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The research aimed to make an inventory of the vascular flora of 11 parks and gardens of the Pomeranian Cistercian Trail, with particular emphasis on taxa attached to old deciduous forests. A total of 62 species were registered, recognised as indicators of old deciduous forests in Poland. The presence of species of this group was confirmed in all of the analysed objects, but their number varied from 7 to 50. The group of ancient woodland species includes forest species for which the light indicator values are lower than or equal to 4 (plants of shadowy places, with a relative light intensity). The group of indicator species also includes forest geophytes and forest myrmecochores, autochores and barochores, as well as woodland species that can tolerate stress, under the classification of ecological strategy types S, S/CSR, S/SC and S/SR.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zbigniew Sobisz
Marcin Kubus
Ewa Szmyt
Krzysztof Strzalkowski

  1. Department of Botany and Nature Protection, Institute of Biology and Earth Sciences, Pomeranian University, Arciszewski Str., 22A, 76-200 Słupsk
  2. Laboratory of Dendrology and Landscaping of Green Areas, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Papieża PawłaVI 3 Str., 71-459 Szczecin, Poland
  3. Scientific Circle of Botanists, Institute of Biology and Earth Sciences, Pomeranian University, Arciszewski Str., 22A,76-200 Słupsk, Poland
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In spite of modern trends in the development of the eastern Polesye flora, the relict have been preserved in the aquatic ecotopes of Europe, including eastern Polesye. The paper highlights the peculiarities of the distribution in the region of three aquatic Tertiary relics preserved by the Bern Convention. According to the results of a field research, the degree of a modern rarity of the aquatic relict species in eastern Polesye was established, in particular, a very rare species ( Aldrovanda vesiculosa), a moderately rare species ( Trapa natans) and a relatively rare species ( Salvinia natans). The current distribution of these relict species in the region has been positively affected by the increase in the values of maximum temperatures and isotherms of the summer months. A negative impact is made by the abrupt changes in the hydrological regime and the growth of anthropogenic eutrophication of reservoirs. Aldrovanda vesiculosa eliminates with minor changes in living conditions; Salvinia natans is the most tolerant to anthropogenic factors, but shows annual fluctuations in numbers; Trapa natans is stable distributed and has a tendency to expanding of its populations. The relics are the dominants of the Salvinio–Spirodeletum (polyrrhizae), Lemno–Utricularietum vulgaris, Spirodelo– Aldrovandetum vesiculosae, Trapetum natantis and Trapо–Nymphoidetum (peltatae) communities.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Oleksandr Lukash
Iryna Miroshnyk
Svitlana Strilets
Oleksandr Rak
Olena Sazonova

  1. T.H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium”, 53, Hetman Polubotko Str., Chernihiv, 14013, Ukraine
  2. M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; 1, Timiriazievska Str., 1, Kyiv, 01014, Ukraine
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The outcrop of the tsunami deposits, about 6 m thick, is located in the archaeological site Tel Askan in the Al Zhraa locality, southwest of the Gaza City. These deposits are unconformably underlain by sand dunes and sharply overlain by a palaeosol. They are pale gray sands mixed with volcanic ash and fine-grained deposits, and are intercalated with peat, few centimetres thick. The sand-sized grains are well rounded and well sorted, and consist mainly of quartz and subordinate of feldspar. Both macro- and microfossils were observed from tsunami deposits. Additionally, rip-up clasts and pottery shards were observed, indicating higher-flow regime. The potteries in tsunami deposits provide evidence for tsunami inundation at distance of about 1 km from the present shoreline.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Khalid Fathi Ubeid

  1. Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University-Gaza, P.O. Box 1277, Gaza Strip, Palestine


Considerable climate changes have been observed in the last 50 years – warming in every spatial scale (global, continental, regional and local), changes in atmospheric precipitation and several weather extremes, shrinking of cryosphere and sea level rise. The warming since the mid-20th century has predominantly been due to greenhouse gas emissions from human activities, in particular the combustion of fossil fuels, farming and other changes in land use. The paper presents the aspects of impact of climate change for farming and food security and the impact of farming for climate change in Polish and global scale. Agriculture holds a meaningful potential of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and of carbon sequestration. It will be necessary to manage optimally advantageous changes and effectively adapt to adverse changes.

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Gabriela Czapiewska


The aim of the research was to study the floristic richness of balks, i.e. uncultivated strips separating fields, and to research the dependence of plant communities there on habitat conditions and adjacent crops. The share of segetal species in those communities was also analysed. In the western part of the Siedlce Plateau 70 balks among intensively cultivated fields were examined in 2016–2018. The balks divided fields with corn, winter cereals and spring cereal mixtures. The research was conducted with the Braun-Blanquet method, with 110 phytosociological relevés results used as study material. The flora specified this way was analysed in terms of biological structure, forms of life, persistence, historical and geographical spectrum, species rarity and presence of invasive species. In addition, the interdependence between the species richness of balks and habitat conditions as well as the type of neighbouring crops was studied. Habitat conditions were established with the Ellenberg indicator values, based on indicative species and taking into account light, temperature, moisture, soil reaction and nitrogen content. The development and floristic diversity of balk plant communities as ecotone areas were largely influenced by a proximity of arable fields and habitat conditions, especially by soil moisture and the amount of nitrogen. Balk flora consisted of vascular plants with 161 species, mainly apophytes. Those were mostly perennial species, hemikryptophytes. Among the most common field weeds from the class of Stellarietea mediae, 25 species were identified in balks. There were 26 rare and endangered species and 14 species having the status of invasive taxa.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Teresa Skrajna
Agnieszka Bogusz


This work focuses on the paleoenvironmental and palaeoclimatological history of the undisturbed core sequence of 8.6 m extracted from the Bottomless Lake (Tăul fără fund) sphagnum peat bog located in Bǎgǎu, Romania, which covers the last 8,600 years based on radiocarbon dating. By comparing results of archaeological and palaeoenvironmental investigations carried out so far in the area, results of the loss on ignition analyses and the data of the chronological analyses, it was possible to reconstruct climatic factors and anthropogenic impacts on the local environment. The undisturbed core sequence has above 86% organic matter content all along excluding the erosion horizons. Anthropogenic effects (building, woodcutting, pasturage, husbandry, farming) and changes in the local climate, vegetation, and environment increased the rate of the erosion and decreased the rate of the accumulation.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tamás Zsolt Vári
Dávid Molnár
Pál Sümegi
Balázs Pál Sümegi
Tünde Törőcsik
Edit Szakál
Réka Benyó-Korcsmáros


The concept of creation of the geoportal “Environmental Safety of Ukrainian-Polish Transboundary Territories” has been developed. General principles and methodological approaches of spatiotemporal geographically distributed thematic data integration were substantiated. The geoinformation system, which is based on results of monitoring researches of objects of the nature reserve fund in the biosphere reserve “Roztochya”, is considered. The geoinformation monitoring technologies ensure ecological safety management. The proposed geoportal determines directions of information technology implementation for transboundary monitoring of ecosystems in the euroregions.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Volodymyr Mokryy
Volodymyr Tomin
Monika Niska
Oleksandr Moroz
Ihor Petrushka
Olha Bobush
Anna Tsyhaniuk
Ruslan Grechanyk
Inessa Shemelynets


In order to assess the possibility of using waste from agri-food processing for fertilization, residues in the form of apple pomace, carrot root, onion husks and dried nettle were selected for the tests. The research material came from food plants located in north-eastern Poland. In selected waste, the pH value, dry matter content, organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and carbon were determined. It was found that apple pomace, carrot root and onion husk were acidic and dried nettle was alkaline. The nitrogen content in the tested waste ranged from 0.61 to 2.29%, phosphorus from 0.07 to 0.55%, and potassium from 0.19 to 3.72%. Based on the results obtained, it was found that the examined post-production residues are characterized by good fertilizer properties. However, it should be remembered that fertilizers or soil improvers must meet a number of requirements and above all, they must be safe for the environment.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Małgorzata Krasowska
Małgorzata Kowczyk-Sadowy

  1. Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering and Environmental Management, Bialystok University of Technology, 45E Wiejska Str., 15-351 Białystok, Poland


The “Kępa Redłowska” reserve is located in the southern part of Kępa Redłowska. The location of the reserve is quite unique. Its eastern border runs along the coastline of the Baltic Sea, while on the other sides it is surrounded by highly urbanized districts of Gdynia. Its coastal location means that it is exposed to natural factors that operate in the coastal zone, whereas its urban surroundings are a threat to the natural environment through more or less controlled human activity. The landscape of the reserve owes its attractiveness mainly to the cliff coast it encompasses. Diversified geological structure of this area, both in terms of lithology and age, combined with progressive erosion, causes a continuous change in its appearance. It is this part of the reserve that is most exposed to the destructive activity of natural factors, mainly coast erosion as well as aeolian processes. The intensity of these processes is closely related to climate changes over the centuries, e.g. a significant reduction in the number of winters, during which there is ice cover in the shore zone means that cliffs are not protected against erosion by winter storms. A spectacular effect of winter storms in this area was a large landslide in the southern part of the cliff on February 15, 2018. The retreat of cliffs is a common phenomenon, however observations in recent decades clearly indicate its acceleration. The remaining part of the reserve area, not directly connected with the shore zone, is subjected to continuously growing anthropopressure. As mentioned above, the “Kępa Redłowska” reserve is located in Gdynia. The expansion of the Redłowo district has resulted in the housing development being located directly adjacent to the eastern border of the reserve. An additional element of anthropopressure is the creation of interpretive trails and tourist routes within the reserve. On the one hand, this is an attempt to “channel” tourist traffic in this area, on the other hand, it causes an increase in tourist traffic with all the negative phenomena associated with it, mainly for vegetation. Human interference in the reserve began already at the end of the 1930s. At that time, military facilities, such as bunkers and artillery positions, were built there. This process continued uninterrupted until the 1960s. Post-military objects are on the one hand an attraction for tourists, on the other hand they attract the attention of various types of seekers of military remnants who, during their explorations, cause additional damage to the surface of the area and vegetation.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Aneta Marek
Ireneusz J. Olszak


Ditches and drainage canals are an important element in the post-bog meadows. Their basic function is to regulate air-water relations in ecosystems, mainly in agrocenoses. The environmental functions of ditches and canals consist of maintaining a large diversity of flora and fauna species due to high humidity of these ecosystems. The study of plant communities in the ditches in the post-bog meadows habitat of the Supraśl Dolna valley structure in 2010–2020 was carried out. There were 23–27 species of plants in the ditches. Species diversity did not change significantly during this period, while changes in individual species’ coverage and viability were found. The species were classified into two rush communities: reed rush ( Phragmitetum australis) and rush ( Phalaridetum arundinaceae). As a result of the lack of maintenance of the ditches, an invasive species of flapped barbed ( Echinocystis lobata) was found. The natural valorization carried out by the Oświt method showed that plant communities in the drainage ditches are in the lowest valorization classes.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Aleksander Kiryluk

  1. Department of Technology in Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, BialystokUniversity of Technology, Wiejska 45E Str., 15-351 Białystok, Poland


The vegetation of the Chernihiv city sands (natural and technogenic origin) has rather high syntaxonomic diversity (17 associations and 5 initial communities) and the ruderal phytocoenoses prevail. Natural phytocenoses are represented to a small extent (Cyperetum flavescentis Koch 1926, Dichostylidi–Helochloetum alopecuroidis (Timar 1950) Pietsch 1973, Artemisia scoparia–Dianthus borbasii community, Kochietum arenariae Fijalk 1978). Synanthropic psammophytes species communities that are more resistant to anthropogenic influence, are formed under urban conditions. The ecological range of vegetation of sandy alluvia varies from xerophytic phytocoenoses in mineral-poor sand (Kochietum arenariae) to the communities, which indicate waterlogged areas with increased mineralization of water and saline bottom sediments (Typhetum laxmannii Nedulcu 1968). Itispossibletoobserve the adventization and apophization of sand vegetation, one of the indicators of which is the rupture of coenotic connections between the species of the community. These phenomena indicate that the process of synanthropization of the vegetation cover of the city keeps intensifying, and first of all, occurs in places of newly formed technogenic ecotopes.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Oleksandr Lukash
Hanna Danko


Mezyn National Natural Park is in the north part of the Korop District of the Chernihiv Region, 310 km2 in area, is characteristic for its strongly dismembered landscape that stipulates presence of varied localities, among them there are exterminated glaciofluvial plains, slopes and super streamside terraces. Aim of research included an expose of the value of the Mezyn NNP in maintenance of forest diversity of vascular plants and forest communities. In the Mezyn NNP there are 772 species of spontaneous flora, 194 species of the cultivated flora and 18 rarity species. The rarest species are concentrated in the centre and the east, prats of the park richer in vegetation cover. In the forest group of the Mezyn NNP 10 species of vascular plants are recordered in the Red book of the Ukraine. The wooden territory of the Mezyn NNP presents 38% and provides the variety of ecotopic terms after they provides a wide spectrum of representation and protection of forest species of vascular plants and corresponding phytocommunites.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yurii Каrpenko
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Results of the analysis proved that the net primary productivity has a strong connection with the solar insolation. The length of daylight and the level of solar radiation are the driving forces behind changes in growth of primary products, as floral forms are among the first indicators of changes in ecosystems due to global warming. The group of climatic components that have a moderate connection with the bioproductivity of ecosystems of the Polissya are derivatives of bioclimatic indicators related to air temperature, including annual temperature, seasonality, minimum temperature of the coldest month, and the average temperature of the coldest quarter. Seasonality and the annual variation of temperature affect bioproductive processes inversely: the productivity decreases with the increased temperature range between the warmest and the coldest periods of the year and in the middle of quarters.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Svitlana Kyriienko
Alina Mykolaivna Sliuta

  1. T.H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium” Hetman Polubotok Str. 53, 14013 Chernihiv, Ukraine
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The soil microbiome is exposed to technogenic influence during the operation of metal structures. There are quantitative and qualitative changes in the microbiota of the technogenic ecosystem. During the study of the technogenic soil ecosystem (ferrosphere), samples of which were taken in the field (Chernihiv, Ukraine: 51°29’58”N, 31°16’09”E), the presence of corrosively active microbial cenosis was established: sulfate-reducing, denitrifying, iron-reducing (using acetate as the only electron donor, and Fe (III) as the only electron acceptor) and ammonifying bacteria. The predominant representatives of corrosively active groups of bacteria were isolated. They were identified as Bacillus simplex, Streptomyces gardneri, Streptomyces canus (ammonifying bacteria), Fictibacillus sp. (ammonifying bacteria with iron-reducing ability), Anaerotignum (Clostridium) propionicum (organic acid-producing bacteria), Desulfovibrio oryzae (sulfate-reducing bacteria) based on some microbiological, physiological and biochemical, genetic features. Strains of heterotrophic and hemolitotrophic bacteria (individual representatives and their associations) isolated from the technogenic ecosystem can be used in both industrial and technological spheres. The interaction of isolated bacteria in the process of microbial induced corrosion is a prospect for further research.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Nataliia Tkachuk
Liubov Zelena

  1. Department of Biology, T.H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium”, Hetman Polubotok Str. 53, 14013, Chernihiv, Ukraine
  2. Department of Physiology of Industrial Microorganisms, Danylo Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Acad. Zabolotny Str. 154, 03143 Kyiv, Ukraine
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The article summarises results of studies on litter concentrations on the Polish sea shore. Origin, mechanism of transport and source of litter are discussed. The main part of the data has been based on litter quality and quantity investigation in post-storm marine sediments. Data were collected in surface sediments since 2001 and in fossil washover fans dated 1988–2000 in different locations on the coast. Litter has been divided according to the material, use, size and origin. Analysis of litter quantity on beaches after storm surges showed an annual increase. The heavier surge, the more debris and mixed litter appear on the coast. A large increase in the amount of litter has been observed after the storm in 2009. The average amount of litter per 1 m2 has increased from 1.5 in 2001 to 17.5 in 2020. Among litter there is still a similar share of fishery and ship waste. The biggest growth was observed in waste of consumable origin. Plastic litter, including anthropogenic waste left on beaches, has increased to 80% in recent years. Most waste occurred on the coast adjacent to the Vistula River mouth.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Arkadiusz Łabuz

  1. Institute of Marine and Environmental Sciences, University of Szczecin, Mickiewicza St. 16, PL-70383 Szczecin, Poland


The coastal regions of southwest India which falls in the tropical regime, have witnessed many transgression-regression events and climatic extremes in the Quaternary Period. A core, 15 m long, was recovered from the floodplains associated with a typical backwater body (lake) in the southwestern coast of India. The granulometric analysis proved dominance of sand and silt fractions and extremely high energy conditions over the entire core. The TOC/TN ratio indicated a domination of the C4-type over the C3-type plants in the lower half of the core, suggesting a warm climate. The C3-type plants prevail in the upper part of the core, thus reflecting cool and wet environments. Extremely low values of TOC/TN ratio (0.33% to 10%) of the core indicate short periods of very high rainfall events and the rapid influx of nutrients to the basin and the eutrophication of the basin. The presence of slightly brackish, brackish/marine and marine benthic foraminifers at 12.5–9 m depth indicates episodes of transgression and regression. The derived AMS radiocarbon dates suggest the Marine Isotope Stage 3 for the lower part of the core.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Divya Murali
Rajesh Reghunath
Pranav Prakash
Ravi Bhushan
K. Anoop Krishnan
Sruthy Rose Baby

  1. Department of Geology, University of Kerala, Karyavattom Campus, Trivandrum, Kerala-695581, India
  2. Geosciences Division, Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat, India
  3. Biogeochemistry Group, National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Akkulam, Trivandrum, Kerala, India


The Matmata region, located in the south of Gabès (Tunisia), experienced significant damage during the floods of the Beni zelten wadi on November 11, 2017. These floods, exacerbated by the steep slopes and underlying soil conditions, led to the occurrence of debris flows, posing a threat to road infrastructure. The generation of debris flows is closely linked to intense rainfall events that surpass the soil capacity to retain water. To gain insights into the behaviour of the soil samples, various characteristics were analysed, including texture, clay mineralogy, grain size distribution, and Atterberg limits. The results showed that the mean liquid limit values ranged from 38% to 62%, while the mean plasticity index of the materials in the landslide-prone areas varied from 18% to 27.9%. These findings indicate presence of clay formations and highlight a significance of the increased soil clay content as contributing factors to landslide development. The X-ray Diffraction analysis revealed that gypsum, quartz, phyllosilicate and calcite minerals were the most abundant minerals identified in the soil samples. This work shows the importance of clay mineral and geotechnical parameters of the soils in the occurrence of landslides and predicting debris flows occurrences in the Matmata region.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Hassen Bensalem
1 2
Soulef Amamria
Mohamed Sadok Bensalem
Claudia Meisina
Noureddine Hamdi
1 2

  1. Higher Institute of the Sciences and Techniques of Waters of Gabes, University of Gabes,6072 Zrig Gabès, Tunisia
  2. Laboratory of composite materials and clay minerals, National Center for Research in Materials Science Borj Cedria (CNRSM), B.P. 73‑8020 Soliman, Tunisia
  3. Faculty of Sciences Gabes,University of Gabes, 6072 Hatem BETTAHER Erriadh city Gabes, Tunisia
  4. Department of Earth and Envirnmontal Sciences, University of Pavia, 27100 Via Ferrata 9 Pavia, Italy


Archaeological and living tree data were used to construct tree-ring chronologies over the medieval (AD 1183–1430) and recent (AD 1812–2020) periods in Turku, which is historically an important population centre in Southwest Finland and the country. Comparisons between the two tree-ring assemblages, and between the previously built chronologies from the Åland (historical timber) and Tavastia (lacustrine subfossils and living trees) sites, provided ways of understanding the growth patterns and their linkages to climatic, environmental, and edaphic factors. Tree growth in and around Turku was affected by warm-season precipitation and winter temperature. Similar relationships were previously evident also in the Åland tree rings, whereas the data from a wetter Tavastia site did not exhibit similar precipitation signal. The site conditions influence also the correlations which are higher between Turku and Åland than between Turku and Tavastia chronologies. Construction of long continuous chronology is impaired by human-related activities, the Great Fire of Turku in 1827 and logging, which have diminished the availability of dead and living-tree materials, respectively. These conditions lead to hardships of filling the gap between the medieval and recent periods and updating the archaeological datasets with compatible living-tree data, which are both demonstrated by our results.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Samuli Helama
Tanja Ratilainen
Juha Ruohonen
Jussi-Pekka Taavitsainen

  1. Natural Resources Institute Finland
  2. Turku Museum Center, Turku, Finland
  3. Department of Archaeology, University of Turku, Turku, Finland

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