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The article presents the results of the analysis of “The Register of Ivan the Terrible’s oprichniki” – a document from the second half of the 16th century. It is precisely at this period that the present day three-part naming system: name – patronymic – surname was being established in Muscovy. The author attempts to prove that at this time the social status of a man could have been deduced from the formal exponents of his name: the number of its constituents, the structure of its patronymic, the fact that the name belongs to non-calendar or Christian names, and also from certain derivational markers.

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Olga Dorczuk
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Between about 1414 and 1592, the castle in Kórnik belonged to the Górka family – representatives of the Polish Crown’s power elite in the Early Modern era. In the third quarter of the 16th century, on the initiative of its then-owner, Count Stanisław Górka, the castle and its surroundings were modernised and extended. This article seeks to reconstruct and interpret the resulting residence complex, with particular focus on the castle, but also the private town, family church and hunting lodge. Some basic questions are asked concerning the new architectural solutions appearing at the time, the provenance of the formal-ideal models, and the author of the modernization design. In the adopted research method, assuming an interdisciplinary approach, the residence is seen as resultant of the investor’s needs and possibilities arising from his social, political and financial position.

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Katarzyna Janicka
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The article discusses the matter of portraying Suleiman I the Magnificent in 16th century Croatian and Slovakian literature. The source material comprises three texts: Ferenc Črnko’s Croatian chronicle titled Podsjedanje i osvojenje Sigeta [The Siege and Capture of Siget], the Croatian epic tale Vazetje Sigeta grada [The Caputure of Siget Town] by Brne Karnarutić and the Slovakian anonymous historical song Píseň o Sigetském zámku [A Song about Siget Castle]. By looking at these texts the author hereof contemplates what image of the Turkish ruler has been recorded in Slavic literatures.

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Monika Sagało
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We talk to Assoc. Prof. Paweł Gancarczyk from the PAS Institute of Art about how early music was perceived at the time when it was being composed, what modern musicologists regard as new discoveries and how our identities are shaped by sound.

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Paweł Gancarczyk
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This article contains a bilingual, Latin-Polish, edition of a letter written by Erasmus to John Sixtin (Ioannes Sixtinus), a Frisian student he met in England. In it Erasmus describes a dinner party at Oxford to which he was invited as an acclaimed poet. In the presence of John Colet, leader of English humanists, table talk turned into learned conversation. Erasmus’s contribution to the debate was an improvised fable (fabula) about Cain who, in order to become farmer, persuades the angel guarding Paradise to bring him some seeds from the Garden of Eden. His speech, a showpiece of rhetorical artfulness disguising a string of lies and spurious argument, is so effective that the angel decides to steal the seeds and thus betray God’s trust. Seen in the context of contemporary surge of interest in the art of rhetoric, Erasmus’ apocryphal spoof is an eloquent demonstration of the heuristic value of mythopoeia and the irresistible power of rhetoric.

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Wojciech Ryczek
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The problem of freedom features prominently in many great novels, and Don Quixote, as any attentive reader will know, is no exception. Cervantes was deeply concerned with that issue, and, what is also known, he had an abiding interest in Erasmianism, a set of beliefs and attitudes espoused by his tutor Juan López de Hoyos. The Erasmian connect-ion can be traced back not to the writer's biography but also to various points in his work. This article examines Cervantes' handling of the theme of freedom in Don Quixote in such a way that each of the issues can be taken up for further, in-depth analysis. They range from religion and society in Renaissance Spain, the role of women and their pursuit of emancipation, the vogue for transgression of literary norms and conventions, excessive wealth and social inequalities to the Erasmian affirmation of free will. All of these problems are presented here just in outline. Detailed and exhaustive analyses will, hope-fully, follow in the future.
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Wojciech Charchalis

  1. Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
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This study is a research reconnaissance into the visual imagery in the poetry of Jan Kochanowski, Poland’s most talented poet before the Romantic Age. Although he was familiar with the technique of ekphrasis and took an interest in emblems, he seems to have been rather sparing in making use of visual potential of the poetic word. However, he does rely on the sense of sight in his epistemological refl ection concerning the problem of knowing God, aesthetics (the experience of beauty) and ethics (the visible order of the world as a guide to proper conduct). The eye also plays a major role in his descriptions of the human psychology, especially love. The sight has a special function in his Treny (Laments), a cycle of elegies written after the death of his baby daughter Urszula in 1579. While addressing the fundamental questions of life and death, Kochanowski draws on visual and aural imagery to convey the devastating pain felt by the father after the death of his beloved child and to question his earlier confi dence in man’s sovereign mind.

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Roman Krzywy
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This paper presents two rare 16th-century panel-stamped bindings from the collections of the Kórnik Library. The first one, decorated with an impression of a panel depicting the personification of the Christian virtue of Hope (Spes), protects the printed book published in 1545. The binding was made by a Netherlandish bookbinder working in Leuven, called Master IP, identified with Jacob Pandelaert (d. ab. 1563). The second binding presents a Gothic motif of animals-in-foliage and protects a printed book published in 1550. The authorship of the panel (the so-called de profundis) is attributed to a bookbinder working in the town of ’s-Hertogenbosch (fr. Bois-le-Duc), Geraert van der Hatart (d. ab. 1540/1541). Both these bindings testify to the fact that the holdings of the Kórnik Library include gems of the West-European bookbinding craft.
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Tomasz Zuzek

  1. Biblioteka Kórnicka
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The collections of the Kórnik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences include a set of printed textes by Jan Seklucjan with a handwritten dedication to Albrecht Frederick, Duke of Prussia (†1618). Their binding is decorated with plaquettes with portraits of Albrecht von Brandenburg- Ansbach, Duke of Prussia (†1568) and his first wife Dorothea (†1547). The article analyses both compositions, providing the following conclusions: they were made in the Konigsberg circles of the so-called Formschneider between the end of the 1530s and the first half of the 1540s. Between the period in question and 1565, wooden plaquettes (blocks) with these portraits were kept by the Duke’s court bookbinder, Kaspar Angler. After his death they probably belonged to the workshop equipment of his pupil Wolff Artzt, although it is also possible that they were used by a local religious writer, bookseller and possibly also bookbinder – Jan Seklucjan. Both works are examples of adaptation in Konigsberg of a specific formula of Renaissance book binding decoration, being at the same time a bookplate, based on a rectangular portrait plaquette presented in the centre of the cover. Compositions of such works most often depended on the painted portraits – mainly from the workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder. Both Konigsberg portraits, however, are marked by prolonged proportions, a landscape background, and the display of coats of arms at the bottom. This fact should be explained by the painting models that were probably related to paintings in Albrecht’s Konigsberg residence. It is impossible to decide definitely whether they were made by a painter employed at his court (e.g. Crispin Herrant), or imported. Nevertheless, they are an indirect testimony to the existence of a gallery of portraits in the Konigsberg Castle, which was created on a long-term basis and with passion by the Duke of Prussia.

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Arkadiusz Wagner
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This article examines the sources of literary invention in Philtron, a treatise in verse on the theme of Christian love by the Polish and neo-Latin Renaissance poet Sebastian Fabian Klonowic. To get a better appreciation of his work it is necessary to look at his sources, especially books of humanist erudition, learned compendia, dictionaries, handbooks of rhetoric, anthologies and commonplace books. An analysis of his use of those sources in Philtron and an examination of his notes indicate that Klonowic probably did not read all of his books through from beginning to end. Some of his readings were intentionally selective. In particular, while collecting material for his treatise, he would mine the grand 16th-century reference books like Ambrogius Calepinus's multilanguage Dictionarium, Dominico Nani's anthology Polyanthea, or Erasmus' Apophtegmata. The argument and topoi in at least some parts of Philtron are much indebted to the contemporary compendia and erudite research.

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Tomasz Lawenda
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Gerhard Cimmermann (1541–1602), a Gdańsk councillor, donated 49 books to Bibliotheca Senatus Gedanensis (August 13th, 1598). The abbreviated descriptions of the donatory collection items were included on three pages in Index Librorum, the first catalogue of Bibliotheca Senatus Gedanensis. Fifteen books from the original collection have survived until the present day. The identification was based on the owner’s dedication note and bookplate attached to the books. Apparently, before donating his books, Gerhard Cimmermann ordered a special bookplate to mark his ownership. Cimmermann’s oval-shaped copperplate bookplate with the Polish Korab coat of arms in the centre has two letters, G and C, on both sides and the date: 1597 beneath the heraldic design. The article includes a list of the preserved books.
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Helena Dzienis
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In his voluminous memoirs compiled in the early 17th century the Dominican Martin Gruneweg describes a pageant named the Parade of the Planets that took place in Warsaw on 15 February 1580. Central to its stage design was the iconography of the seven planets, each of them represented by its Zodiac sign and its affiliated House. However, no less important for the spectacle was the appearance of numerous characters and stage props from the carnival tradition, e.g. richly dressed men from the Orient, Bacchus, a procession of floats. The Parade of the Planets was a festivity which brought together the court and the townsfolk; it was probably organized by both court and town. More generally, it could be described as an urban carnival parade mimicking some features of the Renaissance Trionfo. The knowledge of celestial phenomena presented in this spectacle was probably adjusted to the needs of a wide audience of the ‘middling sort of people’, whose belief in the geocentric model of the cosmos was still intact. It seems that the Parade of the Planets contained hardly any profound insights or hermetic clues. Gruneweg, though, does find it susceptible to an allegorical interpretation which reveals the spectacle's embedding in Christian spirituality and middle-class virtues. He is pleased with the colourful spectacle, but warns of taking too much pleasure in this kind of entertainment.

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Agata Starownik
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Simone Simoni (1532–1602) was an Italian philosopher interested primarily in early modern Aristotelianism and court physician to King Stefan Batory of Poland. After the king's sudden death at Grodno on 12 December 1586, Simoni was accused of having made serious mistakes while attending his royal patient. In a bitter dispute with his rival, Niccolo Bucello, he came up witha spirited defence of his diagnosis and the adequacy of the treatment in view of the circumstances which played a crucial role in the last days of his patient. This article examines Simoni's argument concerning the king’s health, diseases and death, entitled Divi Stephani Primi Polonorum Regis Magnique Lithuanorum Ducis etc. sanitas, vita medica, aegritudo, mors (Nyssa 1587). Simoni fleshes out his polemic with a wide range of rhetorical devices, including many forms of irony and arguments ad personam. He also brings into it the larger context of interrelations between medicine and early modern philosophy, especially natural philosophy, summed up in the adage ubi desinit physicus, ibi medicus incipit (where the philosopher finishes, there the physician begins). Basically a vita medica of the king in his last days, it is also a fascinating portrait of a monarch with a passion for game hunting.
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Wojciech Ryczek

  1. Wydział Polonistyki UJ
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This is an analysis of the epigram On the Old Man (II.42), Jan Kochanowski's single epigram ( fraszka) on a medical theme. The old man of the title suffers from priapism, i.e. an abnormal persistent erection. Part I of the article discusses the significance of the poem's place in the sequence of epigrams that make up the collection and its intertextual links to earlier literature referring to the phallic god Priapus, especially Martial's Epigrams. In Part II it is argued that Kochanowski's understanding of priapism and its underlying causes was based on humoral medicine and detailed descriptions of this condition in Renaissance (primarily Italian) medical manuals. An analysis of the poem from the medical perspective leads to the conclusion that Kochanowski's bawdy conceit contains a misrepresentation: what for humoral medicine was a possible anomaly (priapism in old men) became a well-documented condition.
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Bibliografia podmiotowa

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Bibliografia przedmiotowa

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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Lawenda

  1. Wydział Filologiczny UMCS, Lublin

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