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The interglacial deposits at Zbójno near Radoszyce (central Poland) was drilled again and reinvestigated by means of pollen analysis. The pollen succession, partly recorded in subaerial sediments with many stratigraphic gaps, treated hitherto as the stratotype of Zbójnian interglacial, does not seem to differ from the Eemian sequence, and may actually be of the Eemian age. This strongly suggests that the term "Zbójno" should be removed from the Polish Pleistocene stratigraphy.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Bińka


The assemblage of lacustrine ostracods found in the Eemian Interglacial sediments at Kruklanki (Masurian Lake District, northeastern Poland) contains 18 species belonging to 13 genera. The most dominant species are Candona neglecta Sars, 1887, Limnocytherina sanctipatricii (Brady et Robertson, 1869), Limnocythere inopinala (Baird, 1843) and Candona candida (O.F. Muller, 1776). Cyclocypris serena (Koch, 1838), llyocypris decipiens Masi, 1905, Pseudocandona insculpta (G.W. Muller, 1900) and Leucocythere mirabilis Kaufmann, 1892 are recorded for the first time from the Eemian of Poland; the latter two species are also new for the Eemian lacustrine deposits of Europe. The ecological requirements of the recognised ostracod species as well as their geographic ranges in the Quaternary of Europe are summarised. Based on these data, past habitat type is estimated as a deeper littoral of a lake with reasonably cold, well-oxygenated and calcium-rich waters. The present state of knowledge of the Eemian ostracods from Poland is reviewed and their comparison with the Eemian ostracod assemblages from Europe is briefly given. Comparison of the ostracod fauna! assemblage from Kruklanki with those from other Eemian sites in Poland enables to establish and describe one general type of ostracod assemblages characteristic for lacustrine littoral in this interglacial.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tadeusz Namiotko
Janina Szczechura
Lucyna Namiotko


A critical verification of the previous stratigraphic Quaternary subdivisions has updated the setting of the stratigraphic units in Poland. Inconsequently applied classification and terminology in the Polish Quaternary stratigraphy has been accompanied by arbitrary correlation with marine isotope stages. This has resulted in the creation of several stratigraphic units, occasionally with ambiguous stratigraphic setting and chronology, and usually devoid of the type sections. A record of most of the Early and Middle Pleistocene is full of sedimentary hiatuses. The detailed stratigraphic setting of 5 glaciations (Nidanian, Sanian 1, Sanian 2, Odranian and Vistulian) and 4 interglacials (Podlasian, Ferdynandovian, Mazovian and Eemian) has been established in the Pleistocene of Poland. The palaeomagnetic Brunhes/Matuyama boundary was determined within the Podlasian Interglacial and therefore, the oldest glaciation (Nidanian) has no equivalent anywhere in Europe. The stratigraphic units distinguished are correlated with those in Western Europe and with the marine isotope stages. The Quaternary stratigraphy in Poland is faced with the necessity of how to define regional stratotypes of the main stratigraphic units and boundaries. A crucial issue is to change the approach from a qualitative description of the stratigraphic units to one based also on selected quantitative criteria.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Leszek Marks

  1. Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975, Warszawa, Poland


Pollen analysis was performed on 14 profiles of fossil biogenic sediments from different parts of the vast depression near the Wola Starogrodzka village (Central Poland). The results allowed the determination of the time of their accumulation for the period from the end of the Odra Glaciation (Warta Stage, Saalian, MIS-6), through the Eemian Interglacial (MIS-5e), to the first interstadial of the Early Vistulian (Brørup, MIS-5c). In many studied profiles, we noted the incompleteness in the pollen record of the Eemian vegetation succession – hiatuses occur usually in the hornbeam (E5) and/or spruce phase (E6). Moreover, the thickness of the same pollen zone and the development of its palynological record are strongly differentiated between individual profiles, e.g. the hornbeam zone (E5) is contained in an exceptionally thick sediment layer (3.7 m) in the PWS1-19 profile, and the oak zone (E3) in the WH-123 and PWS2-19 profiles (1.0 and 1.2 m, respectively), while in other profiles they are represented only by single pollen spectra. If we only had a single profile with a hiatus and/or a poorly developed pollen record, it would be impossible to reconstruct a complete interglacial succession of vegetation. However, having several such imperfect profiles which complemented each other enabled us to do it.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mirosława Kupryjanowicz
Magdalena Fiłoc
Edyta Żuk-Kempa
Marcin Żarski

  1. University of Białystok, Faculty of Biology, Department of Palaeobiology, K. Ciołkowskiego 1J, 15-425 Białystok, Poland
  2. Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warszawa, Poland


This contribution characterises the stratigraphic schemes of the Quaternary as constructed and published by Leszek Lindner in 1967–2019. The oldest schemes assume the subdivision of the Pleistocene into three glaciations (i.e., Cracow, Middle-Polish and Baltic) separated by two interglacials (Great and Eemian). The scheme published in 1992 comprises eight glacial and seven interglacial units. The most recent scheme for the Quaternary contains seven advances of the Scandinavian ice-sheet on the area of Poland during the Nidanian (MIS 22), Sanian 1 (MIS 16), Sanian 2 (MIS 12), Liviecian (MIS 10), Krznanian (MIS 8), Odranian (MIS 6), and Vistulian (MIS 2–5d) glaciations. They are separated by six interglacials: Podlasian, Ferdynandovian, Mazovian, Zbójnian, Lublinian and Eemian. The ranges of glacial transgressions, and key interglacial and preglacial sites are assembled in a cumulative scheme for the area of Poland. We review the main study methods on which the subsequent versions of the stratigraphic scheme were based. These include Prof. Lindner’s own detailed field research in glaciated and extraglacial areas, and paleofloristic, paleontological and paleomagnetic studies of major interglacial sites carried out by numerous researchers, as well as thorough literature studies.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jan Dzierżek
Bogusz Kulus

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology, Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa, Poland


The paper presents characteristics of the Pleistocene sediments in the western part of the Holy Cross Mountains. They are subdivided into four complexes and their stratigraphic setting is referred to the updated scheme for the Pleistocene of Poland. The Preglacial Complex includes fluvial sediments characteristic for its lack of Scandinavian material. Sediments of three main glaciations (Nidanian, Sanian 1 and Sanian 2) within the South Polish Complex, are referred also as the South Polish Glaciations. The oldest of these glaciations (Nidanian) is separated from the middle glaciation (Sanian 1) by sediments of the Podlasian Interglacial, represented by clay at the Kozi Grzbiet Cave that contains faunal remains and record of the Brunhes/Matuyama palaeomagnetic boundary. During the middle (Sanian 1) and youngest glaciation (Sanian 2), the Holy Cross Mountains were almost completely covered by the Scandinavian ice sheet, forming glacial deposits separated by fluvial series of the Ferdynandovian Interglacial. The Middle Polish Complex begins with sediments of the Mazovian Interglacial, represented by a pollen record from the Zakrucze site. They are followed by deposits of periglacial and fluvial origin of the Liwiecian Glaciation, Zbójnian Interglacial, Krznanian Glaciation and Lublinian Interglacial. The following glaciation (Odranian) is represented by the youngest glacial deposits that document presence of the Scandinavian ice-sheet in the westernmost part of the Holy Cross Mountains. The North Polish Complex is composed of a climatic warming (Eemian Interglacial) and cooling (Vistulian Glaciation), and is represented by valley and periglacial deposits. The last cooling of the Pleistocene is recorded in faunal remains in the Raj Cave.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Leszek Lindner
Jan Dzierżek


This paper presents the results of palaeobotanical studies (pollen and plant macrofossil analyses) of the sediments from the profile Michałowo P-3 (Gródek-Michałowo Depression, NE Poland). At this profile the second bed of peat under Holocene peat and the layer of silts and sands was discovered. The pollen succession indicates that they were deposited, with some gaps, from the beginning of Eernian Interglacial to Early Vistulian. The local pollen zones, distinguished in the pollen diagram, correlate with the regional pollen stratigraphy of the Eemian Interglacial, but the pollen record of hornbeam (ES R PAZ) and spruce (E6 R PAZ) regional zones is absent in Michałowo. In the middle part of the Michałowo pine zone (Mi-5 Pinus L PAZ), a cool oscillation of climate is marked by an opening of forests and development of herb plant communities.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mirosława Kupryjanowicz
Danuta Drzymulska


The aim of this study was to reconstruct the evolution of the Eemian palaeolake in the Żabieniec site (Garwolin Plain, Central Poland); it identifies changes in the water level and the trophic status of the lake resulting from panregional factors, including climate changes occurring during individual phases of the last interglacial, and local geologic-geomorphological factors shaping the palaeoenvironment using multi-proxy methods (palaeobotanical analyses, subfossil Cladocera and diatoms analyses as well as determinations of the stable isotopes). A record was obtained of all seven Regional Pollen Assemblage Zones (RPAZs) according to Mamakowa’s description of the Eemian pollen succession (1989), and of the changes in microfossil assemblages and isotopes in palaeolake sediments associated with lake evolution. Special attention was paid to the Middle Eemian RPAZ 4 (i.e. hazel phase) of the climatic optimum; all proxies associate this with the highest water level and a warm humid climate. During the E5/E6 RPAZs, the eutrophic lake transformed very quickly, and a transitional peatbog was formed. The higher humidity of the late Eemian resulted in another increase in water level. The multi-proxy record of the Żabieniec palaeolake which we obtained was compared to those of other Eemian water bodies in the Garwolin Plain and in Central Poland that exhibit sedimentation gaps especially during the younger part of the E5 RPAZ.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marcin Żarski
Kamil Kultys
1 2
Joanna Mirosław-Grabowska
Abdelfattah Zalat
Anna Hrynowiecka
Karolina Łabęcka
Sławomir Terpiłowski
Irena Agnieszka Pidek

  1. Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, al. Kraśnicka 2d, 20-718 Lublin, Poland
  2. ECOTECH-COMPLEX , Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Głęboka 39, 20-612 Lublin, Poland
  3. Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818, Warszawa, Poland
  4. Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, 31527 Tanta, Egypt
  5. Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute, Marine Geology Branch, Kościerska 5, 80-328 Gdańsk, Poland


Based on the analysis of the geological context and palynological studies performed on lake and bog sediments in the Southern Podlasie Lowland, a new concept of the maximum extent of the Odranian Glaciation (Saalian, MIS 6) is presented for the study area. It is depicted by the Siedlce−Łosice−Kornica zone of end moraines, which so far was considered as stadial-rank or as the Wartanian ice sheet limit. To the south of this zone, near Biała Podlaska and in the Łuków Plain, there occur numerous sites with fossil deposits of the Mazovian Interglacial (MIS 11c). Sites with new documentation, i.e., Wólka Domaszewska, Kolonia Bystrzycka, Przytulin, Hermanów, and Skrzynka are located about 30 km to the south and 60 km to the west of the Biała Podlaska area. Palynological analysis unequivocally indicates the presence of a vegetation succession characteristic of the Mazovian Interglacial. In all sites, deposits of the Mazovian Interglacial are covered by lacustrine sediments of the Liviecian Glaciation (Fuhne, MIS 11b-MIS 10) or mineral sediments of the Vistulian Glaciation (Weichselian, MIS 2) and the Holocene. The sediments infill paleolakes carved in glacial tills of the Sanian 2 Glaciation (MIS 12). The lake sediments of the Mazovian Interglacial and the overlying biogenic and mineral deposits occur in the analysed sites directly below the surface. They are never covered by glacial deposits, which suggests that the Odranian ice sheet did not cover the study area. The location of the lake and bog sites with their geological analysis allow for the precise depiction of the eastern limit of the Odranian ice sheet lobe, which in the study area correlates with the limit suggested in the late 19th century. The Odranian ice sheet did not cover Southern Podlasie.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marcin Żarski
Anna Hrynowiecka
Artur Górecki
Hanna Winter
Katarzyna Pochocka-Szwarc

  1. Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4 Str., 00-975 Warszawa, Poland
  2. Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute, Marine Geology Branch, Kościerska Str. 5, 80-328 Gdańsk, Poland
  3. Institute of Botany, Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa Str. 3,30-387 Kraków, Poland

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