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The research involved coal from 11 coal mines in the USCB in Poland, intended for combustion in power plants and for home furnaces. It has been stated that the content of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb and Zn in the ash of coal fines from the USCB with a density of <1.30 × 103 kg/m3 is the largest, and in the ash fraction with a density >2.00 × 103 kg/m3 is the smallest The fraction ash of coal fine with a density> 2.00 × 103 kg/m3 has the greatest impact on the content of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Mo, Pb and Zn in whole coal fines from the USCB. In turn, the largest impact on the content of Cu, Ni and Sb in whole fine coal ash has the fraction of coal fine having a density of 1.60–2.00 × 103 kg/m3 (for Cu) and fraction with a density <1.35 × 103 kg/m3 (Ni and Sb). The main carriers of elements in fine coal ash, thus in future furnace waste, are the grains of aluminosilicates and iron oxides resulting from the combustion of probably fusinite and semifusinite and the combustion of adhesions of these macerals with dolomite, ankerite and pyrite. The purification of fine coal from the matter with a density >2.00 × 103 kg/m3 may reduce the sulfur content (by 40%), the content of main element oxides (from 33% to 85%) and the content of ecotoxic elements (from 7% to 59%) in fine coal ash, i.e. in potential furnace wastes. Due to the small content of mineral matter, ash and sulfur in coal, small content of Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K, P oxides and high content of SiO2 in coal ash, low value of the Rogi sinterability index, small inclination of coal fine to slag the furnaces and boiler fouling by sludge, the investigated coal was favorable for technological reasons, fuel in power plants and for home furnaces

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Authors and Affiliations

Henryk R. Parzentny
Leokadia Róg
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This article presents values of porosity and compression strength of hard coals from the area of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. The change of the stage of carbonification, which results from conversion of coal substance in the process of coalification, is a source of many changes in the structure of coal. These changes exert influence on values of physical parameters, including the values of porosity and strength. Porosity and compression strength change with the degree of carbonification, a result of the depth of deposition. This study determined the values of effective porosity of coals and their strength considering the age chronology of coal seams and the depth of their occurrence. It examined coals of the Cracow Sandstone Series, the Mudstone Series, the Upper Silesian Sandstone Series, and the Paralic Series from depths ranging from about 350 m to 1200 m. The authors have shown that effective porosity of the Upper Silesian coals changes for particular stratigraphic groups and assumes values from a few to a dozen or so per cent, while compression strength from several to several dozen megapascals. It has been observed, from a chronostratigraphic perspective, that there is a shifting of the upper and lower limits of intervals of porosity variations towards higher values for younger coals. With the increase in compression strength, value of porosity in particular stratigraphic groups generally decreases. However, no regular changes were observed in mean, uniaxial compressive strength with the increase in the age of subsequent stratigraphic groups. On the other hand, for bright coal and semi-bright coal, a visible decrease in compression strength with the depth of deposition of strata was observed.

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Mirosława Bukowska
Urszula Sanetra
Mariusz Wadas
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This paper presents geochemical data for 171 core samples of the Carboniferous coal-bearing series and the Miocene cove from the central part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Major oxide concentrations (Al 2O 3, SiO 2, Fe 2O 3, P 2O 5, K 2O, MgO, CaO, Na 2O, K 2O, MnO, TiO 2, and Cr 2O 3) were obtained using XRF. Trace and major elements (Mo, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Co, U, Cr, V, Mn, As, Th, Sr, Cd, Sb, Bi, Ba, Ti, W, Zr, Ce, Nb, Ta, Be Sc) were analysed ICP-MS. The main goals of this study were to demonstrate the distribution, as well as the stratigraphical variability, of the selected elements and to determine whether chemostratigraphy tools could be effectively applied to analyze Carboniferous and Miocene deposits of the USCB. Geochemical studies have shown showed different geochemical features of the samples from the Carboniferous and the Miocene. The diversity is mainly expressed in the enrichment of Miocene sediments in Ca and Sr related to biogenic carbonate material. It was also stated that the concentrations of trace elements associated with the detrital fraction, such as Zn, Cr, Co, Ba, Ti, Zr, Nb, and Sc show slightly higher values in Carboniferous sediments. On the basis of the content of Ti, Zr, and Nb, as well as ratios such as Th/U, Zr/Th, Ti/Zr, and TiO 2/K 2O, units with different inputs of the terrigenous fraction can be identified in both Carboniferous and Miocene formations. The paper shows that chemostratigraphy can be used as a stratigraphic and correlation tool for the Carboniferous and the Miocene deposits of the USCB.
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Ewa Krzeszowska

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Poland
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Skilful preservation of the cultural landscape on the basis of post-industrial facilities, including post-mining facilities and geoheritage objects, may contribute to a positive change in the functionality of abandoned or degraded sites. The article presents selected geological, geomorphological and anthropogenic objects in the vicinity of Mikołów (central part of the US CB, southern Poland). Their evaluation in the context of being the part of unique cultural landscape created by historical mining activities was carried out. The detailed geotourist valorisation of 4 selected geoheritage and mining heritage objects/sites was carried out in the scope of their current state, potential and the level of preparation for possible fulfilling the educational functions. The research outputs and valorization results presented in the article allowed to draw conclusions and formulate recommendations for the development of the analyzed geotourist objects and sites in terms of the implementation of the didactic process, characterised by specific requirements. A s a result of the performed valorization of the analyzed objects, from the point of view of the recipient (academic teacher), the best result was obtained by the Triassic limestone quarry in Mikołów Mokre, and the lowest moraine ridge in the Promna Valley. The obtained results also showed high visual and cognitive values of the objects, especially in terms of geodiversity, the dominant element and cultural connections, where the Mikołów quarry also showed the highest value. Low ratings of the utility and investment values of these objects result mainly from the state of preservation, the lack of tourist infrastructure and the lack of their promotion as an important part of the industrial and cultural heritage of the region.
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Doktor et al. 2015 – Doktor, M., Miśkiewicz, K ., Welc, E.M. and Mayer, W. 2015. Criteria of geotourism valorization specified for various recipients. Geotourism 3–4(42–43), pp. 25–38, DOI : 10.7494/geotour.2015.42-43.25.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Marcisz
Łukasz Gawor
Malwina Kobylańska

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
  2. Cuprum Ltd. Research & Development Centre, Wrocław, Poland
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Knowledge of the way in which minor and trace elements occur in coal is one of the most important geochemical indicators of coal quality. The differences between the methods of binding elements in coal in each coal seam and the variability of this feature of coal in the basin profile have not been discussed so far. These coal features were identified in a group of selected coal seams (209, 401, 405, 407, 501, 504, 510, 615, 620) in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB). At the same time, the differences in the role of identified mineral and maceral groups in concentrating specific elements in coal is highlighted. Identical or similar tendencies of changes in the way in which As and V, Ba and Rb, Co and Pb, Co and Zn, Mn and Pb, Pb and Zn, Co and Rb, and for Cr and Cu occur in the coal seams in the USCB profile was found. Changes in the mode of occurrence of As and Pb in coal in the USCB profile were probably influenced by carbonate mineralization. The changes in the mode of occurrence of Mni and Pb in the coal were probably determined by dia and epigenetic sulfide mineralization, while the content of Ba, Cr, Rb, Sr, and V in coal from these deposits was affected by clay minerals. It was observed that the greater the degree of the carbonization of the organic matter of coal, the lower the content of As, Mn and Pb in coal and the higher the content of Ba and Sr in coal.

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Authors and Affiliations

Henryk R. Parzentny
Leokadia Róg
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Dependences Between Certain Petrographic, Geochemical and Technological Indicators of Coal Quality in the Limnic Series of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Uscb), Poland

This article aims to assess the values of the most often measured petrographic, geochemical and technological indicators of coal quality and to identify probable dependences between them in the USCB coal. The following can also be observed: high content of Cd and Co in carbonate minerals separated from coal, in clay minerals – Cr and Zn, and in sulfide minerals – Cu, Ni and Pb. Nevertheless, it is organic matter which has the greatest influence on the average content of trace elements in coal. Correlations between the values of some of the indicators of coal quality were also observed. It has been observed that the increase in vitrinite content in coal is accompanied by a decrease in, while an increase in the content of liptinite and inertinite in coal is accompanied by an increase in the content of CaO, MgO, and SO3 in coal ash. An increase in the carbonization of organic matter is accompanied by an increase in the content of Cu and Ni in coal, and a decrease in the content of Pb and S in coal and the content of Fe2O3 in coal ash.

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Authors and Affiliations

Henryk R. Parzentny
Leokadia Róg
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The Neogene basaltoid intrusions found in the S-7 borehole in the Sumina area (USCB) caused transformations of the adjacent Carboniferous rocks. The mineral and chemical compositions of the basaltoides are similar to those of the Lower Silesian basaltoides. The transformations that took place in the vicinity of the intrusion were manifested in the formation of natural coke, the secondary mineralization of these rocks (calcite, chlorite, zeolites and barite) and in the specific distribution of rare earths (REY). Among REY, the light elements (LREY) had the highest share, while the heavy elements (HREY) had the lowest share. Regardless of the lithological type of the analyzed rock, with increasing distance from the intrusion, the percentage of MREY and HREY elements increases at the expense of the light elements LREY. All analyzed distribution patterns of the REYs are characterized by the occurrence of anomalies, which often show a significant correlation with the distance of sampling points from the basaltoid intrusion. The specific distribution of REYs in the vicinity of the intrusion of igneous rocks is an indication of the impact of hydrothermal solutions associated with the presence of basaltoides on the rocks closest to them located at a temperature of over 200°C.

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Zdzisław Adamczyk
Joanna Komorek
Jacek Nowak
Małgorzata Lewandowska
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Neotectonic structures of the Upper Silesia that originated during the last 5 Ma (Pliocene and Quaternary) overlap Miocene grabens and horsts of the Carpathian Foredeep. They had been reactivated in Pliocene as an effect of the young Alpine uplift of the Carpathian Foredeep. It is postulated that ice-sheet derived compaction of a thick Miocene deposits was the most significant agent of the development of neotectonic depressions. Glacioisostasy of mobile bedrock structures was presumably also an important component of vertical movements. The amplitude of neotectonic movements is estimated to 40-100 m, basing on DEM map analysis, analysis of sub-Quaternary structural maps, and the Pleistocene cover thickness. The present-day tectonic phenomena are generated by mining-induced seismicity. These are connected with stress relaxation in the deep bedrock thrust zones of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin.
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Józef Lewandowski

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