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Jan Walter of Chojnice (*about 1445, †1512), initially a vicar, and then a parson of St. Peter and Paul’s Church, as well as a secretary of Gdansk City Council, is one of the best known figures associated with the old book culture in Gdansk. The article describes one of the aspects of his bibliophilia: book covers marked with supralibros. It first discusses works by local bookbinders made for Walter, and then analyses a supralibros in the form of a miniature oval featuring the mark of a bibliophile (the head of a Negro) against the background of the European and local tradition of marking books in late Middle Ages. As a result, it is demonstrated that six from among the Gdansk citizen’s books we currently know, which contain the mark, were provided with it secondarily. This is mainly indicated by the non-typical locations of the supralibros – each one is in a way “squeezed in” between the regularly spaced elements of the blind embossing adornment of the covers.
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Arkadiusz Wagner

  1. Instytut Informacji Naukowej i Bibliologii Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
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The article presents the significant role of director Marian Pelczar in the post-war rescuing of the collections of the Municipal Library in Gdansk (currently Gdansk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences). The actions related to the protection of book and manuscript collections after the Second World War were of key importance for the reconstruction of the Polish libraries and library science. Of particular importance was the period from 1945 until 1946, when the fate of the physical survival of many library materials hung in the air. Dr Marian Pelczar lavished tender care on the most precious collections of the Municipal Library and managed to extend them to include fragments of historical books and manuscripts from the region of Pomerelia. Acting during the exceptionally difficult post-war times, he contributed to the preservation of the precious heritage of regional, domestic, and European written culture of various provenance.
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Ryszard Nowicki

  1. Instytutu Historii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
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The article presents the content of non-published prose works by Stanisława Przybyszewska (1901–1935) from the Gdansk period of her oeuvre, i.e. from the period between 1923 and 1935. The author focuses on the widespread belief that Przybyszewska was interested only in the French Revolution and shows that this is erroneous: her works are much richer in topics, and are not limited solely to the play The Danton Case. On the basis of materials kept in the PAN Archives in Warsaw, the PAN Branch in Poznan and their digital copies kept in the Gdansk PAN Library, along with the description of manuscripts and typescripts, the author summarises the plot and issues discussed in such works as Asymptoty, Po omacku, Fons iuventutis, Twórczość Gerarda Gasztowta, Pasiphaë, Wybraniec losu, Eine realistische Studie, I Roma przeszła, Marcowy poranek, Sterylitas and Vanitas vanitatum, showing the extent to which Przybyszewska’s works can be useful in research devoted to the Polish literature from the interwar period as well as the history of the culture of the Free City of Danzig.
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Dagmara Binkowska

  1. PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, Dział Druków XIX i 1. poł. XX w.

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Regina Liczmańska

  1. PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, Archiwum Zakładowe
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The Gdansk chronicle by Bernt Stegmann was written in the East Central German language (Ostmitteldeutsch) in 1528 and is the oldest surviving historiographic artefact concerning Gdansk. The article sums up the author’s latest findings concerning the circumstances in which the chronicle was written and the probable addressee of the work. She also puts forward some hypotheses regarding the origin of the compiler, discusses the structure of the manuscript and the manner of its production.
The chronicle is a compilation of some older historiographic sources, which place the history of the Main City of Gdansk in world history: the Jerusalem rulers and the history of the Teutonic Order. It is a type of a universal town chronicle. The content is moralizing – the compilation is a collection of historical examples teaching how to rule the town properly. It was probably written for didactic purposes for young Hans Kremer, the future mayor of Gdansk.
Bernt Stegmann was a merchant trading in such places as Stockholm and Reval. The toponymic criterion indicates that his family could originate from the area of Brandenburg or Braniewo, while the dialect in which he wrote the chronicle as well as the numerous Silesian threads in the content also make it possible to be open to the hypothesis that Stegmann’s family could have come from Silesia. This question remains unresolved. The manuscript was written and made personally by Bernt Stegmann, as indicated by the atypical arrangement of its sections and non-professional binding.
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Julia Możdżeń
1 2

  1. Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Toruniu, Oddział Zbiorów Specjalnych, Sekcja Starych Druków
  2. Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu, Wydział I Historyczny
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The cult of the book in Gdansk manifested itself in the numerous substantial private libraries, marked by the features and qualities of bibliophile facilities, as indicated by the artistic bindings, ex-libris and supralibros of their owners. After their owner’s death, many of the book collections of Gdansk bibliophiles were provided to the municipal library, of which the current Gdansk PAN Library is the heir and continuator. The books have historical bindings, represent a variety of styles and epochs, and many different adornment techniques. The majority of Gdansk patrician families and wealthy burghers belonging to the political, cultural, and scientific elite of the city had coats-of-arms granted to them by the Polish, Danish, or Swedish rulers, or Roman-German emperors. From among many volumes kept in the collection of the Gdansk Library and marked with coat-of-arms supralibros, sample prints from the collections of thirteen representatives of Gdansk bibliophiles were selected.
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Helena Dzienis

  1. PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, Pracownia Numizmatów i Ekslibrisów
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This article presents Gdansk calendars by the mathematician Johann Gottlieb Bartoldi (1736–1788), which were published from 1776 until 1789. The almanacs were entitled: “Neuer und Alter Kunst- und Tugend-Calender”, “Neuer und Alter Haus- und Geschichts-Calender” and “Allgemeiner Landwirtschafts-Calender”. This text highlights those aspects which depict the traditionalism and conservatism of the calendars, originating from the beginning of the eighteenth century.
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Piotr Paluchowski
1 2

  1. Zakład Historii i Filozofii Nauk Medycznych Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego
  2. Muzeum Historyczne Miasta Gdańska
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Being one of the most important centres in the history of Polish medicine, Gdansk attracted many eminent doctors. Physicians (municipal doctors) and professors from the anatomy department of the Academic Gymnasium Danzig won their doctoral degrees at European universities, and when arriving in Gdansk, they often provided a copy of their dissertation to the Library of the City Council. The article presents results of the initial analysis of the medical print resources kept by the Gdansk PAN Library, including works by the Gymnasium graduates and doctors’ publications other than their doctoral dissertations printed in Gdansk. A comparative analysis of the selected twenty five prints (call marks Fa 69 8o, Sa 30 8o, XIX q. 83d, XIX q. 83f) was carried out with a view to determining the potential research problems and their relationship with the relevant sources.
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Bartłomiej Siek

  1. Zakład Historii i Filozofii Nauk Medycznych Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego
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This paper is the first presentation of the diary of Paul Friedrich Knaack from 1811 – Tagebuch vom Jahre 1811 – a previously unknown historical source, which is currently privately owned. The author of the diary was a watchmaker, tuner of the bells of the carillon of the Main Town Hall in Gdańsk, as well as a copyist of a manuscript containing arrangements of Protestant songs for the Town Hall’s automaton. In his diary, he recorded what he did every day of 1811 and somehow incidentally wrote what happened around him. We have thus received a multicolour picture of the daily life in the Napoleonic Free City of Gdańsk at the threshold of the subsequent changes in its political life.
The content of Knaack’s diary allows us to complement his biography and correct some facts on him given in relevant literature. However, this does not mean that the entire curriculum vitae of the Gdańsk watchmaker and bell tuner has already been explained.
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Adress-Buch der Stadt Danzig und dazu gehörigen Vorstädte, Danzig 1836.
Adress-Buch der Stadt Danzig und der dazu gehörigen Vorstädte, Danzig 1839.
Adreß-Buch für das Königliche Danziger Regierungs-Departement mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stadt Danzig und ihres Polizei-Bezirks, Danzig 1817.
Allgemeiner Wohnungs-Anzeiger für Danzig und dessen Vorstädten pro 1864/65 … Danizg 1864.
Barylewska-Szymańska E., Życie codzienne w okresie Wolnego Miasta Gdańska. Wybrane zagadnienia, [w:] Napoleon i Gdańsk …, s. 93–103.
Damps E., Historia teatru miejskiego w Gdańsku (1801–1841), Gdańsk 2015.
Danziger Stadt- und Adreβ-Almanach für das Jahr 1831, hrsg. v. Wilhelm Schumacher, Danzig 1831. Das jetzt-lebende Danzig Anno 1810…, Danzig 1810.
Duisburg F.G. v., Wolne Miasto Gdańsk 1809, przekł. i wyjaśnienia A. Masłowski, R. Kowald, Malbork 2016.
Hoburg K,, Geschichte und Beschreibung des Rathauses der Rechtstadt Danzig, Danzig 1857.
Januszajtis A., Gdańskie zegary, dzwony i karyliony, Pelplin 2003.
Kaczor D., Podstawy prawne polityki fiskalnej Wolnego Miasta Gdańska 1807–1813, [w:] Napoleon i Gdańsk…, s. 67–83.
Kizik E., Dekalog III. Niedziela w miastach hanzeatyckich w XVI–XVIII wieku, [w:] Między Zachodem a Wschodem. Studia z dziejów Rzeczypospolitej w epoce nowożytnej, red. J. Staszewski, K. Mikulski, J. Dumanowski, Toruń 2002, s. 160–171.
Kizik E., Finanse Gdańska w latach napoleońskiego Wolnego Miasta 1807–1813/14, [w:] Napoleon i Gdańsk…, s. 55–64.
Kizik E., Gute Policey, dyscyplinowanie zachowań społecznych w ewangelickim Gdańsku w XVI i w pierwszej połowie XVII wieku, [w:] Panorama lojalności. Prusy Królewskie i Prusy Książęce w XVI wieku, red. J. Axer, Warszawa 2001, s. 73–91.
Kizik E., Wesele, kilka chrztów i pogrzebów. Uroczystości rodzinne w mieście hanzeatyckim od XVI do XVIII wieku, Gdańsk 2001.
Kościelak S., Przejawy sekularyzacji i religijność w Gdańsku na przełomie XVIII i XIX w. w świetle relacji pamiętnikarskich i prasowych, „Studia Historica Gedanensia”, t. VII (2016), s. 75–103.
Kotarski E., Gdańska poezja okolicznościowa XVIII wieku, Gdańsk 1997.
Księga wpisów uczniów Gimnazjum Gdańskiego 1580–1814, opr. Z. Nowak, P. Szafran, Warszawa– Poznań 1974.
Michalak J.M., Siedem lat chudych. Życie muzyczne i teatralne Gdańska okresu napoleońskiego, [w:] Napoleon i Gdańsk…, s. 105–118.
Napoleon i Gdańsk. Pierwsze Wolne Miasto Gdańsk 1807–1813/14. Materiały z sympozjum i wystawy w 200. rocznicę utworzenia Wolnego Miasta Gdańska, Gdańsk 20 lipca – 30 grudnia 2007, red. naukowy T. Stegner, Gdańsk 2008.
Neuer Wohnungs-Anzeiger nebst Allgem. Geschäfts–Anzeiger von Danzig und den Vorstädten für 1869. Danzig, Danzig 1869.
Popinigis D., Carillony i muzyka carillonowa dawnego Gdańska, Gdańsk 2014.
Prószyńska Z., Słownik gdańskich zegarmistrzów i gnomoników, [w:] Zegary gdańskie..., s. 131–201.
Sz[ychliński] G., Zegar wieżowy kościoła Najświętszej Marii Panny w Gdańsku, [w:] Zegary gdańskie…, s. 230b–231b.
Verzeichniβ der Grundstücke in der Stadt, und zwar innerhalb der Rechtstadt, Altstadt, Vorstadt, Niederstadt und Auβenwerke, zusammengestellt nach den neuen und alten Servis= Nummern. Hinzugefügt sind die Hypothekenbuchs-Nummern und Namen der Besitzer nach den Kämmerei-Heberegistern, Danzig 1854.
Weichbrodt D., Patrizien, Bürger, Einwoher der Freien und Hansestadt Danzig im Stamm- und Namentafeln vom 14.–18. Jahrhundert, Klausdorf / Schwentine [1988–1992], Band 3.
Zajewski W., Stagnacja gospodarcza i eksploatacja finansowa Wolnego Miasta Gdańska, [w:] Historia Gdańska, red. Edmund Cieślak, t. 3 cz. 2, Gdańsk 1993, s. 150–167.
Zegary gdańskie, red. Z. Prószyńska, E. Barylewska-Szymańska, D. Kaczor, W. Szymański, Gdańsk 2005.

August von Kotzebue, Aufführungshäufigkeit seiner Stücke in Königsberg 1804–1873, http: // C3%A4ufigkeit%201804-1873.pdf
Gliński M., Bertling Carl Friedrich Theodor, CARL_FRIEDRICH_THEODOR
Gliński M., Błędnik,,_wiadukt
Gliński M., Michalak J.M., Frantzius Friedrich Wilhelm,
Méhul Etienne-Nicolas, Search&isQuickSearch=true
Michalak J. M., Bachmann Jean Peter Heinrich, JEAN_PETER_HEINRICH
Śliwiński B., Gęsia Karczma,
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Danuta Popinigis

  1. W latach 2015–2020 profesor w Katedrze Teorii Muzyki w Akademii Muzycznej im.Stanisława Moniuszki w Gdańsku, ul. Łąkowa 1-2, 80-743 Gdańsk
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This paper discusses the first Gdańsk address books published by Ferdinand Troschel in the period between the Second Partition of Poland and the establishment of the Napoleonic Free City of Gdańsk. During this period, the books were issued in 1796, 1797, and 1800. Their publication was based on the privilege the Prussian King Frederick William II issued on 16 May 1795. The address books covered the area of the city of Gdańsk, the United City of Chełm and their nearest environs.
Not only information from address books, but also notifications of their sale and press advertisements concerning their publisher were used in this article. Apart from typical personal and topographic information, the address books provide a lot of interesting details on the public life of the time and the functioning of offices, which have not survived in any other sources available today.
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Adreßbuch der Königl. West‑Preußischen See- und Handelstadt Danzig und der combinirten Städte Stolzenberg fürs Jahr 1797, Danzig 1797, Polska Akademia Nauk Biblioteka Gdańska, sygn.. Uph o. 4837 i Od 693 8° [druk zaginiony], Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, sygn. Sz 6774 [strata wojenna].
Adreßbuch der Königl. West‑Preußischen See und Handelstadt Danzig und der combinirten Städte Stolzenberg, Danzig 1796, Polska Akademia Nauk Biblioteka Gdańska, sygn. Uph o. 4836 i Od 693 8° [druk zaginiony], Dänische Königliche Bibliothek, sygn. 161, 280c-1796.
Adreßbuch der Königl. West‑Preußischen See und Handelstadt Danzig und der combinirten Städte Stolzenberg fürs Jahr 1800, Danzig 1800, Polska Akademia Nauk Biblioteka Gdańska, sygn. Uph o. 4838 i Od 693, 8° [druk zaginiony], Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, sygn. Sz 6774 [strata wojenna].

Dantziger Kühr: wie die Bürgermeistere, Burggraffen, Rahtsherren, Richtere undt Schöppen der Königlichen Stadt Dantzig... gekohren, auch wie und wannein Jeder gestorben sey... Von Anno 1342 biss Anno 1684, Archiwum Państwowe w Gdańsku, sygn. 300, R/G,20.
Fasti Vrbis Gedanensis Praeconsulorum et Consulorum nec non Scabinorum ab A. Christiano 1342, Archiwum Państwowe w Gdańsku, sygn. 300, R/G,21.

„Danziger Intelligenz-Blatt“, No. 104, 1813.
„Danziger Nachrichten und Anzeigen“, St. 1, 6, 7, 8, 1796; St. 75, 76, 77, 1797; St. 28, 29, 1800.
„Königlich Preußische Danziger Nachrichten und Anzeigen zum Nutzen und Besten des Publikums“, St. 39, 51, 1795.


Baszanowski J., Przemiany demograficzne w Gdańsku w latach 1601–1846, Gdańsk 1995.
Biernat C., Zabór Gdańska przez Prusy i prawno-ustrojowe tego konsekwencje, [w:] Historia Gdańska, t. 3, cz. 2: 1793–1815, red. E. Cieślak, Gdańsk 1993, s. 26–37.
Catalogus Civium Gedanensium. Księgi przyjęć do prawa miejskiego w Gdańsku 1536–1814, t. 3: Księga obywatelska (główna) z lat 1732–1792, edycja A. Groth, D. Kaczor, E. Łączyńska-Bartoszek, wstęp i opracowanie D. Kaczor, Gdańsk 2019.
Catalogus Civium Gedanensium. Księgi przyjęć do prawa miejskiego w Gdańsku 1536–1814, t. 8: Księga obywatelska (indeksowa) z lat 1768–1794 oraz 1807–1814, edycja A. Groth, D. Kaczor, E. Łączyńska- Bartoszek, wstęp i opracowanie D. Kaczor, Gdańsk 2019.
Cyrson E., Ustrój Gdańska w latach 1793–1807, „Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne”, t. 19, 1967, z. 1, s. 109–134.
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Duisburg F.K.G. von, Versuch einer historisch-topographischen Beschreibung der freien Stadt Dantzig, Dantzig 1809.
Gesamtverzeichnis des deutschsprachigen Schrifttums (GV) 1700–1910, bearb. unter der Leitung von P. Geils, W. Gorzny, Teil 2: Ad-Ala, München 1979.
Encyklopedia Gdańska, red. B. Śliwiński, Gdańsk 2012.
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Keyser E., 125 Jahre Danziger Adreßbuch, [w:] Das Danziger Adreßbuchwesen,.., s. XLIX–LI.
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Kizik E., Gdańskie karczmy i zajazdy na przełomie XVIII i XIX wieku, [w:] Studia i materiały do dziejów domu gdańskiego, cz. 2, red. tenże, Gdańsk 2011, s. 212–217.
Kościelak S., Przejawy sekularyzacji i religijność w Gdańsku na przełomie XVIII i XIX w. w świetle relacji pamiętnikarskich i prasowych, „Studia Historica Gedanensia”, t. 7, 2016, s. 75–103.
Maciejewski T., Ustawodawstwo przeciwpożarowe w dawnym Gdańsku (1454–1793), „Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa Polskiego”, t. 20, 2017, s. 38;
Maciejewski T., Ustrój konstytucyjny i sądowy napoleońskiego (1807–1814) i wersalskiego (1920–1939) Wolnego Miasta Gdańska w rozwoju prawno-historyczno-porównawczym, Gdańsk 2017.
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Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów, nadburmistrzów, przewodniczących Miejskiej Rady Narodowej i prezydentów Gdańska, red. B. Możejko, Gdańsk 2015.
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R. v., Das Danziger Adreßbuch von 1797, „1. Beilage zu Nr 22419 der Danziger Zeitung” [dodatek do „Danziger Zeitung” z datą 14 Februar 1897 (Morgen-Ausgabe)], [s. 1–2]
Wendland [J.], 1807–1813. Aus dem „Gedenkbuch der Diakonen a. 1801” und aus dem „Memorial oder Aktenbuch der Kirchenvorsteher der Kirchen St. Johannis a. 1796”, „Mitteilungen des Westpreuβischen Geschichtsvereins”, J. 25, 1926, Nr. 3, s. 53–59.
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Gliński M., Adolph Heinrich Ferdinand Troschel, ADOLPH_HEINRICH_FERDINAND
Gliński M., Adolf Eugen Troschel, EUGEN (dostęp: 6.10.2020).
Paluchowski P., Zjednoczone (Kombinowane) Miasto Chełm,ŁM
Szarszewski A, Fundacja Barbary Renner, BARBARY_RENNER
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Paluchowski

  1. Zakład Historii i Filozofii Nauk Medycznych, Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny, ul. Tuwima 15, 80-210 Gdańsk
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The Gdańsk publishers of printed music included both large, energetically operating companies, and small firms we know of only from single publications. The majority of them are booksellers who, just like in the 17th and 18th centuries, financed – and sometimes also copied in their own printing establishments – the items they were selling. Additionally, they not only extended the range of goods in their bookshops to include stationery, works of art and instruments, including grand pianos, but also offered a broad range of services, such as the lending of books and printed music, and even organising concerts. During the period in question, the range of publications covered school and church songbooks (mostly Protestant), but also compositions designed to entertain, with the dominating role of the grand piano as a solo and accompanying instrument. What marked out Gdańsk at the end of the 19th century/ beginning of the 20th century, was its published works for male choirs, addressed to the city’s numerous singing associations.
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Kartoteka drukarzy gdańskich XIX i XX wieku, Polska Akademia Nauk Biblioteka Gdańska.

Babnis M., C.A. Reichel’s „Musikalisches Wochenblatt” – a source to the repertoire played in Gdańsk salons in the second decade of the 19th century, [w:] Musica Baltica. Danzig und die Musikkultur Europas = Gdańsk and European Musical Culture, Gdańsk 2000, s. 388–419 (Prace specjalne nr 57 Akademii Muzycznej im. Stanisława Moniuszki w Gdańsku).
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„Hofmeister Monatsberichte”,
Allgemeiner Wohnungs-Anzeiger von Danzig und dessen Vorstädte (1849),
Eduard Sobolewski,
Elektroniczna Baza Bibliografii Estreichera (EBBE),
Gliński M., Księgarstwo,
Hermann Buchholz, Pos=3&identifier=251_SOLR_SERVER_1652492539RISM
Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog,
Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek: A.G. Harpf,
Michalak J.M., Carl Anton Reichel, ANTON
Michalak J.M., Ludwig Traugott Granzin, LUDWIG_TRAUGOTT
Paluchowski P., Drukarstwo i drukarnie, I_DRUKARNIE
Reinhold Bergell,
Vogel B., Instrumenty muzyczne – budownictwo, Tabela: Budowniczowie instrumentów muzycznych, BUDOWNICTWO
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Agnieszka Kubiak

  1. Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, ul. Wałowa 15, 80-858 Gdańsk
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The Library of the Council of the City of Gdańsk was initially managed by the Collegium Scholarchale – a city authority responsible for the supervision of the schools of Gdańsk. Since the 1650s, one of its members occupied the prestigious position of the protolibrarian, i.e. the custodian of the Gdańsk bookery. For the next one and a half centuries the most eminent members of the city patrician milieu carried out the duty, caring for the institution that was entrusted to them to a greater or lesser extent. Some of them limited their work solely to supervising book purchases, while others engaged themselves in improving the conditions in which the Library was functioning – by acquiring additional funds, planning and supervising renovations or developing the catalogue of the holdings. The article presents the figures of the subsequent nineteen protolibrarians and – above all – the place of the Library curator in their cursus honorum. It also explains what kind of education and experience were required to be appointed to this position.
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Index librorum qui ex donatione, munificentia et liberalitate philomusorum Bibliothecae Magnifici et Amplissimi Senatus Gedanensis inserti sunt, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, sygn. Cat. Bibl. 1.

Hanow M. Ch., Proto-scholarcharum et proto-bibliotecariorum Gymnasii Academici Gedanensis meritorum memoria saecularis saeculi eiusdem secundi, paucis adumbrata et exhibita ipso Athenaei die natali Idibus Jun. MDCCLVIII, [w:] Acta jubilaei secundi Gymnasii Gedanensis anno Domini MDCCLVIII die XIII Junii solenniter celebrati publicis impensis prelo subiecta, [Gedani1759].

Hanow M. K., Wspomnienie zasług protoscholarchów i protobibliotekarzy Gdańskiego Gimnazjum Akademickiego wielce znakomitych, szlachetnych i gorliwych, przygotowane i przedstawione dokładnie w dniu jubileuszu Gimnazjum, 13 czerwca Roku Odkupienia Pańskiego 1758, oprac. i tłum. R. Dzięgielewski, [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 3: Wybór źródeł od XVI do XVIII wieku, red. Z. Nowak, Gdańsk 2008, s. 473–532.

Bellwon J., Księgozbiór Ludwika Ajchlera zachowany w zbiorach Biblioteki Gdańskiej, „Libri Gedanenses”, t. 2/3 (1969), s. 5–33.
Bibliografia [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 1…, s. 401–408.
Bieńkowska B., From Negation to Acceptance. The Reception of the Heliocentric Theory in Polish Schools in the 17th and 18th Centuries, [w:] Reception of Copernicus Heliocentric Theory, ed. J. Dobrzycki, s. 79–116.
Binkowska D., Ludzie Biblioteki. Christian Gottfried Ewerbeck (1761–1837), [w:] Między Gdańskiem a Santiago. 600-lecie konsekracji kościoła św. Jakuba fundacji szyprów w Gdańsku, red. B. Siek, A. Szarszewski, P. Paluchowski, Gdańsk 2015, s. 229–241.
Bogucka M., Przemiany społeczne i ustrojowe (1570–1655), [w:] Historia Gdańska, t. 2: 1454–1655, red. E. Cieślak, Gdańsk 1982, s. 543–578.
Budzyński J., Dawne humanistyczne Gimnazjum Akademickie w Gdańsku w XVI i XVII wieku, [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 4: W progach muz i Minerwy, red. Z. Głombiowska, Gdańsk 2008, s. 7–69;
Christian Gabriel Schröder (von Schröder), [w:] Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów…, s. 256.
Dzienis H., Gerhard Cimmermann i jego księgozbiór ofiarowany Bibliotece Rady Miasta Gdańska, „Libri Gedanenses”, t. 33 (2016), s. 5–27.
Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 1: Szkice z dziejów, red. E. Kotarski, Gdańsk 2008.
Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie. Księga pamiątkowa dla uczczenia czterechsetnej rocznicy założenia Gimnazjum Gdańskiego 1558–1958, Gdynia 1959.
Hirsch T., Geschichte des Academischen Gymnasiums in anzig in ihren Hauptzügen dargestellt, Danzig 1837.
Kaczor D., Christian Schröder, [w:] Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów…, s. 215–217.
Kaczor D., Gottfried Bentzmann, [w:] Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów…, s. 243–245.
Kaczor D., Johann Ernst Schmieden, [w:] Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów…, s. 222–225.
Kaczor D., Samuel Wolff, [w:] Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów…, s. 240–242.
Kizik E., Koszty utrzymania Gimnazjum Akademickiego, [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie…, s. 43–65.
Kościelak S., Abraham Groddeck, [w:] Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów…, s. 245–246.
Kościelak S., Dzieje wyznaniowe Gdańska od XVI do początku XIX wieku, [w:] Gdańsk protestancki w epoce nowożytnej. W 500-lecie wystąpienia Marcina Lutra, t. 1: Eseje, red. E. Kizik, S.Kościelak, Gdańsk 2017, s. 64–91.
Kościelak S., Johann Gottfried von Diesseldorf, [w:] Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów…, s. 240–242.
Kościelak S., Salomon Gabriel Schumann, [w:] Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów…, s. 242–243.
Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej 1596–2016, red. A. Baliński, A. Frąckowska, M. Otto, Gdańsk 2017.
Kubik K., Wybór źródeł do dziejów oświaty i nauki Pomorza Gdańskiego w XVII i XVIII wieku, „Gdańskie Zeszyty Humanistyczne” R. 6 (1963) nr 11, s. 31–103.
Kubik K., Mokrzecki L., Trzy wieki nauki gdańskiej. Szkice z dziejów od XVI do XVIII wieku, Wrocław– Warszawa–Kraków–Gdańsk 1976.
Lis S., 1681 (2) Protobibliotekarz Johann Ernest Schmieden, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 58–59.
Madeja-Grzyb M., 1655 Protobibliotekarz Adrian Engelcke, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 40–41.
Mokrzecki L., Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie – zarys dziejów, [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 1…, s. 13–41.
Mokrzecki L., Refleksje o Gimnazjum Gdańskim w dobie I Rzeczypospolitej, [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 5: Źródła i artykuły, red. L. Mokrzecki, M. Brodnicki, Gdańsk 2012, s. 37–52.
Nowak Z., Bibliotheca Senatus Gedanensis 1596–1817, [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 1…, s. 109–132.
Nowak Z., Gdańszczanie na studiach w Królewcu w XVI i XVII wieku, „Rocznik Gdański”, R. 57 (1997) z. 2, s. 121–134.
Nowak Z., Michała Krzysztofa Hanowa wspomnienie zasług protobibliotekarzy gdańskich XVII i XVIII w., [w:] Bibliologia dyscypliną integrującą. Studia ofiarowane Profesor Barbarze Bieńkowskiej, red. M. Mlekicka, Warszawa 1993, s. 145–151 („Z Badań nad Polskimi Księgozbiorami Historycznymi”, tom specjalny).
Ogonowska E., Engelke (Engelcke) Adrian, [w:] Słownik Biograficzny Pomorza Nadwiślańskiego, t. 1: A–F, red. S. Gierszewski, Gdańsk 1992, s. 389.
Otto M., [nota katalogowa], [w:] Gdańsk protestancki w epoce nowożytnej. W 500-lecie wystąpienia Marcina Lutra, t. 2: Katalog, red. P. Paluchowski, A. Larczyńska, M. Płóciennik, Gdańsk 2017, s. 231.
Otto M., 1632 Pierwsza aukcja dubletów, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 22–23.
Otto M., 1654 Protobibliotekarz Gabriel Schumann, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 38–39.
Otto M., 1661 Protobibliotekarz Joachim Schrader, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 44–45.
Otto M., 1662 Protobibliotekarz Benjamin Engelcke, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 46–47.
Otto M., 1665 Protobibliotekarz Christian Schröder, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 48–49.
Otto M., 1692 Protobibliotekarz Daniel Schlieff, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 70–71.
Otto M., 1706 Protobibliotekarz Gottfried Reyger, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 78–79.
Otto M., 1717 Protobibliotekarz Johann Gottfried von Diesseldorff, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 82–83.
Otto M., 1720 Protobibliotekarz Salomon Gabriel Schumann, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 84–85;
Otto M., 1722 Protobibliotekarz Gottfried Bantzmann, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 86–87.
Otto M., 1723 Protobibliotekarz Abraham Groddeck, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 88–89.
Otto M., 1730 Protobibliotekarz Albrecht Rosenberg, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 92–93.
Otto M., 1749 Protobibliotekarz Johann Siegmund Ferber, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 96–97.
Otto M., 1751 Protobibliotekarz Georg Simon von Bömeln, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 98–99.
Otto M., 1752 Protobibliotekarz Christian Gabriel Schröder, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 100–101.
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Otto-Michalska M., Wytworny język inwentarza. O zapisach donacyjnych w „Index librorum qui ex donatione, munificentia et liberalitate philomusorum Bibliothecae Magnifici et Amplissimi Senatus Gedanensis inserti sunt”, „Studia Classica et Neolatina”, t. 16 (2018), s. 173–182.
Pawlak M., Gimnazja akademickie Elbląga, Gdańska i Torunia. Podobieństwa i różnice, [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 5: Źródła i artykuły, red. L. Mokrzecki, M. Brodnicki, Gdańsk 2012, s. 179–196.
Pelczar M., Kościół św. Jakuba – Biblioteką Miejską, [w:] Szpital i kościół św. Jakuba. 600 lat fundacji gildii szyprów w Gdańsku, red. A. Sroka OFM Cap., Toruń 2009, s. 241–259.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maria Michalska

  1. Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, ul. Wałowa 15, 80-858 Gdańsk
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The bibliography includes printed matriculation albums of universities, registers of members of student fraternities and nationalities preserved in the holdings of the PAS Gdańsk Library. The matriculation albums are a valuable source of information in biographic, genealogical, cultural and social research. Due to their merits as important scientific tools they were edited and published as early as in the 19th century. The bibliography includes sources dated 1289–1944 from 59 towns and 14 European countries (listed in the article under the modern country names), the oldest of which is matriculation record of the University in Bologna, the last one is a list of Polish students of the Medical Department at University in Königsberg. The items in the catalogue are arranged according to the names of the mentioned towns (in the Polish version). Within the category of the towns the author enumerates the matriculation albums, registers of nationalities and student fraternities, as well as other kinds of records, all arranged in alphabetical order. The sources that were impossible to be allocated to any of the above mentioned groups were placed in the appendix.
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Stefania Sychta
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This paper attempts to look at the history of the Gdańsk bookery in the context of the metaphor used by Samuel Schelwig in 1677, describing the Library of the Gdańsk City Council as a memorial erected owing to the donations of the subsequent generations – people willing to secure gratitude from the future generations through their participation in this noble project. The text also shows this practice in earlier, 15th-century realizations as exemplified by the collections of St. Mary’s Church Library, and presents the role of the commemorative function for the implementation of the idea to establish the current Gdańsk PAN Library in 1596. Here, this event is shown as a natural consequence of the city authorities being presented with the monastery library belonging to St. Franciscan monks from Gdańsk and the collection of books of Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio, as well as the Gdańsk elite’s efforts to secure an institution of memory for the city and educational back-up facilities for local schools.
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Index librorum qui ex donatione munificentia et liberalitate philomusorum Bibliothcae Magnifici et Amplissimi Senatus Gedanensis inserti sunt, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, sygn. Cat. Bibl. 1.

Assmann A., Cultural memory and western civilization. Arts of memory, Cambridge 2011.
Brodnicki M., Athenae Gedanenses Ephraima Praetoriusa, Gdańsk, 2016.
Cieślak K., Kościół – cmentarzem. Sztuka nagrobna w Gdańsku (XV–XVIII), Gdańsk 1992.
Cubrzyńska-Leonarczyk, M., Proweniencja, [w:] Encyklopedia książki, t. 2, red. A. Żbikowska-Migoń, M. Skalska-Zlat, Wrocław 2017, s. 466a–467b.
Gmiterek H., Szymon Teofil Turnowski w obronie zgody sandomierskiej, „Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie Skłodowska Lublin” Polonia, Sectio F, t. 31/2 (1976), s. 13–40.
Günther O., Michael Krauses Gedenkbuch zur Geschichte des Danziger Franziskanerklosters (1574– 1586), „Mitteilungen des Westpreussischen Geschichtsvereins“, Jg. 2 (1903) Nr 4, s. 55–59.
Hirsch T., Die Ober-Pfarrkirche von St. Marien in Danzig, Th. 1–2, Danzig 1843.
Jaśniewicz A., Portrety Giovanniego Bernardino Bonifacio (1517–1597), [w:] Włochy w Gdańsku, t. 1: Eseje, red. M. Kaleciński, Gdańsk 2019, s. 139–151.
Krollmann C., Geschichte der Stadtbibliothek zu Königsberg. Mit einem Anhang: Katalog der Bibliothek des M. Johannes Poliander, Königsberg 1929.
Kubicki R., W trosce o zbawienie – testamenty kupców Gdańska i Elbląga z drugiej połowy XV i początku XVI w., „Rocznik Zachodniopomorski”, R. 31[40] (2016) z. 1, s. 111–128.
Lepacka A.M., Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio i jego przyjaciel Basilius Amerbach. Kwestia portretu renesansowego, [w:] Między Italią a Rzeczpospolitą. Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio d’Oria (1517– 1597 – perpetuus viator, red. A. Baliński, B. Gryzio, M. Michalska, Gdańsk 2019, s. 107–132.
Müller M.G., Między niemieckim konfesjonalizmem a polską tolerancją. Konflikty wyznaniowe między luteranami a ewangelikami reformowanymi w Gdańsku w drugiej połowie XVI wieku, [w:] Gdańsk protestancki w epoce nowożytnej. W 500-lecie wystąpienia Marcina Lutra, red. E. Kizik, S. Kościelak, Gdańsk 2017, s. 92–109.
Nowak Z., Kultura, nauka i sztuka w Gdańsku na przełomie dwóch epok [w:] Historia Gdańska, t. 2: 1454–1655, red. E. Cieślak, Gdańsk 1982, s. 352–402.
Nowak Z., Po starą księgę sięgam ze wzruszeniem, Gdańsk 2008.
Oliński P., Fundacje mieszczańskie w miastach pruskich w okresie średniowiecza i na progu czasów nowożytnych (Chełmno, Toruń, Elbląg, Gdańsk, Królewiec, Braniewo), Toruń 2018.
Rollau J., Przywilej dotyczący klasztoru Szarych Mnichów na Przedmieściu Gdańska [1555], przeł. M. Gaworska, [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 5: Źródła i artykuły, red. L. Mokrzecki, M. Brodnicki, Gdańsk 2012, s. 19–20.
Schelwig S., O początkach biblioteki gdańskiej. List i rozprawa, tłum. Z. L. Pszczółkowska, Gdańsk 1992.
Schwartz F., Die Anfange der Danziger Stadtbibliothek, „Zentralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen“, Jg. 52 (1935) Heft 4.
Szteinke A.J. OFM, Rękopisy doby staropolskiej prowincji małopolskiej reformatów w Bibliotece Głównej Prowincji Franciszkanów-Reformatów w Krakowie, [w:] Piśmiennictwo zakonne w dobie staropolskiej, red. M. Kuran, K. Kaczor-Scheitler, M. Kuran, współpr. D. Szymczak, Łódź 2013, s. 15–25.
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Authors and Affiliations

Beata Gryzio
1 2

  1. Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, ul. Wałowa 15, 80-858 Gdańsk
  2. Szkoły Doktorskie Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, ul. Jana Bażyńskiego 8, 80-309 Gdańsk
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Magnus Bruski (1886–1945) was ordained to the priesthood in 1913. Bruski’s whole life was strongly connected with Gdansk. His duties as a priest were manifold and comprised remaining the office of a parish priest at St. Nichola’s Church (1935–45) and a vicar general of the diocese of Gdańsk (1934–38). Bruski actively worked in the Free City of Gdańsk succumbed at that time to National Socialism. He was frequently criticised for popularising the knowledge about the Polish language among German clergymen. Bruski died of typhus on July 9th, 1945. The St. Nichola’s Church’s book collection including the private library of Magnus Bruski (75 items) was lucky enough to be preserved only thanks to support from the Dominican friars in 1945. The collection is now a part of the holdings of PAN Gdansk Library. It is now a testimony of their owner’s great need of personal development and his mission to prevent and reduce alcohol abuse in Gdańsk.
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Aleksander Baliński
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Dismantled during the Second World War, the Mannerist-Baroque organ from the Holy Trinity Church in Gdańsk was rebuilt and restored in the years 2008–2018. This unique, huge, extensive object is among the largest and most interesting gems of the art of music in Poland, deserving special attention not only because of its sound, but also its excellent decoration and its polemical, confessional ideological programme.
We probably owe the creation of the instrument to the community of Gdańsk Reformed Protestants – Calvinists. The initial decoration of the organ cases and galleries was largely based on the very popular stencils by the Dutch artist Hans Vredeman de Vries. After the Holy Trinity Church was finally taken over by Lutherans in the 17th century, the decoration of the organ was complemented with the theological message appropriate for this particular religious group and contained in the paintings that were incorporated into the gallery and the main case of the instrument.

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Archiwum Klasztoru Franciszkanów w Gdańsku

Darecka K., Piwek A., Odbudowa organów z kościoła św. Trójcy w Gdańsku. Inwentaryzacja i wytyczne konserwatorskie, mps, Gdańsk 2006.
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Dorawa M., Dokumentacja historyczno-konserwatorska organów z kościoła pw. św. Trójcy w Gdańsku, mps, Toruń 1984.

PAN Biblioteka Gdańska

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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Jank OFMConv.

  1. Klasztor Franciszkanów w Gdańsku, ul. Świętej Trójcy 4, 80-822 Gdańsk
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Poniższy tekst jest polskim tłumaczeniem publikacji Die Danziger Stadtbibliothek. Ihre Entwicklung und ihr Neubau, Danzig 1905, która ukazała się z okazji otwarcia nowego gmachu Biblioteki Miejskiej w Gdańsku. Autorzy, Otto Günther i Karl Kleefeld, przedstawili dzieje książnicy, powstałej jako Biblioteka Rady Miasta Gdańska w 1596 roku i przekształconej w Bibliotekę Miejską w 1817 roku, oraz kolejne siedziby instytucji w byłym klasztorze franciszkańskim i kościele św. Jakuba; a także architekturę, wystrój i wyposażenie nowego budynku przy obecnej ul. Wałowej 15.
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Otto Günther
Karl Kleefeld
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This paper seeks to present the characteristic types of collectors’ marks with the coat of arms of Gdańsk on the historical bindings of books from the collections of the Gdańsk Library. The city’s coat of arms as adopted in 1457 did not undergo any changes in the subsequent centuries, although its graphic form did. Its various elements were transformed relatively frequently, which created a sequence of heraldic varieties. This concerned in particular the shape of the escutcheon, as well as the representation of the crosses and the crown. The images of the two lions supporting the escutcheon also underwent changes. We have managed to identify more than twenty different representations of the coat of arms from the 16th–18th centuries on the original bindings of the gradually extended collection of manuscripts and early printed books.
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Gumowski M., Herby miast polskich, Warszawa 1960.
Kopicki E., Katalog podstawowych typów monet i banknotów Polski oraz ziem historycznie z Polską związanych, t. 2: Monety ostatnich Jagiellonów, Stefana Batorego i Zygmunta III: 1506–1632, Warszawa 1976.
Sipayłło M., Polskie superexlibrisy XVI–XVIII wieku w zbiorach Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie. Warszawa 1988.
Wagner A., Superekslibris polski. Studium o kulturze bibliofilskiej i sztuce od średniowiecza do połowy XVII wieku, Toruń 2016.
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Authors and Affiliations

Helena Dzienis

  1. Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, ul. Wałowa 15, 80–858 Gdańsk
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The study analyses the notes written on the map of Bohemia and two Latin versions of the description of Bohemia in the first modern atlas Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Abraham Ortelius. It examines the method of Ortelius’s work with cartographic material and his approach to the composition of the descriptive texts on the reverse sides, which he himself considered to be the main contribution of his atlas. The success of the atlas with its series of editions demonstrates the importance of the texts in their impact on the basic knowledge of regions and countries in early modern European society. The analysis of the two Latin versions of the description of Bohemia also proves Ortelius’s endeavor to update the information.
The map of Bohemia, published by Johann Criginger in 1568, was supplemented by Ortelius in his atlas with notes on some Czech towns and places, which he took from Sebastian Münster's Cosmographia. In the first Latin description of Bohemia, the author based his work primarily on Historia Bohemica by Annaeas Silvius Piccolomini (Pope Pius II), and in the second version, which appears in Theatrum Orbis Terrarum from the 1574 Latin edition, he takes the text from the recent Historiae Regni Boiemiae by Jan Dubravius. The annexes provide transcriptions of both of Ortelius’s versions of the characteristics of Bohemia.
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Jan Vojtíšek

  1. Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books, National Library of the Czech Republic, Klementinum 190, 110 00 Prague
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This paper discusses the individual book ownership marks used in the Gdańsk Library from the end of the 16th to the beginning of the 21st century. In the first two centuries of existence of the Library of the Council of the City of Gdańsk, three subsequent copperplate bookplates were used as ownership marks. Established in the beginning of the 19th century, the City Library in Gdańsk marked its collections with seals with eight (six pre-war and two post-war) different patterns changed over time; they were imprinted using ink. The founding of the Gdańsk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the mid-20th century resulted in the use of a further seven different seals.
Today, bookplates are no longer used to mark the collections of the Gdańsk Library. However, these ownership marks continue to be made to mark special occasions; some of them are described in this paper.
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Authors and Affiliations

Helena Dzienis

  1. Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, ul. Wałowa 15, 80-858 Gdańsk

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