of 46 calves with infectious diarrhea and 14 healthy calves in the age 2-20 days. The calves were divided into eight groups; healthy calves (HG), healthy calves administered racecadotril (HRG), calves with E.coli-associated diarrhea (ECG), calves with E.coli-associated diarrhea administered racecadotril (ECRG), calves with bovine Rotavirus/Coronavirus-associated diarrhea (VG), calves with bovine Rotavirus/Coronavirus-associated diarrhea administered racecadotril (VRG), calves with C. parvum-associated diarrhea (CG) and calves with C. parvum-associated diarrhea administered racecadotril (CRG). Calves in the racecadotril groups received oral racecadotril at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg twice a day for 3 days. A routine clinical examination of all calves was performed. Hemogram and blood gas measurements were made from the blood samples. Standard diarrhea treatment was applied to the HG, ECG, CG, and VG groups. Clinical score parameters such as appetite, feces quality, dehydration, standing and death and some blood gas and hemogram parameters were evaluated to determine the clinical efficacy of racecadotril. Clinical score parameters were determined observationally. Blood gas measurements were performed using a blood gas analyzer. The hemogram was performed using an automated hematologic analyzer. Statistically significant differences were determined in the blood pH, bicarbonate, base deficit, lactate, and total leukocyte count in calves with diarrhea compared to healthy calves. After the treatments, these parameters were found to be within normal limits. At the end of treatment, 42 of the 46 diarrheal calves recovered, while 4 died. We found that racecadotril was effective in improving both clinical recovery and feces consistency in neonatal calves with diarrhea caused by E. coli. As a result, it can be stated that racecadotril, which has an antisecretory effect, is beneficial in the treatment of bacterial diarrhea caused by such as E. coli.
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Authors and Affiliations

B. Tras
M. Ok
M. Ider
T.M. Parlak
R. Yildiz
H. Eser Faki
Z. Ozdemir Kutahya
K. Uney

  1. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Selcuk, Ardicli Neighborhood, 42100, Konya, Turkey
  2. Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Selcuk, Ardicli Neighborhood, 42100, Konya, Turkey
  3. Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Yakakoy, 15030, Burdur, Turkey
  4. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cukurova, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Avenue, 01930, Adana, Turkey
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Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressive drug that is used to prevent tissue rejection in organ transplants and to treat autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. It has important toxic effects in many organs such as the liver and kidney. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the effectiveness of the single and combined treatment of dipyridamole, which is a vasodilator and has an antioxidant effect, ketotifen which is toll-like receptor-4 inhibitory and has an antioxidant effect, quercetin which is an antioxidant and has an anti-inflammatory effect in cyclosporine-induced hepatorenal toxicity. Forty-eight Wistar Albino rats were divided into 7 groups. The research period was 21 days. The cyclosporine increased serum ALT and AST levels, in contrast to their increased levels prevented by all the treatments. The serum creatinine level decreased significantly with ketotifen and combined treatment, while cyclosporine partially increased serum creatinine and urea levels. The urine microalbumin and protein levels were increased significantly by cyclosporine, whereas they decreased with dipyridamole treatment. The protein levels decreased by quercetin and combined treatments. The kidney injury molecule- 1 and retinol-binding protein levels were increased by the cyclosporine, while ketotifen treatment partially decreased them. In conclusion, ketotifen and dipyridamole can prevent cyclosporine- induced hepatorenal toxicity and quercetin can increase the effectiveness of this treatment.
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Authors and Affiliations

B. Dik
T.M. Parlak
O. Tufan
F.B. Ozgur
A. Er

  1. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Selcuk University, Ardicli Neighborhood, 42130, Konya, Turkey
  2. Harran University, Birecik Vocational School, Laboratory and Veterinary Health Program, Karsiyaka Neighborhood, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Halil MUTLU Avenue, 63400, Sanliurfa, Turkey
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The symbolic analysis of heart rate variability (biomarker of cardiac autonomic homeostasis) is a nonlinear and effective tool for pattern extraction and classification in a series analysis, which implies the transformation of an original time series into symbols, represented by numbers. Autonomic heart rate control is influenced by different factors, and better indicators of heart rate variability are found in healthy young individuals than in older and sicker individuals. The aim of this study was to compare the indicators of heart rate variability among healthy dogs in different age groups and in health status using the nonlinear method of symbolic analysis to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of this method for the risk of death in dogs. An increase in cardiac sympathetic modulation was observed in puppies and dogs at risk of death, which was evidenced by a marked increase of 0 V% (without variation – associated with sympathetic modulation) and a decrease in patterns of 2 V% (two variations – associated with parasympathetic modulation), while the opposite was observed in young adult dogs with increased parasympathetic modulation. Elderly dogs showed a gradual decrease in parasympathetic activity, which tended to worsen with loss of health. It is concluded that the variables of symbolic analysis may be useful to evaluate autonomic modulation in dogs and assist in the differentiation between health states, advanced disease and death throughout the life cycle and have been shown to be indices with high specificity, sensitivity and diagnostic accuracy to help identify dogs at risk of death.
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Authors and Affiliations

L. Martinello
F.G. Romão
M.F. Godoy
L.H.A. Machado
M.H. Tsunemi
M.L.G. Lourenço

  1. São Paulo State University (Unesp), School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science
  2. Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery – São José do Rio Preto Medical School (FAMERP)
  3. São Paulo State University (Unesp), Institute of Biosciences, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil
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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) continues to be a major public health concern. Nucleocapsid (N) protein is the most abundant structural protein on SARS-CoV-2 virions and induces the production of antibodies at the early stage of infection. Large-scale preparation of N protein is essential for the development of immunoassays to detect antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 and the control of virus transmission. In this study, expression of water-soluble N protein was achieved through inducing protein expression at 25°C with 0.5 mM IPTG for 12 h. Western blot and ELISA showed that recombinant N protein could be recognized by sera collected from subjects immunized with Sinovac inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Four monoclonal antibodies namely 2B1B1, 4D3A3, 5G1F8, and 7C6F5 were produced using hybridoma technology. Titers of all four monoclonal antibodies in ELISA reached more than 1.28×10 6.0. Moreover, all monoclonal antibodies could react specifically with N protein expressed by transfection of pcDNA3.1-N into BHK-21 cells in IPMA and IFA. These results indicated that water-soluble N protein retained high immunogenicity and possessed the same epitopes as that of native N protein on virions. In addition, the preparation of water-soluble N protein and its monoclonal antibodies laid the basis for the development of immunoassays for COVID-19 detection.
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Authors and Affiliations

Y.B. Wang
S.W. Wang
Q.Y. Jin
L.P. Chen
F.Q. Zhang
J.J. Shi
Y. Yin
Z.X. Fan
X.Y. Liu
L.P. Wang
P. Li

  1. School of Public Health, Xinxiang Medical University, Xinxiang 453003, P.R. China
  2. School of Basic Medical Sciences, Xinxiang Medical University, Xinxiang 453003, P.R. China
  3. Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Animal Immunology, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002, P.R. China
  4. Gushi County Center for Animal Disease Control and Prevention, Xinyang 465200, P.R. China
  5. Mingde College of Xinxiang Medical University, Xinxiang 453003, P.R. China
  6. School of Biological Engineering, Xinxiang University, Xinxiang 453003, P.R. China
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Porcine parvovirus (PPV) is a major causative agent in reproductive pig disease. The swine industry faces a significant economic and epizootic threat; thus, finding a reliable, quick, and practical way to detect it is essential. In this investigation, recombinant PPV VP2 protein was expressed in the Escherichia coli ( E. coli) expression systems. As shown by electron microscopy (TEM), Western blot, and hemagglutination (HA) assays, the recombinant VP2 protein was successfully assembled into virus-like particles (VLPs) after being expressed and purified. These VLPs had a structure that was similar to that of real PPV viruses and also exhibited HA activity. These VLPs induced high levels of PPV-specific antibody titers in mice after immunization, indicating that the VLPs may be beneficial as potential candidate antigens. VLPs were used as the coating antigens for the VLP ELISA, and the PPV VLPs-based ELISA displayed a high sensitivity (99%), specificity (93.0%) and agreement rate (98.3%) compared to HI assay, and the agreement rate of this ELISA was 97.5% compared to a commercial ELISA kit. Within a plate, the coefficient of variation (CV) was 10%, and between ELISA plates, the CV was 15%. According to a cross-reactivity assay, the technique was PPV-specific in contrast to other viral illness sera. The PPV VLP indirect-ELISA test for PPV detection in pigs with an inactivated vaccine showed that the PPV-positive rate varied among different sample sources from 88.2 to 89.6%. Our results indicate that this ELISA technique was quick, accurate, and repeatable and may be used for extensive serological research on PPV antibodies in pigs.
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Authors and Affiliations

Y. Li
Q. Wang
W. Yue
X. Li
Y. Chen
Y. Gao

  1. Beijing Biomedicine Technology Center of JoFunHwa Biotechnology (Nanjing Co. Ltd.); No.25 Xiangrui Street Daxing District, Beijing 102600 China
  2. State Key Laboratory for Animal Disease Control and Prevention, Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150001, China
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The purpose of this study was to verify the possibility of pharmacological induction of Foxp3 +CD25 +CD8 + and Foxp3 -CD103 +CD8 + T regulatory cells ‘armed’ with immunosuppressive molecules, i.e. CD39 and IL-10. To achieve this purpose, stimulated and unstimulated murine lymphocytes were exposed to IL-27, teriflunomide (TER) and all trans retinoic acid (ATRA). The study found that: (a) IL-27 induced CD39 expression on Foxp3 +CD25 +CD8 + T cells and the ability of CD103+Foxp3-CD8+ T cells to produce IL-10 as well as increasing the absolute number of IL-10 +CD103 +Foxp3 -CD8 + T cells; (b) TER induced Foxp3 expression in CD25+CD8+ T cells and CD103 expression on Foxp3 -CD8 + T cells as well as increasing the absolute number of Foxp3 +CD25 +CD8 + T cells; (c) ATRA induced the capacity of Foxp3 +CD25 +CD8 + T cells to produce IL-10. The following desired interactions were demonstrated between IL-27 and ATRA: (a) a strong synergistic effect with respect to increasing CD39 expression and the ability to produce IL-10 by Foxp3 +CD25 +CD8 + T cells; (b) a synergistic effect with respect to increasing the absolute count of CD39 +Foxp3 +CD25 +CD8 + T cells. The study revealed that TER abolished all these effects. Therefore, a combination of the tested agents did not induce the generation of Foxp3 +CD25 +CD8 + and Foxp3 -CD103+CD8+ T cells characterized by extensive CD39 expression and IL-10 production. Thus, in the context of the pharmacological induction of IL-10 +CD39 +Foxp3 +CD25 +CD8 + and IL-10 +CD103 +Foxp3 -CD8 + T cells, these findings strongly suggest that a combination of TER with IL-27 and/or ATRA does not provide any benefits over TER alone; moreover, such a combination may result in abolishing the desired effects exerted by IL-27 and/or ATRA.
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Authors and Affiliations

T. Maślanka
A. Jasiecka-Mikołajczyk

  1. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury, Oczapowskiego 13, 10-718 Olsztyn, Poland
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The present study aimed to investigate the contamination of poultry feed with aflatoxin B1 and zearalenone at laying hen farms in Tehran suburbs. The poultry feed was selected from five laying hen farms. A total of 60 poultry feed samples were collected from each farm during four consecutive seasons, from spring to winter of 2021. High-performance liquid chromatography was used to determine the amount of aflatoxin B1 and zearalenone. The mean aflatoxin B1 and zearalenone concentrations in various seasons showed significant differences (p<0.01). The highest reported aflatoxin concentration was in winter, with a mean concentration of 1366.53±77.85 ng/kg. The lowest concentrations were reported in autumn and summer, indicating a significant difference (p<0.01). The highest concentration of zearalenone was reported in summer, with a mean concentration of 150.72±10.35 μg/kg. The lowest concentration was reported in winter, with a mean concentration of 22.87±10.35 μg/kg, indicating a statistically significant difference (p<0.01). Overall, the concentrations of aflatoxin B1 and zearalenone toxins significantly differed in various poultry farms. The poultry farm D had the highest aflatoxin contamination with a mean concentration of 648.08±59.89 ng/kg. Poultry farms A, B, and C had the highest zearalenone concentrations with mean concentrations of 125.17±20.61, 96.04±20.61, and 99.49±20.61 μg/kg, respectively. Autumn was the only season showing significant differences regarding zearalenone toxin concentration in poultry farms.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Sohrabi
M.H. Movassaghghazani
J. Shayegh
A.R. Karamibonari
F. Tajedini

  1. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
  2. Department of Food Hygiene and Quality Control, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
  3. Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
  4. Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
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Obesity, which is generally seen in adults, is a serious health problem. Diseases caused by obesity are among the leading causes of death worldwide. Liraglutide (LG) is an analogue of glucagon-like peptide-1, which slows gastrointestinal motility, resulting in decreased food consumption. Gastric plication (GP) and sleeve gastrectomy (SG) is the reduction of stomach volume by surgical means. We examined and compared the body mass index (BMI) changes, metabolic changes and changes in gastric histology in obese rats after LG injection with surgical methods such as SG and GP.
In this research, 35 Wistar Albino female rats were used. Rats were divided into 5 groups with 7 rats in each group. Group (G) 1: The control group, fed with a normal calorie diet for 8 weeks. G 2: Sham group, G 3: SG group, G 4: GP group and G 5: LG group, fed with high-calorie feed for 4 weeks. At the end of the 4th week, the study was terminated by making appropriate interventions for the groups.
When the blood glucose (BG) levels measured at the beginning, 4 th week and 8 th week of the experiment were evaluated, it was monitored that the BG level at the 8 th week was the lowest in the LG group (p<0.05). It was observed that the preop Ghrelin and Leptin levels of the LG group were lower than those of the SG and GP groups (p<0.05). As a consequenc
As a consequence of our metabolic investigations, we observed that the use of LG is at least as effective as SG.

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Authors and Affiliations

H. Bilge
O. Basol
E. Yıldızhan
B.V. Ulger
H. Temiz
M. Akkus
I. Yıldızhan

  1. Department of General Surgery, SBU Gazi Yaşargil Training and research Hospital, Elazığ Road 10.Km Üçkuyular location 21070, Diyarbakır, Turkey
  2. Dicle University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Histology and Embryology, Kıtılbıl Mah. 21280, Diyarbakır, Turkey
  3. Dicle University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery, Kıtılbıl Mah. 21280, Diyarbakır, Turkey
  4. Dicle University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Microbiology, Kıtılbıl Mah. 21280, Diyarbakır, Turkey
  5. Iğdır University, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Department of Agricultural Technology, Şehit Bülent Yurtseven Kampüsü, & Karaağaç Kampüsü, 76000 Iğdır, Turkey
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidative/oxidative status of spermatozoa and prostatic fluid in dogs with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) by the determination of total antioxidant capacity and protein peroxidation markers. Study was conducted on 40 intact dogs of various breeds. The dogs were assigned to two groups: BPH group (n=20) and non-affected group (n=20). The second and third fractions of the ejaculate were collected separately by digital manipulation. Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and the concentrations of SH-groups in sperm and prostatic fluid were determined spectrophotometrically, the concentrations of bityrosine and formylkynurenine were determined using spectrofluorimetric methods. The mean values of TAC in spermatozoa and prostatic fluid were significantly lower (p<0.05), whereas the mean contents of biotyrosine and formylkinurenine were significantly higher (p<0.05) in BPH dogs compared to control dogs. There was no statistically significant difference in the content of SH group between dogs with BPH and control dogs (p>0.05). In conclusion, the results indicate that BPH in dogs is associated with reduced total antioxidant capacity and increased protein oxidation in the prostatic fluid and spermatozoa, and suggest the importance of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of this condition. The potential role of antioxidants in the prevention and therapy of canine BPH requires further studies.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Domosławska
S. Zduńczyk
A. Bielecka
M. Kankofer

  1. Department of Animal Reproduction with Clinic, University of Warmia and Mazury, 10-719 Olsztyn, Oczapowskiego 14, Poland
  2. Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Life Sciences, 20-033 Lublin, Akademicka 12, Lublin, Poland

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