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The objective of the study is to assess the hearing performance of cochlear implant users in three device microphone configurations: omni-directional, directional, and beamformer (BEAMformer two-adaptive noise reduction system), in localization and speech perception tasks in dynamically changing listening environments. Seven cochlear implant users aided with Cochlear CM-24 devices with Freedom speech processor participated in the study. For the localization test in quiet and in background noise, subjects demonstrated significant differences between different microphone settings. Confusion matrices showed that in about 70% cases cochlear implant subjects correctly localized sounds within a horizontal angle of 30-40◦ (±1◦ loudspeaker apart from signal source). However localization in noise was less accurate as shown by a large number of considerable errors in localization in the confusion matrices. Average results indicated no significant difference between three microphone configurations. For speech presented from the front 3 dB SNR improvements in speech intelligibility in three subjects can be observed for beamforming system compared to directional and omni-directional microphone settings. The benefits of using different microphone settings in cochlear implant devices in dynamically changing listening conditions depend on the particular sound environment
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Żera
Monika Kordus
Richard S. Tyler
Jacob J. Oleson
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Four types of self-standards (ideal, ought, undesired, and forbidden selves) were analyzed in the context of self-assessed health of older adults. We focused on the relationships between self-discrepancies (perceived actualization of self-standards) and affect, as well as the content of self-descriptions of standards. Participants (116 Polish older adults) completed: Self Standards’ Measure (SSM), PANAS-X and 7 items from the WHOQOL-BREF. First, we found that self-assessed health moderates the effects of self-discrepancies on affect. The ideal and ought self-discrepancies predicted affect when health was assessed as good. Conversely, the undesired and forbidden self-discrepancies predicted affect when health was assessed as poor. Second, health-related content was more typical for the ideal than for the ought standards. Third, older adults who assessed their health better had fewer health-related standards. The results are discussed with reference to control theory of approach and avoidance.

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Authors and Affiliations

Wacław Bąk
Donat N. Dutkiewicz
Jan Kutnik
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The study was conducted to identify significant predictors of psychological distress in the group of young Polish adults during COVID-19 epidemic outbreak. The web-based cross-sectional survey was applied to 975 Polish respondents (755 female, 77.44%) aged 18-35 years. They were divided into two age groups: younger (18-25) and older (25-35). All participants completed: General Functioning Questionnaire (GFQ), COVID-19 Risk Perception Scale (C-RPS), State Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S), and General Sense of Threat to Life Scale (GSTLS). The Polish adults aged 18-25 years manifested significantly higher psychological distress, state anxiety, and a sense of threat to life, but they perceived less risk in COVID-19 epidemic compared to older participants. Risk perception and a sense of threat to life were indirectly related to state anxiety and psychological distress. Significant predictors of psychological distress in the group of young adult Poles during the COVID-19 epidemic are: state anxiety, risk perception, and a sense of threat to life, where risk perception and a sense of threat to life mediate the relation between state anxiety and psychological distress.
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Authors and Affiliations

Beata Mirucka
Urszula Bielecka
Maria Mirucka
Natalia Kępińska

  1. John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
  2. University of Bialystok, Białystok, Poland
  3. University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
  4. SWPS University, Warsaw, Poland
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Little is known as to what extent the pandemic lockdown has changed the perceived level of stress and stress- coping strategies. In response to this gap we present the results of quantitative and qualitative studies on stress levels and coping with stress conducted among Polish adults during the COVID-19 lockdown. The first study indicates that the lockdown has changed stress appraisal moderately, and it has also affected stress-coping strategies in various areas. The second study reveals miscellaneous reasons for stress appraisal (health, economic, political, social, freedom restriction, and religious). Participants perceived pandemic and lockdown as a moderate stressor, more as a challenge than a threat. Moreover the avoidant style recognized as the most adaptive reaction on stress in our study, confirms that people have a natural ability to adapt to unpredictable and unexpected situations like COVID-19 lockdown.
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Ahmed, Z., Ahmed, O., Aibao, Z., Hanbin, S., Siyu, L., & Ahmad, A., (2020). Epidemic of COVID-19 in China and associated psychological problems. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 51, 102092.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marzena Lelek-Kratiuk
Monika Szczygieł

  1. Pedagogical University of Krakow
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Purpose: Oral health and diseases are significant components of general health. However, oral health-care remains at the lowest of older patients’ priorities. The inability to obtain dental care can result in progression of dental disease, leading to a diminished quality of life and overall health. Teledentistry (TD) provides an opportunity to improve the quality of oral health services. The aim of our narrative review was to analyze the usefulness of teledentistry as a part of telemedicine to improve oral health in the elderly.
Materials/Methods: The PubMed database search was done for: teledentistry, oral health, oral- health related diseases, elderly, older adults.
Results: The applicability of TD has been demonstrated from children to older adults. Older adults have many obstacles in getting oral health care, including low income, lack health insurance, frailty, anxiety, depression, mobility problems or other handicaps. Available data suggests that the usefulness of TD in the provision of oral care in elderly people living in residential aged care facilities. Moreover, TD procedures were found to be as accurate as traditional face-to-face dental examinations, they was cost-effective and well accepted among patients and caregivers.
Conclusions: TD might be a very useful tool for professional education, improving access and patient satisfaction of dental care. However, such TD modes would be difficult to widely implementation in community-dwelling older people who cannot access dental care. The ongoing “Patient centric solution for smart and sustainable healthcare (ACESO)” project will add to the intelligent oral health solutions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Gryglewska
1 2
Ian Perera
Ewa Klimek
1 2
Małgorzata Fedyk-Łukasik
1 2
Karolina Piotrowicz
1 2
Irina Mocanu
Ligia Muntianu
Jerzy Gąsowski
1 2

  1. Department of Internal Medicine and Gerontology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. University Hospital, Kraków, Poland
  3. Centrul IT Pentru Stiinta si Tehnologie, and Computer Science Department, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
  4. UMF Carol Davila Bucharest Faculty of Dental Medicine, Department of Removable Prosthodontics, Bucharest, Romania
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The purpose of this paper is to estimate levels of pesticide residues present on or in greenhouse vegetables of che south-eastern Poland. Samples taken by trained inspectors of Inspectorates of Plant Protection (national monitoring program) and by personnel of the Experimental Station (surveillance programme) were generally analysed unwashed and unpeeled. The results obtained were compared to their MRLs and then were used for che assessment of che long (chronic) and short-term (acute) exposure of adult consumers. Detectable residues (above limie of determination) were found in 45%, 36%, and 20% of che tomato, pepper and cucumber samples (national monitoring program), respectively, and in 78%, and 52% of che tomato and cucumber samples (surveillance programme). Long-term intake of residues by an adult consumer of the south-eastern Poland did not exceed the level of 0.2% of che ADI, indicating that sufficient margin of safety exist for the consumer. From shore-term exposure, only consumption of tomatoes containing DTCs and chlorochalonil residues were close to levels of respective ADIs.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Sadło
Ewa Szpyrka
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The purpose of this two-wave longitudinal study was to investigate cross-lagged relations between sexual attitudes, perception of love and sex, and young adults’ relationship status over a period of one year. The current study tested two hypotheses: the first hypothesis assuming that sexual attitudes, perception of love and sex can be predictive of relationship status after a one-year interval; and the second hypothesis assuming that relationship status at T1 can be predictive of sexual attitudes and perception of love and sex after a one-year interval. Results from 117 Polish young adults (94 females and 23 males) aged 20–33 (M = 21.42, SD = 1.79) indicated that the conviction that sex is no longer as much a part of the relationship as it used to be (i.e., Sex is Declining scale) measured in the first assessment was a significant predictor of relationship status after a one-year interval. Furthermore, sexual attitudes and perception of love and sex at T1 were found to be predictive of sexual attitudes and perception of love and sex at T2. In addition, gender at T1 was predictive of instrumentality at T2, while being female at T1 related to higher instrumentality at T2.
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Katarzyna Adamczyk
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We aimed to determine differences in mental health outcomes for the adult population depending on their personal experience during the first months of the war in Ukraine. The study involved 1,257 respondents (32.3% male and 67.7% female, aged 18–61+ years). We used the Brief Resilience Scale, the Professional Hardiness Questionnaire, the General Self-Efficacy Scale, the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory—Expanded, the Short Screening Scale for DSM– IV post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the Giessen Subjective Complaints List. The obtained data showed high pressure of physical complaints and high levels of PTSD symptoms in adult Ukrainians. We found that positive mental health outcomes were significantly higher in adults with ‘Active’ personal experience during the first months of the war in Ukraine, which was shown by their significantly higher levels of four positive mental health indicators (resilience, general level of professional hardiness, self-efficacy and level of post-experience change). Negative mental health outcomes were significantly higher in adults with ‘Passive’ experience, which was shown by their significantly higher levels of two negative indicators (pressure of physical complaints and manifestations of PTSD symptoms). Our findings indicate a high need for psychological support and assistance for the Ukrainian population and show the direction of possible interventions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oleg Kokun

  1. G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
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In 2006 Maria Janion wrote in The Uncanny Slavdom that “the new narrative of the humanities can tell the story of our culture differentlyˮ. Since that time such 'new narratives' have multiplied literally right in front of our eyes. While in the late 2000s the existence of a distinct Slavic fantasy subgenre was a matter of controversy, hotly debated by both authors and academics, today its presence and popularity is too conspicuous to leave any room for doubt. Each year the market is flooded with dozens of new Slavic fantasy books, which are then discussed in countless blogs, vlogs, discussion groups, and podcasts. The growth of interest in Slavic fantasy is phenomenal and seems to be part of a larger trend gaining ground not just in Poland but also in other Slavic nations. This gives rise to a number of questions which this article tries to address: What is Slavic fantasy? What place does it occupy in modern popular culture? What effects, beneficial or less so, will it have?
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Ewelina Mikinka

  1. dr, Instytut Filologii Polskiej, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

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