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The press never featured prominently in the private diaries of Michał Römer (1880–1945), a Polish-Lithuanian academic and politician (and every now and then editor and journalist). None-theless the diaries, which he kept for 34 years, are a veritable mine of information about the multilingual press scene in Wilno, especially between 1911 and 1915, when he was an important player in that field. For the following years and decades, down to 1945, his diaries re-main an important sources as he continued to watch, analyze and comment, in his own way, on the dramatic shifts in Poland’s and Lithuania’s multilingual press market, a process driven by political and military upheavals of 20th century.
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Römer M., Dzienniki, t. I –VI, Warszawa 2017–2018.
Bibliografia historii Polski XIX i XX wieku, t. III: 1865–1918, wol. I, Warszawa 2000, wol. III, Warszawa 2017.
Jurkowski R., „Gazeta Wileńska” i „Głos Kijowski” (Z dziejów polskiej prasy radykalno-‑liberalnej na Litwie i Ukrainie w 1906 roku), „Kwartalnik Historii Prasy Polskiej” 1987, nr 4, s. 59–84.
Paczkowski A., Prasa polska w latach 1918–1939, Warszawa 1980.
Sawicki J., Michał Römer a problemy narodowościowe na ziemiach byłego Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego, Toruń 1998.
Sawicki J., „Przegląd Wileński” w latach 1911–1915. Cz. 1–2, „Zapiski Historyczne” 1994, z. 4, s. 41–56; 1995, z. 1, s. 30–62.
Smalianczuk A., W poszukiwaniu idei narodowej. „Krajowość” początku XX w. jako próba ideologii „Polaków litewskich”, „Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria Nowa” 2017, nr 49, s. 1–11.
Solak Z., Między Polską a Litwą. Życie i działalność Michała Römera 1880–1920, Kraków 2004.
Zienkiewicz T., Informacje o litewskim życiu kulturalnym w „Gazecie Wileńskiej” (1906), [w:] W kręgu kultury litewskiej, red. nauk. W. Piłat, Olsztyn 1991, s. 117–127.
Žurnalistikos enciklopedija, Vilnius 1997.
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Krzysztof Woźniakowski

  1. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków (Prof. em.)
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The paper is concerned with the problem of proper name-functions in Polish reportages of the 20th century. The analysis is focused on diachronic changes. For the research, two periods of Polish history were chosen: soc-realism and post-socialism epochs. The observation of onomastic material proved that culture had a significant impact on proper name functions in reportage understood as a dynamic and polyphonic speech genre. Furthermore, the proper name as a specific language sign is undoubtedly an important element which informs of the cultural and social factors, customs and traditions of a particular period. The results of this study confirm the benefits of contextualizing onomastic research within a broadly understood cultural background.
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Artur Rejter
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Od początku XIX w. ewolucja stosunków ekonomicznych i skomplikowane uwarunkowania polityczne na ziemiach polskich zmuszały, a jednocześnie umożliwiały części ziemianek podejmowanie aktywności gospodarczej. Co prawda, już w okresie staropolskim zdarzało się, że kobiety zarządzały dobrami ziemskimi i prowadzeniem tzw. żeńskiego gospodarstwa, ale przełom wieków XIX i XX wraz z industrialno-cywilizacyjnymi przemianami nadawał ich obecności w majątkach nową jakość. Ziemianki stawały się oficjalnymi współgospodarzami dóbr, odpowiedzialnymi za ich finansową kondycję. W artykule podjęte zostały zagadnienia związane z udziałem i wkładem ziemianek zarówno w rozwój własnych majątków, jak i życie gospodarcze Królestwa Polskiego w okresie przełomu stuleci. Postawione w tekście pytania, o preferowane przez ziemianki branże rolniczej wytwórczości, nie tylko tradycyjne, lecz także mniej typowe, pozwalają zauważyć wzrost aspiracji kobiet wypowiadających się w prasie i czasopismach fachowych na tematy gospodarcze, jak i nie zawsze udane zmagania z twardymi prawami rynku. Specyfika ziemianek – przedstawicielek elit – kierowała je w stronę poszukiwania europejskich inspiracji czy wzorców, znajdowanych w gospodarczych podróżach. Zdobytą wiedzę i umiejętności przekładały na własną działalność i na społecznym forum dzieliły się doświadczeniami. Coraz częściej też pojawiały się obok mężczyzn jako równoprawne działaczki gospodarcze, podejmujące mniej lub bardziej udane próby samodzielnej aktywności, warunkowanej finansową niezależnością. Zdobywały ją na drodze ewolucji i raczej powolnymi przemianami mentalności charakterystycznej dla środowiska, z którego się wywodziły.
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Ewelina Maria Kostrzewska
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Three Roman Catholic churches, built in Wrocław over the past several decades, were subjected to an analysis in the article. The author presented an aesthetic analysis of geometric forms which represent the different stylistic motifs that had been present during the period in our country. Postmodernism—rich in geometric ornamentation and called “romantic geometry”—from the beginning of the 1980’s was clashed with the calm, geometric new modernism from a slightly later period. In each case it was the context and the tradition of the historically rich city that became the superior value.
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Ewa Węcławowicz-Gyurkovich
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The aim of this article is to present the ephemera related to Sandomierz — either by content or place of the publication — whose distinctive trait was the use of the word 'jednodniówka', or single issue, in the title, the subtitle or the contents. Chronologically, this survey ranges from 1918, the date of the first print of this kind to be published, to the last one (known to the au-thors) dated 2002 and does not cover publications in languages other than Polish. The source material gathered in accordance with these criteria comprises a total of 34 single issues, of which ten appeared in the pre-war period and twenty-four after World War II. Themati-cally, ten of them can be classified as political or concerned with social issues; eight are products of trade unions or other professional associations; twelve are aimed at the younger generation; and each of the remaining four has a focus of its own (i.e. military, historical, religious, literary-artistic). In this article all of the single issues are discussed both with regard to their in format (layout) and their content.
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Izabela Krasiński
Piotr Sławiński

  1. Katedra Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego, ul. Uniwersytecka 17, PL 25-406 Kielce
  2. Archiwum Państwowe w Kielcach, Oddział w Sandomierzu, ul. Żydowska 4, PL 27-600 Sandomierz
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The biographies of the journalists of Polish press published in West Prussia in the 19th and early 20th century usually highlight their patriotic commitment and admirable perseverance in launching and running various newspapers and journals. However, we can also find in their lives episodes that did them little credit, or even were downright disgraceful.

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Grażyna Gzella
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Autor przedstawia historię przyjaźni Henryka Elzenberga ze Zbigniewem Herbertem. Pokazuje i charakteryzuje ich wspólne zainteresowania i postawy życiowe. Filozof Elzenberg i poeta Herbert cenili niezależność myślową i polityczną. Akceptowali koncepcję rzeczywistości, którą można poznać nie tyle przy pomocy rozumu – racjonalnie, co przy pomocy uczucia, poezji, mistyki – w sposób irracjonalny. Obaj opowiadali się za ważną pozycją poezji w tworzeniu kultury i podkreślali jej rolę jako medium poznawczego. Korespondencyjny dialog Elzenberga i Herberta służył wymianie myśli, rozwijał samodzielność intelektualną, oryginalność, nieustępliwość, przywiązanie do wartości.
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Tadeusz Sznajderski
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In 1914 the Russian authorities in Warsaw granted Przyjaciel Młodzieży and Przyjaciel Dzieci, two weeklies addressed to young people and children respectively, a permission to continue publication in wartime. While each magazine tried to hold on to its established format and content, room had to made for some topical items on politics and the war, carefully adapted to the perceptions of the juvenile audience. It not clear what happened to the two children’s magazines after the Russians were driven out of Warsaw by German troops in August 1915. All we can sure of is that their last printed editions were dated 23 October 1915.
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Krzysztof Woźniakowski

  1. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków (Prof. em.)
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The second part of this article examines the content of the main sections of the weekly magazine Przyjaciel Dzieci [The Children’s Friend] (1892–1911), i.e. popular science; travel, geographical and ethnographical materials; biography; a section called “teaching actions”; and religion. Also covered are miscellanea, practical tips, puzzles and cartoons, as well as new sections “About the World” and “Educational Games and Entertainment”. Finally, the article looks at a review published by Poradnik dla Czytających Książki [A Guide for Book Readers] in 1901, whose author claims that some of the information in Przyjaciel Dzieci is outdated or obsolete.

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Krzysztof Woźniakowski
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This paper is devoted to the surname changes performed through administrative channels in the interwar period. The research is based on the announcements of the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Poland” in 1929. The author describes main reasons for the decisions of surname changes taking into account characteristics of avoided surnames and chosen demographic tendencies, especially those connected with the age and profession of applicants. People of Jewish origin, Poles and representatives of other nationalities showed different motives for surname changes. Jews most frequently changed their surnames due to legal reasons — they wanted to legalize the unlawful use of a surname of the so-called ritual father. The changes carried out under the motive of assimilation occurred definitely less often. Non-Jewish applicants changed mainly appellative names, especially those derived from words related to animals. After comparing tendencies occurring before and after World War II one concludes that besides legal and assimilation factors which are particular to the pre-war decades (connected with the ethnic, legal and religious situation of the time), the remaining reasons for the surname changes are universal and do not distinguish the pre-war period from that of the post-war.

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Ewa Woźniak
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Polski film fabularny w latach 60. XX wieku był nie tylko medium przynoszącym rozrywkę czy też naukę, przyczynił się także do kształtowania gustów Polaków w zakresie architektury wnętrz. Architektura wnętrz w omawianym okresie stała się ponownie polem do szeroko zakrojonych eksperymentów twórczych noszących znamiona nowoczesności. Obraz filmowy tego czasu w wielu przypadkach stał się zapisem historii polskiego wnętrzarstwa. Z perspektywy czasu, który minął możemy traktować kadry filmu jako obraz historyczny, dzięki któremu istnieje możliwość zobaczenia dzieł w ich naturalnym środowisku.
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Adam Nadolny
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This biographical sketch is based on materials from the Roman Ingarden Archive, as yet unrecognized in philosophical literature. These materials are preserved in Krakow by Krzysztof Ingarden, the grandson of the philosopher. On their basis, a two‑volume biography was prepared by R. Kuliniak and M. Pandura I am a philosopher of the world (Κόσμου φιλόσοφός εἰμι) – Roman Witold Ingarden (1893–1970), Parts I and II, Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki, Kęty 2019–2020). This presentation is an abridged version of those volumes.
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Radosław Kuliniak
Mariusz Pandura

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Koszarowa 3, 51-149 Wrocław
  2. Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Biblioteka Wydziału Nauk Społecznych, ul. Koszarowa 3, 51-149 Wrocław
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Al-4.5Cu alloys are widely used in aerospace industries due to their low weight and high mechanical properties. This group of aluminium alloys is known as 2xx series and exhibits the highest mechanical properties however this alloy is known to suffer from feedability and high tendency for hot tearing. Al-Si alloys (3xx) have improved fluidity and better feedability particularly by several modifications such as Ti, B or Sr. Eutectic temperature is decreased and mechanical properties can be enhanced. Yet, the strength values of this alloy group cannot reach the values of 2xx series. Therefore, in this study, the effect of Ag addition on the fluidity of Al-4.5Cu alloy has been investigated. Standard size spiral mould was used. The casting temperature was selected to be 770oC. Five castings were made and Weibull statistical approach was used to evaluate the results. In addition, coating of the die with BN was also investigated. It was found that Ag addition and BN coating of the die revealed the most reproducible, reliable and high fluidity values.

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K. Yildirim
M. Helvaci
Ö. Gürsoy
E. Erzi
C. Kahruman
D. Dispinar
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The article presents an analysis of debates surrounding the teaching of the classical languages in Poland during three pivotal moments in Polish history: after the failed November uprising against Russia of 1830, after Poland regained its independence in 1918, and after World War II and the advent of the Communist regime. In each of these historical moments concern for the place of Latin and Greek in the school system brought to the forefront the broader connections between teaching ancient culture and the classical languages and the values and culture of Western Europe.
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Barbara Brzuska

  1. Instytut Filologii Klasycznej, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The article is devoted to the presentation of the achivements of historians working in Kraków, which are devoted to the history of England, Scotland, and Ireland in the early modern period. In the inter‑war period (1918‑1939) the works of Władysław Konopczyński and Stanisław Kot are mentioned. The former authored several articles devoted to the English Parliament and English reactions to the partitions of Poland. The latter studied traces of the Polish Brethren in Britain and the consequences of their influence.
After World War II it was Stanisław Grzybowski who should be named as the first historian who undertook serious research on British topics. He published a number of popular books, several of which were widely circulated and read, and one original source study on Tudor and early Stuart colonial policy.
It is Grzybowski's student, Mariusz Misztal who has published the most widely on the early modern history of England, especially on Mary Stuart, James Stuart to move to 19th century topics connected with Queen Victoria. Andrzej Kuropatnicki is ‑ in turn ‑ Misztal's student. He works and publishes on early modern English cookery and medicine.
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Jakub Basista

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
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The aim of this article is to present the understanding of social history of Jerzy Topolski, from the theoretical side and as it was used in practical research work. The source basis, aside from the few direct quotes from the historian from Poznan on social history, are mainly analyses of his selected original works and works edited by him. The article also takes note of the discussion surrounding the term ‘social history’ itself and the research scope of social history as a historic discipline or sub-discipline which took place in the second half of the 20th century, which is the period in which Topolski published his works.

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Cezary Kuklo
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The start of Wolska Street, overlooking Błonia Park with the Kościuszko Mound towering over it, was an important place in the city’s structure as indicated in the competition plans for Greater Kraków from 1910. This led to the erection of formal buildings along the eastern boundary of Błonia, with the National Museum building at the forefront. In 1950, an urban-planning competition was held in relation to the planned construction of important buildings in this area. This paper presents unpublished works and the effects of decisions taken in this already forgotten competition on today’s development of the area around the square in front of the National Museum.
The goal of this paper is to present unknown competition designs dating back to mid-20th century and to indicate their impact on spatial solutions of the area at the end of Piłsudskiego Street, near the National Museum.
A comparative analysis of preserved pictorial materials and designs known to the author was used in this study. The analyses concluded that the opportunities to turn the start of Piłsudskiego Street into a nodal point in the urban plan of the city, a spot that would integrate space at both sides of Trzech Wieszczów Avenues, were not fully used. Urban analysis that also covered the area at the eastern side of the Trzech Wieszczów Avenues is a key to producing correct spatial solution for the square in front of the National Museum.
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Jerzy Wowczak

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts
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This article explores the significance of James Hillman's archetypal psychology for the autothematic reflection and the fiction of Olga Tokarczuk. An analysis of her 2020 collection of essays Czuły narrator ( The Tender Narrator), and the psychological dimension of two novels, Ostatnie historie ( Final Stories) and Bieguni ( Flights) published in 2004 and 2007 respectively, shows that she abandoned her former intellectual master Carl Gustav Jung for Jungian revisionists, most notably James Hillman. His ideas helped her to clarify her own philosophical approach, and, for her critics, they offer a useful interpretative key to the works in which she moved beyond the bounds of orthodox Jungianism.
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Tomasz Mizerkiewicz

  1. Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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This article deals with the role of empathy in the work of Olga Tokarczuk. It begins with an examination of the autocritical reflections in her essays, most notably her view of literature and its functions. This is followed by a discussion of the range of emotional involvement presented in her fiction and the role of empathy in her narrative strategy. The article argues that empathy is at the heart of her creativity and her understanding of literature.
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Anna Łebkowska

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
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This interpretation of Michał Choromański's novel Schodami w górę, schodami w dół ( Upstairs, Downstairs) focuses primarily on issues related to the inner life of the characters and the representation of the outside world in the context of classical psychoanalysis. The appropriateness of the psychoanalytical approach is justified by numerous references to Freud's theory in the text of the novel. The study reaches out to Choromański's other novels and short stories, but embarks on a more systematic comparison of Schodami w górę, schodami w dół with only one of them, Zazdrość i medycyna ( Jealousy and Medicine), his most popular novel published in 1936.
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Daniel Natkaniec

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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The article analyzes the content of the first (single) issue Phoenix, a magazine of esoteric philosophy published in 1937. Its selection of philosophic and literary works was (co)edited by Wacław Liwski, an esotericist and popularizer of the theosophical thought of Helena Roerich. Liwski is linked by some with the novelist Władysław Reymont.
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Dorota Samborska-Kukuć

  1. Instytut Filologii Polskiej i Logopedii Uniwersytet Łódzki ul. Pomorska 171/173 PL 90-236 Łódź
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This article presents a profile of the satirical weekly Szopka (A Puppet Show) published in Warsaw between 1922 and 1925 under the auspices of the National Democracy (ND). Committed to a nationalist ideology, Szopka published cartoons and satirical texts lampooning the alleged enemies of Poland and the Poles. Its favoured technique was to caricature and ridicule its targets, both individuals and institutions. Among them were Józef Piłsudski, his policies and his political associates, the Bolsheviks, the Germans and the Jews. To propagate their nationalist worldview the editors made use of a broad range of persuasion techniques.

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Ewa Maj
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This article reviews the early history of the Polish motoring magazines from the launching of the Gazeta Automobilowa in Lwów in 1911 until the outbreak of World War II in 1939. The article also tries to define the term 'motoring magazine' by examining the range and content of periodicals published in this segment in the early days of motoring.
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Adam Bańdo

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie

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