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The cultural heritage of the sizeable Polish diaspora in Brazil is being painstakingly preserved in a variety of dedicated museums. These grassroots initiatives celebrate the enduring connection between history, memory, and identity across continents and generations.
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Mikołaj Radomski

  1. Museum of Pomeranian Folk Culture in Swołowo
Keywords juveniles Brazil law
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The evolution of juvenile justice in the shadow of Brazil’s military dictatorship tells a stark story, in which the art of exclusion was perfected.
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Alexander Rodrigues de Castro

  1. Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Resocialisation University of Warsaw, Poland
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The crisis leading to the independence of Brazil was thoroughly debated in the first Portuguese Parliament, elected in the aftermath of the 1820 revolution. That debate was magnified by the press, including humorous periodicals. Laughter, from irony to sarcasm, was instrumental in constructing public opinion endorsing competing strategies.
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João Pedro Rosa Ferreira

  1. Cham – Centro de Humanidades, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais E Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
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The article analyzes some selected themes that may have been of interest to the Polish expatriates in Brazil, judging by the content of the Gazeta Polska w Brazylii [ The Polish Newspaper in Brazil] after it resumed publication in July 1893 until the end of the year. The analysis reveals that the range of topics which the editors thought attractive to their readers was fairly broad. It included, apart from Brazilian and Polish affairs, information about developments in Germany, Russia, Austro-Hungary, France and Italy.
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Tomasz Landmann

  1. Wydział Logistyki i Transportu, Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu we Wrocławiu, ul. Sołtysowicka 19B, PL 51-168 Wrocław
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The issues of green energy and sustainable development are one of the most discussed and most important today in face of the global challenges, such as global warming, greenhouse emissions, degradation of the ecology etc. In this regard, green energy is obviously a necessary part of the energy policy of a country. Still, economic crises and instability have led to the necessity to form a sustainable economy; hence the crossing of the two mentioned policies leads to the necessity to figure out what sustainable green energy is. The issues of green energy are very important for the developing economies, which are highly limited in financial resources. The countries of Latin America are among the ones which face significant issues in this sphere. The article is devoted to the formulation of this concept and to the proof that sustainable energy development is individual for every country. The scope of the research is the Latin American region, within the years since 2000. The authors conducted a regression analysis of the GDPs of several countries, namely, Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Colombia and their green energy sectors, and formulated conclusions on sustainable energy sources in these countries. The key findings include the proof of sustainable green energy sources for every researched country and the strategies for the improvement of these countries’ renewable energy sector performance. The novelty of the article encompasses the methodology used and the concept of sustainable renewable energy.
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Igbal Guliev
Ekaterina Krivosheeva
Luiza Akieva
Petr Kruzhilin

  1. International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy, MGIMO University, Russia
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This article is about the Brazilian aid programme called Programa Bolsa Família. The programme has generated the interest of international institutions, the media, and the academic world on account of its scale, which provides an opportunity for fundamental social reform; and its measurable success, which is clearly visible in the poverty statistics; and above all, on account of participation being dependent on the fulfillment of specific requirements in the field of education, health, and social care. The author undertakes to go beyond an analysis based on statistics and to look at the functioning of the programme from the level of the participants. On the basis of his own research—that is, freely-conducted interviews with the inhabitants of favelas and rural settlements—he describes what lies behind the terminology and poverty statistics. His analysis of the situation of over a dozen participants in the programme makes it possible to see the immediate improvement of their material situation; the author claims, however, that a complete diagnosis will be possible only after the passage of a dozen or more years, by comparing the human capital (and labor market position) of the children of families taking part in the programme with the socio-economic position of those families today.

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Stanisław Barański

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