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Subfossil trunks of oak (Quercus robur L. and Q. petraea Lieb.) are fundamental for construction of long dendrochronological standards for southern Poland. In the last three years over 400 new oak trunks from alluvial deposits from the basins of the rivers Vistula and Odra were analysed. Most trunks came from the last 2500 years and the produced local chronologies permitted for improvement of the standard chronology POLAND2, covering the period 474 BC-I 555 AD. Subfossil oak trunks from several sites in the river Vistula basin (Grabie, Wolica, Podolsze and others) and from alluvia of the river Odra in Wrocław enabled construction of a new long chronology C_3000E, spanning the years 1795- 612 BC. This chronology was absolutely dated through teleconnection with standards for southern Germany. A row of floating chronologies, dated with the radiocarbon method, was established for the older periods of Holocene. They cover the following intervals: ca. 670-400 BC, ca. 2200-1900 BC, ca. 3400-3100 BC, ca. 3800-3600 BC and ca. 6650-6150 BC. Subfossil oak chronologies constructed by the author, together with standards based on living trees, monuments of wooden architecture, and archaeological timbers from Wielkopolska (449- I 994 AD), Lower Silesia (780-1994 AD) and Małopolska (910-1997 AD) practically allow for absolute dating of oak timbers from the area of southern Poland coming from the last 4000 years.
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Marek Krąpiec
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Yezupil is the first Middle Palaeolithic site discovered in upper part of the Dnister River valley. It is situated in a set of sediments composed of loess and fossil soils lying on alluvia. The results of geological and palaeopedological investigations are presented. They contain lithological and geochemical analyses (main components and trace elements), as well as micromorphological study. Palaeo- and petromagnetic record is presented too. Horohiv pedocomplex developed from the older, Wartanian loess. It is composed of luvisol originated during the Eemian Interglacial and chernozem soil - during the Early Vistulian interstadials. An subarctic brown Dubno soil dated to the Interplenivistulian (Middle Vistulian interstadials) separates two parts of the younger loess. Older assemblage of Middle Palaeolithic-Mousterian culture with Levalloisian technique was found in the E horizon of the luvisol and therefore it could be dated to the Eemian Interglacial. Younger Middle Palaeolithic-Micequian- type materials were situated in partially redeposited by solifluction, Early Vistulian chernozem. Scanty and uncharacteristic Upper Palaeolithic assemblage was found in interstadiał Dubno palaeosol
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Andriy Bogutskiy
Krzysztof J. Cyrek
Krystyna Konecka-Batley
Maria Łanczont
Teresa Madeyska
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Lacustrine chalk is very common in post-glacial lakes of northern Poland. In the deposit of Lake Kruk lin (NE Poland) carbonates occur as a layer 2-3 m thick. Samples for laboratory studies were collected from three profiles in SW part of the deposit. Mineral composition of the sediments was determined using differential thermal analysis (DT A) and thermogravimetry analysis (TGA), while the age was determined on the basis of pollen analysis. The sediment profiles represent an age of early Holocene. Calcite is the major component of lacustrine chalk. It forms small crystals (<I O μm), sometimes grouped in aggregates, or present as bioclasts. Calcium carbonate precipitated from lake water. Chemical weathering of glacial and fluvioglacial material of the lake catchment is the main source of ions, transported to the lake mainly by groundwater. Formation of the Kruk lin lacustrine chalk deposit must have required 300-350 kg of dry weight calcium carbonate to be carried away from each square meter of the lake catchment. If only top one-meter layer of glacial sediments had been decalcified, it should have contained 13-22 percent of calcium carbonate. The results of petrographic analysis show this value to be possible.
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Michał Gąsiorowski
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The present study is an attempt to utilise the uranium-thorium dates ofspeleothems as a source ofpalaeoclimatic data. The clue is that the changing climate influenced intensity of speleothem deposition, which is reflected in clustering of U-Series dates of speleothems in certain time intervals. This work discusses and improves various methods of combined presentation of dates, with a special attention to the presentation in form of growth frequency ('pdf) curves. Using the 'bootstrap' method the confidence intervals of the 'pdf' curves could be determined. Also the algorithm, originally developed to determine parameters of arbitrarily chosen maxima in the curve, has been modified. Due to that an assessment of number of maxima has been possible. This method enables objective distinction of phases of speleothem growth, which cannot be done 'by eye' when the 'pdf' curve is smooth. The statistical tests show that the reliable 'pdf' curve should contain more than 150 dates. Basing on 308 U-series dates of cave speleothems from southern Poland and other regions of central Europe, the growth frequency curves for the Carpathians and Uplands have been constructed. Comparison of phases of speleothem growth, distinguished by various authors for several regions of Europe, indicates that the climatic changes were synchronous over the whole region. However, different shapes of the 'pdf' curves reflect increasing continuity ofspeleothem growth in the N-S transect southwards. This may be connected with the N-S climatic gradient in Europe. Using the 'pdf' curves from caves of Tatra and Low Tatra Mountains the most probable timing of development phases of mountain glaciers has been delimited.
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Helena Hercman
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Within a small (2.5 x 2.5 km) test field, located in the eastern part of the Pomeranian Bay, the geological structure was investigated in detail using seismoacoustic profiling and coring. In the cores, mineral grain size and micro- and macrofauna were analysed. Basing on seismoacoustic records, three main seismostratigraphic units were distinguished. The lowest unit is built of sand and muddy sand. Higher up lies the unit of sandy mud, in some places - of clay. Fauna assemblages indicate cold climate conditions, and clearly point to an existence of lacustrine reservoir of oligotrophic character. Analysis of cores shows that sedimentation began in bog conditions. The lakes in the area existed till the Atlantic period, when due to sea transgression they became filled with sandy sediments. The third unit is built mainly of fine sand, locally medium sand, even with addition of gravel. Basing on the presence of marine fauna, this unit is classified as marine sand.
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Jarmila Krzymińska
Piotr Przedziecki
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Large exposure near the brick-field in Halie represents one of the most complete loess sequences in the Ukrainian Carpathian F orcland, which i I lustrates a progress of events covering a considerable part of the Middle Pleistocene and the whole Upper Pleistocene. The most important of these arc: the Luck soil corresponding to the soil from the Zbójno lnicrglacial in Polish profiles and Dornnitz Interglacial (1~0 stage 9) in West European profiles, bottom part of the Upper Pleistocene (Dnieper= Odranian = Saalian I) loesses, which arc extremely thick and stratigraphically divided into units of lower rank. and well developed soil complexes - Korshov and Horok hov. Investigations of the Korshov soil arc a basis to discuss at least two stages/phases ofpedogcncsis development during the last but one interglacial (Lublinian = Trcenian: 1~0 stage 7). The Horokhov paleosol is connected with the Ecmian Interglacial. The Dubno and Rovno soils occur within the poorly developed Vistulian loesses: the Rovno soil is a cultural layer.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andriy Bogutskiy
Maria Łanczont
Roman Racinowski
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Pollen and palcopedological studies have been carried out in parallel for the Stari Bezradychy sequence of the Upper Pleistocene age. The paleoenvironmental information derived from both sets of data is in general well correlated. The section presents a rather complete sequence of the last interglacial-glacial cycle. It includes eight units of the Ukrainian Stratigraphical Framework of the Pleistocene. Interglacial climatic optimum is registered by pollen succession of the Mikulino (Ecmian) type in the climax forest palcosols of Pryluky-Kaydaky pedocomplcx at the base of the sequence, above the Dnieper Glacial deposits. The coldest and most continental environment is recorded in the youngest loess. The soils of Upper Pryluky, Yytachiv and Dofinivka units are correlated with the Early Glacial and four Plcniglacial interstadials. Multiple environmental variations during the Upper Pleistocene recorded in the Stari Bezradychy sequence arc important for study of global climatic changes and interregional correlation. Tentative correlation with marine isotopic stages is proposed.
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Natalia G. Gerasimenko
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The present study investigates the 2D numerical analogies to the changes of the droplet shapes during the freefall for a wide range of droplet sizes through the stagnation air. The freefall velocity, shape change due to frictional force during free-fall is studied for different considered cases. With the elapse of time, a droplet with a larger initial diameter is changing its original shape more compared to droplets with a smaller diameter. In addition, the spreading of the droplet during the freefall seems more rapid for the larger-diameter droplet. When a droplet with an initial diameter of 15 mm starts to fall with gravitational force, the diameter ratio is decreasing for droplets with higher density and surface tension while droplets having lower density and surface tension show a diameter ratio greater than one. The spreading and splashing of the droplet on a solid surface and liquid storage at the time of impact are much influenced by the freefall memories of the droplet during the freefall from a certain height. These freefall memories are influenced by the fluid properties, drag force, and the freefall height. However, these freefall memories eventually regulate the deformation of the droplet during the freefall.
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Authors and Affiliations

Abid Hasan Rafi
Mohammad Rejaul Haque
Dewan Hasan Ahmed

  1. Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh

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