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Wireless body area network (WBAN) has evolved from Wireless personal area network (WPAN), a prominent area of research with vast applications in last decade. In WBAN, various wirelessly interconnected body node (BN) are implanted in or around the human body. Also due to advancement in technology a miniature low power device/BN is developed. The main challenge in WBAN body node is to maintain finite size of battery as well as to increase its capacity. Hence this issue can be resolved by using energy harvesting. Generally researchers have used piezoelectric, electromagnetic or solar harvester only. But, in this research energy harvesting using the hybrid optimization of Piezoelectric and Peltier sensors by controlling on-off timing of body nodes is introduced. A hybrid optimized algorithm is developed using MATLAB 2015b platform and extensive simulation is performed considering four different human gestures (relaxing, walking, running and fast running) which in turn improves overall Quality of Service (QoS) including average (packet loss, end to end delay, throughput) and overall detection efficiency.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Hardeep Singh Dhillon
Paras Chawla

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