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The main source of information on the abundance of polymetallic nodules (APN) is the results of direct seafloor sampling, mainly using box corers. Due to the vast spread of nodule occurrence in the Pacific, the distances between successive sampling sites are significant. This makes it difficult to reliably estimate the nodule resources, especially in parts of the deposit with small areas corresponding to the areas scheduled for extraction in the short term (e.g. within one year). It seems justified to try to increase the accuracy of nodule resource estimates through the use of information provided by numerous photos of the ocean floor taken between sampling stations. In particular, the percentage of nodule coverage of the ocean floor (NC), the data on fraction distribution of nodules (FD) and the coverage of nodules with sediments (SC) are important here. In the presented study, three regression models were used to predict the nodule abundance from images: simple linear regression (SLR), multiple regression (MR), and general linear model (GLM). The GLM provides the most accurate prediction of nodule abundance (APN) due to the ability of this model to simultaneously take into account both quantitative variable (NC) and qualitative variables (FD, SC). The mean absolute errors of APN prediction are in the range of 1.0–1.7 kg/m2, which is 7–13% of the average nodule abundance determined for training or testing data sets. This result can be considered satisfactory for predicting the abundance in ocean floor areas covered only by photographic survey.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Monika Wasilewska-Błaszczyk
Jacek Mucha

  1. AGH University of Science and Techology, Kraków, Poland


Tunel drogowy w Lalikach został wykonany w silnie niejednorodnych, w dużym stopniu zniszczonych tektonicznie i w przeważającej części bardzo słabych utworach fliszowych Karpat Zachodnich. W przeważającej części tunel był drążony w warunkach dużego udziału procentowego bardzo słabych łupków ilastych laminowanych i utworów strefy zwietrzelinowej, niekorzystnego, bardzo stromego nachylenia warstw skalnych i zmiennego zawodnienia z wypływami wody w rozluzowanych strefach tektonicznych. Górotwór ten charakteryzuje się dużą niepewnością rozpoznania jego właściwości i struktury. Praca omawia wpływ warunków geologiczno-inżynierskich i geotechnicznych na dobór parametrów obudowy wstępnej tunelu drogowego. Przeprowadzono analizę deformacji obudowy wstępnej w zależności od procentowego udziału piaskowców i łupków, punktacji klasyfikacji geomechanicznych RMR (Bieniawski 1989) i QTS Tesařa (1979), typów obudowy wstępnej oraz wykorzystania kotew i mikropali. Analiza ta została poprzedzona charakterystyką warunków geologiczno-inżynierskich na trasie tunelu oraz charakterystyką typów zastosowanej obudowy wstępnej. W trakcie drążenia tunelu z wyprzedzeniem w kalocie, kilkakrotnie występowały przemieszczenia obudowy wstępnej kaloty większe od projektowanych maksymalnych. W przypadku, gdy wartości deformacji osiągały stan alarmowy dla danego typu obudowy i nie wykazywały tendencji do stabilizowania się, podejmowano decyzję o jej wzmocnieniu dodatkowymi kotwami, siatką oraz torkretem do czasu osiągnięcia stabilizacji deformacji. W najtrudniejszych warunkach obudowa wstępna była wzmacniana parasolem mikropalowym. Parametry obudowy dobierano, zgodnie z zasadami NATM, na podstawie prowadzonych na bieżąco obserwacji geologiczno-inżynierskich i geotechnicznych. Tunel w Lalikach jest przykładem bardzo słabej samonośności górotworu. Obserwowane przemieszczenia w górotworze wskazywały, że strefa spękań wokół wyrobiska była stosunkowo silnie rozwinięta. Obudowy wstępne stosowane w tego rodzaju warunkach, na niewielkich głębokościach, powinny charakteryzować się stosunkowo dużą nośnością. Doświadczenia, jakie uzyskano wskazują, że realizacja obudowy wstępnej w silnie zmiennych warunkach fliszu karpackiego wymaga prowadzenia szczegółowych badań geologiczno-inżynierskich w trakcie drążenia tunelu, które należy wykonywać na bieżąco wraz z postępem dobowym dla weryfikacji założeń projektowych. W przypadku potrzeby należy zastosować wzmocnienia obudowy wstępnej na podstawie wyników właściwie prowadzonych pomiarów geotechnicznych zachowania się układu obudowa-górotwór.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tadeusz Majcherczyk
Zenon Pilecki
Zbigniew Niedbalski
Elżbieta Pilecka
Mateusz Blajer
Joanna Pszonka


In the Mardin-Mazıdağı region, which corresponds to the northern Arabian Plate, layers containing marine phosphorite rocks are found within the Karababa Formation (Upper Cretaceous). The Karataş member contains phosphorites and carbonate rocks with nodular chert geodes and fossils.
The phosphorite and micritic limestones contain invertebrate fossil fragments and materials such as optical isotropic pelletic apatite minerals, angular/subangular and plated fish bone fragments, and brachiopod shells. SEM (scanning electron microscopy) results show that the apatite minerals are either spherical or ellipsoidal in shape and their size varies between 100–200 μm. According to X-ray diffraction (XRD) examinations, the rocks contain apatite (carbonate rich fluorapatite; CFA), carbonate (calcite, dolomite), silica (quartz and opal-CT), little feldspar, and clay (smectite, palygorskite/ sepiolite, kaolinite, illite, chlorite, mixed layered chlorite-vermiculite (C-V) and illite-vermiculite (I-V).
The average major and trace elements found in the phosphorite include P2O5 (35.41 wt.%), REE s (44.57 ppm), Y (52.85 ppm), and U (5.45 ppm). The Mazıdağı phosphorite analysis indicates that the conditions are slightly oxic, which is supported by their slightly negative Ce anom average values (–0.30), low Ce/La ratios (0.32), and a V/(V + Ni) mean of 0.93 ppm. All the recoded values of the average REE for the study area are considerably lower than those in Iraq (84.30 ppm), Tunisia (400.3 ppm), Morocco (571.75 ppm) and Jordan (187 ppm). It is inferred that mineral formation processes are affected by the biogenic and biogeochemical activities that occurred in conjunction with the changes in sea level driven by the tectonic conditions associated with the evolution of the Neotethys Ocean.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sema Tetiker

  1. Batman University, Turkey


The growing increase in the use of cars and transportation in general is causing an increase the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere. The current European Union regulations impose the minimization of pollution through the use of automotive catalytic converters on all member countries, which stops toxic compounds from being emitted into the atmosphere thanks to their contents of platinum group metals (PGMs). However, the growing demand for cars and the simultaneous demand for catalytic converters is contributing to the depletion of the primary sources of PGMs. This is why there is now increasing interest in recycling PGMs from catalytic converters through constantly developing technologies. There are newer and more sustainable solutions for the recovery of PGMs from catalytic converters, making the process part of a circular economy (CE) model. The purpose of this article is to present two innovative methods of PGM recovery in the framework of ongoing research and development projects.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Natalia Generowicz
Agnieszka Nowaczek
Leszek Jurkowski
Iakovos Yakoumis

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  2. Unimetal Recycling sp. z o.o., Trzebinia, Poland
  3. MONOLITHOS Catalysts and Recycling Ltd, Athens, Greece


This study presents the results of concentrations of rare earth elements and yttrium (REY ), uranium (U), and thorium (Th) in ashes from combustion/co-combustion of biomass (20%, 40%, and 60% share) from the agri-food industry (pomace from apples, walnut shells, and sunflower husks) and hard coal. The study primarily focuses on ashes from the co-combustion of biomass and hard coal, in terms of their potential use for the recovery of rare earth elements (REE ), and the identification of the sources of these elements in the ashes. Research methods such as ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry), XRD (X-ray diffraction), and SEM -EDS (scanning electron microscopy with quantitative X-ray microanalysis) were used. The total average content of REY in ash from biomass combustion is 3.55–120.5 mg/kg, and in ash from co-combustion, it is from 187.3 to 73.5 mg/kg. The concentration of critical REE in biomass combustion ash is in the range 1.0–38.7 mg/kg, and in cocombustion ash it is 23.3–60.7 mg/kg. In hard-coal ash, the average concentration of REY and critical REY was determined at the level of 175 and 45.3 mg/kg, respectively. In all samples of the tested ashes, a higher concentration of Th (0.2–14.8 mg/kg) was found in comparison to U (0.1–6 mg/kg). In ashes from biomass and hard-coal combustion/co-combustion, the range of the prospective coefficient (Coutl) is 0.66–0.82 and 0.8–0.85, respectively, which may suggest a potential source for REE recovery. On the basis of SEM -EDS studies, yttrium was found in particles of ashes from biomass combustion, which is mainly bound to carbonates. The carriers of REY , U, and Th in ashes from biomass and hard-coal co-combustion are phosphates (monazite and xenotime), and probably the vitreous aluminosilicate substance.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Joanna Adamczyk
Danuta Smołka-Danielowska
Arkadiusz Krzątała
Tomasz Krzykawski

  1. University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland


This article investigates the possibilities of the recovery of raw materials at the Kraków–Płaszów municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The materials include sand coming with raw sewage and delivered by septic tankers, after cleaning sewage systems. Following the Regulation of the Minister of Climate (January 2020), sand from grit chambers is classified in the waste catalog as waste, with the code of 19 08 02. (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 10). The purchase of very efficient units has optimized the grit chamber operation and minimized the amount of waste generated as well as being an odor nuisance. The paper presents a mass balance for sand collected at the WWTP. Due to the use of new sand separators, the amount of this waste has been reduced by 28%. The paper presents the sieve curves of sand collected at the wastewater treatment plant and during the cleaning of sewage wells, as well as for sand mixtures. The sand mixture was prepared to allow some variations in the grain size characteristics of the sand. The graining differentiation indexes and curvature indexes were calculated. In addition, in laboratory tests, the leachability of heavy metals and the content of dry matter (DM) and dry mineral matter (DMM) were determined. The laboratory tests confirmed the reduction of organic solids to a level below 3% of dry weight; the content of heavy metals remained below the level of detection. The experiments confirmed that sand from the WWTP can be used as fine-grained aggregate in the production of concrete.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Justyna Górka
Dominika Poproch
2 3
Małgorzata Cimochowicz-Rybicka
Bartosz Łuszczek

  1. Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Energy, Cracow University of Technology, Kraków, Poland
  2. Doctoral School, Cracow University of Technology, Kraków, Poland
  3. Krakow Water, Kraków, Poland
  4. Kraków Water, Kraków, Poland


W publikacji przedstawiono wybrane wyniki badań laboratoryjnych dotyczące ograniczania dopływu wody złożowej do odwiertów wydobywczych gazu i ropy. Przeanalizowano wpływ nasycenia wodą gazonośnych utworów miocenu z rejonu zapadliska przedkarpackiego na ich przepuszczalność względną dla gazu. Dokonano przeglądu literatury pod kątem oceny rezultatów uzyskanych w zabiegach zmniejszania przepuszczalności względnej skał gazonośnych i roponośnych dla wody. Na podstawie testów laboratoryjnych dokonano próby oceny skuteczności zmian przepuszczalności względnej dla solanki i azotu próbek piaskowca szydłowieckiego pod wpływem oddziaływania czterech wyselekcjonownych produktów chemicznych w postaci polimerów oraz mikrożeli. Badania laboratoryjne wykazały, że trend zmian przepuszczalności jest również silnie powiązany z zastosowanym produktem - modyfikatorem przepuszczalności względnej (RPM). Ponadto, skuteczność działania cieczy zabiegowej zależy od prędkości przepływu (wydatku przepływu) solanki przez testowaną próbkę skały - skuteczność działania testowanego preparatu jest tym większa, im wydatek przepływu solanki jest mniejszy. Wyniki testów wykazały selektywne działanie badanych produktów. W przypadku produktu nr 1 uzyskano średnie spadki przepuszczalności na poziomie 60% dla solanki oraz 18% dla gazu. W przypadku zastosowania produktu nr 2 opartego na technologii mikrożeli zaobserwowano znaczące obniżenie względnej przepuszczalności skały dla wody, z małym wpływem na przepuszczalność dla węglowodorów. Zmiany przepuszczalności dla solanki testowanych próbek piaskowca zawierały się w przedziale od 65 do 90%, a dla gazu wynosiły około 50%.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sławomir Falkowicz
Stanisław Dubiel
Renata Cicha-Szot


In this article, gold is analyzed from an investment perspective as an asset that allows you to increase your wealth. The analysis is twofold. First, it is about examining to what extent changes in gold prices in the world markets translate into changes in the prices of shares of companies that extract gold. Second, it was checked whether there is a financial leverage effect, which in this case means that changes in the price of shares of gold mining companies are greater than changes in the price of gold itself. Methodically, the Sharpe model was used and two basic parameters of the model were estimated, i.e. the intercept (alpha), and the beta coefficient as a measure of systematic risk, for the gold market and the equity market of gold mining companies and ET Fs based on these companies.
The research carried out in accordance with the logic of the Sharpe model shows that the obtained value of the alpha parameter for the stock market was positive, while for the gold market it was negative. At the same time, higher levels of this parameter are beneficial to the investor, which means that an advantage of the stock market over the gold market exists. In turn, the estimated beta for the stock market is much lower than for the gold market. The systematic risk level for stocks is 0.45, and for the gold market it is 1.98, which is a significant difference. The stocks of gold mining companies can be classified as defensive against the stock market (the rate of return of the gold mine stock is insensitive to market movements) and aggressive against the gold market (the rate of return of the gold mine shares reacts more strongly than the movement in the price of gold).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mikołaj Baranowski
Krystian Pera

  1. University of Economics, Katowice, Poland


Road construction has been an ongoing engineering practice throughout human history. Although road construction technologies have changed over time, the raw material used has not changed for centuries, and it seems that it will not change in the upcoming centuries. Although some standards are used to determine the aggregate quality in road construction works, it is often complex and laborious to identify the aggregates that best meet the standards. Long-lasting and high-quality roads can be built and the most suitable aggregate is selected for the road. This study aims to select the most suitable aggregates used in hot-mix asphalt pavement production for road construction. In this study, multi-criteria decision-making methods were used for the selection of the aggregate that provides the best conditions. Aggregates used in constructing roads within the provincial borders of Ankara are produced from six stone quarries. To rank these aggregates and determine the ideal quarry for hot-mix asphalt production, the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and the technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS) method, which are multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods, were used. The results obtained from the tests on aggregates and hot-mix asphalts (HMA) were compared with the the best results based on the maximum and minimum limits determined in the standards. By comparing the the best results of the standards with the test results of the aggregates, weight scores were made for each test. Weight scores were scored and classified using the AHP and TOPSIS multi-criteria decision-making methods. As a result, the aggregate with the highest score and the quarry area represented by the aggregate were determined as the most suitable for hot-mix asphalt construction.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Niyazi Bilim
Hamza Güneş

  1. Konya Technical University, Turkey
  2. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, Turkey


This article presents the results of studies assesing the significance of the most important macro- and microeconomic factors affecting investors’ propensity to invest in mining. The Polish mining industry in recent years has seen intensive restructuring processes which have considerably affected the status of fixed assets required for the exploitation of useful minerals. In order to efectively manage technological progress in mining plants, it is necessary to understand the role of individual, variable factors influencing investors’ propensity tomake specific expenditures. In the analysis, mathematical statistics and econometric modelling methods were applied to determine the nature of correlations between the values studied and their significance. This examination applied statistical data accumulated by economic entities from 2000–2010. A linear econometric model waspresented illustrating the relationship between capital expenditure in mining and such indicators as fixed assetsvalue, GDP, real interest rate, consumption levels of fixed asset components in mining, and various other factors. Structural parameters of a function specifying the level of investment expenditure can be determined based on statistical data which has been appropriately processed so that the model constructed reflects the economic process studied in relevant way.

Such a model is not free of defects typical in statistical models; however, it simultaneously enables one toobtain valuable information concerning the impact of the factors studied on the value of such expenditure, and the theoretical possibilities to exchange the specific quantity of one factor for another factor. In the final version of the model, it is often sufficient to include only these independent variables which contribute the most essential information to the independent variable. This often simplifies the final form of the model without simultaneous limiting of its importance in explaining the economic phenomenon studied and the possibilities of its practical application. In the final selection of significant variables captured in the model, the method of information capacity indicators was used.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tadeusz Franik


This article concerns the issues of modeling and the optimizational approach for the performance of ore comminution circuits. A typical, multi-stage comminution circuit was analyzed with the high-pressure grinding rolls unit operating at a fine crushing stage. The final product of the circuit under investigation was, at the same time, a flotation feed in which particle size distribution initially determined the effectiveness of flotation operations. In order to determine the HPGR-based comminution circuit performance, a suitable mathematical model was built wherein the target function was linked directly with the effectiveness of the flotation processes. The target function in the presented model considers the issue in terms of the flotation operation’s effectiveness. The particle size distribution of individual comminution products and resulting from the weight recoveries of individual size fractions were criteria determining the quality of the comminution product. Weight recoveries of individual size fractions, in turn, were tied with the technical operating parameters of individual comminution devices. In the first model, profit maximization was the target function, while the second variant of the model took into account maximization of the useful mineral weight recovery in the concentrate. The HPGR application into ore processing circuits also results in energy saving benefits which were presented in a comparative analysis of the energy consumption of two comminution circuits – the first based on conventional crushing devices, and the second on the HPGR unit application which replaced the rod mills. The main benefit of such a modernization was almost two times lower energy consumption by the fine crushing stage and a decrease in the ball mills’ grinding operations load through bypassing a part of the material directly for the rough flotation operations.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Daniel Saramak


Almus agates which are forms of nodules like egg-shaped are located in the Eocene aged Almus volcanics in Tokat (Turkey). These nodules are surprise eggs in spherical or oval form ranging from a few cm to 25–30 cm. It is thought that the most effective reason for the formation of the magnificent texture and color combinations of the agates in the region is the iron element. In thin section studies, agate formations are composed of length-slow zebraic chalcedony and quart zine. In addition, curved fossil like structures composed of iron oxide minerals offer visual richness.
The host rock in which the Almus agates are located is trachyte, which consists of sanidine, plagioclase microlites and small opaque minerals, in which microlithic porphyritic and flow (trachytic) texture are observed. As a result of the multipoint eds (field emission scanning electron microscope), it was determined that the quartz is composed of Si, O and Fe. The content of the iron element, which is thought to cause color, was observed in the range of ca 1–1.5 wt.%. According to XRF analysis results, in Almus agates, there is depletion of Fe2O3 content in fine crystalline regions (ca 1 wt.%) compared to coarse crystalline zones (ca 1.5 wt.%).
In order to determine the usability of Almus agates as gemstone, various cabochon shapes were made in Ümit Ulus Gemstone Processing workshop. It has been observed that these agates can be used for both collection and gemstone purposes due to their unique patterns and color compensation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zeynel Başibüyük
Meltem Gürbüz
Ilkay Kaydu Akbudak

  1. Kırşehir Ahi Evran University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Kirşehi̇, Turkey
  2. Mersin University, School of Technology and Design of Jewelry, Çiftlikköy, Mersi̇, Turkey


The paper concerns the accuracy of determining particle size distributions of the fine-grained materials by means of laser diffraction method. Selection of measuring method for determination of materials granulation depends on various properties of the sample, but mainly on the range of particle size in the sample. It must be taken into consideration that each of the measurement methods inherently generate different information about particle size distribution. The applied measurement method generates the main impact on the results of research because it uses various material properties, like: geometric properties, density or type of the surface (porosity).

Influence of density and particle shape on the results of measurements by laser diffraction was studied in the paper. This method becomes a standard for measuring particle size of mineral powders. Analysis of raw materials particle size distribution was performed using a laser particle-meter Analysette 22. Investigations included measurements of particle size of raw materials characterized by various densities (coal, porphyry, barite) and the shape of the particles (copper shale ore, fly ash from coal combustion). The density of raw materials was determined by helium pycnometer, while the particle shape was expressed by coefficient which was calculated on the basis of particles geometric parameters. Geometry of the grains was measured using an optical microscope with a digital record of images by means of image analysis method. The accuracy of laser granulometric analyzes was expressed by variation coefficient of narrow particle fractions contents. Results of analyzes confirmed that the laser granulometric analysis provides accurate information about the finestparticle size distribution. No significant effect of the material density on the accuracy of granulometric analysis was observed. Effect of particle shape of the tested materials caused more stable values of the variation coefficient for particles of more spherical shape what is related to the applied method of laser measurement. The accuracy of laser granulometric analyzes varies dependably on the measured particle size range of particles. The most accurate analyzed materials are these ones being the part of narrow particle fractions.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Damian Krawczykowski
Aldona Krawczykowska
Kazimierz Trybalski


Pyrite is a sulfide mineral and is widely distributed in nature. Pyrite may transform into pyrrhotite when heated at high temperatures. In order to support processing engineering techniques and industrial applications of pyrite and pyrrhotite, it is necessary to investigate synthetic pyrrhotite, which is formed by heating pyrite in air, based on existing research. In this work, the mineralogical characteristics and stability conditions of synthetic pyrrhotite formed by heating pyrite at elevated temperatures were studied. The possible formation pathway was verified using a solid-phase reaction. X-ray-diffraction results revealed that synthetic pyrrhotite differs from natural pyrrhotite in the paragenetic association of minerals. Natural pyrrhotite and magnetite coexist in the natural pyrrhotite sample. Synthetic pyrrhotite formed by heating pyrite at 700℃ for 1 h has the paragenetic association with hematite and a small amount of pyrite and magnetite. All pyrrhotite samples were monoclinic pyrrhotite-4C (Fe7S8) and exhibit minimal differences in terms of lattice parameters. Synthetic pyrrhotite-4C was stable under 0.5–2 h of heating at 700℃ in air. It had the highest relative content by heating for 1 h. It was eventually transformed into hematite with heating periods exceeding 3 h, as was the case for pyrite and magnetite. In air, synthetic pyrrhotite-4C is mainly formed via two pathways: (1) pyrite → pyrrhotite-4C and (2) pyrite → magnetite → pyrrhotite-4C. Pathway (1) is more favorable than pathway (2). This transformation cannot be achieved by the reaction between hematite and sulfur.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zhehao Wang
Ling Wang
Yuting He
Jiongran Duan
Bowen Fan

  1. Chengdu University of Technology


The paper presents the analysis of IT tools selection to develop a system of deposits geological modelling as well as production designing and scheduling in a hard coal mine. The presented concept creates a subject-matter foundation of the solution supporting the decision making system in the field of production activities performance, with the use of IT solutions and monitoring of end product quality, implemented under the paradigm of so-called Intelligent Mine.
A technological dialogue carried out by questionnaire surveys, supported with experts’ opinions, was applied to select the software for designing a system of deposit modelling, and for designing and scheduling of mining operations. Questionnaires originated based on presentations, covering the functionality in the field of geological data gathering, developing a geological spatial model of a bedded deposit, as well as designing and scheduling. The presented solutions were next evaluated, via questionnaires, by the employees of the company. In addition, 4 groups of criteria were prepared: technical (questionnaires), technical (experts), business, and IT, based on which the final evaluation was carried out. Ultimately, Solution 2 was selected as that, which to the highest degree satisfied technical, business, and IT requirements of the planned system.
The indicated IT solution was implemented and became one of basic tools for modelling hard coal deposits, an also for designing and scheduling of the mining operations in the company.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Artur Dyczko

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland


Trace elements contained in rocks, especially those classified as potentially toxic elements (PTEs), can be largely harmful. Knowledge of the geochemical composition of waste is of great importance due to the potential possibility of contamination with these elements in the environment. The paper presents the geochemical characteristics of the sedimentary rocks from the Carboniferous coal-bearing series of the USCB. The present study used data for 120 samples from borehole WSx representing Zaleskie layers and Orzeskie layers within the Mudstone Series (Westphalian A, B). Major oxide concentrations (Al2O3, SiO2, Fe2O3, P2O5, K2O, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, MnO, TiO2, Cr2O3, Ba) were obtained using an X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The concentration of potentially toxic elements (Be, Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Rb, Sr, Zr, Mo, Cd, Sn, Sb, Ba, W, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th, and U) was analyzed using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry. As there are no relevant standards for the content of toxic elements in post-mining waste stored in dumps, the concentrations of elements were compared to their share in the Upper Continental Crust. Most elements, such as B, Sc, V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Sb, W, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th, and U had higher mean concentrations than those of the Upper Continental Crust (UC). Concentrations of the analyzed toxic elements in the studied samples did not exceed permissible values for soils, therefore they are not a potential threat to the environment. The results of the Pearson correlation analysis showed differing relationships among the analyzed toxic elements in the studied samples.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Magdalena Kokowska-Pawłowska
Ewa Krzeszowska

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering and Industrial Automation, Gliwice, Poland


Anisotropy of variations of Polish mineral deposit parameters is rarely the subject of interest of geologists who carry on the assessment projects . However, if the anisotropy is strong its description and mathematical modeling are rational and justified as it may affect the accuracy of many calculations suitably for mining geology and mining engineering, e.g. estimation of resources and grade of particular raw-material, interpolation of deposit parameters values and construction of their contour maps, designing of optimum grade mining operations or densification of sampling grid. In geostatistics anisotropy is described with directional semivariograms which represent average variability of values of particular deposit parameter in various directions, depending on the distance between sampling sites. Convenient graphic presentation of anisotropy is map of directional semivariograms and good mathematical presentation are functions describing the anisotropy models.

The paper presents the results of geostatistical descriptions of various anisotropy types in selected examples of Polish mineral deposits. Taking into account the spherical variability model, the influence of anisotropy on the results of deposit parameters estimations has been theorized for both the interpolation point and calculation block (area). It was found that anisotropy is effective for parameters estimation if three mutually interrelated factors are considered: power of directional diversification of parameters variation, contribution of random component to total, observed variation of parameters and the range of semivariograms (autocorrelation) of parameter referred to the average sampling grid density.

The results demonstrate that anisotropy influences much more the estimations of parameters value in interpolation points than those of average values of parameters calculated for particular parts of deposit (calculation blocks). Moreover, anisotropy is unimportant when the random component of variability dominates the overall variability of analyzed parameter. Therefore, the simpler, isotropic variability model can be applied to geostatistical estimations of deposit parameters.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jacek Mucha
Monika Wasilewska-Błaszczyk


This paper presents data on the management of dimension stones in Poland in the period 2011– –2021. The domestic production of rocks suitable for the production of slabs, pitcher and curbs, etc. is estimated and the major varieties of rocks utilized for these purposes are indicated. Data on raw and processed products with regard to imports and exports are presented for crude and roughly worked blocks and slabs, worked dimension stones as well as pitcher, curbs and other road stones. In the first two groups, data is reported separately for:
- marbles, limestones and other carbonate rocks,
- granites,
- sandstones (distinguished as separate category in crude blocks and slabs group),
- other rocks.
Data on the volume of production, imports and exports is utilized for the calculation of the apparent consumption of dimension stone in Poland. The conducted analyses revealed that its volume has been ranging from 1.4 to 1.9 million tons/year in 2013–2021 with the exception of the years 2011–2012 when it reached ca. 2.7 million tons/year. The most important group of rocks utilized in Poland as dimension stones are granites. These originated primarily from domestic deposits but they are also imported from various directions, primarily from the Republic of South Africa and India (crude blocks and slabs), China (worked dimension stones) as well as from Sweden and Norway in 2011–2012 (significant amounts of hydrotechnical stones). A nother significant group of rocks utilized in Poland as dimension stones are sandstones (with a share of imports in total domestic consumption not exceeding 1%) while marbles, limestones and other carbonate rocks are of marginal importance (primarily imported in the form of worked dimension stones from China, the Czech Republic, Italy and Turkey).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Katarzyna Guzik
Beata Figarska-Warchoł

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland


The subject of the research was the Middle Miocene red algal limestone from the Włochy deposit, which is currently the only place of exploitation of the Pińczów Limestone representing a local type of the Leitha Limestone. The collected samples of this rock belong to the organodetric facies of diverse grain size and sorting of clastic material. Considering the proportions of characteristic skeleton remains, the composition of the coarse-grained organodetric facies is red algal-foraminiferalbryozoic, while of the fine-grained facies is foraminiferal-red algal. The cement of these rocks is predominantly sparite compared to micrite-clay matrix. A complement to petrographic studies was the chemical analysis and identification of mineral phases with X-ray diffraction. Moreover, physical and mechanical properties of samples were analyzed. Porosity of the rock was assessed in the polarizing and scanning microscope (SEM-EDS) observations, as well as with a porosimetric tests. The coarse-detrital limestone with a dominant binder in the form of intergranular cement is characterized by the apparent density sometimes exceeded 1.90 Mg/m3, while fine-grained limestone has the highest water absorbability (above 20%) and total porosity (about 40%). The above properties influenced high water absorption by capillarity, limiting the possibility of using limestone in places exposed to moisture. The observed relationship between the ultrasonic waves velocity and the uniaxial compressive strength gives the possibility of predicting the value of the latter parameter in the future. The limestones from Włochy deposit do not differ in quality from the previously used Pińczów Limestones, and their technical parameters predestine them for use as cladding material with insulating properties.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Beata Figarska-Warchoł
Grażyna Stańczak


The research was aimed at examining the impact of the petrographic composition of coal from the Janina mine on the gasification process and petrographic composition of the resulting char. The coal was subjected to fluidized bed gasification at a temperature below 1000°C in oxygen and CO2 atmosphere. The rank of coal is borderline subbituminous to bituminous coal. The petrographic composition is as follows: macerals from the vitrinite (61.0% vol.); liptinite (4.8% vol.) and inertinite groups (29.0% vol.). The petrofactor in coal from the Janina deposit is 6.9. The high content of macerals of the inertinite group, which can be considered inert during the gasification, naturally affects the process. The content of non-reactive macerals is around 27% vol. The petrographic analysis of char was carried out based on the classification of International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology.

Both inertoid (34.7% vol.) and crassinetwork (25.1% vol.) have a dominant share in chars resulting from the above-mentioned process. In addition, the examined char contained 3.1% vol. of mineroids and 4.3% vol. of fusinoids and solids. The calculated aromaticity factor increases from 0.75 in coal to 0.98 in char. The carbon conversion is 30.3%. Approximately 40% vol. of the low porosity components in the residues after the gasification process indicate a low degree of carbon conversion. The ash content in coal amounted to 13.8% and increased to 24.10% in char. Based on the petrographic composition of the starting coal and the degree of conversion of macerals in the char, it can be stated that the coal from the Janina deposit is moderately suitable for the gasification process.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Barbara Bielowicz


This investigation is concerned with the extraction of nugget copper particles from copper recovery plant slag which recycled of copper scrap. For this purpose, the Falcon concentrator was used because of its enhanced gravity properties. The Falcon concentrator has a fast spinning bowl which creates a centrifugal force to separate fine size minerals on the basis of their density differences. In the tests, the tailings of the copper recovery plant were used and the test sample was divided into two groups and one of them was classified in narrow particle sizes. The operational parameters were determined as particle size, centrifugal force and washing water pressures. The water pressure and centrifugal force have an inversely proportional relationship. Because of this phenomenon, the G/P parameter was created. The test conditions were applied to the whole distribution sample and narrow size distribution samples in the same way.

The test results indicate that the average grade was elevated from 1.04% to 6.50% with the recovery of 15.07% and 619% enrichment ratio for narrow sizes, whereas grade was elevated to 4.36% with 13.24% recovery and 415.94% enrichment ratio for the whole distribution. As a result, the recovery and grade values of concentrates are not good enough for gravity concentration process for both samples. However, this process was applied to the double recycled material and the lower recovery, grade values can be tolerated because of concentrate is nugget copper metal. The concentrate can also be washed in cleaning table for increasing the grade value for adding to initial feed of plant. This process can, therefore, supply important earnings not only economically but also environmentally.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Murat Kademli
Namik Atakan Aydogan

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