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The paper attempts to approach some peculiarities of the two branches of the early Slavs (Sclaveni and Antes), as the Byzantine sources of the sixth and early seventh centuries present them as being similar. Within this context the following are examined: a) the origin and ethnic identity of the Sclaveni and the Antes, taking into account certain historiographical models on the early Slavs, as well as the controversial issue of the ethnic identity of the Antes (Slavic or Iranian) and the etymology of their name; b) the material culture: under consideration are the Prague and Penkovka cultures, identifi ed with the Sclaveni and the Antes respectively, their common elements and peculiarities, their mutual infl uences as well as infl uences from other cultures; c) the political and social organization: the internal structures of the Sclaveni and the Antes, taking into account the testimony of Jordanes, Procopius and Maurice, the references in other sources to the titles of chieftains, or a kind of genealogy into the early Slavic society, as well as the treaty of Byzantium with the tribal union of the Antes are under scrutiny. The paper draws the conclusion that the Sclaveni and the Antes shared similarities, but actually were not one and the same at all, as it appears in the Byzantine sources. Furthermore, the peculiarities that appear the political-social organization and the material culture of the Antes, due to their historical and cultural evolution, are not of a degree that could dispute their Slavic ethnic and cultural identity.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Georgios Kardaras


The process of plant selection by insects is mediated by repellents and attractants. Several compounds may be involved in this interaction. Thus intraspecific variation of the compounds concentration play an important role in the herbivory. The best tool for the characteristic of this variation is chemometrics. The strategy of the analysis with the use of literature data on terpen es and sesquiterpenes variations in Pin us caribaea needles in relation to Atta laevigata herbivory is exemplified herein. Simple cluster analysis and principal components analysis were used for the data study. Two factors were found lo be sufficient to describe total variation in more than 90%. Factor I is responsible for repellent properties. From factor loading, the relevant chemical compounds were identified.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Janusz Szafranek
Jan Nawrot
Beata Szafranek
Edmund Maliński


Obserwowane w ostatnim czasie dynamiczne zmiany na globalnych rynkach paliw kopalnych oraz uprawnień do emisji dwutlenku węgla mają znaczący wpływ na sektory energetyczne. Fluktuacje te wpływają także na rynki ciepła systemowego, gdzie węgiel i gaz ziemny nadal pozostają dominującymi nośnikami energii pierwotnej w wielu krajach europejskich. Rynki ciepła systemowego różnią się od rynków innych produktów ze względu na ich lokalny charakter i wymagania związane z transportem i dystrybucją. W związku z tym, w zależności od kraju, mogą one funkcjonować w różnych modelach rynkowych oraz mieć odmienne polityki kształtowania cen. W związku z powyższym, niniejszy artykuł ma na celu przegląd i analizę obecnych modeli rynkowych oraz regulacji kształtowania cen w kontekście cen na wybranych rynkach ciepła systemowego. Głównym celem jest przeprowadzenie dogłębnej analizy największych rynków w Polsce i porównanie wyników z sąsiadującymi państwami, tj. z Czechami, Słowacją, Litwą, Łotwą, Estonią i Niemcami. Polska została wybrana jako przykład ze względu na znaczną zależność od paliw kopalnych i podatność na obecne fluktuacje cen na rynkach międzynarodowych. Wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy wskazują, że Polska ma jeden z najbardziej uregulowanych rynków ciepła sieciowego, a regulacje te mogą wpływać na rentowność firm ciepłowniczych. W celu wypracowania zachęt dla potencjalnych inwestorów i obecnych przedsiębiorstw ciepłowniczych do rozwijania zrównoważonych i niskoemisyjnych systemów ciepłowniczych, rekomendowane jest rozważenie możliwości zwiększanie częstotliwości formułowania i zatwierdzania taryf ciepłowniczych.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Aleksandra Komorowska
Tomasz Surma

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków
  2. Veolia Energia Polska SA, Poland


This paper presents the application of an improved ant colony optimization algorithm called mixed integer distributed ant colony optimization to optimize the power flow solution in power grids. The results provided indicate an improvement in the reduction of operational costs in comparison with other optimization algorithms used in optimal power flow studies. The application was realized to optimize power flow in the IEEE 30 and the IEEE 57 bus test cases with the objective of operational cost minimization. The optimal power flow problem described is a non-linear, non-convex, complex and heavily constrained problem.

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Vishnu Suresh
Przemyslaw Janik
Michal Jasinski


The fused deposition modeling process of digital printing uses a layer-by-layer approach to form a three-dimensional structure. Digital printing takes more time to fabricate a 3D model, and the speed varies depending on the type of 3D printer, material, geometric complexity, and process parameters. A shorter path for the extruder can speed up the printing process. However, the time taken for the extruder during printing (deposition) cannot be reduced, but the time taken for the extruder travel (idle move) can be reduced. In this study, the idle travel of the nozzle is optimized using a bioinspired technique called "ant colony optimization" (ACO) by reducing the travel transitions. The ACO algorithm determines the shortest path of the nozzle to reduce travel and generates the tool paths as G-codes. The proposed method’s G-code is implemented and compared with the G-code generated by the commercial slicer, Cura, in terms of build time. Experiments corroborate this finding: the G-code generated by the ACO algorithm accelerates the FDM process by reducing the travel movements of the nozzle, hence reducing the part build time (printing time) and increasing the strength of the printed object.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sundarraj Sridhar
K Aditya
Ramamoorthi Venkatraman
M. Venkatesan

  1. School of Mechanical Engineering, SASTRA Deemed University, Tamil Nadu, Thanjavur-613401, India


The fixed fleet heterogeneous open vehicle routing problem (HFFOVRP) is one of the most practical versions of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) defined because the use of rental vehicles reduces the cost of purchasing and routing for shipping companies nowadays. Also, applying a heterogeneous fleet is recommended due to the physical limitations of the streets and efforts to reduce the running costs of these companies. In this paper, a mixed-integer linear programming is proposed for HFFOVRP. Because this problem, like VRP, is related to NP-hard issues, it is not possible to use exact methods to solve real-world problems. Therefore, in this paper, a hybrid algorithm based on the ant colony algorithm called MACO is presented. This algorithm uses only global updating pheromones for a more efficient search of feasible space and considers a minimum value for pheromones on the edges. Also, pheromones of some best solutions obtained so far are updated, based on the quality of the solutions at each iteration, and three local search algorithms are used for the intensification mechanism. This method was tested on several standard instances, and the results were compared with other algorithms. The computational results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than these methods in cost and CPU time. Besides, not only has the algorithm been able to improve the quality of the best-known solutions in nine cases but also the high-quality solutions are obtained for other instances.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Majid Yousefikhoshbakht
Farzad Didehvar
Farhad Rahmati
Zakir Hussain Ahmed

  1. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
  2. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
  3. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Science, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU), Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


To improve the dynamic adaptability and flexibility of the process route during manufacturing, a dynamic optimization method of the multi-process route based on an improved ant colony algorithm driven by digital twin is proposed. Firstly, based on the analysis of the features of the manufacturing part, the machining methods of each process are selected, and the fuzzy precedence constraint relationship between machining metas and processes is constructed by intuitionistic fuzzy information. Then, the multi-objective optimization function driven by the digital twin is established with the optimization objectives of least manufacturing cost and lowest carbon emission, also the ranking of processing methods is optimized by an improved adaptive ant colony algorithm to seek the optimal processing sequence. Finally, the transmission shaft of some equipment is taken as an engineering example for verification analysis, which shows that this method can obtain a process route that gets closer to practical production.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zhaoming Chen
1 2
Jinsong Zou
Wei Wang

  1. Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
  2. Chongqing School, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chongqing, China
  3. Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chongqing, China


This article deals with the problem of finding the maximum number of maximum cliques in a weighted graph with all edges between vertices from different d-division of a graph with the minimum total weight of all these cliques, and the problem of finding the maximum number of maximum cliques in a nonweighted graph with not all edges between vertices from different d-division of the graph. This article presents new ant algorithms with new desire functions for these problems. These algorithms were tested for their purpose with different changing input parameters, the test results were tabulated and discussed, the best algorithms were indicated.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Schiff

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Poland


The article is devoted to personal nouns with suffi x -ant in Polish and Belarusian. The lexical and semantic analysis of the studied group of words showed that in both languages they belong to the literary variety of language, however, numerous nouns represent rare vocabulary, sometimes characterized stylistically. The overwhelming majority of names defi nes the names of active contractors of activities, less often – passive contractors, and least frequently – names of owners. In addition, the nomina masculina with suffi x -ant belong to the attributive names, defi ning people on the basis of their character traits, tendencies, and often vices. The s tudied lexis include archaic or colloquial derivatives. Among the specialist words, there were examples representing such fi elds as law and judiciary, economics and trade, religion and art, education and science.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agnieszka Goral

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