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Słowa kluczowe Czesław Miłosz


The article is devoted to probably one of the most important themes in Czesław Miłosz’s poetry: a persistent, untiring effort to express, or at least point to, the poet’s experience of dark epiphanies. They are, in his own words, momentary illuminations bringing to light the ontological core of various horrors of human existence and of nature, red in tooth and claw, as well as the enigmatic presence of metaphysical evil in the laws that make for order in our material world. Some of those epiphanies reveal to the poet his destiny: he is to become a witness of the horrors of the twentieth century. However, not all of those auguries are uniformly grim; there are some that suggest his prospects may well be bright. That ambivalence is refl ected in Miłosz’s own attitude towards those sudden fl ashes of insight and revelation. He certainly does not resolve it in his poetry, where the ambivalence of the epiphanic moments is expressed and concealed by the pronoun ‘it’.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Bogusław Grodzki
Słowa kluczowe Wiesław Myśliwski


The article examines a symbolic photograph described in A Treatise on Shelling Beans, a novel by Wiesław Myśliwski. In my interpretation the picture, which may have never been taken, is a visual catachresis, a signifi er of war trauma. Its depiction of an encounter between the victim of a pacifi cation and the son of the perpetrator can be treated as a wish projection and discussed from the perspective of two interrelated and complementary approaches – trauma and memory studies and the philosophy of dialogue. In practice, the discussion makes use of Aleida Assman’s ‘strategy of keeping silence’ and the concept of encounter, formulated by Emmanuel Levinas and developed by his Polish follower Józef Tischner.
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Karolina Wawer
Słowa kluczowe Tadeusz Miciński


‘The Tatras’ was originally published in the periodical Przegląd Zakopiański in 1902. The poem evokes an apocalyptic landscape dominated by the personifi ed Tatras and an emerging community (a rare example of a collective making an appearance in Miciński’s poetry), whose ways leave little room for optimism. The world, destroyed in a global confl agration, is being harried by a vicious Spectre, whose ravages are highlighted by the poem’s rhythmic structure. In spite of the similarities between it and some of Miciński’s best-known verse from the volume W mroku gwiazd (In the Twilight of the Stars) – i.e. the choice of imagery and colours, the infl uence of expres sionism) – ‘The Tatras’ remains a strikingly odd poem. It is that peculiar quality which may have made one of the less popular of Miciński’s poems.
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Urszula M. Pilch
Słowa kluczowe Jan Kochanowski


The main aim of the paper is to urge a correction in Jan Kochanowski’s translation Euripides’s Alcestis (v. 67), edited posthumously by Jan Januszowski in the volume Fragmenta albo pozostałe pisma (1590). In the Greek text (Prologue, l. 67) Apollo prophesizes that a man on the way back from wintry Thrace (Θρῄκης ἐκ τόπων δυσχειμέρων) (the reference to King Eurystheus’ horses enables us to identify him as Heracles) will snatch Alcestis from the hands of Death. In the Polish version of Apollo’s prophesy we fi nd the phrase ‘do zimnej Trąby’ (‘cold Tube’). The philological investigation undertaken in this paper has two goals to achieve. Firstly, it reconstructs the literary tradition of presenting Thrace as a land of severely cold climate (Homer, Livy, Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Statius). And secondly, it takes into consideration the meaning of this poetical landscape in Kochanowski’s Latin poetry and proposes the emendation of what must have been a printer’s error.
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Wojciech Ryczek


This is attempt at drawing an audial map of Władysław Reymont’s The Vampire, taking into account all kinds of sound effects that create the atmosphere of horror, complicate the relations between characters and provoke a sense of the uncanny in the reader. One of those devices, whose importance is hard to overestimate, is silence (speechlessness). The article analyzes in detail its use in the novel, which is in many ways indebted to the modernist, neo-romantic poetics of Young Poland.
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Marek Kurkiewicz
Słowa kluczowe Piotr (Peter) Lachmann


This article analyzes the poetic imagery of the bilingual, Polish-German, author Piotr (Peter) Lachmann. The key images of his poems bring into focus the problem of keeping up the ties between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Lachmann’s term for this kind of remembrance, made possible by the abundance of pictorial records (photography, fi lm) that transcend the linear axis of time, is ‘sepulchral humanism’. While examining the relations between sacrum and profanum in Lachmann’s verse, the article also notes their contamination by depictions that draw on the aesthetics of disgust and ugliness. Finally, the article discusses the German themes in Lachmann’s poetry and his intellectual bond with Tadeusz Różewicz, a poet and playwright with a better understanding of German culture than most Polish writers of his (post-war) generation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Przemysław Chojnowski

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