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The names of stations in the Way of the Cross may be used as titles of pictures and sculptures, each corresponding to a particular event in the Passion of Christ, or as titles of meditations. The article focuses on the second meaning, but the trends of the development of both kinds of names are similar. The study is based on material consisting of about 200 texts of the service that have been published from the beginning of the 20th century to the present (2020). The purpose of the article is to describe the changes that have taken place in the 20th century, a period of particularly turbulent changes in religious discourse. The article deals with the function, syntactic structure and features of style, such as the use of archaic or colloquial vocabulary. These properties are considered in connection with social and cultural changes. At the beginning of the analyzed period, it was customary to use relatively long titles, which informed the participant or reader about a particular event using expressive and evaluative lexis. Those titles gradually gave way to short, schematic names. Since the Second Vatican Council, titles of a new type have appeared. Their purpose is to attract the attention of the recipient. They are based on a riddle, a contrast, allusions, etc. Therefore, the recipient derives satisfaction from deciphering the puzzle or finding the source of the quote or allusion. These phenomena are known from research on the language of press or fiction, but they can also be linked to current trends in the so-called new evangelization.

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Agnieszka Sieradzka-Mruk


The primacy of the Bishop of Rome is the term for the highest office in the Church. It consists in carrying out a mission appointed to St. Peter and his successors by Christ. The truth about the primacy is a theoretical plane, dogmatically defined at the I Vatican Council in 1870. It also has a practical dimension, which depends on the individual popes and the particular historical context. A characteristic feature of the pontificate of John Paul II was the implementation of the reforms of the II Vatican Council and the Church’s preparation for the Great Jubilee of the third millennium. John Paul II realized the primacy function in accordance with the tradition of the Church, on the grounds of the biblical image of Peter the Apostle, and continuing the line of his predecessors – John XXIII and Paul VI. The leading element of his pontificate was the openness to the world, to man and his dignity, or sensitivity to the signs of the times. The priority at the level of ecclesial unity was a concern for the community at all levels, including the ecumenical field. John Paul II realized the primacy ministry as Servus servorum Dei, in the ancient formula – priority in love .

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Ks. Marek Żmudziński


Since the beginning of islam in the 7th century christians and Muslims have been a permanent challenge for themselves. the confrontation and the closeness which accompany them through the entire history are rooted in the universal and monotheistic character of both religions. From the christian point of view it would be diffcult to talk about interreligious dialogue or at least its modern developments, without the Second Vatican council (1962–1965) and the declaration nostra aetate. The council recognized in it the spiritual, moral and cultural values present in different religions, emphasizing spiritual and moral values between Muslim and christians. For the frst time in the history of the Catholic Church, the council’s fathers offcially called for the co-operation with Muslims. This is the starting point of the real dialogue between Christians and Muslims.

This article attempts to describe and analyse – in three parts – some aspects of the dialogical initiatives of Christian-Muslim relations. A greater part of it refers to the Roman Catholic Church, but some examples of interpretation and dialogical initiatives of the Orthodox and protestant churches are included as well. Islam as a point of reference is taken as a whole. After a short introduction containing a general defnition of dialogue and its interreligious form the frst part deals with historical facts which shaped the dialogical attitudes. The selected historical facts build a background for some theological ideas on islam in orthodox, catholic and protestant traditions. The second part focuses on the practical aspects of dialogue – its forms and representative institutions, i.e. the pontifcal council for interreligious Dialogue, World council of churches and Orthodox center of the ecumenical patriarch in chambésy which are engaged in the dialogue on behalf of the main christian churches. The third part offers some ideas concerning aarguments for dialogue, its effciency and quality which might be important for the future of dialogue. The modern history of Christian-Muslim relations shows that the dialogue between adherents of these two largest religions is possible despite that it is not an easy undertaking. the author underlines that there is no alternative to dialogue as there is no better way to defeat prejudices and heal the wounds of the past.

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Ks. Adam Wąs SVD


For many ethicists, natural law no longer seems to be relevant as a model for the motivation of norms. At the same time, moral theology after Vatican II strives for renewal which, on the one hand, distances itself from radical autonomous thinking and, on the other hand, overcomes certain narrownesses of the past. It happens in the context of a cultural upheaval between modernity and postmodernity, in which universalistic ethical concepts are regarded critically anyway. Nevertheless, the increasing ethical challenges of the present, especially those in the bioethical field, call for universally valid solutions in the globalized world. In this context, natural law thinking can and should be used again. However, it would have to be suitably presented. An ethical understanding beyond cultural and temporal boundaries is possible, but requires an agreement on the binding character of human nature.
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Andrzej Dominik Kuciński

  1. Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre, Rom


Although the Council‘s declaration Nostra aetate has been absorbed by the magisterium, there are new challenges suggesting its acknowledgement and further development. The document’s significance resides in its foundation on Romans 9-11 and in the fact that it has been promulgated at all, in spite of enormous resistance in the years ahead. No. 528 from the Catechism of the Catholic Church rises up out of various official statements with respect to this topic: The three wise men from Jesus’ Epiphany are typical representatives of the pagan religions who have to turn to the Jews in order to receive “from them the messianic promise”. This insight corrects a romanticizing pluralism of religions as it becomes manifest in the terminology of the three “Abrahamic religions”. A further development of Nostra aetate should include two aspects: Overcoming the narrowing down of Judaism and Christianity as a “religion” without refeRence to realities like “the land”, and, secondly, deepening the theological understanding of the referral of Christianity towards Judaism, particularly in connection with the term “People of God”.
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Rudolf Kutschera
Achim Buckenmaier


Bible and liturgy are the main sources of the Church's life. The Bible tells us about God saving man and the liturgy makes present the salvation given by God. The presentation of the Bible in the liturgy begins with the description of the syna- gogue worship at the time of the early Church. Since the beginning Christians read the Bible during the liturgy. The liturgy of the word was formed gradually, until it reached its final shape in he antiquity. That form was preserved till the Second Vatican Council. The Council resolved to enrich the table of the Divine Word and to read the Scripture in a cycle longer than one year. For Sundays and festivities has been introduced a triennial cycle, the readings of the liturgy of the hours have been changed, biblical readings have been added to the liturgy of the sacraments and the Psalms have been distributed in a 4-weeks cycle.

The words of the Bible are not only read but they become prayer and song. The liturgical prayers draw their inspiration, words and expressions from the Scripture. It is Christ who proclaims the gospel, God speaks to his people and the Church listens to the Divine Word. The liturgy of the Word is closely connected with the liturgy of the Eucharist. During the Mass, the table of the Divine Word and the table of the Eucharist are spread.

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Ks. Jan Miazek


Wobec tego, że urząd papieski w swoim od I Soboru Watykańskiego zdefiniowanym kształcie stanowi jedną z największych przeszkód dla jedności Kościołów chrześcijańskich, autor niniejszego artykułu próbuje na nowo zinterpretować wypowiedzi soborowe odnoszące się do tej problematyki. Dokonuje tego w kontekście teologii wiary, która zdecydowanie odnosi treść wiary (fides quae) do fides qua. W ten sposób pewne wypowiedzi dotyczące wiary, także odnoszące się do papieża, są relatywizowane, jednak nie w sensie ich eliminacji, ale w znaczeniu intensywnego odniesienia ich do centrum wiary biblijnej. Przez to zostaje otwarta „przestrzeń”, dzieki której jest możliwe nadanie każdorazowo nowego kształtu urzędowi piotrowemu rozumianemu jako „służba jedności”.

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Gisbert Greshake


Formacja intelektualna i duchowa Josepha Ratzingera – Benedykta XVI domaga się, aby mówić o jego procesie rozwoju. Artykuł pokazuje najczęściej pomijany etap młodego Ratzingera, który przechodzi ze stanowiska progresywnej i niekiedy nieod-powiedzialnej teoretyzującej teologii akademickiej na stanowisko myśliciela trwa-jącego we wspólnocie wiary, stając się stróżem chrześcijańskiej doktryny i nauczy-cielem zgodnie z duchem i tradycją Kościoła. Wiele światła na zmianę w postawie niemieckiego profesora rzuca etap przygotowawczy II Soboru Watykańskiego i jego obrady, a także przykre doświadczenie rewolty studenckiej w 1968 r., które zastaje naszego profesora w Tybindze. I tak oto z liberalnego teologa niemieckiego wyrasta nieprzeciętny katolicki teolog Kościoła powszechnego.

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O. Andrzej Napiórkowski Osppe


Rekonstrukcja gestów, zachowań i słów Franciszka pod kątem jego rozumienia Kościoła niesie ze sobą spore trudności. Forsowana przez niego eklezjologiczna koncepcja przysparza mu z jednej strony rzesze zwolenników, a z drugiej – prowokuje wielu do krytyki i postawy odrzucenia. Aby bez zniekształceń zrozumieć naukę papieża o Kościele, należy sięgnąć do dokumentu z Aparecidy biskupów latynoamerykańskich (2007) oraz adhortacji Evangelii gaudium (2014). „Poturbowany” Kościół Bergoglio znajduje się przede wszystkim na obrzeżach chrześcijaństwa i wyrasta z argentyńskiej opcji dla różnego typu wykluczonych. Stąd doktrynalnie i duszpastersko nieroztropnie wystawia się taka wspólnota na niebezpodstawne zarzuty propagowania religijnego synkretyzmu, osłabiania wyjątkowości i jedyności Jezusa Chrystusa, stawiania pod znakiem zapytania eklezjalnej sakramentalności.
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O. Andrzej Adam Napiórkowski

  1. Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie

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