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In Poland, according to the statistical data, about 40% of sewage sludges originating from wastewater treatment plants are applied in the agriculture. The mentioned way of application of sewage sludges causes the hazard of contamination of environment with carcinogenic compounds due to the presence of some organic micropollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The proposal of changing UE Directive obligates control of organic pollutants (PAHs and others) in sewage sludges applied in the agriculture.

The aim of the investigations was to estimate the persistence of PAHs under stored conditions by determining half-life of their decomposition. Eight carcinogenic PAHs, among 16 compounds, listed by EPA were determined. In this study, the quantity changes in the concentration of PAHs in stored sewage sludges were investigated. Sewage sludges were stored under aerobic conditions for 16 weeks. At the same time the sewage sludges with sodium azide added, in order to deactivate the microorganisms (abiotic samples), were also stored. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to qualify and quantify PAHs in 2- and 4-week intervals. Sewage sludges were taken two fold from a municipal wastewater treatment plant. In practice, the sewage sludges are directed to the disposal site. The initial concentration of 16 PAHs in sewage sludge was equal to 582 μg/kg.d.m. The changes in the concentration of PAHs corresponded to exponential function. Values of correlation coefficients indicate a significant dependence of PAHs persistence and concentration on time exposition. Under experimental conditions the half-lives of individual compounds were diversed. In biotic samples half-life of hydrocarbons was in the range of 17 to 126 days. Half-life of PAHs in abiotic sewage sludges was in the range of 32 to 2048 days. The most persistent were benzo(a)pyrene and benzo(b) fluoranthene, respectively. A significant dependence of PAHs' decrease on the presence of microorganisms in sewage sludges after 10 weeks of storage was found.

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M. Włodarczyk-Makuła
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Mechanical components and tools in modern industry are facing increasing performance requirements leading to the growing need for advanced materials and thus, for modern frictional systems. In the last decades, the Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) has emerged as an unique tool to grow high quality mono- as well as multilayers surfaces in metallic/ceramic systems. Building up a knowledge base of tribological properties of industrially-scaled, room temperature deposited PLD hard coatings are the most important step for the application of these coatings in engineering design. Although single-layer coatings find a range of applications, there are an increasing number of applications where the properties of a single material are not sufficient. One way to surmount this problem is to use a multilayer coating. Application of metallic interlayers improves adhesion of nitride hard layer in multilayer systems, which has been used in PVD processes for many years, however, the PLD technique gives new possibilities to produce system comprising many bilayers at room temperature. Tribological coatings consisted of 2, 4 and 16 bilayers of Cr/CrN and Ti/TiN type were fabricated with the Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) technique in the presented work. It is found in transmission electron examinations on thin foils prepared from cross-section that both nitride-based multilayer structures studied are characterized by small columnar crystallite sizes and high defect density, what might rise their hardness but compromise coating adhesion. The intermediate metallic layers contained larger sized and less defective columnar structure compared to the nitride layers, which should improve the coatings toughness. Switching from single layer to multi-layer metal/nitride composition improved resistance to delamination.

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J.M. Lackner
W. Waldhauser
L. Major
J. Morgiel
M. Kot
B. Major
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The Passhatten Member (Anisian–Ladinian) is the most westward exposure of the Middle Triassic sedimentary sequence of Spitsbergen. The member has an average organic carbon of 2.21 wt %. The sediments were deposited in a shallow shelf environment under conditions of high biological productivity stimulated by a well−developed upwelling system and an enhanced nutrient supply from land areas. The high biological productivity caused a high supply of organic particles to the shelf bottom. Decomposition of organic matter initiated oxygen deficiency in the bottom waters; however, bottom water dynamics on the shallow shelf temporarily replenished the oxygen. Consequently, the Passhatten Mb section is bioturbated, even in thick black shale horizons and consists of alternately spaced lithological layers with variable organic carbon content. The organic matter is dominated by type II kerogen with a mixture of strongly altered marine and/or land derived organic matter. Calculated initial hydrogen index values suggest oil−prone organic matter similar to kerogen I and II types. The organic matter is in the upper intermediate stage of thermo−catalytic alteration, close to the cata− and metagenetic boundary. Maturity indicators including Rock−Eval, Maximum Temperature, Organic Matter Transformation Ratio, Residual Carbon content, as well as the volume of methane generated suggest mature to overmature organic matter. Methane potential retained in the black shales sequence is significant. Unexpelled gas is estimated at 395 mcf/ac−ft for the examined section.
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Przemysław Karcz
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The contemporary underground mining of raw minerals is more and more associated with geological and mining software packages which support the work of designers from the moment of the exploration of a deposit, determination of its size and quality, geological, hydrogeological and tectonic conditions, by planning the development and cutting of the deposit. Production planning is one of the most important activities carried out in the course of a mining project, because it allows to set specific production results of a mine in relation to a time unit, and then allows for a verification of the degree of completion of the assumed plan. At present, computer-aided design is applicable to daily or long-term output planning taking deposit, qualitative, quantitative and cost constraints into account. In the article, selected forms of ore deposits were presented. On the basis of several dozen boreholes up to 300m in length, an exemplary fragment of the ore cutting model using computer-aided design of mining works was presented. By using modern computer software - ABB MineScape with modular construction, the possibilities of improving the process of development of future exploitation areas have been determined. In particular, the arrangement of boreholes, based on which ones the cross sections were made with, present the exemplary lithostratigraphic thickness of layers, including the location of discontinuous deformations in the form of faults, and an ore bearing zone. For the block model, resources with priority for metal N o. 1 and 2 were calculated. I n the last section of the article, the cutting idea for a shallow ore deposit has been presented. The degree of effective use of the deposit has been analysed for the room and pillar mining method.

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Krzysztof Skrzypkowski
Waldemar Korzeniowski
Andrzej Gądek
Radosław Misiak
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The distribution of lignite deposits in Poland turns out to be closely related to tectonic boundaries and the occurrence of salt deposits. What mechanism underlies the connection between these elements?
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Paweł Urbański
Jacek Kasiński

  1. Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute
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The earliest studies of the Moon consisted of observations from Earth and meteorites containing lunar material. As technology progressed, the observations were made using remote sensing techniques. The next stage of the Moon reconnaissance consisted of unmanned flights, and later manned flights, with the help of which, in-situ tests were performed. The obtained materials enable the formulation of conclusions both about the geological structure and the mineral resources of the moon. The latest maps provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) enable a detailed analysis of the geological structure of the moon. Since they are available in shapefile format for QGIS and ArcGIS software, they can be freely modified and processed. On the basis of these, it is possible to analyze the complexity of the geological structure of the moon, especially with regard to the structure of its substrate and the surface covered with craters. Data obtained from the observation of the Moon with the use of research satellites and research carried out during landings related to the collection of samples enabled the formulation of conclusions about the raw materials present there. These raw materials are related to the surface layer of the so-called regolith, the recognition of which is relatively good because it is based not only on remote studies but also on the basis of collected samples. Additionally, there are indications of the possible presence of mineral resources related to the substrate, but its recognition is relatively poor because it is based on remote and geophysical surveys. The presented analysis shows that the Moon has such minerals as rare earth elements (REE) and Th and U found in the KREEP area. Fe and Ti are found to be in basaltic lava flows occurring in the mares and aluminum, silicon and Helium-3 occur in the regolith.
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Jacek Misiak

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environment Protection, Kraków, Poland
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Mineral deposits are such type of assets, the valuation of which can be carried out in a very diverse manner. Methods and procedures for such a valuation are most often applied to mineral deposits with mineral reserves (according to the CRIRSCO classification), much less frequently and usually only using a comparative approach for undeveloped, initially recognized mineral deposits (with mineral resources).

In Poland, a significant portion of mineral deposits, mainly of energy, metal and chemical minerals, are covered by the so-called mining property of the Treasury. At the moment, there is a lack of consistent and thoughtful management of these deposits. The appropriate methodology for valuing these deposits, which are at various stages of recognition (sometimes also of development), should be one of the key elements of such management. The State Treasury usually disposes of mining rights by “establishing” mining usufruct in the form of a contract, with the determination of remuneration for this establishment. The rules for determining remuneration for the establishment of mining usufruct are determined on the basis of an internal informal document of the Ministry of the Environment with very simplified rules for determining this remuneration, to a very limited extent related to the actual value of the deposit, which is also variable over time. This fee should be in close relation to the value of the mineral deposit valued at a given moment, taking the current conditions, including technological, environmental, formal and legal, and – in particular – market conditions into account. The valuation of mineral deposits covered by mining property, except for current needs in determining the basis for remuneration for mining usufruct establishing, should also be used to determine the value of these deposits annually as part of the State Treasury property and to present its results as part of the State Treasury Property Status Report.

It is an open matter whether the methodology of valuation of the discussed mineral deposits should be based on accepted and widely used solutions for the valuation of mineral deposits for the purposes of business transactions or based on methodology of valuation of deposits as part of the planned system of Integrated Environmental and Economic National Account (up to date poorly developed). The paper presents the most important elements of both methodological approaches. It seems that the use of selected elements of each of these approaches would be advisable in this case.

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Krzysztof Galos
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The operational mineral deposit reconnaissance tends to evaluate its parameters to conduct safe and profitable production. Particular deposit parameters, important from the point of mineral deposit management, are estimated on the basis of observations carried out by mining geological surveys. These observations usually involve sampling, drilling, laboratory analyses and others. The use of fuzzy description to assess the parameters of the mineral deposit was proposed in the paper. In the fuzzy characteristics, an imprecise descriptive description appeared in place of a particular numerical quantity. This approach was used to description of the ore deposit features (metal content, volume, and metal yield) by assigning them specific characteristic functions, whose distributions were based on basic statistical quantities. Characteristic functions can be used to prepare operational strategies for any configuration of required deposit parameters resulting from the production management needs. For this purpose, selected logical operators of fuzzy sets were used. In the next approach to fuzzy modeling, an opportunity to characterize the deposit in a subjective approach was indicated, where the assessment of the deposit parameters is based on rough, in some way, discretionary observation and evaluation. Such model construction enabled the overall assessment of the deposit from the point of view of any parameters. Through the implementation of appropriate inference rules, adequate fuzzy control planes were obtained, which may also be useful in the context of operational mine strategy planning.

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Mariusz Krzak
Paweł Panajew
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Waters with mineralization above 1000 mg/dm3, classified as mineral waters, are exploited in many regions of Poland. Their resources are usually not renewable and their excessive exploitation can lead to the deterioration of their physical and chemical properties and negatively affect their quantitative status.

The stages in the life of a groundwater deposit involve prospecting, exploration, development, and exploitation. Deposit management is the basis for a sustainable and economically successful process of using water resources.

The problem of effective management of mineral water deposit management has not been raised so far, which is why the authors decided to address issues that should be taken into account in the abovementioned process. An integrated approach to the prospecting, exploration, opening, and exploitation of mineral waters combining the knowledge of specialists from various disciplines (hydrogeologists, geologists, drillers and producers) will enable the appropriate management of these resources.

The article describes the basic elements of the process, special attention has been paid to the mineral water deposit development plan conditioning the correct and economically justified exploitation of these waters. This plan should take the development strategy and legal and environmental conditions into account. Hydrogeological and mathematical models of mineral water deposits developed as part of the plan provide the basis for determining the extent of the mining area and estimating water resources. The deposit opening, exploitation, and monitoring methods are important elements of the deposit development plan.

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Barbara Uliasz-Misiak
Elżbieta Wojna-Dyląg
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The functioning of European economies and societies requires a stable and sustainable supply of mineral resources. For 10 years now EU has been developing raw materials initiative to secure European minerals supply. In many cases, areas with known or hypothetic mineral resources, are not sufficiently valued by society and authorities, remain unprotected and face competing land uses with the risk of becoming sterilized. MINATURA 2020 project was born out of a need to develop a harmonised framework which allow a common way of identifying “mineral deposits of public importance” (MDoPI) and their safeguarding via land use planning. The project has left a useful set of guidelines and proposals how to advance on the creation of a European network of MDoPIs to avoid sterilization of “deposits worth safeguarding”.

In Poland, the need for legal protection of mineral deposits has been discussed intensively in recent years. Various proposals aimed at better system of mineral deposits safeguarding, especially those which should be recognized as of public importance, have been proposed. However, until now only a few coal deposits were recognized as strategic. Currently, the Polish National Mineral Policy is under preparation. Its overriding objective is to provide access to the necessary minerals, also in the longterm perspective. It assumes among others activities aimed at protection of mineral deposits regarding land use planning system.

Paper presents scope and general results of MINATURA2020 project, with details on MINATURA2020 methodology implementation in Poland, Project of the Polish National Mineral Policy with its objectives and key pillars, position of MDoPIs in this Project, and – finally – expected future steps related to MDoPI safeguarding in EU and in Poland.

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Krzysztof Galos
Günter Tiess
Alicja Kot-Niewiadomska
Diego Murguia
Blazena Wertichová
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The paper is focused on the palaeographic development of the western part of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, during the maximum extent of the Sanian 2 (MIS 12) ice sheet and its retreat. The studies were based on archival cartographic data, coupled with new lithological and petrographic analyses of limni- and fluvioglacial sands, i.e., grain-size composition, quartz grain morphology and heavy mineral analysis, as well as analysis of the erratic material of tills. The results confirm the regional variability of the erratic material in the Sanian 2 tills and point to the long-term development of fluvioglacial sands cover documenting cold climate conditions. They also evidence that the western part of the Holy Cross Mountains was the area where two oppositely directed ice sheet lobes (Radoszyce and Sandomierz) advanced during the Sanian 2 Glaciation and that deglaciation of the area took place in two stages. Huge quantities of meltwater released at that time contributed to the intensification of earlier initiated karst phenomena, as well as filling of the existing caves by fluvioglacial sands.
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Jan Dzierżek
Leszek Lindner
Krzysztof Cabalski
Jan Urban
Michał Cyglicki

  1. Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, Żwirki i Wigury 93, PL-02-089 Warszawa, Poland
  2. Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Adama Mickiewicza 33, PL- 31-120, Kraków
  3. Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4, PL-00-975, Warszawa, Poland
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The paper presents the results of the valorization of sand and gravel aggregate deposits in Poland. The study aims to identify the most valuable deposits of potentially strategic importance that require protection. Undeveloped gravel deposits (gravel content above 70%) with resources exceeding 10 million tons and sand and gravel deposits (gravel content 25–70%) with resources above 20 million tons were selected for analysis. The valorization of deposits was carried out using two multi-criteria methodologies. The first of them was proposed by Nieć and Radwanek-Bąk (2013, 2014), while the second one was developed as part of the MINATU RA 2020 project (Galos et al. 2016). They include criteria regarding a degree of geological knowledge, raw material quality and quantity, mining attractiveness, and the accessibility of deposits for future exploitation resulting from environmental and land-use conditions. Out of 4,110 undeveloped deposits that constitute the national resource base for producing sand and gravel aggregates, only 8 gravel deposits and 64 sand and gravel deposits exceeded the threshold set for the volume of resources. As a result of the valorization, it was determined that most of the analyzed deposits, which can be considered as deposits of potentially strategic importance at the regional level, have limited availability due to environmental and land-use conditions. Only one gravel deposit and 7 sand and gravel deposits have simultaneously high resource quantity and quality and favorable geological and mining, environmental, and land-use conditions. The article also presents some recommendations regarding the need to adapt the valorization criteria to the specificity of deposits recognized for sand and gravel aggregate production.
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Katarzyna Guzik
Jarosław Kamyk
Alicja Kot-Niewiadomska

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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The basis for a mineral deposit delimitation is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of deposit parameters, qualifying a deposit as an economically valuable object. A conventional approach to the mineral deposit recognition and a deposit detailed parameters qualification in the initial stages of development work in the KGHM were presented in the paper. The goals of such recognition were defined, which through a gradual detailed expansion, resulting from the information inflow, allows for the construction of a more complete decision-making model. The description of the deposit parameters proposed in the article in the context of fuzzy logic, enables a presentation of imprecise statements and data, which may be a complement to a traditional description. Selected non-adjustable and adjustable s-norm and t-norm operators were demonstrated. Operators effects were tested for selected ore quality parameters (copper content and deposit thickness) by constructing adequate membership functions. In a practical application, the use of chosen fuzzy logic operators is proposed for the assessment of the qualitative parameters of copper-silver ore in the exploitation blocks for one of the mines belonging to KGHM Polish Copper S.A. The considerations have been extended by including the possibility of using compensation operators.

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Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Krzak
Paweł Panajew
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“Mineral deposit model”, “deposit modelling” are the terms commonly used, although imprecise. This is often identified as the application of computerized methods to the elaboration and presentation of geological information, in particular for the mining design. Deposit modelling is the mode of presentation of deposit features, which in the meaning of the authors of such presentation, describes the deposit features between the points of observations as best as possible. Deposit modelling has a long history (XVI-XVII centuries), however such a term was not used. Varied methods of cartographic presentation of deposits and their features were proposed. The progress in the presentation of the deposit in space using isolines maps has led to the separation of methods of deposits geometrisation. Over time, a simple mathematical statistics method was used to describe the deposit parameters, followed by geostatistical methods. Some of them were however not commonly used as too troublesome. The computer based approach to the presentation of geological data has an unquestionable value but is accompanied by the possibility of inappropriate formalized and erroneous interpretations and a presentation as to whether the basic rules of geological knowledge were neglected. Deposits modeling is a conceptual task and cannot be fully automated.

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Edyta Sermet
Jerzy Górecki
Marek Nieć
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The manuscript presents fossil records of Riccia spores in the Quaternary deposits. They are rarely reported and identified to the species level during routine pollen analysis. In the available sequences 5 species, including R. cavernosa, R. beyrichiana, R. sorocarpa, R. crinita and R. bifurca were noted. The occurrence of spores in fossil records proves the existence of temporary wet habitats characteristic both for natural environments (e.g. temporary dry lake shores or peat bogs) as well as habitats resulting from human activity, e.g. microhabitats in crops and pastures or trench walls. The spores recorded in sequences present an opportunity for discussion of their potential use as proxies in palaeoenvironmental reconstructions
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Krzysztof Bińka
Jerzy Nitychoruk

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology, Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Bialska Academy of Applied Sciences John Paul II, Sidorska 95/97, 21-500 Biała Podlaska, Poland
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A sea floor investigation was performed in the fiord of Hornsund by means of the seismoacoustic profiling, echosounding and core sampling. The main seismoacoustic sea floor units were recognized (the methods used according to Kowalewski et al. 1987a) and characterized on the basis of their relations to geomorphology and geological evolution. The bathymetrical sketch and the resulting geomorphological description of the bottom were prepared. The surface of the sea bottom and the surface of the bedrock displayed an irregular high relief with large sills dividing the fiord sea floor into several basins. Four main types of the sills were distinguished: burried sills, accumulative sills, rock sills and rock-accumulative sills. Within the internal Basins I and II there were thick (up to 170 m) covers of the glaciomarine ice-front deposit with changing thin ( 1 -5 m) blanket of the glaciomarine muds at the bottom surface. The Basin III had a cover of the glacial and glaciomarine deposits of variable lithology, genesis and age. The most external Basin IV had a cover o f glaciomarine muds up to 4 0 - 5 0 m thick, deposited on the tills. Four main glacial episodes were recognized, most probably referring to the stadials of Lisbetdalen, Slaklidalen, Revdalen and to the Little Ice Age.

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Włodzimierz Kowalewski
Stanisław Rudowski
S. Maciej Zalewski
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Heavy minerals in sandur deposits from the forefield of the Renard Glacier were investigated. They are concentrated only in fractions below 0.1 mm in diameter. Composition and preservation of heavy minerals indicate very high dynamic in the sedimentary environment. Most resistant minerals as zircon and tourmaline predominate and are strongly crumbled. They probably may serve as mineral indicators of sandur deposits. If distinguished regularities are confirmed in forefield in other Spitsbergen sandurs, then contemporary and Pleistocene sandur deposits could be compared. No mineralogie differentiation of intra- and extramorainal sandurs was noted.

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Roman Chlebowski
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During the period from 1960 to 1990 yr, as a result ofsystematic geological prospecting and exploration, the huge vanadiferous titanomagnetite deposits were discovered and evaluated. The set ofcriteria (balance criteria), introduced in 1974 yr. were used for deposit delineation and resources calculation. The deposits are located at 800--2300 mdepth, has 1.34 billion t resources of ore with average 28% Fe, 7% TiO2 and 0,3% V2Os content. The proposal and design of mine construction had caused strong opposition because of environment protection in Suwałki - Augustow Lake District where the deposits are located. The deposits were discovered in time of increasing demand for vanadium, titanium and iron, the both on international market and in Poland for expanding metallurgy. It promoted exploration and optimistic opinion on deposit value. In the same time however has increased exigencies for iron ore quality and vanadiferous titanomagnetite deposits located close to the surface in South Africa has become the main vanadium supplier to the market. It make necessary to revise the preliminary optimistic deposit evaluations. Titanomagnetite ores are seldom interesting as a source of titanium and iron because of composed technology of their enrichment and metallurgical processing and vague profitability of their extraction. The vanadium is the main valuable component of the ore. The forecasted costs of mining and ore processing and forecasted prices of V2Os, ilmenite and magnetite concentrate allow to calculate the cut off equivalent V2Os content which should be used for deposit delineation. It is 0.73% V2O5. Only 1% of previously indicated ore reserves fulfill that requirement. Comparative analysis of Suwałki deposits with other vanadiferous titanomagnetite deposits recentlymined allow to demonstrate that small amount ofresources which could be supposed economic, located at great depth, make the deposit not interesting for mining as well at present as in the anticipated future. The environment protection is therefore not threatened. The deposits are interesting geological phenomena without practical value at present.
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Marek Nieć
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Mineral deposit is commonly defined as natural accumulation of mineral commodity that can be economically mined. The existing classification of resources and reserves as for example United Nations Framework Classification (UNFCR) or JORC Code have adopted the uniform definitions of particular their categories, but do not touch the problem how the mineral deposit itself is defined. If global estimates of resources are composed or comparisons, made the criteria defining mineral deposits and their resources and reserves should be simultaneously presented to avoid miscomparisson of not comparable items. The criteria defining mineral deposit and its resorces commonly used are: - the greatest depth oflocation (or the greatest allowable stripping ration ifdeposit is located close to the surface, suitable for opencast mining), - cut off values ofmineral quality parameters, - the lowest acceptable deposit thickness, - the lowest acceptable mineral accumulation, defined as amount of mineral per square meter surface. There are no natural values ofsuch criteria that can be used for delineation ofthe mineral deposit and they should be arbitrally selected. At opportunity study stage, threefold approach can be proposed for finding them: 1) based on analogy, considering the data from existing mines and mining projects, 2) based on rough economic estimates considering reported costs and values ofmineral commodities, 3) based on general data on applicable mining and mineral processing technology standards considering mining safety rules and marketable mineral quality standards. Such mode of defining mineral deposit and its resources is ilustrated by copper ore deposit example.
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Marek Nieć
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The article characterizes geological formations occurring in the Polish lignite deposits having the characteristics of raw materials, i.e. accompanying minerals, giving their location, quality characteristics, estimated resources and potential applications. Attention has also been paid to the economic suitability, e.g. in infrastructure works and for the reclamation of many geological formations found in the overburden, classified as so-called earth or rock mass. There are also raw materials of sorption properties representing a huge potential source of minerals valuable for the economy and environmental protection. This refers to e.g.: beidellite clays from Bełchatów, Poznań clays from the region of Konin and Adamów, lacustrine chalk from Bełchatów, as well as Mesozoic limestone from the lignite bedding in Bełchatów. The reasons for the unsatisfactory use of accompanying minerals have been given. The authors described the methods used in the mining operation and processing of associated minerals, also applicable in Poland, as the legal basis for the extraction of these minerals and the economic and financial conditions. They stressed the need to protect mined not associated minerals used by the construction of anthropogenic deposits. This activity primarily requires regulating the legal status of these deposits and the development and application of an economic and financial system that stimulates the economy of these minerals. In summary, the necessary actions were taken to increase the use of the accompanying minerals and their contribution to the balance of mineral resources in the country.

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Tadeusz Ratajczak
Ryszard Uberman
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Anisotropy of variations of Polish mineral deposit parameters is rarely the subject of interest of geologists who carry on the assessment projects . However, if the anisotropy is strong its description and mathematical modeling are rational and justified as it may affect the accuracy of many calculations suitably for mining geology and mining engineering, e.g. estimation of resources and grade of particular raw-material, interpolation of deposit parameters values and construction of their contour maps, designing of optimum grade mining operations or densification of sampling grid. In geostatistics anisotropy is described with directional semivariograms which represent average variability of values of particular deposit parameter in various directions, depending on the distance between sampling sites. Convenient graphic presentation of anisotropy is map of directional semivariograms and good mathematical presentation are functions describing the anisotropy models.

The paper presents the results of geostatistical descriptions of various anisotropy types in selected examples of Polish mineral deposits. Taking into account the spherical variability model, the influence of anisotropy on the results of deposit parameters estimations has been theorized for both the interpolation point and calculation block (area). It was found that anisotropy is effective for parameters estimation if three mutually interrelated factors are considered: power of directional diversification of parameters variation, contribution of random component to total, observed variation of parameters and the range of semivariograms (autocorrelation) of parameter referred to the average sampling grid density.

The results demonstrate that anisotropy influences much more the estimations of parameters value in interpolation points than those of average values of parameters calculated for particular parts of deposit (calculation blocks). Moreover, anisotropy is unimportant when the random component of variability dominates the overall variability of analyzed parameter. Therefore, the simpler, isotropic variability model can be applied to geostatistical estimations of deposit parameters.

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Jacek Mucha
Monika Wasilewska-Błaszczyk
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The occurrence of gas confined in shales allows us to consider it as a component of the host rock. During drilling wells, the gas is released into the drilling fluid from finely ground gas-bearing rock particles. The amount of gas released can be determined on the basis of mud-gas logging; in addition, it is possible to determine the gas-content in shales expressed by the volume of gas released per mass unit of rock [m3/ton]. The gas content in the Ordovician and Silurian shales (Sasin formation and Jantar member respectively) in two selected wells in northern Poland was determined using this method. It has been found that clearly distinguishable, highly gas-bearing sections, which are separated by very poorly gas-bearing ones, can be determined in the well log. The increased gas content in shales can be observed in zones generally enriched in TOC. No direct correlation between TOC and gas-bearing capacity was found however, but the structure of TOC variability and the gas-bearing capacity described using variograms is identical. Correlations of the distinguished gas-bearing layers in the wells under consideration suggest a multi-lens or multi-layered reservoir model. The lack of natural boundaries in the shale gas reservoir means that they must be determined arbitrarily based on the assumed marginal gas-bearing capacity. In the case of several gas-bearing zones, numerous variants of interpretation are possible. In any case the low, best and high estimated resources may be evaluated, assigned to each borehole in the area with radii equal to the range of variogram of gas content in horizontal part of the well.

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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Nieć
Angelika Musiał
Justyna Auguścik
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The new boreholes drilled between 2009 and 2012 enabled a detailed exploration of the profile of the Kraków sandstone series in the Dąb area between the “Sobieski” and “Janina” mining plants, USCB (Upper Silesian Coal Basin). The core from the No. 111. bituminous coal seam was selected for further analysis. 30 intervals corresponding to the defined lithotypes were separated in the seam with a thickness of 116.8 cm. The thickness of lithotypes ranges from 10 mm to 89 mm. A microprofile of the examined seam was made using the modified method of determining microlithotypes. A quantitative determination of the maceral composition was performed for each interval corresponding to the separated lithotypes. This allowed petrographic and facies characteristics of the seam to be determined. Its lower part is dominated by lithotypes with a large share of bright coal – vitrain coal. This section of the profile was formed under conditions of a strongly flooded wet forest swamp. In the upper section of the seam, a higher macroscopic share of dull coal – durain was observed. The microscopic analysis has shown that the conditions dominant during the formation of this section were typical for swamp forest peats. New technologies also require expanding knowledge about the structure of coal seams. This is only possible with a detailed profiling of the coal seam on a macro scale combined with micro-profiling and a detailed petrographic description of the isolated lithotypes. This methodology is also useful in the facies analysis of bituminous coal seams.

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Jacek Misiak

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