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The aim of the present theme issue was to study the influence of ultrasound enhancement on the kinetics of osmotic dehydration and the effect of convective drying from the point of view of drying time and quality of dried products. Apple fruit was used as the experimental material. The kinetics of osmotic dehydration with (UAOD) and without (OD) ultrasound enhancement were examined for 40% fructose and sorbitol solutions. The effective dehydration time of osmotic process was determined. Preliminary dehydrated samples with OD and UAOD were next dried convectively with (CVUS) and without (CV) ultrasound assistance. The influence of OD and UAOD on the kinetics of CV and CVUS drying was analysed. The parameters of water activity and colour change were measured for the assessment of product quality after drying process.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dominik Mierzwa
Stefan J. Kowalski


Numerical values of the NRTL equation parameters for calculation of the vapour - liquid - liquid equilibria (VLLE) at atmospheric pressures have been presented for 5 ternary mixtures. These values were fitted to the experimental VLLE and vapour - liquid equilibrium (VLE) data to describe simultaneously, as accurately as possible, the VLE and the liquid - liquid equilibria (LLE). The coefficients of this model called further NRTL-VLL were used for simulations of n-propanol dehydration via heterogeneous azeotropic distillation. The calculations performed by a ChemCAD simulator were done for 4 mixtures using hydrocarbons, ether and ester as an entrainer. In majority simulations the top streams of the azeotropic column had composition and temperature similar to the corresponding experimental values of ternary azeotropes. The agreement between the concentrations of both liquid phases formed in a decanter and the experimental values of the LLE was good for all four simulations. The energy requirements were the most advantageous for the simulation with di-npropyl ether (DNPE) and isooctane. Simulations were performed also for one mixture using the NRTL equation coefficients taken from the ChemCAD database. In that case the compositions of the liquid organic phases leaving the decanter differed significantly from the experimental LLE data.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Wyczesany


In the article, a device for measuring the parameters of the rotational movement of the auger for dewatering solid waste is proposed based on the analysis of signal processing methods and measurement of physical quantities. It can be used in the development of high-performance special vehicles for transporting waste as the main link in the structure of machines for the collection and primary processing of solid waste. The structural scheme of the means and block diagram of the microcontroller control program algorithm for implementation of the device for measuring the parameters of the rotational motion are proposed. The main technical characteristics of the proposed means are given. The results of experimental tests for measuring the parameters of rotational motion are shown. The results of experimental studies, which are given in the work, confirmed the reliability of the measured parameters.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Waldemar Wójcik
Oleh V. Bereziuk
Mykhailo S. Lemeshev
Volodymyr V. Bohachuk
Leonid K. Polishchuk
Oksana Bezsmertna
Saule Smailova
Saule Kurmagazhanova

  1. Lublin University of Technology, Poland
  2. Vinnytsya National Technical University, Ukraine
  3. D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University


This article presents experimental studies on drying kinetics and quality effects of red beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) after convective drying with a preliminary osmotic pretreatment. The effects of the osmotic agent (NaCl) concentration and the osmotic bath time on the product colour and nutrient content preservation, the water activity, and rehydration ability after drying were analysed. Osmotic dehydration curves and Solid Gain (SG), Water Loss (WL), Weight Reduction (WR) were determined. It was proved that drying of beetroot with osmotic pretreatment contributes to shorter drying time, smaller water activity, higher retention of betanin, better colour preservation, and a greater degree of water resorption.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Stefan J. Kowalski
Joanna M. Łechtańska


This paper concerns convective drying of carrot preliminary dehydrated in aqueous solutions of three types of osmotic agents (sucrose, fructose, glucose). Three solution concentrations (20, 40 and 60%) were examined to work out efficient conditions of osmotic dewatering. The parameters such as water loss (WL), solid gain (SG) and osmotic drying rate (ODR) indicating the real efficiency of osmotic dehydrations (OD) were determined. The samples dehydrated with osmotic solutions underwent further convective drying to analyze influence of dehydration process on drying kinetics and final products quality. The quality of products was assessed on the basis of visual appearance of the samples and colorimetric measurements. It was found that osmotic pretreatment improves significantly the final product quality as the samples were less deformed and their colour was better preserved compared to samples, which had not been preliminarily dehydrated. Preliminary dehydration, however, did not influence significantly the overall drying time of the samples.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Stefan Kowalski
Dominik Mierzwa


Recently, the use of inorganic binders cured by heat as a progressive technology for large scale production of cores is widely discussed topic in aluminium foundries. As practical experiences show, knock-out properties of inorganic binders were significantly increased, although they cannot overcome organic based binder systems. This paper contains information about hot curing processes based on alkali silicate and geopolymer binder systems for core making. Main differences between hot cured geopolymers and hot cured alkali silicate based inorganic binders are discussed. Theory of geopolymer binder states, that binder bridge destruction is mainly of adhesive character. The main aim of this research paper was to examine binder bridge destruction of alkali silicate and geopolymer binder systems. In order to fulfil this objective, sample parts were submitted to defined thermal load, broken and by using SEM analysis, binder bridge destruction mechanism was observed. Results showed that geopolymer binder system examined within this investigation does not have mainly adhesive destruction of binder bridges, however the ratio of adhesive-cohesive to cohesive destruction is higher than by use of alkali silicate based binder systems, therefore better knock-out properties can be expected.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

I. Vaskova
M. Conev


This research presents the characteristics and inferred evolution of post-bog soils developed in the Last Glacial Maximum area of northwestern Poland near the southern Baltic coast. The study involved a total of five sites near existing lakes in NW Poland. In total, 21 soil pits were described and sampled and 17 piezometers were installed. In soil samples chemical and physical properties were determined. During the hydrological year the water level was checked and chemical properties of water were determined, the floristic composition at each location was also carried out. Mineralisation of post-bog soils initiated by dehydration leads to the decomposition of organic surface layers and an increase in CaCO3 content as well as mineral non-lime components at the expense of organic matter. A sequence of five soil types occurs in this landscape: Sapric Histosols (Limnic), Drainic Histosols (Calcaric, Limnic), Histic Gleysols (Murshic), Umbric Gleysols (Hyperhumic), Gleyic Phaeozems (Hyperhumic) that represent individual stages of soil genesis. Differences between the chemical properties of soils are apparent between organic vs organic-mineral and mineral layers. Man-induced drainage of post-bog soils changes their physical parameters. Bulk density increase and water retention decrease. The fluctuation of groundwater determines the moisture content of post-bog soils and affects the species composition of vegetation. Chemistry of groundwater is shaped mainly by the construction of catchment and the nature of its use, however, it is modified as a result of the inflow of macronutrients released during organic matter mineralisation processes and leaching of exchangeable forms from the sorption complex.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Grzegorz Jarnuszewski
Edward Meller
Teodor Kitczak

  1. West Pomeranian University of Technology, Department of Environmental Management, Juliusza Słowackiego St, 17, 71-434 Szczecin, Poland


This article presents a quality analysis of convectively dried fruits and vegetables with preliminary osmotic dehydration. Tests were carried out on banana fruit and red beetroot samples. Hypertonic solutions of fructose for the banana and those of sucrose for the red beetroot were used, each one at three different concentrations. After osmotic dewatering treatment conducted at different time intervals and after osmotic dehydration the samples were dried convectively until an equilibrium with the surroundings was attained. Osmotic dehydration and convective drying curves were determined. The values of Solids Gain (SG), Water Loss (WL) and Weight Reduction (WR) were measured and changes in the samples’ colour and shape after convective drying with and without osmotic pretreatment were assessed.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Stefan J. Kowalski
Joanna M. Łechtańska
Justyna Szadzińska

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