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The article aims to discuss the presence of dialect words in the Italian language as well as to evaluate the knowledge of these words by students in the last year of Italian Studies at University of Silesia. Popular dialecticisms in the Italian language will be described, and how they differ from regionalisms and geosynonyms will be explained. The main purpose is to answer the question of what the students’ knowledge of dialecticisms is and if there is a need to find space in the training process offered by the University to introduce assignments aimed at studying the formation and provenance of the Italian vocabulary.
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Dominika Dykta
Lucyna Marcol-Cacoń

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski
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The subject of the article is the Italian influence on Croatian phonotactics. Selected issues concerning the distribution of consonants from the Čakavian dialect and na našu – the dialect of Croatian villages in Italy – are discussed in the article.
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Irena Sawicka

  1. The Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, Poland
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The methodologies for learning a foreign language, including Italian, are strategies. In recent years, active learning, which places the learner at the center of the process, has become very important. The main objective of this article is to provide an overview of teaching methodologies, with a focus on the Bulgarian situation. In the research, teaching methodologies such as interdisciplinarity, role-play, circle time, cooperative learning, flipped classroom, and peer education will be analyzed.
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Radeya Gesheva

  1. Università di Sofia “San Clemente D’ocrida”
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“Questa è parte, che ua incatenando, et ordinando il parlamento”. Conjunctions in Italian grammatography – The present essay examines how conjunctions are discussed in Italian grammatography from the 15th to the 20th Century.

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Ilde Consales
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The aim of the paper is to analyse the Italian medical terminology, in particular will be taken into consideration the link between names of different illnesses and rhetoric procedures that might have influenced their lexical form. The examples of medical nomenclature will enable to illustrate the attitude towards the concept of illness and to show the complexity of phenomena perception and the impossibility to understand them completely. For this reason literary tropes, especially metonymy, enable to create terminology, although it will be never enough sufficient to guarantee the highest precision of these concepts.

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Katarzyna Maniowska
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The acquisition of the definite article by LS/L2 Italian learners represents a very delicate issue, on the one hand, in relation to the mother tongue and other known languages and, on the other, to the range of uses of this part of the discussion (among others, cf. Chini 1995a; Pallotti 1998). The research is exploratory, and the results allow us to examine a sector of applied linguistics and language teaching that is still little investigated (Krámský 2016).
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Paolo Nitti

  1. Università degli Studi dell’Insubria
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In this article, we attempt to examine how the issue of double‑auxiliary verbs, that is, verbs that can be conjugated – in compound tenses – with both avere and essere as auxiliaries, are presented in Italian grammar books for foreign language learners. We will focus in particular on 1) verbs that can be both transitive and intransitive (e.g., ho cominciato un nuovo lavoro vs le vacanze sono cominciate); 2) verbs expressing atmospheric phenomenon ( ha/è nevicato); 3) verbs of movement (e.g., sono volato a Roma vs ho volato diverse volte); 4) verbs that use two auxiliaries indifferently (e.g., ha/è assomigliato); and 5) verbs that change meaning depending on the auxiliary verb used in the compound tense (e.g., ho calzato gli sci vs è calzato a pennello). Our analysis is carried out on 19 grammar textbooks for Italian language referring to the CEFR, highlighting some weaknesses regarding the presentation of the rules for double‑auxiliary verbs, such as the total omission of this issue, a certain selectivity and/or disorder, as well as terminological inconsistencies. In our conclusions, we propose some solutions that may help to systematize the rules regarding double‑auxiliary verbs in Italian.
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1. BONFATTI SABBIONI, M. T. (2013): “Un approccio linguistico all’insegnamento dell’Italiano come lingua seconda”, Italica, 90/1, 95–116.
2. BOZZO, D. (2018): “Essere o avere? La selezione dell’ausiliare tra teoria e didattica nell’insegnamento dell’italiano a stranieri”, Italica Wratislaviensia, 9/2, 55–80. DOI: http://
3. FERRARI, A./ ZAMPESE, L. (2016): Grammatica: parole, frasi, testi dell’italiano, Carocci, Roma.
4. IVANOVSKA-NASKOVA, R. (2018): “L’insegnamento della grammatica dell’italiano LS attraverso corpora”, Italica Wratislaviensia, 9/1, 71–87. DOI:
5. KARCZEWSKA, M. (2015): “Auxiliary verbs in compound tenses in Italian and German: A comparative study”, Studia Linguistica, 34, 61–74.
6. KILGARRIFF, A./ BAISA, V. et al. (2014): “The Sketch Engine: ten years on”, Lexicography, 1, 7–36.
7. PAOLI, M. (2016): “Entrare, uscire, salire e scendere: transitivi a furor di popolo?”, disponibile on line: furor-di-popolo/1047.
8. ROCCHETTI A. (1987), “’Sono’ ou ‘Ho vissuto’? L’emploi des auxiliaires avec les verbes intransitifs”, Chroniques italiennes, 11/12 (3/4), 161–171.
9. SALVI, G. (2001): “La frase semplice”, in: RENZO, L./ SALVI, G./ CARDINALETTI, A. (a cura di): Grande grammatica italiana di consultazione. Vol. I. La Frase. I sintagmi nominale e preposizionale, il Mulino, Bologna, 37–127.
10. SALVI, G./ VANELLI, L. (2004): Nuova grammatica italiana, il Mulino, Bologna.
11. SANTI, M. (2006): “Inaccusatività (intransitività scissa)”, Quaderni del Laboratorio di Linguistica, 6, 1–15.
12. SATTA, L. S. (1981), La prima scienza. Grammatica italiana per il biennio delle scuole medie superiori, Messina‑Firenze, D’Anna.
13. SENSINI, M. (1997): La grammatica della lingua italiana, Mondadori, Milano.
14. TRIFONE, P./ PALERMO, M. (2007): Grammatica italiana di base, Bologna, Zanichelli.
15. ZAMBORLIN, C. (2005): “Essere o avere? Oltre le regole tradizionali per comprendere la selezione dell’ausiliare nel passato prossimo. Applicazione glottodidattica delle nozioni di ruolo semantico e di verbo inaccusativo”, in: Insegnare Italiano in Giappone, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Tokyo, 39–72.

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Anna Grochowska-Reiter
Daniel Słapek

  1. Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
  2. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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The UK’s decision to leave the EU illustrates some of the tensions embedded in European integration, enabling us to examine how nationalism and cosmopolitanism operate simultaneously, thus reinforcing each other. Furthermore, the prolonged Brexit negotiations have created a climate of protracted insecurity where the only certainty is uncertainty. This is particularly reflected in the migratory experiences of European citizens currently residing in the UK. Academic research has begun exploring the affective impact of Brexit; however, little is known about how processes of connection and disconnection operate simultaneously, nor which coping strategies European migrants have employed to navigate this state of in-betweenness. Using the anthropological notion of liminality as a lens, we draw on participant observation and semi-structured interviews to explore the experiences of Brexit and the coping practices of a range of (new) Bulgarian and (old) Italian European migrants. We argue that Brexit results in a loss of frames of reference for European migrants in the UK – which can be both liberating and unsettling, depending on migrants’ positioning as unequal EU subjects as well as their views on the nature of their future re-incorporation in post-Brexit Britain.

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Elena Genova
Elisabetta Zontini
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Mikhail Zoshchenko is one of the most famous Russian humourists and writers of the first half of 20th century. His texts, and in particular the short stories written in 1920s–1930s, are true masterpieces and had an extraordinary success in Russia, echoed in an immediate reception abroad. The aim of this contribution is to analyse some samples from the ten Italian translations of one of his most iconic short stories, Aristokratka (1924). Particular attention will be given to the way the translators dealt with the different aspects of the language used by Zoshchenko, a perfect specimen of a modern realisation of the skaz.
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Noemi Albanese

  1. Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
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Notes about a handbook of Italian grammar by a Croatian philologist Dragutin Antun Parčić – A handbook of Italian grammar, written in Croatian by Croatian philologist Parčić, confirms that in the past educated Croatian-speaking people were bilingual and at the same time it proves that lower classes aimed to study Italian as well. The paper analyses the functionality and appropriateness of topics presented in the Parčić manuscript because it is obvious that the author was keen to help his Croatian-speaking students in the acquisition of Italian.

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Vesna Deželjin
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Bonaventura Tondi’s “La femina origine di ogni male”: a late XVII century misogynous treatise – This article analyses the treatise La femina origine di ogni male. Overo Frine rimproverata, written by Bonaventura Tondi in 1687. The first part of the article presents the architecture of the treatise and the author’s argumentation. The second part focuses on its distinctive features in the context of treatises about women in XVII-century Italy.

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Fabio Boni
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The concept of 'diversity' is embedded in the learning and teaching of Italian as a second language, and increasingly emerges in everyday school life. By presenting an educational pathway designed and implemented within a multi-class context, the contribution seeks to highlight how the appreciation of linguistic heterogeneity, in a multi-ethnic group with varying abilities, can be transformed from a problem into a resource.
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Gloria Zitelli

  1. Università degli Studi di Macerata
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Humor has ancient roots and it has been the object of study of various disciplines from sociology, to literature, to linguistics. It has been highlighted how it can have an inclusive or exclusive value based on how it is used. Ethnic comedy has been employed by migrant subsequent generations to express a sense of belonging. Exploiting humour, behaviors and attitudes typical of first-generation emigrants who have been the object of denigration by mainstream society for a long time, have been turned by young generations into distinctive characteristics of the group and elements of belonging. This article aims to verify how language in ethnic comedy is used by young people of Italian descent in Australia and Canada as an expression of identity. Therefore, shows by Australian comedian Joe Avati and some episodes of the web series Nonna Maria Canada will be analyzed.
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Angela Princiotto

  1. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
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The aim of this study is to list errors in the use of prepositions in Italian, which are made by first‑year students at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw. We have analysed the written final examination papers of students who started learning Italian without prior knowledge of the language. The identified errors have been classified and for each group of errors we have indicated the potential cause of their occurrence. The conclusions of our research can raise language awareness as to the correct usage of the Italian prepositions.
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1. ALBANESE, O./ FIORILLI, C./ GNISCI, A. (2007): La correzione degli errori da parte degli insegnanti: tra concezioni dell’intelligenza e pratiche del discorso, Ricerche di Psicologia, 30(2), 29–57.
2. BALBONI P. E. (2012): Le sfide di Babele: Insegnare le lingue nelle società complesse. Torino, UTET.
3. BALBONI, P. E. (2013): Il ruolo delle emozioni di studente e insegnante nel processo di apprendimento e insegnamento linguistico, EL.LE, 2(1), 7–30.
4. BOZZONE COSTA R. (2002): “Rassegna degli errori lessicali in testi scritti da apprendenti elementari, intermedi ed avanzati di italiano L2 (ed implicazioni didattiche)”, Linguistica e Filologia, 14, 37–67.
5. DĄBROWSKA, A./ PASIEKA, M. (2015): “Błąd językowy – co to takiego? Rozważania o błędzie językowym w glottodydaktyce polonistycznej”, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 22, 21–47.
6. DOTA, M. (2013): “L’errore e il feedback correttivo: contributi teorici e studio di un caso”, Italiano LinguaDue, 5(1), 29–96.
7. ERDOĞAN, V. (2005): “Contribution of error analysis to foreign language teaching”, Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 1(2), 261–270.
8. HENDRICKSON, J. M. (1978): “Error correction in foreign language teaching: Recent theory, research, and practice”, Modern Language Journal, 387–398.
9. KALETA, R. 2018. Błędologia w glottodydaktyce białorutenistycznej, Katedra Białorutenistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
10. KALISKA, M. (2018): Model uczenia języków obcych w szkole wyższej na przykładzie języka włoskiego: Założenia teoretyczne, metodologia nauczania i zintegrowany rozwój kompetencji, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Komunikacji Specjalistycznej i Interkulturowej, Uniwersytet Warszawski.
11. KRASHEN, S. D./ TERRELL, T. D. (1983): The natural approach: Language acquisition in the classroom, Oxford, Pergamon Press.
12. KWAPISZ‑OSADNIK, K. (2017): “Przyimki jako znaczniki różnych konceptualizacji: analiza zagadnienia na przykładzie języka włoskiego”, Acta Neophilologica, 1(XIX), 135–145.
13. LENNON, P. (1991): “Error: Some problems of definition, identification, and distinction”, Applied Linguistics, 12(2), 180–196.
14. MALINOWSKA, M. (2017): “La preposizione da e alcuni suoi corrispettivi polacchi – uno studio cognitivo”, Romanica Cracoviensia, 17(1), 33–43.
15. MALINOWSKA, M. (2020): “La preposizione su e alcuni suoi corrispettivi polacchi – uno studio cognitivo”, Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny, LXVII, 1, 40–52.
16. PAWLAK, M. (2014): Error Correction in the Foreign Language Classroom. Reconsidering the Issues, Berlin, Springer‑Verlag.
17. RICHARDS, J. C. (2015): Error analysis: Perspectives on second language acquisition, New York, Routledge.
18. SELINKER, L. (1972): “Interlanguage”, International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 10(1–4), 209–232.

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Bożena Gandor

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa
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The contribution analyses some issues associated with the presence of English elements such as loan words in the Italian language school final exam in Bulgaria. It specifically concentrates on B2 level texts for listening comprehension and writing from the past three years. Drawing from the examination committee’s insights, the article presents a theoretical discussion regarding anglicisms and a quantitative analysis of a specific didactic and examination context.
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Diana Vargolomova

  1. Università di Sofia “San Clemente D’ocrida”
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The objective of this paper is twofold. First, it aims at problematizing the inhomogeneity of linguistic features belonging to the so-called neostandard Italian, often presented as a monolithic inventory of linguistic forms and phenomena. Second, it intends to set such a linguistic variety in the context of Italian language pedagogy, still strongly anchored to the normative grammar and to the canons of standard Italian. Specifically, some rapidly consolidating neo-standard traits will be examined under the following aspects: structural and semantic complexity, functional and communicative value and extension in today’s usage.
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Agnieszka Latos

  1. Uniwersytet SWPS, Warszawa
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The issue of linguistic interference will be analysed from the point of view of medical translations in the Italian-Polish linguistic pair. Since linguistic interference can manifest itself at almost all levels of the text (phonetic, orthographic, morphological, syntactic, socio-cultural), with the analysis of the fragments taken from translated medical documents we would like to understand which are the most frequent cases of the phenomenon when it comes to translated medical texts and which factors favour the interference most.
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Katarzyna Maniowska

  1. Università Marie Curie-Skłodowska
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The aim of this article is to illustrate the most frequent conceptualisations of depression in the contemporary Italian media discourse. The analyses presented in the paper are mainly based on the cognitive theory of metaphor by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson and form a part of a wider research topic regarding the differences in conceptualisation of depression depending on such factors as the language, the type of the discourse and the personal experience of the author concerning the state of depression. The study revealed that depression is represented the most frequently in the analysed corpus through the frame of disease, and by the metaphors DEPRESSION IS AN ENEMY and DEPRESSION IS A LOCATION, often situated down and taking the form of a container. Less numerous and regular were other kinds of its personifications and representations of depression as an object or danger.

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Anna Kuncy-Zając
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In years 1998-2000 the pot experiment was carried out. The aim of this investigation was to determine the influence of brown coal, waste activated sludge, their mixtures and farmyard manure on the content of Cr and Ni in soil material and in the dry mass of Lolium multiflorum Krato variety. The pots were filled with loamy sand as soil material, brown coal which had low energetic value from Sieniawa and Konin mines. waste activated sludges were taken from mechanical-biological sewage purification plants located at Siedlce, Luków and Drosed (poultry processing plant) and mixed farmyard manure. In each year of experiment four cuts were harvested. The total content of Cr and Ni in soil materials and in dry mass of grass after dry combustion of samples was determinate by !CP-AES method on spectrometer Optima 3200 RL manufactured by Perkins-Elmer. The highest content of Cr and Ni was determinate in soil materials from objects fertilized with waste activated sludge from Siedlce. The average content of Cr in dry mass of grass reached 5.15 mg/kg and Ni 3.05 mg/kg.
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Stanisław Kalembasa
Barbara Symanowicz
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From multi-dialogue to monologue in spoken Italian: the pragmatic/prosodic basis of multi-dialogue and its transformation in narrative and descriptive monologues – The paper summarizes the Language into Act Theory (L-AcT), according to which spoken texts are analysed and aligned per utterance to the acoustic source. Three stretches of spoken Italian taken from the LABLITA Corpus (multi-dialogue, dialogue, monologue) are described according to L-AcT as regards turn-taking, information structure, and illocution. The above texts are then compared to a short literary excerpt showing the different syntactic architecture of the two language varieties.

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Emanuela Cresti
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The health emergency, caused by viruses SARS-CoV-2, has been a major challenge for the teaching of foreign languages and Italian. This essay investigates the main criticalities of distance learning by a representative sample of teachers, in the first phase of the health emergency.
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Paolo Nitti
Micaela Grosso

  1. Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
  2. Università degli Studi eCampus
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The aim of this study is to examine the results of the Italian-language Mathematics state examination for students in Italian-Hungarian bilingual education. The article describes the development of bilingual education after the change of the regime, discusses the specific research on the subjects taught, presents the characteristics of the graduation examination in foreign languages, and draws conclusions by highlighting the statistics of graduation in Mathematics.
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Beáta Papp

  1. Università Degli Studi Di Pécs
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One of the most notorious difficulties of translating poetry is the temporal, spatial and above all cultural distance between the source and the target language, with respect to the purpose and recipient of the translation. This is especially true for languages that the average Western European reader is unfamiliar with. The eternal question is whether our aim is to preserve the artistic style of the original text or to adapt the translation to the new audience. Another important problem arises when dealing with a text, such as the collection of poems written by Kostà Xetægkaty and first published in 1899 ( Iron fændyr), which marks the beginning of the Ossetic literary tradition. This work is based primarily on local folklore and oral tradition within the dominant Russian cultural and linguistic spaces. The paper presents the figure of the poet and discusses some issues and perspectives regarding the translation of his masterpiece into Italian according to the phonological, lexical, and metrical levels.
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Alessio Giordano
Vittorio Springfield Tomelleri
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The present paper is a case study of the U.S. Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) series: “The Italian Americans” (2015). It is argued that the series’ authors have aimed to deconstruct the anti-Italian stereotype, widespread in the United States. In exchange, they have proposed a new, positive image of the Italian community in America promoting the accomplishments of its prominent members. The entire PBS project, “The American Experience”, reflects an evolution of U.S. identity patterns from the homogeneous “melting pot” toward the diverse “salad bowl”, and hence – from monologue to polylogue.

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Piotr Podemski

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