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This paper analyzes the effect of additional masses for lattice structures on the nature of changes in the natural frequencies of the structure. An attempt to mathematically describe this nature and the scale of the effect with a known thickness of the icing layer was also made. The discussion concerns a structure with a sacred purpose – the Gate of the Third Millennium, located in the Lednickie Fields, in the Kiszkowo Municipality, Gniezno Poviat. The icing of structural bars (frost, rime) is treated as a source of additional masses, although the origin of non-structural mass is of secondary importance for the analysis in question. The analysis was carried out by Finite Element Method (FEM) modeling of the structure, assuming a single-parameter variation of its mass (that is, the additional mass of all elements of the test object varies proportionally to a single parameter, which is the outer surface of the element on which the ice layer is deposited). By solving the vibration eigenproblem for successive models, representing different intensities of icing of the object, the values of successive frequencies and descriptions of the corresponding eigenmodes were determined. The results obtained allow us to formulate a postulate that the possibility of a change in the mass of the analyzed object resulting from icing or other causes should be taken into account in strength analyses, wherein the dynamic properties of the structure play an important role, such as in assessing the susceptibility of the structure to dynamic loads.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wiesław Kowalski
Mateusz Richter
Katarzyna Tokarczyk

  1. University of Agriculture in Krakow, Department of Rural Building, Al. Mickiewicza 24/28, 59-130 Krakow, Poland
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Discrete two-dimensional orthogonal wavelet transforms find applications in many areas of analysis and processing of digital images. In a typical scenario the separability of two-dimensional wavelet transforms is assumed and all calculations follow the row-column approach using one-dimensional transforms. For the calculation of one-dimensional transforms the lattice structures, which can be characterized by high computational efficiency and non-redundant parametrization, are often used. In this paper we show that the row-column approach can be excessive in the number of multiplications and rotations. Moreover, we propose the novel approach based on natively two-dimensional base operators which allows for significant reduction in the number of elementary operations, i.e., more than twofold reduction in the number of multiplications and fourfold reduction of rotations. The additional computational costs that arise instead include an increase in the number of additions, and introduction of bit-shift operations. It should be noted, that such operations are significantly less demanding in hardware realizations than multiplications and rotations. The performed experimental analysis proves the practical effectiveness of the proposed approach.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dariusz Puchala

  1. Institute of Information Technology, Technical University of Lodz, Poland
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In this study, we propose a cooling structure manufactured using a specialized three-dimensional (3D) printing design method. A cooling performance test system with complex geometry that used a thermoelectric module was manufactured using metal 3D printing. A test model was constructed by applying additive manufacturing simulation and computational fluid analysis techniques, and the correlation between each element and cooling efficiency was examined. In this study, the evaluation was conducted using a thermoelectric module base cooling efficiency measurement system. The contents were compared and analyzed by predicting the manufacturing possibility and cooling efficiency, through additive manufacturing simulation and computational fluid analysis techniques, respectively.
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[5] Chunlei Wan and et al., Flexible n-type thermoelectric materials by organic intercalation of layered transition metal dischalcogenide TiS2, Nature Materials 14, 622-627 (2015).
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[10] S. Emrecan et al., Thermo-mechanical simulations of selective laser melting for AlSi10Mg alloy to predict the part-scale deformations, Progress in Additive Manufacturing 465-478 (2019).
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Authors and Affiliations

Yeong-Jin Woo
1 2
Dong-Ho Nam
Seok-Rok Lee
Eun-Ah Kim
Woo-Jin Lee
Dong-Yeol Yang
Ji-Hun Yu
Yong-Ho Park
Hak-Sung Lee

  1. Korea Institute of Materials Science, Changwon, 51508, Republic of Korea
  2. Pusan National University, Busan, 46241, Republic of Korea
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Parallel realizations of discrete transforms (DTs) computation algorithms (DTCAs) performed on graphics processing units (GPUs) play a significant role in many modern data processing methods utilized in numerous areas of human activity. In this paper the authors propose a novel execution time prediction model, which allows for accurate and rapid estimation of execution times of various kinds of structurally different DTCAs performed on GPUs of distinct architectures, without the necessity of conducting the actual experiments on physical hardware. The model can serve as a guide for the system analyst in making the optimal choice of the GPU hardware solution for a given computational task involving particular DT calculation, or can help in choosing the best appropriate parallel implementation of the selected DT, given the limitations imposed by available hardware. Restricting the model to exhaustively adhere only to the key common features of DTCAs enables the authors to significantly simplify its structure, leading consequently to its design as a hybrid, analytically–simulational method, exploiting jointly the main advantages of both of the mentioned techniques, namely: time-effectiveness and high prediction accuracy, while, at the same time, causing mutual elimination of the major weaknesses of both of the specified approaches within the proposed solution. The model is validated experimentally on two structurally different parallel methods of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) computation, i.e. the direct convolutionbased and lattice structure-based schemes, by comparing its prediction results with the actual measurements taken for 6 different graphics cards, representing a fairly broad spectrum of GPUs compute architectures. Experimental results reveal the overall average execution time and prediction accuracy of the model to be at a level of 97.2%, with global maximum prediction error of 14.5%, recorded throughout all the conducted experiments, maintaining at the same time high average evaluation speed of 3.5 ms for single simulation duration. The results facilitate inferring the model generality and possibility of extrapolation to other DTCAs and different GPU architectures, which along with the proposed model straightforwardness, time-effectiveness and ease of practical application, makes it, in the authors’ opinion, a very interesting alternative to the related existing solutions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dariusz Puchala
Kamil Stokfiszewski
Kamil Wieloch

  1. Institute of Information Technology, Łódź University of Technology, ul. Wólczańska 215, 90-924 Łódź, Poland

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