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This work is dealing with the impact of molybdenum on the structure properties of commercial cast AlSi10Mg(Cu) alloy. The solidification path of AlSi10Mg(Cu) alloy with various content of molybdenum has been investigated using cooling curve techniques. The samples for testing have been poured into permanent steel mold. The content of molybdenum has been varied from 0 to 0.20 wt. %.The desired chemical composition was achieved by adding of master alloy AlMo10 into commercial AlSi10Mg(Cu) alloy. The micro hardness of as cast alloys with different content of molybdenum has been measured. The microstructure and EDX analysis from the casted samples has been carried out. The results show that molybdenum in commercial AlSi10Cu(Mg) alloy precipitate in the interdendritic region isolated in the form of Al(FeMnMoMg)Si rich intermetallic. The increased content of molybdenum increase slightly liquidus temperature, prolonging precipitation of the last eutectic and surprisingly decrease the micro hardness of commercial alloy for approximately 16 %.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

P. Hajduch
D. Bolibruchová
M. Djurdjevic

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