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GIS programs are used for the collection and processing of geographic data, however, they are also useful in the study of historical greenery. GIS allows better use of the archival and contemporary cartographic materials, collect data on individual objects, make precise measurements of the areas, track changes in use and land cover. The paper presents examples of the GIS software use, based on research related to the historical greenery in Wielkopolska region.

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Agnieszka Wilkaniec
Anna Gałecka-Drozda
Miłosz Walerzak
Agnieszka Rosada
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This article presents the history of mining for rock raw materials in the Cieszyn area since the beginning of the 20th century. The study assessed the possibility of continuing these activities in relation to the ongoing enlargement of conservation areas. The conflict between mining these deposits and environmental interests was described. The results of the analysis allowed for the identification of potential sites for further exploitation of Godula Sandstone and Cieszyn Limestone. The study used analog and digital data which were subjected to the procedures specific to the GIS (Geographic Information System) methods. The exploitation of Cieszyn Shale and Limestone played an important role in the first half of the 20th century. They were used for the production of lime and cement. However, the importance of these materials decreased gradually due to declining demand and quality. In later years, after the closure of the cement plant in Goleszów, limestone was used only for aggregate production. Natural aggregates and clay raw materials were initially exploited in small excavations based on local needs, and later in an organized manner with documented deposits. At present, mining of these materials has been discontinued. The centuries-old tradition of Godula Sandstone block production was maintained during the last hundred years. In the last decade, their extraction was conducted in the original quarry, as well as several new quarries. Additional resources have been documented at other locations. Because of the nature of the product, such extraction (in small quarries, without the use of blasting agents) does not significantly affect wildlife. Moreover, the locations of current and former mining operations often become tourist attractions. This is evidenced by the fact that the documentation sites are established on the basis of such excavations. Numerous objects of protection established in recent years have led to a major conflict between the exploitation of rock materials and the environment. This prevents development or even the continuation of exploitation. Therefore, in future planning processes, efforts must be made to characterize mineral deposits as a part of nature, requiring protection.

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Beata Figarska-Warchoł
Ewelina Matlak
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Bluetooth beacons are becoming increasingly popular for various applications such as marketing or indoor navigation. However, designing a proper beacon installation requires knowledge of the possible sources of interference in the target environment. While theoretically beacon signal strength should decay linearly with log distance, on-site measurements usually reveal that noise from objects such as Wi-Fi networks operating in the vicinity significantly alters the expected signal range. The paper presents a novel mobile Geographic Information System for measurement, mapping and local as well as online storage of Bluetooth beacon signal strength in semireal time. For the purpose of on-site geovisual analysis of the signal, the application integrates a dedicated interpolation algorithm optimized for low-power devices. The paper discusses the performance and quality of the mapping algorithms in several different test environments.

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Marcin Kulawiak
Witold Wycinka
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This study investigates cadmium (Cd) accumulation in the plant leaves of juglans regia (walnut) and cydonia oblanga (quince) trees related to traffic emissions on the highway roadside. The plant leaf samples were collected from 20 sites on the D-100 Highway roadside and washed with deionized water before analyzed. Determination of Cd was carried out using an inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometer after microwave digestion of the samples. Cd concentration on the plant leaves was found to be between 0.04–0.11 mg/kg. In order to determine the traffic-based emissions, vehicles were counted and an emission inventory was prepared. 0.18 tons of Cd was found to be delivered into the atmosphere every day. Cd accumulation depends on traffic density because there were no residential area and industrial plants. The distribution of Cd accumulation caused by traffic emissions was mapped by using a geographic information system (GIS). The maps showed that the Cd accumulation was high in the areas near the highway and then gradually decreased by moving away from the highway.

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Merve Çolak
Mahnaz Gümrükçüoğlu
Füsun Boysan
Erkan Baysal
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Climate atlases summarize large sets of quantitative and qualitative data and are results of complex analytical cartographic work. These special geographical publications summarize long term meteorological observations, provide maps and figures which characterise different climate elements. Visual information is supplemented with explanatory texts. A lot of information on short and long term changes of climate elements were provided in published Lithuanian atlases (Atlas of Lithuanian SDR, 1981; Climate Atlas of Lithuania, 2013), as well as in prepared but unpublished Lithuanian Atlas (1989) and in upcoming new national atlas publications (National Atlas of Lithuania. 1 st part, 2014). Climate atlases has to be constantly updated to be relevant and to describe current climate conditions. Comprehensive indicators of Lithuanian climate are provided in different cartographic publications. Different time periods, various data sets and diverse cartographic data analysis tools and visualisation methods were used in these different publications.
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Donatas Valiukas
Audronė Galvonaitė
Algimantas Česnulevičius
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This study focuses on mapping the groundwater’s vulnerability to pollution in the region of Ouargla, located in the North-East of the northern Sahara, exposed to potential risks of alteration. By applying the methods (GOD, DRASTIC, and SINTACS), coupled with a Geographic Information System (GIS), we were able to identify a medium to high vulnerability trend. In light of the results recorded, the DRASTIC and SINTACS methods prove to be more suitable for our study region. This makes it possible to highlight the recharge zones and land use as being the most vulnerable in the territory studied. The GOD method presents a strong vulnerability trend over 77.02% of the study area. Such a result is directly related to the depth of the water table. It can therefore be argued that this method is far from being representative of the reality on the ground because of these very heterogeneous characteristics.
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  1. Abunada, Z., Kishawi, Y., Alslaibi, T. M., Kaheil, N. & Mittelstet, A. (2021). The application of SWAT-GIS tool to improve the recharge factor in the DRASTIC framework: Case study. Journal of Hydrology, 592, [125613]. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125613
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  5. Bera, A., Mukhopadhyay, B. P., Chowdhury, P., Ghosh, A. & Biswas, S. (2021). Groundwa-ter vulnerability assessment using GIS-based DRASTIC model in Nangasai River Basin, India with special emphasis on agricultural contamination. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 214, 112085. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.112085
  6. Chakraborty, B., Roy, S., Bera, A., Adhikary, P. P., Bera, B., Sengupta, D., Bhunia, G. S. & Shit, P. K. (2022). Groundwater vulnerability assessment using GIS-based DRASTIC model in the upper catchment of Dwarakeshwar river basin, West Bengal, India. Environmental Earth Sciences, 81,1, pp.1–15. DOI:10.1007/s12665-021-10002-3
  7. Charikh, M., Slimani, R., Hamdi-aïssa, B., Bouadjila, O. & Hassaine, A. (2022). Evaluation of Arid Soil Landscapes Permeability in Algerian Sahara. Al-Qadisiyah Journal for Agricul-ture Sciences (QJAS), 12,2, pp. 12–18. DOI:10.33794/qjas.2022.134247.1050
  8. El Baba, M. & Kayastha, P. (2022). Groundwater vulnerability, water quality, and risk assessment in a semi-arid region: a case study from the Dier al-Balah Governorate, Gaza Strip. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, pp.1–16. DOI:10.3390/w12010262
  9. Elzain, H. E., Chung, S. Y., Senapathi, V., Sekar, S., Lee, S. Y., Roy, P. D., Hassan, A. & Sabarathinam, C. (2022). Comparative study of machine learning models for evaluating groundwater vulnerability to nitrate contamination. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 229, 113061. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.113061
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Authors and Affiliations

Rabia Slimani
Messaouda Charikh
1 2
Mohammad Aljaradin

  1. Laboratory of Biogeochemistry of desert environments, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Kasdi Marbah University, Ouargla, Algeria
  2. Ouargla Higher Normal School, Algeria
  3. School of Health and Environmental Studies, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Dubai, UAE
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Geographical Information Systems have become essential tools for land analysis and the subsequent decision making in many fields of human activity. In the field of mining, GIS applications have appeared in ore deposit modelling, environmental pollution, or planning of mining spaces. In this research, the powerful multicriteria tools of GIS platforms have been applied for the determination of an index that has been called “Exploitability Index”. This index allows analyzing a series of outcrops of industrial aggregates, to help in the selection of the most adequate one to be enhanced from a mining approach. The multicriteria analysis has been applied for its determination, and as a result of this research, a model is proposed. The main criteria that condition the decision have been established in this model, along with their subsequent hierarchization and their weighting. The proposed model is applied to a specific case: the analysis of a series of outcrops of industrial aggregates (ophites) in Cantabria, Spain. After defining the Exploitability Index for those ophitic outcrops, it has been observed that the only deposit that has been classified as very suitable for its exploitation is the only one that has been really exploited, supporting the proposed methodology.

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Authors and Affiliations

Gema Fernández-Maroto
Julio Manuel de Luis-Ruiz
Raúl Pereda-García
Beatriz Malagón-Picón
Rubén Pérez-Álvarez
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KienGiang province of Vietnam is the west coast of Mekong Delta, Vietnam where RachGia city is the provincial capital. In recent years due to impacts of climate change and extreme weather, the city’s urban infrastructure has been affected by saline intrusion, flooding, collapsed house, etc. Modeling remote sensing is useful to determine rainfall. Climatic factors are affected by temperature, wind, rain, drought that people feel comfortable or not comfortable in the area because the planning and management are not well. The application of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology has supported the method such as analysis, overlap the urban infrastructure and climate change impacts layers to produce the assessment that will support urban management. The objectives of this study is to assess the impact of climate change on some of RachGia’s infrastructures through the analysis of a number of thematic maps created from GIS Database. The database will be used by local agencies in urban management and development which take into account the climate change.
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Dinh Tuan Hai
Trinh Thi Phin

  1. Hanoi Architectural University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Km 10 Nguyen Trai Road, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
  2. Vietnam Institute for Urban and Rural Planning, Division of Data Management and GIS Applications, Vietnam
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In recent times there have been many changes on Earth, which have appeared after anthropogenic impact. Finding solu-tions to problems in the environment requires studying the problems quickly, make proper conclusions and creating safe and useful measures. Humanity has always had an effect on the environment. There can be many changes on the Earth be-cause of direct and indirect effects of humans on nature. Determining these changes at the right time and organizing meas-urements of them requires the creation of quick analysing methods. This development has improved specialists’ interest for remote sensing (RS) imagery. Moreover, in accordance with analysis of literature sources, agriculture, irrigation and ecolo-gy have the most demand for RS imagery. This article is about using geographic information system (GIS) and RS technol-ogies in cadastre and urban construction branches. This article covers a newly created automated method for the calculation of artificial surface area based on satellite images. Accuracy of the analysis is verified according to the field experiments. Accuracy of analysis is 95%. According to the analysis from 1972 to 2019 artificial area enlargement is 13.44%. This method is very simple and easy to use. Using this data, the analysis method can decrease economical costs for field measures. Using this method and these tools in branches also allows for greater efficiency in time and resources.
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Aybek M. Arifjanov
Shamshodbek B. Akmalov
Luqmon N. Samiev

  1. Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, 39 Kari Niyazov Str. Tashkent 100000, Uzbekistan
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Gala Lake National Park that has an international importance is one of the most important wetland ecosystems for Turkey. As same as many aquatic habitats, Gala Lake is under a significant anthropogenic pressure originated from agricultural activities conducted around the lake and from industrial discharges by means of Ergene River.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the sediment quality of Gala Lake and Irrigation Canal by investigating some toxic element accumulations (As, B, Ni, Cr, Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu) from a statistical perspective. Pearson Correlation Index (PCI) and Factor Analysis (FA) were applied to detected data in order to determine the associated contaminants and effective factors on the system. Potential Ecological Risk Index (RI) and Biological Risk Index based sediment quality guidelines (mERM-Q) applied to detected data in order to assess the ecological and biological risks of heavy metals in the ecosystem. Also Geographic Information System (GIS) technology was used to make visual explanations by presenting distribution maps of investigated elements.

According to the results of PCI, significant positive correlations were recorded among the investigated toxic elements at 0.01 significance level. According to the results of FA, two factors, which were named as “Agricultural Factor” and “Industrial Factor”, explained 86.6% of the total variance. According to the results of Potential Ecological Risk Index, cadmium was found to be the highest risk factor and according to results of Biological Risk Index, nickel and chromium were found to be the highest risk factors for Gala Lake and Irrigation Canal. As a result of the present study, it was also determined that heavy metal contents in sediments of Gala Lake National Park reached to critical levels and the system is intensively under effect of agricultural and industrial originated pollution.

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Cem Tokatli
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Land cover change (LCC) is important to assess the land use/land cover changes with respect to the development activities like irrigation. The region selected for the study is Vaal Harts Irrigation Scheme (VHS) occupying an area of approximately 36, 325 hectares of irrigated land. The study was carried out using Land sat data of 1991, 2001, 2005 covering the area to assess the changes in land use/land cover for which supervised classification technique has been applied. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) index was also done to assess vegetative change conditions during the period of investigation. By using the remote sensing images and with the support of GIS the spatial pattern of land use change of Vaal Harts Irrigation Scheme for 15 years was extracted and interpreted for the changes of scheme. Results showed that the spatial difference of land use change was obvious. The analysis reveals that 37.86% of additional land area has been brought under fallow land and thus less irrigation area (18.21%). There is an urgent need for management program to control the loss of irrigation land and therefore reclaim the damaged land in order to make the scheme more viable.

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Fredrick Ao Otieno
Olumuyiwa I Ojo
George M. Ochieng
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This paper studies the assessment of sensitivity to land degradation of Deliblato sands (the northern part of Serbia), as a special nature reserve. Sandy soils of Deliblato sands are highly sensitive to degradation (given their fragility), while the system of land use is regulated according to the law, consisting of three zones under protection. Based on the MEDALUS approach and the characteristics of the study area, four main factors were considered for evaluation: soil, climate, vegetation and management. Several indicators affecting the quality of each factor were identified. Each indicator was quantified according to its quality and given a weighting of between 1.0 and 2.0. ArcGIS 9 was utilized to analyze and prepare the layers of quality maps, using the geometric mean to integrate the individual indicator map. In turn, the geometric mean of all four quality indices was used to generate sensitivity of land degradation status map. Results showed that 56.26% of the area is classified as critical; 43.18% as fragile; 0.55% as potentially affected and 0.01% as not affected by degradation. The values of vegetation quality index, expressed as coverage, diversity of vegetation functions and management policy during the protection regime are clearly represented through correlation coefficient (0.87 and 0.47).

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Ratko Kadović
Yousef Ali Mansour Bohajar
Veljko Perović
Snežana Belanović Simić
Mirjana Todosijević
Sonja Tošić
Milosav Anđelić
Dragan Mlađan
Una Dovezenski
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This paper reports on a morphometric analysis of land-terminating glaciers on southern and western Spitsbergen in the years 1936–2014. An attempt was made to estimate the deglaciation rate and the scale of its acceleration in the 21st century in the conditions of Arctic amplification. Satellite scenes and topographic map sheets were used for the study and were analyzed by means of remote sensing and GIS methods. The study covered 2000–2014 years and concluded that surface recession accelerated on average by a factor of 2.75 compared to the 1936–2000 period, while linear recession was 2.2 times faster. The greatest increase in the deglaciation rate can be observed in the case of glaciers faced to N and W sectors. The deglaciation process is the most advanced in the central part of the island, where small, compact mountain glaciers predominate. In recent years, a slowdown in the deglaciation processes in these glaciers was observed. The studies demonstrate that the deglaciation rate was mainly influenced by the basin relief determining the glacier geometry. The resultant fractal nature of the ice cover makes it highly vulnerable to the disintegration of complex glacial systems into smaller ones due to glacier thinning and the separation of outlets. The acceleration of the deglaciation rate in turn is modified by the climate factor, especially the impact of warming air masses from the N and W sectors where seas are becoming increasingly ice-free and, consequently, have an increasing heat capacity.
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Joanna Ewa Szafraniec
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Mining activity influence on the environment belongs to the most negative industrial influences. Land subsidence can be a consequence of many geotectonic processes as well as due to anthropogenic interference with rock massif in part or whole landscape. Mine subsidence on the surface can be a result of many deep underground mining activities. The presented study offers the theory to the specific case of the deformation vectors solution in a case of disruption of the data homogeneity of the geodetic network structure in the monitoring station during periodical measurements in mine subsidence. The theory of the specific solution of the deformation vector was developed for the mine subsidence at the Košice-Bankov abandoned magnesite mine near the city of Košice in east Slovakia. The outputs from the deformation survey were implemented into Geographic Information System (GIS) applications to a process of gradual reclamation of whole mining landscape around the magnesite mine. After completion of the mining operations and liquidation of the mine company it was necessary to determine the exact edges of the Košice-Bankov mine subsidence with the zones of residual ground motion in order to implement a comprehensive reclamation of the devastated mining landscape. Requirement of knowledge about stability of the former mine subsidence was necessary for starting the reclamation works. Outputs from the presented specific solutions of the deformation vectors confirmed the multi-year stability of the mine subsidence in the area of interest. Some numerical and graphical results from the deformation vectors survey in the Košice-Bankov abandoned magnesite mine are presented. The obtained results were transformed into GIS for the needs of the self-government of the city of Košice to the implementation of the reclamation works in the Košice-Bankov mining area.
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Vladimir Sedlák
Jaroslav Hofierka
Michal Gallay
Jan Kaňuk
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Unfavorable spatial structure of arable land located in Małopolska is a major obstacle in conducting agricultural activity. Arable lands located in the southern part of Małopolska are fragmented, have small area, and irregular shapes. Agricultural activity on land with an unfavorable spatial structure is associated with an increase in production costs, which directly results in lower income of farms. One of the methods of improving spatial conditions is to implement land consolidation works. They allow to organize the spatial structure, increase the area of agriculturally used parcels, while reducing their number. The article presents a new approach in determining the parameters of land fragmentation. GIS tools were used to identify areas with unfavorable spatial parameters. The methodology which allows for the processing, filtration of source data, determination and visualization of land fragmentation parameters is discussed. As part of the research, the Binning method was used, which allows to visualize the phenomenon and simultaneously reduce the data used. In the work, a detailed assessment of land fragmentation parameters was made, which can be used in agricultural land management works. Analyzes have shown that the southern areas of the Nowy Targ County are characterized by intensive fragmentation of arable land. There are also unfavorable parameters related to the elongation and shape of parcels in the discussed areas.

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Piotr Bożek
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Lexical knowledge sources are indispensable for research, education and general information. The transition of the reference works to the digital world has been a gradual one. This paper discusses the basic principles and structure of knowledge presentation, as well as user access and knowledge acquisition with specific consideration of contributions in German. The ideal reference works of the future should be interactive, optimally adapted to the user, reliable, current and quotable.
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Wolf Günther Koch
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The cognitive aim of this study is to point to the optimum number of local government units and the optimum boundaries of spatial units in Poland with the assumption of minimizing the cumulated theoretical travel time to all settlement units in the country. The methodological aim, in turn, is to present the use of the ArcGIS location-allocation tool for the purposes of delimitation processes as exemplified by administrative boundaries in Poland. The rationale for the implementation of this study is that number and the boundaries of units of all levels of Poland’s current territorial division are far from optimum in the light of minimization of accumulated theoretical travel time to all settlement units in the country. It may be concluded that it would be justifiable to increase the number of voivodships from the current number of 16 to 18. Besides it would be necessary to introduce modifications in relation to units with regional functions. In contrast, the number of districts and communes should be reduced. A continuation of this research may go in the direction of including analysis of public transport network in the research, creating in this way a multimodal set of network data. This would illustrate, apart from the potential itself resulting from the infrastructure, also the actually existing connections.
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Marta Borowska-Stefańska
Szymon Wiśniewski
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To guarantee food security and job creation of small scale farmers to commercial farmers, unproductive farms in the South 24 PGS, West Bengal need land reform program to be restructured and evaluated for agricultural productivity. This study established a potential role of remote sensing and GIS for identification and mapping of salinity zone and spatial planning of agricultural land over the Basanti and Gosaba Islands(808.314sq. km) of South 24 PGS. District of West Bengal. The primary data i.e. soil pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC) and Sodium Absorption ratio (SAR) were obtained from soil samples of various GCP (Ground Control Points) locations collected at 50 mts. intervals by handheld GPS from 0–100 cm depths. The secondary information is acquired from the remotely sensed satellite data (LANDSAT ETM+) in different time scale and digital elevation model. The collected field samples were tested in the laboratory and were validated with Remote Sensing based digital indices analysisover the temporal satellite data to assess the potential changes due to over salinization.Soil physical properties such as texture, structure, depth and drainage condition is stored as attributes in a geographical soil database and linked with the soil map units. The thematic maps are integrated with climatic and terrain conditions of the area to produce land capability maps for paddy. Finally, The weighted overlay analysis was performed to assign theweights according to the importance of parameters taken into account for salineareaidentification and mapping to segregate higher, moderate, lower salinity zonesover the study area.
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Sumanta Das
Malini Roy Choudhury
Subhasish Das
M. Nagarajan
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This paper presents the proposition of cartographic presentation of the movable cultural heritage on interactive map. The original solution on how to link movable monuments with geographical space as well as the different types of spatial reference were described. The text shows both: the way of presentation of single movable monuments and collections of historical objects. The proposed solutions were based on the assumption that the number of heritage resources shown on the map is huge and, what is more, they can keep growing. So, the proposed solution must be able to apply for a resource of indeterminate size. For the presentation of the movable heritage the traditional methods of cartographic presentation, as well as interactive technologies were applied.
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Albina Mościcka

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