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This interview with Paul Roth was conducted after a symposium dedicated to his latest book The Philosophical Structure of Historical Explanation, which took place at the European Network for Philosophy of Social Sciences conference on August 30, 2019. This interview is authorised. Translation from English and all footnotes – Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi.

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Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi
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The article examines diverse relations between Cynthia Ozick’s The Shawl and the final distich of Paul Celan’s “Deathfugue,” which the American writer chose as an epigraph to her Holocaust prose. An intertextual analysis of both texts (which relate to each other in a midrash-like manner) demonstrates the existence of numerous parallels in the language and imagery used by both authors, as well as their identifiable references to the motif of “Death and the Maiden,” which can be found in German paintings (Grien, Deutsch) and music (Bach, Schubert, Wagner).
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Jacek Partyka
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Czy Pius XII jest winny lub współwinny zagłady Żydów w czasie II wojny światowej? Odpowiedź Żydów – świadków, którzy przeżyli Shoah, jest jednomyślna: nikomu tyle nie zawdzięczają, ile temu papieżowi. Sztuka teatralna Namiestnik z 1963 roku radykalnie zmieniła tę opinię na niekorzyść papieża: został uznany za (głównego) winowajcą zagłady. Ekspozycja przygotowana w Muzeum Męczeństwa Yad Vashem w Jerozolimie w 2005 roku sformułowała winę papieża Piusa XII w siedmiu oskarżeniach-zarzutach: (1) zawarł konkordat z Hitlerem; (2) nie ogłosił antyrasistowskiej encykliki przygotowanej przez Piusa XI; (3) nie reagował protestem na relacje o postępującej zagładzie; (4) uchylił się od podpisania deklaracji aliantów w 1942 roku potępiającej eksterminację; (5) nie ochronił Żydów rzymskich; (6) zachowywał neutralność; (7) milczał wobec ludobójstwa. Autor usiłuje wykazać niesłuszność tych zarzutów.
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Ks. Kazimierz Dola
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The article poses the question of how the Polish philosophy of the postwar period responded to the evil of the 20th century totalitarianism, as exemplified by atrocities committed in Kolyma and Auschwitz. The problem is analyzed by focusing on three concepts of evil developed by Polish philosophers after World War II: the realistic view (Mieczysław Krąpiec), the phenomenological‑dialogical interpretation (Józef Tischner) and the view proposed by Leszek Kołakowski. Then, the question of evil in general, and of evil at the present time, is connected to the question of the relationship between evil and conscience.
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Jan Krasicki

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Koszarowa 3/20, 51‑149 Wrocław
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In the article, I discuss Mieke Bal's concept of a preposterous interpretation of works of art, which reverses the way that the history of art perceives the reciprocal influence of images. According to Bal, an inalienable intertextual aspect of an artwork's interpretation is that earlier images can influence those that come later and, in a seemingly ahistorical order, those that come later can influence earlier images, changing their meaning. Bal sees this, standard in art history, rejection of the influence as one‑way, as an opportunity for a more historically responsible interpretation. It also gives the researcher of the past a chance to gain self‑awareness of their position in the present and factors influencing the way of seeing the past. I use Bal's preposter-ous reading to analyse three cards from official propaganda albums commissioned by the Łódź Judenrat and made by Jewish artists working in the ghetto. I show how analysis that is aware of preposterousness allows a researcher to see the influence of post‑war Holocaust representations on the interpretation of documents from the Shoah and how it enables researchers to understand the albums from the Łódź Ghetto as a prefiguration of the fate of the victims.
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Paweł Michna

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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The major part of the paper is describing practice of using oral history method in the “Grodzka Gate – NN Theater” Center in Lublin. This cultural center started collecting testimonies in 1995 and formally created the Oral History Program in 1998. Educational and artistic exemplars include most of activities there: using oral history as a background in exhibitions, artistic celebrations and long-term programs, commemorations (about Righteous Among the Nations, Holocaust Survivors etc.).
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Andrzej Zinczuk
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The Holocaust constitutes one of the most powerful symbols in the history of humankind. Its memory, and in particular its irrefutable relationship with anti-Semitism, should trigger strict scrutiny every time anti-Semitic attitudes re-emerge, even if disguised as seemingly harmless words or actions. This applies also to legal measures, neutral on their face but which, in their consequences, may have an adverse effect on Jews, and thus raise the suspicion of anti-Semitic implications. Such implications are visible in the recent phenomena that serve as the two case studies for the present article: boycotts of Israel and bans on ritual slaughter (Shechita). While in the case of anti- Israeli boycotts, the core arguments relate to international anti-discrimination law and policies, in relations to the Shechita bans claims about violation of the religious freedom of observant Jews prevail. At the same time, in both cases strong references to the Holocaust and the memory of its victims are being invoked, allowing one to raise objections as to the status of the relevant legal developments. Here again history and memory enter into the public and legal discussions, legislative processes, and courtrooms.
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Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias

  1. Assistant professor, Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw)
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The article is devoted to the late Zygmunt Bauman (d. January 2017), a scholar who made an enormous impact on world humanities at the turn of the twentieth century. It briefly presents Bauman’s life and a number of the best known concepts from his works. The author first discusses Bauman’s attitude toward Marxist theory and explains his revision of it. He then introduces the main ideas of Bauman work Modernity and the Holocaust. The article ends with a review of Bauman’s reflections on globalisation and a discussion of his thesis concerning the crisis of the nation state.

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Jacek Raciborski
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This article provides an overview of “memory laws” in Europe, reflecting upon what may be called the “asymmetry” of such laws. It then looks at the special case of Poland and its troubled experience with memory laws; it considers the question of whether, in the eyes of the law – genocide, and in particular the Holocaust – is so “special” that its public denials warrant legal intervention. It also looks at the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and its (not necessarily coherent) “doctrine” on memory laws and their consistency, or otherwise, with the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (and in particular with freedom of expression as laid down in Art. 10). The article concludes by asserting that even if we take the law as an indicator of European public memory, there is no consensus on the past, except perhaps for the special case of the Holocaust. The main challenge lies in determining whether memory laws, defined by some as social engineering and the imposition of “imperative” versions of memory, are consistent with the principles inherent in open, democratic and free societies in Europe. This challenge remains unmet.
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Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias
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Ruth Klüger, a writer of Jewish origin born in Austria in 1931, initiates discourse on ethical issues in the modern humanities by suggesting that women displayed greater morality in the context of the drama of the Shoah. This discourse requires emphasis, but also critical analysis. Referring to the philosophical and psychological as well as to the historical context, that is specifically to the events of World War II, I attempt to reflect on the women’s ethics of care and answer the question whether the indicated differences undermine the existence of a human morality shared by both sexes, that is whether morality depends on sex. The purpose of the interdisciplinary interpretations in the present analysis is to recognize the challenges and problems related to the condition of human dignity raised by Klüger in her argumentation.

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Aleksandra Bak-Zawalski
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This article deals with the problem of representation of the nuclear holocaust in literary theory (in the context of deconstruction theory) and in some literary works (usually dubbed Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic fiction), i.e. John Hersey's Hiroshima, Hara Tamiki's Summer Flowers, Ibuse Masuji's The Crazy Iris, and Stanisław Lem's novel His Master's Voice and his short story Man from Hiroshima. The problem of representing a calamitous event is discussed here in connection with recent debates on the nature and status of testimony (especially Dori Laub's witness and testimony studies).
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Rafał Jakub Skowroński

  1. Instytut Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk
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2018 amendment of the act on the Polish Institute of National Remembrance that was passed by the Polish Sejm in January 2018 raised a vibrant public debate about Polish-Jewish relations. In this article, we try to trace the dynamics of this debate and assess its consequences for contemporary Polish-Jewish relations and present-day representations of the relations between Poles and Jews during the German occupation in 1939–1945. To this end, we present the analysis of social media content, data from search engines, as well as the results of two nationwide polls conducted at the beginning of 2018. These studies indicate that the debate on amendment of the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance has increased the expression of antisemitic prejudice in the media and on the internet, increased the presence of defective codes of memory, and at the same time polarized the Polish debate about the behavior of Poles during the Holocaust. The results of these analyzes are discussed in the context of earlier debates on the Polish-Jewish relations during Nazi occupation, referring to the category of “secondary antisemitism” that receives growing support in current social sciences.

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Michał Bilewicz
Dominika Bulska
Maria Babińska
Agnieszka Haska
Mikołaj Winiewski
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The motto of Zofia Nałkowska’s short-story collection Medaliony [Medalions] – “People doomed people to this fate” [Polish, “Ludzie ludziom zgotowali ten los”] – as obvious as it may apparently seem, has aroused various controversies. Henryk Grynberg believed that the only right formula, the one that would do justice to those persecuted, would have been “People doomed Jews to this fate”. Recently, the discussion was resumed in a book on the portrayal of the Holocaust in Medaliony – Zagłada w „Medalionach” Zofii Nałkowskiej, edited by Tomasz Żukowski: one of its essays (by Żukowski and Aránzazu Calderón Puerta) notices that endeavours to universalise the Holocaust is at least premature for the Poles tending to avoid facing the truth about their own contribution to annihilation of the Jews. While the threads addressed in these debates are important, they disregard the beliefs and the system of values Nałkowska adhered to. The Polish novelist adopted the view that man and the pleasure he takes in inflicting pain is the actual cause of evil. This inclination revealed itself not only during the war. This more general observation was rooted in her knowledge of life, relations between people, and daily cruelty. Supported by an ideology and furnished with technical resources, the war added a historical dimension to this bent. Moreover, Nałkowska was definitely not one among those who stayed silent in respect of the Jewish victims. Conversely, a few of the stories in Medaliony speak exactly about this problem, never trying to conceal anti-Semitic attitudes among Poles.

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Grażyna Borkowska
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This article is built on the premise that the topos has become a potent unit of cultural memory, an image that stores a wealth of often vague, buried or forgotten ideas. Its contents, like those of literature, tend to become extraordinarily condensed and confl ated; in consequence, some topoi (in particular the Holocaust topos) defy conventional tools of understanding and analysis. A solution to this problem can be found in an approach which broadens the scope of the sources of the Holocaust to include pop culture; gives up the rigid classifi cation of topoi, based on ‘hard’, documentary evidence; and, draws on a conceptual frame that connects the topos with the mechanisms of remembrance. A practical application of this approach is offered here in a series of readings of selected passages from Marcin Pilis’s novel The Meadow of the Dead (Łąka umarłych), Zygmunt Miłoszewski’s crime story A Grain of Truth (Ziarno prawdy), Marcin Wolski’s alternate history novel Wallenrod, Justyna Wydra’s war romance The SS-man and a Jewess (Esesman i Żydówka), Krzysztof Zajas’s thriller Oszpicyn [local Yiddish: Auschwitz] as well as some poems by Jacek Podsiadło from his volume The Breguet Overcoil (Włos Bregueta).

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Marta Tomczok
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In post-humanist studies of identity, otherness and exclusion – conducted within the de-anthropocentrism of the humanities – questions arise about the condition of non-human subjects (animals, plants, things) that gain the cultural and social status of Others. As non-human entities, they have a socializing value, cement interpersonal relations, attract people to certain places. They have performative, integrative and co-creating abilities. The posthumanistic “turn towards things” opens the room for the construction of their social (auto) biographies, a development which already has been taking place in contemporary children’s literature. The problem of the creation of (auto)biographies of non-human subjects is presented in this article on the example of the picture book Otto: The Autobiography of a Teddy Bear by Tomi Ungerer. The artist gives the non-anthropomorphized plush toy the status of a non-human subject and an active actor of social life as a medium of unoffi cial memory of the Holocaust. Ungerer consciously and innovatively uses the key determinants of the posthuman discourse, including intimate childhood experiences.

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Katarzyna Slany

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