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Biological activity of 6 fungicides in the inhibition of Phytophthora ramorum sporulation and development of blight on rhododendron leaves and stems were evaluated. All tested compounds at dose 8 μg o fa.i./cm3 already inhibited zoosporangia formation at least in 73%. On leaf petioles and leaf disks, taken from rhododendron one week after treatment with fungicides, formation of chlamydospores was especially suppressed by fenamidone + phosetyl Al and oxadixyl + mancozeb whereas development o fspores was not inhibited by cymoxanil + famoxate. All tested compounds significantly inhibited the development and spread of twig blight on rhododendron. However, furalaxyl, applied as spraying of plants 48 hrs before or after inoculation of leaves and stems by P. ramorum was the most effective.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Leszek B. Orlikowski

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