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The aim of this article is to present modern methods for analysing the performance of certified measuring instruments. The design of a system for analysing the performance of certified measuring instruments is presented. In the first part, the traditional process of certification of measuring instruments and methods of market surveillance are described. The other part proposes an electronic solution to support the certification process by supervising the correct operation of measuring instruments.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jacek Wójcik
Magdalena Piasecka
Marzena Mięsikowska

  1. Central Office of Measures (GUM)
  2. Kielce University of Technology, Poland


We investigate the effect on firm performance of the motivation for applying maturity models in manufacturing and information technology organizations. We expect the association between profitability and maturity models to be less if motivated by external contract requirements (e.g., for certain government contracts), than if motivated internally to improve processes. Using a sample of firm-year observations for 1,105 SEC registrants in the manufacturing (Standard Industry Classification (SIC): 3600-3812) and IT industries (SIC: 7370-7374) for 2017 and 2018, and CMMI information from the CMMI institute published appraisal results system, it is observed that 28 public firms (17 IT firm-years and 23 manufacturing firm-years) in the sample had CMMI appraisals between 2017 and 2018. We use logistic regression to test if the likelihood of CMMI appraisal is positively associated with government sales. The results support for the manufacturing industry, but not for the IT industry, prior research’s assertion that maturity is a source for competitive advantage.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Louise Hayes
Jing Lu
Davar Rezania

  1. Department of Management, Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics, University of Guelph, Canada


The aim of this paper is to discuss energy certification systems and multi-criteria certification schemes – both the assessment tools focusing on the level of the single building and on the urban level. The role of certification systems and the emerging technologies as a means of reducing energy consumption and achieving the high energy quality of the built environment is investigated.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Joanna Kabrońska


As a result of introduction of the Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings, all of the EU member states are obliged to introduce legal regulations for energy performance of all newly constructed buildings. The key aim is to achieve close to zero energy use starting from the year 2021. Estimating effectiveness of the actions and the new possibilities requires an analysis of the multiple criteria. They comprise both the current conditions as well as the changes that have occurred in the recent years due to new legislation, the eff ects of the subsidies and the development of the housing stock. This paper presents a broad overview and diagnosis of current situation. The development of the energy-efficient and passive housing in Poland is considered in the context of financial incentives, availability of design knowledge and building technology as well as the role of the green building certification.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Monika Arczyńska


This research investigates the intricacies of X.509 certificates within a comprehensive corporate infrastructure. Spanning over two decades, the examined enterprise has heavily depended on its internal certificate authority and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to uphold its data and systems security. With the broad application of these certificates, from personal identification on smart cards to device and workstation authentication via Trusted Platform Modules (TPM), our study seeks to address a pertinent question on how prevalent are weak RSA keys within such a vast internal certificate repository. Previous research focused primarily on key sets publicly accessible from TLS and SSH servers or PGP key repositories. On the contrary, our investigation provides insights into the private domain of an enterprise, introducing new dimensions to this problem. Among our considerations are the trustworthiness of hardware and software solutions in generating keys and the consequential implications of identified vulnerabilities on organizational risk management. The obtained results can contribute to enhancing security strategies in enterprises.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Konrad Kamiński
1 2
Wojciech Mazurczyk

  1. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
  2. SecurityTechnology Development and Transformation Division, Orange Polska S.A.,Warsaw, Poland
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Konwencja z Hongkongu stanowi międzynarodową próbę uregulowania zagadnienia złomowania statków morskich. Ma na celu zapewnienie, aby statki poddane recyklingowi po zakończeniu ich eksploatacji nie stanowiły niepotrzebnego ryzyka dla zdrowia, bezpieczeństwa i środowiska naturalnego. Jej celem jest rozwiązanie wszystkich problemów związanych z recyklingiem statków, w tym faktu, że statki sprzedawane na złom mogą zawierać substancje niebezpieczne dla środowiska, takie jak azbest, metale ciężkie, węglowodory, substancje zubożające warstwę ozonową i inne. Postanowienia Konwencji mają również na celu poprawę warunków pracy i środowiska naturalnego w wielu miejscach recyklingu statków na świecie. Druga część artykułu na temat złomowania statków morskich stanowi tłumaczenie na język polski angielskiego tekstu Konwencji przyjętego w maju 2009 r. przez Międzynarodową konferencję w sprawie bezpiecznego i przyjaznego dla środowiska recyklingu statków.
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Ahmed I., Towards a Safe and Sustainable Industry of Ship Breaking: International Initiatives and South Asian Response, Journal of Maritime Law&Commerce, vol. 51, nNo. 3, July, 2020, s. 226; https://www.jmlc.org/Ahmed.pdf [dostęp 1.09.2021 r.]
Contradiction in Term: European Union must align its waste ship exports with international law and green deal, September 2020, s. 3; https://shipbreakingplatform.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Report-EU-SRR-Ban-Amendment-BAN-EEB-GP--SBP.pdf [dostęp 1.09.2021 r.]
Gopal M., Beached Waste and Wasted Beaches: A Critical Analysis of the New Ship Recycling Law in India; rsrr.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Meera-Gopal.pdf [do-stęp 1.09.2021 r.]
Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009. https://www.basel.int/Portals/4/Basel%20Convention/docs/ships/HongKong-Convention.pdf [dostęp 1.09.2021 r.]
Mikelis N., Developments in Ship Recycling in 2019, The Maritime Executive; https://maritime-executive.com/editorials/developments-in-ship-recycling-in-2019 [dostęp 1.12.2020 r.]
Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) nr 1257/2013 z dnia 20 listo-pada 2013 r. w sprawie recyklingu statków oraz zmieniające rozporządzenie (WE) nr 1013/2006 i dyrektywę 2009/16/WE, Dz. Urz. UE L 330 z 10.12.2013, s. 1
UNCTAD, Review of Maritime Transport 2020, s. 45; https://unctad.org/system/files/official-document/rmt2020_en.pdf [dostęp 1.09.2021 r.]
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Cezary Łuczywek

  1. Deputy Managing Director w przedsiębiorstwie zarządzającym statkami (ship manager) Green Management Gdynia

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