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In the paper, we investigate queueing system M/G/∞ with non–homogeneous customers. As non–homogenity, we mean that each customer is characterized by some arbitrarily distributed random volume. The arriving customers appear according to a stationary Poisson process. Service time of a customer is proportional to his volume. The system is unreliable what means that all its servers can break simultaneously and then the repair period goes on for random time having an arbitrary distribution. During this period, customers present in the system and arriving to it are not served. Their service continues immediately after repair period termination. Time intervals of the system in good repair mode have an exponential distribution. For such system, we determine steady–state sojourn time and total volume of customers present in it distributions. We also estimate the loss probability for the similar system with limited total volume. An analysis of some special cases and some numerical examples are attached as well.

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Authors and Affiliations

O. Tikhonenko
Marcin Ziółkowski
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In the present paper, we investigate the model of a single-server queueing system with unlimited queue (of MX/G/1/∞-type), random volume customers, unlimited memory buffer and multiple vacations. In analyzed system, arriving customers (that form Poisson entrance flow of groups of customers) transport some information measured in bytes so they are assumed to be additionally characterized by some non-negative random volume. Customer service time generally depends on his volume. Information delivered by a customer is written out into dedicated unlimited memory buffer until customer ends his service. In addition, in considered system the mechanism of multiple vacations is implemented which means that server can have some breaks (rests) for a random period of time but breaks begin only in the moments when there is no customer present in the system. The above-mentioned mechanism has obvious influence on customer waiting time and, in consequence, on customers total volume. For the introduced model, we obtain general formula for the steady-state customers total volume distribution in the terms of Laplace–Stieltjes transforms as well as formulae defining its first two moments. Analysis of some interesting, practical special cases of the model and numerical computations are attached as well together with examples of possible applications of the model regarding real telecommunication or computer systems.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oleg Tikhonenko
Marcin Ziółkowski

  1. Faculty of Designing. University of Social Science and Humanities – USWPS, Warsaw, Poland
  2. Institute of Information Technology. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Poland
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In the present paper, we analyze the model of a single–server queueing system with limited number of waiting positions, random volume customers and unlimited sectorized memory buffer. In such a system, the arriving customer is additionally characterized by a non– negative random volume vector whose indications usually represent the portions of unchanged information of a different type that are located in sectors of unlimited memory space dedicated for them during customer presence in the system. When the server ends the service of a customer, information immediately leaves the buffer, releasing resources of the proper sectors. We assume that in the investigated model, the service time of a customer is dependent on his volume vector characteristics. For such defined model, we obtain a general formula for steady–state joint distribution function of the total volume vector in terms of Laplace-Stieltjes transforms. We also present practical results for some special cases of the model together with formulae for steady–state initial moments of the analyzed random vector, in cases where the memory buffer is composed of at most two sectors. Some numerical computations illustrating obtained theoretical results are attached as well.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Ziółkowski
Oleg Tikhonenko

  1. Institute of Information Technology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Poland
  2. Institute of Computer Science, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland
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In the present paper, the most important aspects of computer algebra systems applications in complicated calculations for classical queueing theory models and their novel modifications are discussed. We mainly present huge computational possibilities of Mathematica environment and effective methods of obtaining symbolic results connected with the most important performance characteristics of queueing systems. First of all, we investigate effective solutions to computational problems appearing in queueing theory such as: finding final probabilities for Markov chains with a huge number of states, calculating derivatives of complicated rational functions of one or many variables with the use of classical and generalized L’Hospital’s rules, obtaining exact formulae of Stieltjes convolutions, calculating chosen integral transforms used often in the above-mentioned theory and possible applications of generalized density function of random variables and vectors in these computations. Some exemplary calculations for practical models belonging both to classical models and their generalizations are attached as well.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Ziółkowski

  1. Institute of Information Technology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Poland

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