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In the paper, a research on effects of baking temperature on chromite sand base of moulding sands bonded with sodium silicate is

presented. Pure chromite sand and its chromite-based moulding sand prepared with use of sodium silicate were subjected to heating within

100 to 1200 °C. After cooling-down, changes of base grains under thermal action were determined. Chromite moulding sand was prepared

with use of 0.5 wt% of domestic made, unmodified sodium silicate (water-glass) grade 145. After baking at elevated temperatures, creation

of rough layer was observed on grain surfaces, of both pure chromite sand and that used as base of a moulding sand. Changes of sand

grains were evaluated by scanning microscopy and EDS analyses. It was found that changes on grain surfaces are of laminar nature. The

observed layer is composed of iron oxide (II) that is one of main structural components of chromite sand. In order to identify changes in

internal structure of chromite sand grains, polished sections were prepared of moulding sand hardened with microwaves and baked at

elevated temperatures. Microscopic observations revealed changes in grains structure in form of characteristically crystallised acicular

particles with limited magnesium content, intersecting at various angles. EDS analysis showed that these particles are composed mostly of

chromium oxide (III) and iron oxide (II). The temperature above that the a.m. changes are observed in both chromite-based moulding sand

and in pure chromite sand. The observed phenomena were linked with hardness values and mass of this sand.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Stachowicz
M. Kamiński
K. Granat
Ł. Pałyga


In the paper, a research on effects of baking temperature on chromite sand base of moulding sands bonded with sodium silicate is

presented. Pure chromite sand and its chromite-based moulding sand prepared with use of sodium silicate were subjected to heating within

100 to 1200 °C. After cooling-down, changes of base grains under thermal action were determined. Chromite moulding sand was prepared

with use of 0.5 wt% of domestic made, unmodified sodium silicate (water-glass) grade 145. After baking at elevated temperatures, creation

of rough layer was observed on grain surfaces, of both pure chromite sand and that used as base of a moulding sand. Changes of sand

grains were evaluated by scanning microscopy and EDS analyses. It was found that changes on grain surfaces are of laminar nature. The

observed layer is composed of iron oxide (II) that is one of main structural components of chromite sand. In order to identify changes in

internal structure of chromite sand grains, polished sections were prepared of moulding sand hardened with microwaves and baked at

elevated temperatures. Microscopic observations revealed changes in grains structure in form of characteristically crystallised acicular

particles with limited magnesium content, intersecting at various angles. EDS analysis showed that these particles are composed mostly of

chromium oxide (III) and iron oxide (II). The temperature above that the a.m. changes are observed in both chromite-based moulding sand

and in pure chromite sand. The observed phenomena were linked with hardness values and mass of this sand.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Stachowicz
M. Kamiński
K. Granat
Ł. Pałyga


In the paper, presented is a research on effectiveness of absorbing electromagnetic waves at frequency 2.45 GHz by unhardened moulding

sands prepared of three kinds of high-silica base and a selected grade of sodium silicate. Measurements of power loss of microwave

radiation (Pin) expressed by a total of absorbed power (Pabs), output power (Pout) and reflected power (Pref) were carried-out on a stand of

semiautomatic microwave slot line. Values of microwave power loss in the rectangular waveguide filled with unhardened moulding sands

served for determining effectiveness of microwave heating. Balance of microwave power loss is of technological and economical

importance for manufacture of high-quality casting moulds and cores of various shapes and sizes. It was found that relative density

influences parameters of power output and power reflected from samples of moulding sand placed in a waveguide. Absorption expressed

by the parameter Pabs is not related to granularity of high-silica base: fine, medium and coarse. It was found that the semiautomatic

microwave slot line supports evaluation of effectiveness of microwave absorption on the grounds of power loss measurements and enables

statistic description of influence of relative density of the sandmix on penetration of electromagnetic waves in unhardened moulding sands.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Stachowicz

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