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The investigation results of the mechanical reclamation of spent moulding sands from the Cordis technology are presented in the paper.

The quality assessment of the obtained reclaim and the influence of the reclaim fraction in a matrix on the core sand strength is given. The

reclaim quality assessment was performed on the basis of the determination of losses on ignition, Na2O content on reclaim grains and pH

values. The reclaim constituted 100%, 75% and 50% of the core sand matrix, for which the bending strength was determined. The matrix

reclamation treatment was performed in the experimental rotor reclaimer RD-6. Spent sands were applied in as-delivered condition and

after the heating to a temperature of 140 o

C. Shaped samples for strength tests were made by shooting and hardening of sands in the warmbox


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Authors and Affiliations

R. Dańko
J. Dańko
M. Skrzyński
M. Dereń
Ł. Zygmunt
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The results of investigations of sand shooting into the core box are presented in the hereby paper. The investigations concern the formation of the diphase sand-air flux, its motion, flowing and compaction in the cavity during the core forming. Conditions deciding on the course of individual phases of the process are discussed with taking into consideration the influence of such factors as: the shot pressure, shooting hole diameter, number and distribution of deaerating vents in experimental core boxes (of a single cavity and of multi cavities) on the core sand compaction state. Investigations were performed by means of the modernised experimental shooting machine SR-3D, of the shooting chamber volume of 3.3 dm3, connected with the system of pneumatic supply ensuring the stable pressure supply of values: 0.4 MPa, 0.5 MPa and 0.6 MPa. Two diameters of the shooting hole, equal 10 mm and 20 mm, were applied for filling three experimental core boxes differing in dimensions of cavities and in number and distribution of deaerating vents. The filling process of core boxes was recorded by means of the digital camera PHANTOM V210 with the filming rate of 3000 pictures in second. Simultaneously, during the shot, other values allowing to determine the intensity of the core sand outflow from the shooting chamber to the core box, were tested. The presented in this publication results constitute the important element of the experimental verification of the blowing process simulation calculations which will be performed.
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Authors and Affiliations

R. Dańko
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The results of model investigations of the influence of the blowing process selected parameters on the distribution of the compaction of the core made by the blowing method, are presented in the hereby paper. These parameters were: shooting pressure, shooting hole diameter, amount and distribution of deaerating holes. Investigations were performed using the horizontal core box of the cuboidal cavity and the same core box into which inner inserts were introduced. These inserts were dividing the primary volume into three sectors differing in their direction, introduction conditions and the character of the core sand flow. As the compaction measure the apparent sand density was assumed. The density was determined in five measuring points in case of uniform cores, and in three measuring points in case of cores obtained in the core box with three separated sectors. The apparent density of the compacted core sand in the core box cavity was determined on the basis of the measurements of masses and volumes of samples cut-out from the determined core places by means of the measuring probe. Investigations were performed at three values of the working pressure equal 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6MPa for two diameters of the shooting hole: 10 and 20 mm. During tests the core box deaeration, controlled by an activisation of the determined number of deaerating vents placed in the core box, was also subjected to changes.
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Authors and Affiliations

R. Dańko
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The results of investigations of the influence of the matrix grain sizes on properties of cores made by the blowing method are presented in

the hereby paper. Five kinds of matrices, differing in grain size compositions, determined by the laser diffraction method in the Analysette

22NanoTec device, were applied in investigations. Individual kinds of matrices were used for making core sands in the Cordis technology.

From these sands the shaped elements, for determining the apparent density of compacted sands and their bending strength, were made by

the blowing method. The shaped elements (cores) were made at shooting pressures being 3, 4 and 5 atn. The bending strength of samples

were determined directly after their preparation and after the storing time of 1 hour.

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Authors and Affiliations

R. Dańko
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Core sands for blowing processes, belong to these sands in which small amount of the applied binding material has the ability of covering

the sand matrix surface in a way which - at relatively small coating thickness - allows to achieve the high strength. Although the deciding

factor constitute, in this aspect, strength properties of a binder, its viscosity and ability to moisten the matrix surface, the essential meaning

for the strength properties of the prepared moulding sand and the mould has the packing method of differing in sizes sand grains with the

coating of the binding material deposited on their surfaces.

The knowledge of the influence of the compaction degree of grains forming the core on the total contact surface area can be the essential

information concerning the core strength.

Forecasting the strength properties of core sands, at known properties of the applied chemically hardened binder and the quartz matrix,

requires certain modifications of the existing theoretical models. They should be made more realistic with regard to assumptions

concerning grain sizes composition of quartz sands and the packing structure deciding on the active surface area of the contacts between

grains of various sizes and - in consequence - on the final strength of cores.

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Authors and Affiliations

R. Dańko
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The paper presents results of influence microwave drying on strength and technological properties of molding sand with gypsum binder researches, which, immediately after making and after the natural initial setting in air for 1, 2 or 5 hours, was heated with 250 W microwave power for 3, 6, 9 and 12 min time periods. The test was carried out on a mass containing (% -wt.): 88% Grudzeń-Las quartz sand, 12% "Dolina Nidy" plaster gypsum and 6% water. The loss of moisture content during natural drying and then microwave drying was determined, significant from the point of view of using the mass with gypsum binder in the production of products, using an environmentally friendly technology without casting incompatibilities. Additionally, the compressive strength of the mass was measured. The influence of both drying methods on the binder crystallization process and the associated mass strength was demonstrated, especially in terms of the possibility of selecting parameters and / or intensifying a specific drying method for use in the technology of manufacturing molds and foundry cores.
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Authors and Affiliations

P.J. Paduchowicz
K. Granat
P. Biały

  1. Department of Foundry Engineering, Plastics and Automation, Wroclaw University of Technology, ul. Smoluchowskiego 25, 50-372 Wrocław, Poland
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The foundry industry is looking for solutions that improve the quality of the finished product and solutions that reduce the negative impact of the industry on the natural environment [26]. This process leads to work on the use of new or previously unused materials for binders. Organic and inorganic foundry binders are replaced by renewable materials of plant origin to meet the requirements of both the foundry customers and the environmental and health and safety regulations. The aim of this work was to identify the applicability of renewable and organic malted barley binder in moulding sand technology. The influence of the malt binder content on dry tensile strength, dry bending strength, dry permeability, dry wear resistance and flowability were evaluated. The results show that the malted barley binder can be self-contained material binding the high-silica sand grains. Selected mechanical properties of moulding sands were found to increase with an increase in binder content. It was observed that malted barley binder creates smooth bonding bridges between high-silica sand grains.
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Authors and Affiliations

B. Samociuk
B. Gal
D. Nowak

  1. Department of Foundry Engineering, Plastics and Automation, Wroclaw University of Technology, ul. Smoluchowskiego 25, 50-372 Wrocław, Poland
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As a part of this work, an analysis of the current state of knowledge regarding the use of additive technology - binder jetting in the production of castings was made. The binder jetting (so-called 3D printing) has become the leading method of sand mold and core production. Within this paper types of molding and core sands with organic and inorganic binders that are and can be used in technology were analyzed. The need to carry out works aimed at developing pro-ecological molding / core sands with inorganic binders and organic binders with reduced harmfulness to the environment dedicated to binder jetting technology was noticed. The influence of technology parameters on the properties of molding / core sands and the properties of cast components was analyzed. It was shown that thanks to the unlimited shapes of the systems obtained with the use of additive technologies, it is possible to influence the rate of heat dissipation through the mold, which positively effects the process of solidification and crystallization of the castings.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dawid Halejcio
Katarzyna Major-Gabryś

  1. AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Foundry Engineering Department of Moulding Materials, Mould Technology and Non-ferrous Metals al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow

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