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Celem artykułu jest wyjaśnienie powiązań między trzema poziomami rzeczywistości społecznej związanej z pracą i rodzicielstwem, tj.: makro – polityką państwa i koniunkturą gospodarczą, mezo – strukturą organizacyjną i sieciami społecznymi oraz mikro – indywidualnymi strategiami rodziców-pracowników w łączeniu obowiązków domowych i zawodowych. Proponujemy koncepcję solwatacji społecznej, która ilustruje „rozpuszczanie się” porządku prawnego narzuconego przez państwo w substancji społecznej i powoduje odmienność mikroracjonalnych strategii pracujących rodziców od założeń systemowych. Wskazujemy na sferę mezo, zoperacjonalizowaną jako kultura organizacyjna miejsca pracy i sieci społeczne rodziców. Zastanawiamy się, jakie są wpływy oczekiwań pracodawców i współpracowników na praktyki godzenia obowiązków rodzinnych i zawodowych przez jednostki.

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Justyna Sarnowska
Paula Pustułka
Iga Wermińska-Wiśnicka
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W polskiej socjologii panuje szereg nieporozumień wokół teorii aktora-sieci (ANT). Świetnie obrazuje to tekst An Invasion of Tricksters. Niniejszy artykuł jest odpowiedzią na jego zarzuty. Ambicje naszego tekstu wykraczają poza ukazanie błędów interpretacyjnych i innych niedostatków tego artykułu. Przede wszystkim konfrontujemy tu rożne strategie korzystania przez socjologów z ustaleń filozoficznych i omawiamy ich przydatność naukową. Dodatkowo oferujemy własną, wewnętrzną krytykę ANT.

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Łukasz Afeltowicz
Krzysztof Pietrowicz
Radosław Sojak
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Artykuł prezentuje praktyki działania związane z politykami HIV/AIDS, wprowadzając emiczną kategorię lawirowania. Lawirowanie oznacza, z jednej strony, ciągłe weryfikowanie, negocjowanie i potwierdzanie możliwości działania oraz ich granic w danym polu. Z drugiej uwypukla aktywną stronę zaangażowania, działanie „mimo” i w kontekście przeciwności. Autorka opiera rozważania na badaniach jakościowych. Wykorzystując antropologiczną koncepcję światów polityki jako metodę analizy i rozumienia pojęcia polityki społecznej, demonstruje, jak owe polityki są przeżywane, negocjowane i podtrzymywane przez różnych aktorów społecznych. Polem analizy są działania związane z używaniem prezerwatywy w profilaktyce oraz praktyki podejmowane w kontekście ograniczonych środków finansowych na działania społeczne.

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Justyna Struzik
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Artykuł ma na celu sportretowanie szczególnej grupy nowych mieszkańców wsi: osób, które po 1989 roku kupiły dawny dwór lub pałac ziemiański i traktują go przede wszystkim jako dom prywatny. Bazując na 17 wywiadach z 19 osobami, autorka szuka cech wspólnych łączących rozmówców, analizując ich doświadczenie biograficzne i funkcjonowanie jako właścicieli obiektu zabytkowego. Przedstawia ich motywacje, styl życia, postawy wobec ziemiańskiego dziedzictwa oraz członkostwo w szerszych środowiskach związanych z etosem ich grupy. Teoretyczną podstawę tekstu stanowią badania biograficzne, studia nad stylem życia i etosem.

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Anna Wylegała
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Odpierając zarzuty polemistów, autor artykułu zwraca uwagę na dużą rolę jasności i precyzji pojęć w prowadzeniu polemik naukowych oraz wyjaśnia bronione przez siebie wcześniej stanowisko umiarkowanego konstruktywizmu w socjologii. W konkluzji przypisuje swym krytykom nie w pełni wyartykułowany irracjonalizm, który wynika, jego zdaniem, zarówno z fascynacji myślą społeczną Brunona Latoura, jak i z powierzchownej interpretacji Maksa Webera.

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Michał Kaczmarczyk
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Celem artykułu jest próba określenia potencjału do krystalizacji grup interesu w partycypacyjnym zarządzaniu miastem. W pracy zarysowano podwaliny tego modelu oraz zwrócono uwagę, że wdrażanie przez samorząd paradygmatu partycypacyjnego oznacza włączenie we współrządzenie mieszkańców w odmiennymi oczekiwaniami. Wykorzystując dane Wrocławskiej Diagnozy Społecznej 2014, zidentyfikowano pięć potencjalnych grup interesu. Zdefiniowano także potencjał ich mobilizacji do wyrażania i obrony swoich interesów. Ustalono również, w jakim stopniu poziom zaangażowania obywateli w artykulację wspomnianych interesów wynika ze stylu życia, a jak dalece wpływa na to ulokowanie jednostek w strukturze społecznej. Końcowa część odpowiada na pytanie o koncyliacyjny i antagonistyczny potencjał wyodrębnionych orientacji, a także o przyszłość polityki miejskiej.

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Dawid Krysiński
Aneta Uss-Lik
Barbara Szczepańska
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W artykule podjęto próbę systematyzacji sposobów konceptualizacji pojęcia kultury przez jej rzeczywistych i potencjalnych konsumentów. Rozumienie kultury traktujemy jako poznawczy element postawy, który jest powiązany z praktykami uczestnictwa w kulturze. Badania jakościowe, prowadzone w ramach ewaluacji Europejskiej Stolicy Kultury Wrocław 2016, pozwoliły zidentyfikować cztery odmienne sposoby rozumienia kultury, które określają nadawany jej sens, znaczenie oraz sposoby uczestnictwa. W konkluzjach omawiamy zasadnicze czynniki różnicujące podejście do kultury. Wskazujemy także, że skuteczna polityka zorientowana na zwiększanie uczestnictwa w kulturze nie może ograniczać się do tworzenia oferty, ale powinna uwzględniać także kształtowanie i upowszechnianie inkluzywnych sposobów rozumienia kultury.

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Mateusz Błaszczyk
Ewa Banaszak
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Celem tekstu jest dyskusja z teoriami mówiącymi o tym, że dzisiejsze społeczeństwa nie są zdolne do integracji opartej na powszechnie podzielanych normach. Teza o „zaniku wspólnych sensów” daje obraz społeczeństwa jako agregatu jednostek lub skonfliktowanych grup. Jako kontrprzykład do takich konkluzji autor proponuje pojęcie norm średniego zasięgu. Zgodnie z prezentowanym ujęciem, takie normy mogą łączyć zróżnicowanych aktorów społecznych i być powszechnie uznawane. Wspólna normalność może być negocjowana oddolnie i niekoniecznie jest odgórnie narzucana przez różne formy władzy społecznej. Przykłady takich norm autor znajduje w rzeczywistości życia codziennego. Zalicza do nich normę niemarnowania żywności, regułę gościnności, szacunku dla żałoby, opiekuńczość wobec dzieci oraz dbanie o własne zdrowie.

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Ariel Modrzyk
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This paper describes the simulation, exergy analysis and comparison of two commonly applied liquefaction of technologies natural gas, namely: propane precooled mixed refrigerant process (C3MR) and dual mixed refrigerant process (DMR) alongside two modifications of each employing end flash systems. The C3MR and DMR process schemes were simulated using the commercial software to mathematically model chemical processes. These schemes were then analysed using energy and exergy calculations to determine their performances. The exergy efficiency for the C3MR processes without end flash system, with simple end flash system and extended end flash system were evaluated as 29%, 31%, and 33%, respectively, while the exergy efficiency for the DMR processes without end flash system, with simple end flash system, and extended end flash system were evaluated as 26%, 25.5%, and 30%, respectively. The results achieved show that the extended end flash system versions of the schemes are most efficient. Furthermore, the exergy analysis depicted that the major equipment that must be enhanced in order to improve the cycle exergy efficiencies are the compressors, heat exchangers, and coolers.

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Oluwagbemisola Akinsipe
Ambrose Anozie
Damilola Babatunde
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Flow mechanism under roughened solar air heater is quite complex. This paper is an effort towards determining the governing equations for heat transfer and friction factor for inclined spherical balls roughened ducts. With the availability of these equations, it is easier to predict the thermal and thermohydraulic performance of such roughened solar air heaters. The governing equations are derived based on the experimental data generated under actual outdoor condition at the test rig designed and fabricated at the terrace of the Mechanical Engineering Department, the National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur in India, in terms of roughness and flow parameters. Maximum augmentation in Nusselt number and friction factor for varying relative roughness pitch, relative roughness height, spherical ball height to diameter ratio, and angle of attack was respectively found to be of the order of 2.1 to 3.54 times, 1.87 to 3.21 times, 2.89 to 3.27 times and 1.74 to 3.56 times for Nusselt number and 0.84 to 1.79 times, 1.46 to 1.91 times, 1.67 to 2.34 times and 1.21 to 2.67 times for friction factor in comparison to non-roughened duct. The optimum roughness parameters under present investigation have been found.

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Ramesh Murmu
Parmanand Kumar
Hari N. Singh
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As in many thermal processing technologies, there is a delicate balance between productivity and quality during ingot cooling process. Higher cooling velocities increase productivity but also create higher temperature gradients inside the ingot. Such a fast cooling does not leave sufficient time to establish the equilibrium within the solid, thus the final metal structure is strongly affected by the set up cooling mode throughout the liquid metal solidification. The first intention in this paper is to compare between three cooling modes in order to identify the required mode for a continuous casting process. Then, we study the influence of heat transfer coefficient on metal liquid-to-solid transition through the spray-cooled zone temperature and the metal latent heat of solidification. A gray iron continuous casting process subjected to water-sprays cooling was simulated using the commercial software for modeling and simulating multiphysics and engineering problems. The primary conclusions, from the obtained results, show the forcefulness of water spray cooling regarding standard cooling. Afterward, we highlight the great influence of heat transfer coefficient on the location of transition region as well as the relationship between heat transfer coefficient, wall outer temperature, latent heat dissipation, and the solidification time.

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Hocine Mzad
Abdessalam Otmani
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Numerical predictions of heat transfer under laminar conditions in a square duct with ribs are presented in this paper. Ribs are provided on top and bottom walls in a square duct in a staggered manner. The flow rates have been varied between Reynolds number 200 and 600. Various configurations of ribs by varying length, width and depth have been investigated for their effect on heat transfer, friction factor and entropy augmentation generation number. Further artificial neural network integrated with genetic algorithm was used to minimize the entropy augmentation generation number (performance factor) by selecting the optimum rib dimensions in a selected range. Genetic algorithm is compared with microgenetic algorithm to examine the reduction in computational time for outlay of solution accuracy.

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Pavan K. Konchada
Bhatti Sukhvinder
Siddhartha Relangi
Rambhadriraju Chekuri
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The characteristic of nano sized particles mass flux conditions are engaged in this investigation. Here we assume that the nano sized particle flux is zero and the nano sized particle fraction arranged itself on the boundary layer. With this convincing and revised relation, the features of Buongiorno relation on three-dimensional flow of Carreau fluid can be applied in a more efficient way. The governing partial differential equations of continuity, momentum, energy and concentration equations which are transmitted into set of pair of nonlinear ordinary differential equations utilizing similar transformations. The numeric solutions are acquired by engaging the bvp4c scheme, which is a finite-difference code for solving boundary value problems. A parametric study is accomplished to demonstrate the impact of Prandtl number,Weissenberg numbers, radiation parameter, chemical reaction parameter, thermophoresis parameter, Brownian motion parameter and Lewis number on the fluid velocity, temperature and concentration profiles as well skin friction coefficient, Nusselt number and Sherwood number within the boundary layer. From this we find the way in which magnetic parameter contributes to the increase in local skin fraction, and the decrease in the Nusselt and Sherwood numbers in these cases. The effects of the velocity temperature and concentration profile are obtained and presented graphically.

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B. Madhusudhana Rao
Degavath Gopal
Naikoti Kishan
Saad Ahmed
Putta Durga Prasad
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Most of the formulations regarding the characteristics of a shell and tube heat exchanger have a common assumption; namely that the baffle plates are equidistant. This assumption fails to cater the real world scenario for defective baffles as the alteration in a shell and tube heat exchanger invalidates the equidistant baffle spacing of the plates. In this regard, a small six baffles heat exchanger was modeled in the computational fluid dynamics software package and studied by removing each baffle plate one at a time. Effect of removing each baffle plate on the temperature, pressure, heat transfer coefficient, and total heat transfer rate was recorded. It was observed that variation in the pressure drop for the same number of baffle plates varies along the axial order of the plates. The change in pressure drop due to the removal of the baffle plate near the inlet and the outlet was lowest and reaches a maximum in the axial center. It was also found that the plates below the radial center contribute higher towards the overall heat transfer as compared to those above.

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Abdullah Aziz
Shafique Rehman
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A new expression is proposed to calculate the earth-energy of an earth-air-pipe heat exchanger during winter heating for three kinds of soil in France. An analytical model is obtained by using numerical computation developed in Scilab – a free open source software. The authors showed the comparison between their simple analytical model and experimental results. They showed the influence of different parameters to specify the size of the heat exchanger.

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Vincent M.F. Molcrette
Vincent A.R. Autier
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In this paper, the two-temperature thermoelasticity model is proposed to a specific problem of a thermoelastic semi-infinite solid. The bounding plane surface of the semi-infinite solid is considered to be under a non-Gaussian laser pulse. Generalized thermoelasticity analysis with dual-phase-lags is taken into account to solve the present problem. Laplace transform and its inversion techniques are applied and an analytical solution as well as its numerical outputs of the field variables are obtained. The coupled theory and other generalized theory with one relaxation time may be derived as special cases. Comparison examples have been made to show the effect of dual-phase-lags, temperature discrepancy, laser-pulse and laser intensity parameters on all felids. An additional comparison is also made with the theory of thermoelasticity at a single temperature.

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Ashraf M. Zenkour
Ahmed E. Abouelregal
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A general model of the equations of generalized thermo-microstretch for an infinite space weakened by a finite linear opening mode-I crack is solved. Considered material is the homogeneous isotropic elastic half space. The crack is subjected to a prescribed temperature and stress distribution. The formulation is applied to generalized thermoelasticity theories, using mathematical analysis with the purview of the Lord-Şhulman (involving one relaxation time) and Green-Lindsay (includes two relaxation times) theories with respect to the classical dynamical coupled theory (CD). The harmonic wave method has been used to obtain the exact expression for normal displacement, normal stress force, coupled stresses, microstress and temperature distribution. Variations of the considered fields with the horizontal distance are explained graphically. A comparison is also made between the three theories and for different depths for the case of copper crystal.

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Khaled Lotfy
Alaa Abd El-Bary
Mohamed Allan
Marwa H. Ahmed
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This work investigates the effect of Reynolds number, nanoparticle volume ratio, nanoparticle size and entrance temperature on the rate of entropy generation in Al2O3 /H2O nanofluid flowing through a pipe in the turbulent regime. The Reynolds average Navier-Stokes and energy equations were solved using the standard k-ε turbulent model and the central composite method was used for the design of experiment. Based on the number of variables and levels, the condition of 30 runs was defined and 30 simulations were run. The result of the regression model obtained showed that all the input variables and some interaction between the variables are statistically significant to the entropy production. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis result shows that the Reynolds number, the nanoparticle volume ratio and the entrance temperature have negative sensitivity while the nanoparticle size has positive sensitivity.

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O.G. Fadodun
B.A. Olokuntoye
A.O. Salau
Adebimpe A. Amosun
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The performance of ten wickless heat pipes without adiabatic sections is investigated experimentally at low heat inputs 120 to 2000 W/m2 for use in solar water heaters. Three heat pipe diameter groups were tested, namely 16, 22, and 28.5 mm. Each group had evaporator lengths of 1150, 1300, and 1550 mm, respectively, with an extra evaporator length of 1800 mm added to the second group. The condenser section length of all heat pipes was 200 mm. Ethanol, methanol, and acetone were utilized as working fluids, at inventory of 25%, 50%, 70%, and 90% by evaporator volume respectively. The 22 mm diameter pipes were tested at inclination angles 30◦, 45◦, and 60◦. Other diameter groups were tested at 45◦ only. Experiments revealed increased surface temperatures and heat transfer coefficients with increased pipe diameter and evaporator length, and that increased working fluid inventory caused pronounced reduction in evaporator surface temperature accompanied by improved heat transfer coefficient to reach maximum values at 50% inventory for the selected fluids. Violent noisy shocks were observed with 70% and 90% inventories with the tested heat pipes and the selected working fluids with heat flux inputs from 320–1900 W/m2. These shocks significantly affected the heat pipes heat transfer capability and operation stability. Experiments revealed a 45◦ and 50% optimum inclination angle of fill charge ratio respectively, and that wickless heat pipes can be satisfactorily used in solar applications. The effect of evaporator length and heat pipe diameter on the performance was included in data correlations.

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Hassan Naji Salman Al-Joboory
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The effect of shell side and coil side volume flow rate on overall heat transfer coefficient, effectiveness, pressure drop and exergy loss of shell and helical coil heat exchanger were studied experimentally under steady state conditions. The working fluid, i.e., water was allowed to flow at three different flow rates of 1, 2, and 3 l/min on shell side (cold water) and at 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 l/min on coil side (hot water) for each shell side flow rate at the temperatures of 298±0.4K and 323±0.4K, respectively. The results found that the overall heat transfer coefficient increased with increasing both shell side and coil side volume flow rates. The inner Nusselt number significantly increased with the coil side Dean number.

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Rajesh Kumar
Prakash Chandra
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The paper is devoted to some problems connected with last modification of EU directive on energy efficiency, viz.: free choice of the measure concerning the improvement of energy efficiency, i.e. final or primary energy consumption, corresponding energy savings or energy-consumption index; however without cumulative consumption or cumulative savings of primary energy. In EU directive it has been stressed the importance of measurements systems (reliable measurement information); but has not been recommended any advanced validation of measurements results, nor energy auditing or algorithms of calculating the energy savings due to improvement of energy efficiency concerning large industrial plants. Evaluation of complex buildings should be realized by means of the system method (input-output analysis). The separate problem is devoted to application of thermo-ecological approach in the analysis of complete results of improving the energy efficiency. Human activity is connected with the depletion of nonrenewable resources, including primary energy, due to not only production of consumer goods but also the necessity of compensating the unfavourable effects of harmful emissions from energy-technological processes. Therefore the index of energy-ecological efficiency has been proposed as the most competent evaluation of improvement energy efficiency of production processes and systems.

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Andrzej Ziębik
Wojciech Stanek
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The species Halyomorpha halys (Stål), which is endemic in East Asia, was first detected in North America in 1996 and was probably introduced into Europe in 2008. The species is polyphagous. It consumes over 170 host plant species and significantly impacts crop production. In Greece the first recording of its presence was in 2014, when it was reported as a nuisance in houses in the region of Athens. The present study describes the systematic spread and damage of this invasive pest, including the first recorded identification in peach and olive cultivations in the prefecture of Imathia in central Macedonia, Greece. Sampling was carried out in representative peach and olive farms during July and August, 2018 and 2019 in which significant levels of fruit damage were recorded, especially during 2018. The population of the species was recorded throughout the winter seasons of 2018 and 2019 in which overwintering adults were systematically recorded in shelters and other constructions near fruit orchards. Given the dynamics of the species and its destructive impact on a wide range of host species, H. halys is expected to be a major pest. Additionally, considering that the prefecture of Imathia is the most important peach growing area of Greece, further studies of the presence and population dynamics of this species along with the establishment of particular management actions to control the population is imperative for the future protection of horticultural production in Greece.

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Petros Damos
Polyxeni Soulopoulou
Thomas Thomidis
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The yellow sugarcane aphid (YSA), Sipha flava Forbes (Homoptera: Aphididae) is an invasive insect pest of many graminaceous plants which include cultivated crops, like sorghum, sugarcane, rice, maize and several species within non-cultivated genera e.g. Digitaria, Panicum, Paspalum, and Pennisetum. A survey conducted in the Kagera region indicated an infestation by YSA in nine sugarcane varieties grown. This pest causes damage to leaves leading to yellow, purple and red discoloration. This is the first report of YSA infestation in the Tanzanian sugarcane industry. Efforts to develop control measures are still in progress.

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Bonaventure January
Amry Yusufu
Fadhila Urassa

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