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The article presents results of heat treatment on the high chromium cast iron. The study was carrying out on samples cut from the casting

made from chromium cast iron. Those were hardened at different temperatures, then tempered and soft annealed. The heat treatment was

performed in a laboratory chamber furnace in the Department of Engineering Alloys and Composites at Faculty of Foundry Engineering

AGH. At each stage of the heat treatment the hardness was measured by Vickers and Rockwell methods, and the microscope images were

done. Additionally based on images from the optical microscope the microstructure was assessed. Based on these results, the effect of

hardening, tempering and soft annealing on the microstructure and hardness of high chromium cast iron was studied. Next the effects of

different hardening temperatures on the properties of high chromium cast iron were compared. The study led to systemize the literature

data of the parameters of heat treatment of high chromium cast iron, and optimal conditions for heat treatment was proposed for casts of

similar properties and parameters.

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Authors and Affiliations

D. Kopyciński
E. Guzik
D. Siekaniec
A. Szczęsny
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Relatively cold die material comes into contact with the substantially higher temperature melt during the casting cycle, causing high thermal fluctuations resulting into the cyclic change of thermal field. The presented contribution is devoted to the assessment of the impact of temperature distribution on individual zones in the die volume. The evaluated parameter is the die temperature. It was monitored at two selected locations with the 1 mm, 2 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm and 20 mm spacing from the die cavity surface to the volume of cover die and ejector die. As a comparative parameter, the melt temperature in the middle of the runner above the measuring point and the melt temperature close to the die face were monitored. Overall, the temperature was monitored in 26 evaluation points. The measurement was performed using the Magmasoft simulation software. The input settings of the casting cycle in the simulation were identical to those in real operation. It was found, that the most heavily stressed die zones by temperature were within the 20 mm from the die face. Above this distance, the heat supplied by the melt passes gradually into the entire die mass without significant temperature fluctuations. To verify the impact of the die cooling on the thermal field, a tempering system was designed to ensure different heat dissipation conditions in individual locations. At the end of the contribution, the measures proposals to reduce the high change of thermal field of dies resulting from the design of the tempering channel are presented. These proposals will be experimentally verified in the following research work.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Majerník
M. Podařil
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The paper presents properties of HS6-5-2 high speed steel subjected to deep cryogenic treatment (DCT) and subsequent tempering at different temperatures. DCT process of HS6-5-2 steel leads to shifting of maximum hardness peak to the lower temperature and the reduction of the obtained maximum hardness by about 1 HRC. These changes in hardness may be due to the shifting of the stage of nucleation and growth of carbide phases to lower temperatures or the changes taking place in the matrix, connected with the additional transformation of the martensite proceeding during the isothermal martensitic transformation occurring at cryogenic temperatures and more extensively occurring precipitation processes, lowering the content of the carbon in the martensite, determining thereby its lower hardness.
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A. Ciski
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The aim of this study is to compare the corrosion resistance of X37CrMoV5-l tool steel after nanostructurization and after a conventional heat treatment. The nanostructuring treatment consisted of austempering at 300°C, which produced a microstructure composed of nanometric carbide-free bainite separated by nanometric layers of retained austenite. The retained austenite occurred also in form of blocks which partially undergo martensitic transformation during final cooling. For comparison, a series of steel samples were subjected to a standard quenching and high tempering treatment, which produced a microstructure of tempered martensite. The obtained results showed that the corrosion resistance of steel after both variants of heat treatment is similar. The results indicate that the nanocrystalline structure with high density of intercrystalline boundaries do not deteriorate the corrosion resistance of steel, which depends to a greater extent on its phase composition.

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E. Skołek
J. Kamiński
S. Marciniak
W.A. Świątnicki
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A possibility to control the strength, hardness and ductility of the L35HM low-alloy structural cast steel by the applied tempering

temperature is discussed in the paper. Tests were carried out on samples taken from the two randomly selected industrial melts. Heat

treatment of the cast samples included quenching at 900 °C, cooling in an aqueous solution of polymer, and tempering at 600 and 650 °C.

The obtained results showed that the difference in the tempering temperature equal to 50 °C can cause the difference of 121 MPa in the

values of UTS and of 153 MPa in the values of 0.2%YS. For both melts tempered at 600 °C, the average values of UTS and 0.2%YS were

equal to 995 MPa and 933 MPa, respectively. The values of EL and RA did not show any significant differences. Attention was drawn to

large differences in strength and hardness observed between the melts tempered at 600 and 650 °C. Despite differences in the mechanical

properties of the examined cast steel, the obtained results were superior to those specified by the standard.

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Authors and Affiliations

B. Kalandyk
R. Zapała
P. Wawro
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The main scope of the article is the development of a computer system, which should give advices at problem of cooper alloys

manufacturing. This problem relates with choosing of an appropriate type of bronze (e.g. the BA 1044 bronze) with possible modification

(e.g. calcium carbide modifications: Ca + C or CaC2) and possible heat treatment operations (quenching, tempering) in order to obtain

desired mechanical properties of manufactured material described by tensile strength - Rm, yield strength - Rp0.2 and elongation - A5. By

construction of the computer system being the goal of presented here work Case-based Reasoning is proposed to be used. Case-based

Reasoning is the methodology within Artificial Intelligence techniques, which enables solving new problems basing on experiences that

are solutions obtained in the past. Case-based Reasoning also enables incremental learning, because every new experience is retained each

time in order to be available for future processes of problem solving. Proposed by the developed system solution can be used by

a technologist as a rough solution for cooper alloys manufacturing problem, which requires further tests in order to confirm it correctness.

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Authors and Affiliations

S. Kluska-Nawarecka
K. Regulski
G. Rojek
D. Wilk-Kołodziejczyk
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The continuous process of urbanization and climate change has led to severe urban heat island (UHI) effects. Constructing parks with cooling capabilities is considered an effective measure to alleviate UHI effects. However, most studies only quantify the cooling effect from a maximum value perspective, lacking a measure of temperature diffusion in space. This study combines the perspectives of maximum value and accumulation to define a cold island index, quantifying the cooling effect of 40 urban parks in the main urban area of Xi'an city. The results show that, on average, urban parks can reduce the surrounding environment by approximately 2.3℃, with a cooling range of about 127.1ha, which is three times the park area. Different factors drive the measurement of the cooling effect using different cold island indexes, but all indexes are highly correlated with green space area. There are significant differences in the cooling effect among different types of parks, and overall, ecological parks have the best cooling effect. The directional spread of internal cold islands in parks is most related to park shape, while external spread is related to surrounding green spaces. The research results have practical value in the construction of parks with cooling effects and the sustainable development of cities in urban planning processes..
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Authors and Affiliations

Yao Zhang
Qian Wang
Yaqian Kong
Jing Quan
Yuxin Zhang
Yongjian Zhang

  1. Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, China
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During the casting cycle, the relatively cold material of the mold comes into contact with the significantly higher temperature melt, which causes high temperature fluctuations on the face of the mold and in its volume, which cause cyclic temperature stress. The submitted article is based on conclusions of the article “Evaluation of the temperature distribution of a die casting mold of X38CrMoV5_1 steel”, in which the modification of temperature relations of the mold in the direction from the mold face to its volume was investigated. In current article, the influence of the tempering channel distance on the temperature modification in the volume of high pressure die casting mold is investigated. Three variants of the tempering channels placements with different location respecting the mold cavity were investigated. The temperature was monitored in two selected locations, with distribution of 1mm, 2mm, 5mm, 10mm and 20mm in the direction from the mold cavity surface to the volume of fixed and movable part of the mold. As a comparative parameter, the temperature of the melt in the center of the runner above the measuring point and the temperature of the melt close to the face of the mold were monitored. The measurement was performed using Magmasoft simulation software. It was discovered that up to a distance of 5mm from the face of the mold, a zone with complete heat transit without its accumulation occurs. Above this limit, the mold begins to accumulate heat, and from distance of 20mm from the face of the mold, the heat gradually passes into the entire mass of the mold without significant temperature fluctuations. The propositions derived from the results of the experiments presented at the end of the article will subsequently be experimentally verified in further research works.
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Authors and Affiliations

J. Majerník
M. Podaril
M. Majernikova

  1. Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, Czech Republic
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This study investigates mechanical properties of accelerated cooled and self-tempered (AC-ST) H-type S275JR quality steel sections in HEA120 and HEB120 sizes. The cooling process is conducted with a specially manufactured system that sprays a coolant consisting of a water + compressed air mixture on the section surfaces. Cooling times were applied as 10 and 30 seconds using 4 and 12 bar compressed air + water at an average constant pressure of 5 bar and a constant flow rate of 0.08 kg/s. In the HEA120 sections, the highest cooling rate was obtained with 83°C/s in the web region under the cooling time of 30 s and the air pressure cooling condition of 12 bar. At the cooling rate up to 6°C/s, the microstructure is transformed to acicular ferrite and polygonal ferrite phase from Ferrite+Pearlite. But upper bainite phase was formed at a cooling rate of 30°C/s, and a small amount of martensite and lower bainite microstructures were observed at a cooling rate of 60°C/s and above. The hardness in the untreated sections, in the range of 106-120 HB, was increased to 195 HB at a cooling rate of 83 C/s in the web region of the HEA120 section. For a cooling rate of 23°C/s, the maximum compressive residual stresses of –352 MPa are measured in the crotch region of the HEB120. And for a cooling rate of 6°C/s, the maximum tensile residual stresses of 442 MPa were determined in the flange region of the HEA120 section.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Işıkgül
H. Ahlatci
İ. Esen
Y. Türen
O. Yağız

  1. Karabük Iron Steel Industry Trade and Co. Inc., Research and Development Department, Karabük, Turkey
  2. Karabük University, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Karabük, Turkey
  3. Karabük University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Karabük, Turkey

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