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The East of Europe stays at present on the background of interests in the new architecture. Meanwhile Moscow is a major city of Europe and there many interesting implementations are occurring. For her the office market intensively is being extended, at least in contrast with countries of the free market democracy, it is playing the political factor there major part. From interesting implementations they mentioned the Moscow International Business Centre as about the big urban planning operation and about Dominion Building Office as about interesting Zaha Hadid work.
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Maciej Złowodzki

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Architectural Design
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This paper discusses the linguistic features of political propaganda in the Polish newspaper “Trybuna Radziecka”, which was published in Moscow in 1927–1938 and edited by Polish left-intelligentsia, living in USRR as political émigrés in the interwar period. “Trybuna Radziecka” as the other Polish newspapers published in Soviet Russia was a part of the Soviet press. It entirely depended on Soviet authorities. Its language reflected the Soviet Russian language and was an example of political jargon typical for all communist newspapers of the interwar period.

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Tamara Graczykowska
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The increasing demand for office space in Moscow, as well as the economic and political conditions in the global context, have contributed to the construction of a multifunctional complex of the Moscow International Business Centre in the Russian capital. The primarily office building complex is an example of activities consisting in the degleration of offices outside the city centre. It is also an attempt to create a prestigious place (including attractive architecture), an element of the city identity indicating a high development level of the state, application of new solutions in the fields of urban planning and architecture (including technique and modern technologies). Key words: Moscow International Business Centre, multifunctional office complex, office building, urban operation, post-industrial reconstruction, Moscow
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Katarzyna Zawada-Pęgiel

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Architectural Design
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This article examines the contribution of the Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics to semiotic studies of history, with the main focus on the work of Yuri Lotman and Boris Uspensky.

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Bogusław Żyłko
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The on-going economic transformation of the Moscow market towards the provision of services and trade requires the revitalisation of many districts. The case study — the Dominion Tower building — shows that solutions in the field of architecture and urban planning of buildings whose construction can be categorised as local architectural intervention into existing urban structure may be decisive in the success of an undertaking aimed at activating urban tissue within the interference area.
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Wojciech Duliński

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Architectural Design
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This volume, a collection of articles by Svetlana Tolstaya, is representative of the Moscow ethnolinguistic school, whose main goal (as was the intention of its founder, Nikita I. Tolstoy) is to reconstruct the spiritual ancestry of Slavs from both historical data and contemporary dialectological and ethnographic records. The rich and varied achievements of the Moscow ethnolinguistic school and specifically Svetlana Tolstaya are reviewed here, along with her contribution to building Polish‑Russian scholarly cooperation. The examples of mir, sud'ba, *svojь are used to illustrate the advantages of the analytical method employed by the author, i.e. semantic reconstruction within semantic microfields.
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Jerzy Bartmiński
1 2

  1. Instytut Filologii Polskiej UMCS, Lublin
  2. Instytut Slawistyki PAN, Warszawa
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This is an analysis of the commentaries published in the Polish press in the wake of the celebrations of the 60th Anniversary of the World War II Victory Day in Moscow in 2005. In Poland these commemorations triggered a live debate which focused on the future of Polish-Russian relations, Russia’s strategic goals on the international scene, the Polish Eastern policy and the uses of history as a tool of state policy.

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Grzegorz Zackiewicz

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