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The article addresses the issues falling within the scope of the economic analysis of a detached building’s heating system with a direct evaporation ground source heat pump installation. The paper was elaborated based on the data made available by the investment’s contractor and the investor. The paper provides data on the investment expenditures and utility cost, calculations of the installation payback, internal return rate and the current net value.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Karol Tucki
Michał Sikora
Magdalena Karlikowska
Wojciech Będkowski


The analyzed heat accumulator is a key element in a hybrid heating system. In this paper, analytical and numerical models of the ceramic heat accumulator are presented.The accuracy of finite difference methods will be assessed by comparing the results with those obtained from the exact analytical solution.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dawid Taler
Piotr Cisek


This paper presents the results of thermodynamic analyses of a system using a horizontal ground heat exchanger to cool a residential building in summer and heat it in the autumn-winter period. The main heating device is a vapour compression heat pump with the ground as the lower heat source. The aim of the analyses is to examine the impact of heat supply to the ground in the summer period, when the building is cooled, on the operation of the heating system equipped with a heat pump in the next heating season, including electricity consumption. The processes occurring in cooling and heating systems have an unsteady nature. The main results of the calculations are among others the time-dependent values of heat fluxes extracted from or transferred to the ground heat exchanger, the fluxes of heat generated by the heat pump and supplied to the heated building by an additional heat source, the parameters in characteristic points of the systems, the temperature distributions in the ground and the driving electricity consumption in the period under analysis. The paper presents results of analysis of cumulative primary energy consumption of the analyzed systems and cumulative emissions of harmful substances.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Małgorzata Hanuszkiewicz-Drapała
Tomasz Bury


In the paper a heating system with a vapour compressor heat pump and vertical U-tube ground heat exchanger for small residential house is considered. A mathematical model of the system: heated object - vapour compressor heat pump - ground heat exchanger is presented shortly. The system investigated is equipped, apart from the heat pump, with the additional conventional source of heat. The processes taking place in the analyzed system are of unsteady character. The model consists of three elements; the first containing the calculation model of the space to be heated, the second - the vertical U-tube ground heat exchanger with the adjoining area of the ground. The equations for the elements of vapour compressor heat pump form the third element of the general model. The period of one heating season is taken into consideration. The results of calculations for two variants of the ground heat exchanger are presented and compared. These results concern variable in time parameters at particular points of the system and energy consumption during the heating season. This paper presents the mutual influence of the ground heat exchanger subsystem, elements of vapour compressor heat pump and heated space.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Małgorzata Hanuszkiewicz-Drapała
Jan Składzień


Exergy analysis of low temperature geothermal heat plant with compressor and absorption heat pump was carried out. In these two concepts heat pumps are using geothermal water at 19.5°C with spontaneous outflow 24 m3/h as a heat source. The research compares exergy efficiency and exergy destruction of considered systems and its components as well. For the purpose of analysis, the heating system was divided into five components: geothermal heat exchanger, heat pump, heat distribution, heat exchanger and electricity production and transportation. For considered systems the primary exergy consumption from renewable and non-renewable sources was estimated. The analysis was carried out for heat network temperature at 50/40°C, and the quality regulation was assumed. The results of exergy analysis of the system with electrical and absorption heat pump show that exergy destruction during the whole heating season is lower for the system with electrical heat pump. The exergy efficiencies of total system are 12.8% and 11.2% for the system with electrical heat pump and absorption heat pump, respectively.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Robert Sekret
Anna Nitkiewicz


The article presents a numerical model of the concrete heat accumulator for solar heating systems. Model uses control volume finite element method with an explicit solution method for time integration. The use of an explicit method is an essential advantage in the simulation of time-dependent changes in temperature of the air at the accumulator inlet. The study compares the results of numerical model calculations of the accumulator heating with experimental measurements and with computational fluid dynamics modeling. The comparison shows a good correlation between the results of calculation using the model and the results of measurements.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Sacharczuk
D. Taler


The paper presents the calculations for the failure conditions of the ORC (organic Rankine cycle) cycle in the electrical power system. It analyses the possible reasons of breakdown, such as the electrical power loss or the automatic safety valve failure. The micro-CHP (combined heat and power) system should have maintenance-free configuration, which means that the user does not have to be acquainted with all the details of the ORC system operation. However, the system should always be equipped with the safety control systems allowing for the immediate turn off of the ORC cycle in case of any failure. In case of emergency, the control system should take over the safety tasks and protect the micro-CHP system from damaging. Although, the control systems are able to respond quickly to the CHP system equipped with the inertial systems, the negative effects of failure are unavoidable and always remain for some time. Moreover, the paper presents the results of calculations determining the inertia for the micro-CHP system of the circulating ORC pump, heat removal pump (cooling condenser) and the heat supply pump in failure conditions.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Robert Matysko
Jarosław Mikielewicz
Eugeniusz Ihnatowicz


The paper presents the results of optimizing the coefficient of the share of cogeneration expressed by an empirical formula dedicated to designers, which will allow to determine the optimal value of the share of cogeneration in contemporary cogeneration systems with the thermal storages feeding the district heating systems. This formula bases on the algorithm of the choice of the optimal coefficient of the share of cogeneration in district heating systems with the thermal storage, taking into account additional benefits concerning the promotion of high-efficiency cogeneration and the decrease of the cost of CO2 emission thanks to cogeneration. The approach presented in this paper may be applicable both in combined heat and power (CHP) plants with back-pressure turbines and extraction-condensing turbines.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Ziębik
Paweł Gładysz


Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań ankietowych, których celem była ocena atrakcyjności scentralizowanych systemów zaopatrzenia w ciepło w porównaniu z innymi źródłami ciepła. Działania ukierunkowane na poprawę efektywności energetycznej budynków w warunkach klimatu Polski na razie jeszcze nie doprowadzą do wyeliminowania konieczności wyposażenia w źródło ciepła instalacji ogrzewania czy układu przygotowania ciepłej wody użytkowej. Źródło ciepła pozostaje zatem nadal istotnym elementem systemu zaopatrzenia w ciepło, warunkującym na wiele lat zarówno koszty ogrzewania, komfort, jak i oddziaływanie na środowisko. Decyzja o wyborze sposobu zaopatrzenia w ciepło podejmowana jest zazwyczaj przez inwestora lub projektanta. Czasem udział w tej decyzji ma dostawca urządzeń czy wykonawca. Wpływ na nią może mieć wiele różnych czynników, wynikających również z konkretnej lokalizacji obiektu. Tylko częściowo warunkuje ją prawo lokalne w postaci miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Istotne są również uwarunkowania techniczne (np. dostępność sieci ciepłowniczej lub gazowej), ekonomiczne i finansowe, jak również czynniki dużo bardziej subiektywne, jakim np. są określone preferencja projektanta lub wykonawcy. Coraz częściej obserwowana jest niechęć do korzystania z ciepła systemowego, nawet przy korzystnych warunkach lokalizacyjnych i możliwości podłączenia budynku do sieci ciepłowniczej. Jako źródło ciepła wybierana jest kotłownia gazowa czy zasilane energią elektryczną pompy ciepła. Nasuwa się więc pytanie, czy słuszne są takie decyzje i czym mogą być uzasadniane. Jako metodę badawczą wykorzystano ankiety, które przeprowadzono wśród osób, które już teraz mają lub w najbliższej przyszłości będą mieć wpływ na decyzje projektowe i inwestycyjne. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdziły duże zainteresowanie scentralizowanymi systemami zaopatrzenia w ciepło, docenienie ich zalet w zestawieniu z innymi sposobami wytwarzania energii końcowej. Ankietowani mieli na uwadze również wady, które mogą skłonić do korzystania z alternatywnego sposobu zaopatrzenia w ciepło.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Grzegorz Bartnicki
Bogdan Nowak


The paper presents the methodology of designing a system for accumulating waste heat from industrial processes. The research aimed to analyse the fluid’s movement in the heat accumulator to unify the temperature field in the volume of water constituting the heat buffer. Using the computer program Ansys Fluent, a series of computational fluid dynamics simulations of the process of charging the heat storage with water at 60°C, 70°C, and 80°C was carried out. The selected temperatures correspond to the temperature range of unmanaged waste heat. In the presented solution, heat storage is loaded with water from the cooling systems of industrial equipment to store excess heat and use it at a later time. The results of numerical calculations were used to analyse the velocity and temperature fields in the selected structure of the modular heat storage. A novelty in the presented solution is the use of smaller modular heat storage units that allow any configuration of the heat storage system. This solution makes it possible to create heat storage with the required heat capacity.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Górszczak
Marcin Rywotycki
Marcin Hojny
Grzegorz Filo

  1. AGH University of Krakow, Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
  2. Cracow University of Technology, Jana Pawła II 37, 31-864 Kraków, Poland


The numerical simulation of the heat transfer in the flow channels of the minichannel heat exchanger was carried out. The applied model was validated on the experimental stand of an air heat pump. The influence of louver heights was investigated in the range from 0 mm (plain fin) to 7 mm (maximum height). The set of simulations was prepared in Ansys CFX. The research was carried out in a range of air inlet velocities from 1 to 5 m/s. The values of the Reynolds number achieved in the experimental tests ranged from 93 to 486. The dimensionless factors, the Colburn factor and friction factor, were calculated to evaluate heat transfer and pressure loss, respectively. The effectiveness of each louver height was evaluated using the parameter that relates to the heat transfer and the pressure drop in the airflow. The highest value of effectiveness (1.53) was achieved by the louver height of 7 mm for the Reynolds number of around 290.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Artur Romaniak
Michał Jan Kowalczyk
Marcin Łęcki
Artur Gutkowski
Grzegorz Górecki

  1. Lodz University of Technology, Zeromskiego 116, 90-924 Łódz, Poland


Obserwowane w ostatnim czasie dynamiczne zmiany na globalnych rynkach paliw kopalnych oraz uprawnień do emisji dwutlenku węgla mają znaczący wpływ na sektory energetyczne. Fluktuacje te wpływają także na rynki ciepła systemowego, gdzie węgiel i gaz ziemny nadal pozostają dominującymi nośnikami energii pierwotnej w wielu krajach europejskich. Rynki ciepła systemowego różnią się od rynków innych produktów ze względu na ich lokalny charakter i wymagania związane z transportem i dystrybucją. W związku z tym, w zależności od kraju, mogą one funkcjonować w różnych modelach rynkowych oraz mieć odmienne polityki kształtowania cen. W związku z powyższym, niniejszy artykuł ma na celu przegląd i analizę obecnych modeli rynkowych oraz regulacji kształtowania cen w kontekście cen na wybranych rynkach ciepła systemowego. Głównym celem jest przeprowadzenie dogłębnej analizy największych rynków w Polsce i porównanie wyników z sąsiadującymi państwami, tj. z Czechami, Słowacją, Litwą, Łotwą, Estonią i Niemcami. Polska została wybrana jako przykład ze względu na znaczną zależność od paliw kopalnych i podatność na obecne fluktuacje cen na rynkach międzynarodowych. Wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy wskazują, że Polska ma jeden z najbardziej uregulowanych rynków ciepła sieciowego, a regulacje te mogą wpływać na rentowność firm ciepłowniczych. W celu wypracowania zachęt dla potencjalnych inwestorów i obecnych przedsiębiorstw ciepłowniczych do rozwijania zrównoważonych i niskoemisyjnych systemów ciepłowniczych, rekomendowane jest rozważenie możliwości zwiększanie częstotliwości formułowania i zatwierdzania taryf ciepłowniczych.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Aleksandra Komorowska
Tomasz Surma

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków
  2. Veolia Energia Polska SA, Poland


W celu doboru optymalnych warunków prowadzenia procesu odzyskiwania ciepła z tlenowego kompostowania przeprowadzono trzy etapy badań polegające na rejestracji wartości strumienia odzyskiwanego ciepła wraz z obserwacją wpływu chłodzenia na parametry procesu kompostowania. Zmierzono wartości współczynnika przewodności cieplnej kompostu w zależności od jego temperatury, gęstości i wieku. Wartości wahały się w granicach: 0,171-0,300 W/mK. Dobrano optymalne warunki prowadzenia procesu. Dla nich oszacowano, ile ciepła można będzie odzyskiwać podczas kompostowania na skalę przemysłową przy zastosowaniu baterii wymienników. Dla sztucznie napowietrzanej pryzmy o wymiarach: podstawa dolna 8 m, podstawa górna 5 m, wysokość 3,5 m, długość 3 m; można będzie odzyskiwać około 7,4 kW (z 1 m2 powierzchni wymiennika 774 W).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ewa Klejment
Marian Rosiński


In order to provide sufficient cooling capacity for working and heading faces of the coal mine, chilled water is often transported a long distance along pipelines in deep mine, which inevitably results in its temperature rising owing to heat transfer through pipe wall and the friction heat for flow resistance. Through theoretical models for temperature increasing of the chilled water were built. It is pointed out that the temperature rising of the chilled water should be considered as a result of the synergy effects of the heat transfer and the friction heat, but theoretical analysis shows that within engineering permitting error range, the temperature increasing can be regarded as the sum caused by heat transfer and fraction heat respectively, and the calculation is simplified. The calculation analysis of the above two methods was made by taking two type of pipe whose diameters are De273 × 7 mm and De377 × 10 mm, with 15 km length in coal mine as an example, which shows that the error between the two methods is not over 0.04°C within the allowable error range. Aims at the commonly used chilled water diameter pipe, it is proposed that if the specific frictional head loss is limited between 100 Pa/m and 400 Pa/m, the proportion of the frictional temperature rising is about 24%~81% of the total, and it will increase with high flow velocity and the thin of the pipe. As a result, the friction temperature rising must not be ignored and should be paid enough attention in calculation of the chilled water temperature rising along pipe.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Qi Yudong
Cheng Weimin
Xin Song
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The paper presents the assumptions and methodology for investigating equivalent heat load testing of hot aircraft engine components. The basic heat loads occurring in an aircraft engine during aircraft flight are characterised. Diagrams of the proposed heat loads are presented, together with the number of cycles, and a test bench is characterised and shown to enable equivalent heat load testing of aircraft engine components.
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[2] Research stand in WSK PZL Rzeszów.
[3] Chaur, - Jeng Wang, & Jiaun, - Sheng Lin (2002). The oxidation of MAR M247 superalloy with Na2SO4 coating. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 76, 123-129. DOI: 10.1016/S0254-0584(01)00527-2.
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[5] Su, C.Y., Lih, W.C., Chou, C.P. & Tsai, H.C. (2001). Activated diffusion brased repair for IN 738 hot section components of gas turbine. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 115(3), 326-332.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marek Mróz
A.W. Orłowicz
M. Tupaj
M. Lenik

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Al. Powstańców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland


This paper presents the methodology for determining thermal strains and stresses during heating the charge in a rotary furnace. The calculations were made with the original software, which uses the finite element method. The heat transfer boundary conditions used for computing were verified on the basis of industrial tests. Good compatibility between the experimental data and numerical calculations was obtained. The possibility of the material cracking occurrence was checked for a set exhaust gas temperature distribution on the furnace length. As a result, it was possible to develop steel heating curves characterized by short process times.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Gołdasz
Z. Malinowski
A. Cebo-Rudnicka
Słowa kluczowe Heat transfer Analysis Manifolds


Thermodynamics deals with irreversible transformations of substances. Every thermodynamic property of a substance, as a function of two parameters describing its state, can be illustrated as a simply connected manifold. The term manifold stands for the Methods of Geometrical Representation of Thermodynamic Properties of Substances by Means of Surfaces. Generally, every transformation of a substance changes its energy (or enthalpy) by heat transfer and work done on it. All such changes (transformations) are considered to be irreversible and can be described using appropriate manifolds. Studies show that every transformation is associated with the degradation of energy. Such relations (between heat, work and other forms of energy or enthalpy) can be described by the Pfaff formulas and their integrations.

This article discusses the issue of irreversible energy degradation in heat transfer between two fluids. Irreversible heat transfer between separated fluids most often occurs through surface heat exchangers. All such processes are determined by convective heat transfer in thermal boundary layers and conduction through the wall. Consequently, entropy changes of fluids in heat and mass transfer can be observed in these layers. While the entropy rate of the heating fluid is negative and that of the heated medium is positive, the sum of entropy changes of all substances involved in the heat transfer process is always positive. These sums, known as entropy increase (entropy generation), can be interpreted as the measure of irreversible degradation of energy in heat transfer processes. The consequence of this degradation is that an arbitrary engine powered by the degraded (lower-temperature) heat flux will operate at a lower efficiency. The significance of this discussion relates especially to cases in power plants and cooling systems where surface heat exchangers are used. In the discussion proposed is the entropy increase as a criterion of irreversible energy degradation in heat transfer. Such introduced measure of effectiveness leads to an analysis of local overall heat transfer coefficient optimization on the cone-shaped manifold.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zbigniew Drożyński


This article presents the current and future situation of heat consumption in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The predicted growth of thermal loads until 2030 is shown in the example of Karaganda city. Therefore, the task of creating and implementing automated heat points into the system of heat-supply complexes of cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan is relevant. The article considers the concept of measurement and processing of information in district heating supply systems based on variable cycles of the interrogation of parameters of heat supply at the heat points. As a result of the conducted research, a microcontroller SMART-system for the implementation of rational modes of heat supply used in the process of obtaining and processing information on heat-consumption parameters and making control decisions regarding variable cycles of heat-supply-parameter interrogation at heat points was developed and implemented. The results of the study have been successfully tested on the facilities equipped with automated heat points.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Indira Sagynganova
Alexey Kalinin
Karshiga Smagulova
Dmitriy Lissitsyn
Darmen Abulkhairov

  1. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan
  2. Karaganda Technical University, Kazakhstan
  3. S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Kazakhstan


The purpose of this article was to discuss the use of adsorption chillers for waste heat recovery. The introduction discusses the need to undertake broader measures for the effective management of waste heat in the industry and discusses the benefits and technical problems related to heat recovery in industrial plants. In addition, heat sources for adsorption chillers and their application examples were described. The principle of operation of adsorption chillers is explained in the next chapter. Heat sources for adsorption chillers are indicated and their application examples are described. The above considerations have allowed the benefits and technical obstacles related to the use of adsorption chillers to be highlighted. The currently used adsorbents and adsorbates are discussed later in the article. The main part of the paper discusses the use of adsorption chillers for waste heat management in the glassworks. The calculations assumed the natural gas demand of 20.1 million m3 per year and the electricity demand of 20,000 MWh/year. As a result of conducted calculations, a 231 kW adsorption chiller, ensuring the annual cold production of 2,021 MWh, was selected. The economic analysis of the proposed solution has shown that the investment in the adsorption chiller supplied with waste heat from the heat recovery system will bring significant economic benefits after 10 years from its implementation, even with total investment costs of PLN 1,900,000. However, it was noted that in order to obtain satisfactory economic results the production must meet the demand while the cost of building a heat recovery system shall not exceed PLN 1 million.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jan Kuchmacz
Artur Bieniek
Łukasz Mika


The relevance of this study is explained by the growing interest in increasing heat transfer by the development of high-performance thermal systems. Increasing the thermal characteristics of heat-exchanger systems is necessary for the efficient use of an energy source. The purpose of this study is to review the existing methods of heat-transfer intensification and examine the mathematical model of such an increase in efficiency when using petal turbulators. This study is based on a high-quality, reliable combination of proven theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, concretization, generalization, modelling), and empirical methods. It is the introduction of turbulators into the flow channel that is one of the best methods of increasing passive heat exchange through such advantages as ease of manufacture and operation in combination with low operating and production costs. This study contains both passive and active methods of heat-exchange intensification that have been extensively investigated over the past decade. For this purpose, the newest studies of mainly authors from other countries were used, their detailed analysis was conducted and the results were summed up. In addition, a mathematical model of increasing the thermal efficiency of convective heating surfaces in a bundle of smooth pipes using petal turbulators was investigated, the results of which were tested on an experimental installation. The paper may interest a circle of readers interested in the problem of improving the thermal characteristics of heat exchangers, including researchers, teachers and students of higher educational institutions in the field of heat-power engineering.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jiyenbeck Sugirov
Bibigul Atshybayeva
Marzhan Suimenova
Kulanda Shaikhiyeva
Gulbanu Yesbolay

  1. Department of Construction Engineering, Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov, Republic of Kazakhstan
  2. Department of Energy and Transport, Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov, Republic of Kazakhstan


The paper presents analytical relationships based on the theory of Green’s functions. The relationships refer to instantaneous and continuous as well as point and ring heat sources which are discussed. The relationship relating to continuous ring source is the basis for modelling and designing of spiral ground heat exchangers. Heat transfer in the infinite and semi-infinite body was considered. In the latter case, the image method was discussed. Using the results of measurements regarding heat transfer in the ground with a heat exchanger in the form of a single coil installed, a comparison of calculated ground temperatures with measured values was presented.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Barbara Larwa
Krzysztof Kupiec


Knowledge of the temperature distribution in subsurface layers of the ground is important in the design, modelling and exploitation of ground heat exchangers. In this work a mathematical model of heat transfer in the ground is presented. The model is based on the solution of the equation of transient heat transfer in a semi-infinite medium. In the boundary condition on the surface of the ground radiation fluxes (short- and long-wave), convective heat flux and evaporative heat flux are taken into account. Based on the developed model, calculations were carried out to determine the impact of climatic conditions and the physical properties of the ground on the parameters of the Carslaw-Jeager equation. Example results of calculated yearly courses of the daily average temperature of the surface of the ground and the amount of particular heat fluxes on the ground surface are presented. The compatibility of ground temperature measurements at different depths with the results obtained from the Carslaw–Jaeger equation is evaluated. It was found that the temperature distribution in the ground and its variability in time can be calculated with good accuracy.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Barbara Larwa
Krzysztof Kupiec


The heat transfer measurements were conducted during pool boiling of water on surfaces with microchannels. Parallel grooves were made on a copper surface with widths ranging from 0.2 mm to 0.5 mm at intervals of 0.1 mm. The inclination angle of the grooves to the horizontal was set at 30° and 60°, and the depth of the microchannel grooves was 0.3 mm. The achieved heat flux ranged from 25 kW/m>² to 1730 kW/m², and the heat transfer coefficients ranged from 12 kW/(m²K) to 475 kW/(m²K). The influence of geometric parameters such as width, inclination angle of the microchannel, surface ex-tension, and Bond number on heat exchange efficiency was examined. A nearly sixfold increase in α (heat transfer coeffi-cient) and a twofold increase in critical heat flux were observed compared to a smooth surface.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Robert Mikołaj Kaniowski

  1. Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland


A new expression is proposed to calculate the earth-energy of an earth-air-pipe heat exchanger during winter heating for three kinds of soil in France. An analytical model is obtained by using numerical computation developed in Scilab – a free open source software. The authors showed the comparison between their simple analytical model and experimental results. They showed the influence of different parameters to specify the size of the heat exchanger.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Vincent M.F. Molcrette
Vincent A.R. Autier

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