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Systemic transformation in Polish surface transport: An evaluation. The purpose of this paper is to provide some insight into the processes of restructuring and privatisation among rail, road, urban-transport, and inland shipping companies after 1989. Where freight is concerned, carriage on standard- and broad-gauge railways can be evaluated as partly deregulated, while where the carriage of passengers is concerned – all carriers up to mid-2005 had originated within the PKP Group. The most common form of transformation of passenger carriers is communalisation of existing companies. The first private operator (the present-day Arriva) appeared as late as 2007. The disintegration of national road carrier (PKS) resulted in the founding of c. 40 new freight firms, the majority of which were closed-down soon. The most common form of privatisation of the PKS passenger enterprises has involved leasing by workers. The privatisation has involved not only Polish investors but also foreign ones (Veolia, later on taken over by Arriva, and Israeli Egged Holding via its affiliate Mobilis). However, the share of public-capital ownership remains substantial, resulting often in final bankrupcy of road transport companies. Among the operators in urban transport public owership remains dominant in various forms (local authorities, municipal, budgetary companies). On the opposite, in inland shipping small private firms are dominant. Moreover, systemic transformation plus Poland’s EU accession have given rise to the conditions underpinning the emergence of Europe’s largest shipowners (OT Logistics).
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Zbigniew Taylor
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The purpose of this empirical study is to find the relationship between economic growth and foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) using endogenous technological change model. First, we combine the CIS and CEECs into one group to test our hypothesis, and then we test each group separately to account for heterogeneity and draw a conclusion whether FDI is indeed a driving force of the economy. Panel data have been used from 2003 to 2014 and different panel estimation methods have been applied. Additionally, we use the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) panel estimator to control for endogeneity problem. The present study finds that FDI is an important factor explaining economic growth in the pooled group and CEECs, although it is not significant in the case of CIS.

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Latif Khalilov
Chae-Deug Yi
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In this paper we study the relationship between foreign firm ownership and innovation activities in a wide group of West European and Central and East European countries. Based on a dataset including more than 100,000 firms covered by the 2014 edition of the Community Innovation Survey, we examine the role of home- and host country effects in firms’ decisions to introduce various forms of innovation. In addition, we identify a group of foreign-owned firms that specialize in exporting and interpret them as participants of hierarchic global value chains organized by multinational enterprises. We show that while foreign direct investment, especially from Germany, is positively associated with innovation, the opposite effect is observed in the case of hierarchic global value chains’ participants. The negative impact of within-multinationals global value chains on innovation is more pronounced in the affiliates located in the Central and East European countries.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Cieślik
Jan Jakub Michałek
Krzysztof Szczygielski
Jacek Lewkowicz
Jerzy Mycielski

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
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On 19 March 2019 the European Union (EU) adopted the Regulation establishing a framework for the screening of foreign direct investments into the EU (the “Regulation”). Four years later, the geopolitical situation changed completely as a result of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Since February 2022 the EU has successively expanded its sanctions imposed against Russia. In parallel – on 6 April 2022 – the European Commission published the Guidance to the Member States concerning foreign direct investment from Russia and Belarus in view of the military aggression against Ukraine and the restrictive measures laid down in recent Council Regulations on sanctions.
The aim of the article is to draw attention to selected aspects of the Regulation which may be relevant in face of the threats to the European and national security and public order posed by the actions of the regimes of Russia and Belarus, following the invasion of Ukraine. In the perspective of the ongoing war in Ukraine, the issues discussed in this article may be points that are worth considering when amending the Regulation in view of the announced revision of the Regulation in Autumn 2023.
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Dominika Pietkun
1 2

  1. CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang Pośniak i Bejm sp.k.
  2. Legal Doctoral Seminars at the PAS Institute of Legal Sciences
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The article presents aspects of the legal characterization and regulation of the natural resource’s treatment that are under the joint tenancy of two or more states. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by that fact that shows the aspects of international interaction and the formation of the practice of legislative regulation of the use of natural resources, not only in the field of state and legal regulation but also within the context of private-public partnership. The relevance is determined by the fact that the main problem of the development of energy resources is an opportunity to determine and accordingly implement certain provisions for international business enterprises. The purpose of this article is to study the question of how representatives of international business can implement projects for the extraction of natural resources across boundary areas and under various conditions within the framework of cross-border cooperation. In the work, the methods of mathematical statistics, historical and legal methods were used. A three-level model was presented. This model determines the possibility of ensuring cooperation, then it forms its legal and regulatory framework and then determines instruments of an economic and legal nature that can be implemented in this field. The final point of the model is the finding of opportunities for investing in the development of natural energy resources on a parity basis, as well as the formation of an integrated environment that determines the possibility of integrating the subjects of international business into the economic environment of the state.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oksana D. Hnatkovych
Volodymyr V. Hoblyk
Olena V. Lazarieva
Vasyl V. Burba
Yevhenii Ye. Hrechin

  1. Department of Culture and Arts, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine
  2. Department of Management and Economic Processes, Mukachevo State University, Ukraine
  3. Department of the Landed Resources Management, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Ukraine
  4. Department of Anti-Corruption and Combating Organized Crime, National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine, Ukraine
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This paper investigates the relationship between energy use and economic development in five South-Asian countries using national-level panel data from 1990 to 2014. Although many studies have already addressed the nexus between energy consumption and economic growth, there is a mixed finding. According to many researchers, South Asian countries have expanded energy consumption since the 1990s. Therefore, energy consumption as a variable for a specific period is considered for the countries of Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Furthermore, foreign direct investment (FDI) and international trade (IT) are also considered to be related variables in this study. Pooled ordinary least squares, random effects, and fixed effects estimation techniques are used to provide a reliable estimation, offsetting the country fixed effects. The fixed effect model is the most effective model that reveals the association between electricity usage and growth factors, as per the specification test and Hausman test. A statistically significant correlation was found between international trade, FDI, economic growth, and power usage. FDI has the highest impact on the rising power demand, followed by global commerce and per capita GDP (gross domestic product). More specifically, the study findings reveal that increased power consumption causes more investment, which results in increased economic growth in South Asian countries. The findings of the study further show that FDI significantly impacted upon power consumption and the area of SAARC’s energy demand, resulting in the entry of new technology and an increase in both economic growth and energy consumption. Future policies may focus on investment in the energy sector to promote economic development.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sabrina Akter Nishat
Zobayer Ahmed
1 2
Omar Faruque
Kamrul Hasan
Arafat Hossain

  1. Department of Economics & Banking, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh
  2. Department of Economics, Selcuk University, Turkey
  3. Department of Economics, Stamford University Bangladesh, Bangladesh
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This study introduces a robust strategy for regulating output voltage in the presence of false data injection (FDI) attacks. Employing a hierarchical approach, we disentangle the distributed secondary control problem into two distinct facets: an observer-based resilient tracking control problem and a decentralized control problem tailored for real systems. Notably, our strategy eliminates the reliance on global information and effectively mitigates the impact of FDI attacks on directed communication networks. Ultimately, simulation results corroborate the efficacy of our approach, demonstrating successful voltage regulation within the system and proficient management of FDI attacks.
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Rongqiang Guan
Jing Yu
Siyuan Fan
Tianyi Sun
Peng Liu
Han Gao

  1. Jilin Engineering Normal University, Changchun, 130000, China
  2. Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin, 132000, China
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This paper proposes a new principal component analysis (PCA) scheme to perform fault detection and identification (FDI) for systems affected by process faults. In this scheme, a new modeling method which maximizes the model sensitivity to a certain process fault type is proposed. This method uses normal operating or known faulty data to build the PCA model and other faulty data to fix its structure. A new structuration method is proposed to identify the process fault. This method computes the common angles between the residual subspaces of the different modes. It generates a reduced set of detection indices that are sensitive to certain process faults and insensitive to others. The proposed FDI scheme is successfully applied to the Tenessee Eastman process (TEP) supposedly affected by several process faults.
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Mohamed Guerfel
Anissa Ben Aicha
2 3
Kamel Belkhiria
Hassani Messaoud

  1. Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology of Sousse (ISSATSo), University of Sousse, Tunisia
  2. LARATSI, National Engineering School of Monastir (ENIM), University of Monastir, Tunisia
  3. LAS2E, National Engineering School of Monastir (ENIM), University of Monastir, Tunisia

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